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Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return:  "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"  Matt. 24:29 (KJV)



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Yahusha is I Am That I Am  (Exodus 3:14)

Yahusha is YHWH  come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of  a Virgin.

Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence

When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels. 

John 14:26
"the breath of life"

But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.

God is not His  Name but a term.  The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.

There is no Trinity.  The Father, YHVH  and Yahusha are One  (John 10:30)






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Satan’s Temper Tantrum

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Link: http://www.raptureready.com/soap2/wasson140.html
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Satan’s Temper Tantrum

By Donna Wasson

I’m overwhelmed these days. I feel as if I’m standing in the middle of a field without a weapon, while continuously being fired upon by enemies I can’t see. I know the general direction of their hiding places and I know they mean to do me great harm, but there’s nowhere to run or hide. I’m exposed and vulnerable, and that makes me very, very angry!

So, who’s the enemy and what are they shooting? Ephesians 6:12 pretty much says it all. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” That’s who we’re battling, but I’d still like to slap the ever-living snot out of the human beings they currently employ.

I’ve never been a big fan of temper tantrums. When I see anyone, whether adult or child, giving in to their base, immature nature and spilling the toxic sewage of their rage on the rest of us, I have an overwhelming urge to blister their fanny. And, right now, satan is throwing one hellacious temper tantrum that’s getting louder and more violent and obnoxious by the day.

He’s had approximately 6000 years or so since the fall of Adam and Eve, to rule this earth and his time is quickly running out; after all, he’s read the Bible too. He’s well aware that his playdate is about to end with a long sojourn in the Bottomless Pit and, because he’s a spoiled brat with a massive entitlement chip on his shoulder, he’s going to go out with a bang, wreaking all the havoc possible and taking as many human beings down to the pit with him.

At the moment, he’s pitching a royal fit on the floor of the cosmic grocery store, kicking and screaming, because he can’t ascend to the heights of heaven and be like the Most High. Poor baby. Quite frankly, he’s so out of control at this point that his machinations have progressed past causing alarm and terror in my heart, to inspiring a yawning boredom and disdain. If I hear about one more beheading, I’m tempted to buy a ticket to Syria, find one of those filthy camel urine drinkers (No, I’m not kidding) and stick a pencil in them!

You do realize that ISIS was created by our government, don’t you? Just like the CIA created, trained and equipped Al Qaida in the 1980’s to battle the Soviets in Afghanistan during the cold war, we have a new, improved version, courtesy of our twisted, wicked, Globalist serving government.

Remember back in 2013 when Bashar al-Assad supposedly used chemical weapons against his own people? The Occupant went into convulsions of humanitarian sympathy, announced that the United States needed to invade Syria to depose Assad as the United Nations inspectors were called in to investigate.

While this inspection was occurring, the Occupant was doing his dead-level best to persuade the American people that we needed to start yet another war against a Middle Eastern nation that posed no direct threat to us, and he didn’t need the permission of Congress to proceed either. The American people put their collective foot down with a resounding “NO!” No more of our blood and treasure would be wasted.

Besides, Russia and China had wagged their fingers in the Occupant’s face and dared him to step one toe into Syrian territory. They threatened ‘If you do, America might just go boom!’

Suddenly, the Occupant decided he might need to check in with Congress after all, knowing they wouldn’t back him, and he’d be able to back out of his pitch for war and save face at the same time. It would be all Congress’ fault for not giving him permission. That is, until the United Nations inspectors report showed it was the rebels who used the chemical weapons—not Assad. Whoops! Our bad!

The Globalist’s directive that the Occupant continue the ‘Arab Spring’ regime change in Syria would have to wait for another opportunity, so it was put on the back burner. Hmmm. What could they come up with as a reasonable excuse to bomb the patooty out of Syria and get rid of Assad? Oooo, ooooh, I got it! Let’s create a new boogeyman; one SO big and bad and scary that the American people would freak out and demand action be taken to stop it.

Introducing: ISIS.

It’s pretty much common knowledge that Ambassador Stevens was a CIA operative in Benghazi, whose mission it was to procure weapons for the Syrian ‘rebels.’ Those rebels were members of Al Qaida, who were secretly trained by the U.S. in Jordan, and supplied with weapons so they could pose as ‘freedom fighters’ in Syria in their quest to overthrow the ‘oppressive Assad regime.’

They were more than happy to learn the best of America’s combat secrets, as well as receive billions of our tax dollars in backing and weaponry. Heck yeah, they’d take it! They’re not stupid—they just seem to avoid bathing.

