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Re: Who forced the dictator leader to use the back door? Wuh Wuh Wuh Wuh Wuh!!!!!!

when hipocrites who didn't have the time of day to volunteer to raise funds in 1984, are falling over each other with Shaebia and Mogadishu war lords to stop all aid to ethiopia, until they are put in power, It makes ethiopians aware why we are here at the bottom in all measurables.
Don't feed that dying child, wait, I am almost in power, Give me a week to make a coup in Addis Ababa is their activities in real description.
When I saw these hipocrites writing letters and demonstarting, for the first time, I wrote to one of the senators and congressman of the district where I live.

I wrote to them that all the letters you're getting in the name of democracy are nothing, but interhamwee derg fascists and tribalists that will push ethiopia into a situation of a mess and chaos never seen.

I also sent them a clip of Al-Ithad leader's call against the ethiopian government of "Abyssinians".

I spoke to the senator and i am happy to tell you that he got the message and since he is in an important committee, he mentioned that the pentagon's understanding of the situation is also, just that, Derg trying to come back.

Thank heavens for the anti-yara demonstration by CUD, Shaebia and Mogadishu warlords/Ithad.

Re: Who forced the dictator leader to use the back door? Wuh Wuh Wuh Wuh Wuh!!!!!!

I hope you explain the pentagon the bases of your allegations. Or you will be charged for falsifying information.

Re: Who forced the dictator leader to use the back door? Wuh Wuh Wuh Wuh Wuh!!!!!!

We Amhras failed with 300000 well trained and well armed armies to stop Weyane, what made you think Weyane will be defeated by your self deceptive falsefication and hollow propoganda ??


City: Washington Dc

Re: Who forced the dictator leader to use the back door? Wuh Wuh Wuh Wuh Wuh!!!!!!


I hope you explain the pentagon the bases of your allegations. Or you will be charged for falsifying information.

first of all, i am not that important or delusional. i am a small person, ordinary, probably most ordinary lay person.

Secondly, just CUD's slogan is enough in US.

Thirdly the americans have their soldiers in harms way there to know who they can count on to prevent chaos and mayhem. And who can be relied on hour of need in the horn.