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Re: Former EPRP are Best Leaders


Glad to hear from you brother. you asked a very good question and you were absolutly right about the mis-mangement by the leaders.putting aside the tribe question i think the blame goes to all the somali leaders. i mean how is abdi jibril any differnt from Dulane or any other leader before them. well, the guys sitting in power right now are a bit smarter than the ones before.namely because they started playing along with tplf's manual. i think the blame should definitly go to our corrupt leaders but bro, you must also understand that the govenrment is setting a conducive environemnt for the somalis to play a corrupt game. Case in point: this TPLF regime is using the same tactics that the British used to divide and conquer, you know what it did to Kenya and Nigeria to name a few............i hope you get the drift.

So there is no accountabiltiy and this was done so that TPLF could install its own puppet leaders,. i am not sure if you are familiar with the term "mogziit" it means a baby sitter in eglish. brother that is what they put in there in order "to protect the budget allocated to develpment funds" this is a ridicule because it hasn't stopped the leaders from siphining the resources out of the hardworking somalis.

thanks for the interst but will come back to you abit to take this discussion further.

Re: Former EPRP are Best Leaders

You are one of the rubbish, denkoro and less than useless Weyanes. Your days are numbered. You are here crying in panic. You don't deserve any response


Re: Former EPRP are Best Leaders


I am a recent visitor of this forum. I have seen some of your comments. Your comments appear to be off the topic and donot have Ethiopian hospitality. Can you express your idea in a more professional way so that we can understand what you want to say?

You appear to "Balegie yasadew".


Re: Former EPRP are Best Leaders


anything and everything goes.