Some of the ‘freedom fighters’ apparently got tired of fighting Assad’s forces, set up shop inside Syria where they knew Russia and China would have their back and under the leadership of the ever charming Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, decided to take it upon themselves to establish a Middle Eastern caliphate. In other words, the Frankenstein-monster freedom fighters the U.S. government created are now out of control, and cutting a bloody swath across Iraq and Syria.

So, only one year after the Occupant pulled all troops out of Iraq, against the advice of his military advisors, ISIS has conquered almost every major city our nation fought to free from Saddam Hussein. America spent 10 years in Iraq. We lost 4,500 precious men and women, had 32,000 wounded, some severely, and spent 3 trillion dollars of our treasure. Great. Isn’t that special.

When ISIS reared its ugly head in Iraq, the Iraqi army we spent the last several years arming and training to take over the security of their own country, screamed like little French girls, threw down the weapons, tanks, personnel carriers, etc., we left behind for their use, and ran for the hills, giving ISIS state-of-the-art American equipment to use against anyone who looks at them funny.

Again, the ISIS monster is not minding its creator. They have their own agenda which must be stopped, and soon! Russia and China are still wagging their finger, warning the U.S. against invading or even bombing inside Syria for any reason. So…what’s the plan, Mr. Occupant? What’s that? We’re going to conduct airstrikes inside Syria anyway?

Airstrikes which ISIS can scatter and hide from? Airstrikes which are all but useless according to our military leaders? Airstrikes which might just hack off Russia and China enough to lob a few nukes our way? Our current and retired military leaders are all over the talking head shows, pointing out the obvious: ISIS cannot be stopped by airstrikes alone. Oh, but the Occupant has promised that America will NOT have boots on the ground in the fight against these horrible people.

And if we like our doctor, we can keep our doctor.

Now, Congress has just approved giving $500 million MORE of our tax dollars to train and equip “moderate Syrian rebels” to fight ISIS on the ground. OK, so let me get this straight. We’re gonna give more money, training and weapons to Syrian rebels so they can fight former Syrian rebels? The same “moderate Syrian rebels” who just signed a non-aggression pact with ISIS? The “moderate Syrian rebels” who will most likely join the very ISIS that we’re trusting them to fight?

Am I missing something? Who’s the President of the United States? Forrest Gump? After all, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

I think it’s time I change the Occupant’s name to “Obomb-ya,” because he apparently thinks that’s the answer to everything. Hey, we have to use those drones for something! And, don’t forget he boasted that he’s very good at killing people. Unless, of course, he’s on the golf course. I’m so proud to be an American. Aren’t you?

I’ll address the nightmare that is ISIS in part 2 of Satan’s Temper Tantrum. By the way, are you saved? I highly advise you get right with the Lord because the U.S. government created Frankenstein plans to come to America. God promises tomorrow to no man. Think about it

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Satan’s Temper Tantrum

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Link: http://www.raptureready.com/soap2/wasson141.html
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Satan’s Temper Tantrum 2

By Donna Wasson

There’s a direct correlation between the spiritual world and the physical world in which we live. What happens in one realm affects the other, sometimes in dramatic ways. Several authors, including myself, have pointed out that destructive weather manifestations usually occur shortly after America pressures Israel to give up some of their territory in the name of peace. God is not amused by such things and has clearly said so in His Word.

The parallel effects don’t just occur in the heavenly realm. Satan gains power and influence when we open ourselves up to evil. Here’s a hair-raising example. A satanic black mass was recently held in the Oklahoma City Civic Center, on 9/21/14. This was highly publicized in the media, prompting a large backlash. There were over 200,000 signatures on a petition asking the city to cancel the event.

However, the city council reasoned that, although they didn’t agree with the program, they had no choice but to allow it since the civic center was a public building, and the satanic group paid to rent the facility. There were however, limits placed on what activities the devil-worshippers could engage in. The city forbade any act or ceremony which included their customary use of urine, blood or sexual acts. The Satanists agreed, so the city allowed the mass to proceed.

The media reported that only about 50 people attended the mass, while hundreds stood outside the building, praying and holding signs in protest. Inside, the satanic leader, Adam Daniels, a registered sex-offender who looks like a 30-something loser who still lives in his mother’s basement, denounced Jesus as “worthless,” while stomping and spitting on a communion wafer. I don’t know what else occurred and I really don’t give a rip.

However, this event obviously opened the State of Oklahoma up to an influx of demonic forces. Only 4 days later, on 9/25/14, Alton Nolen, a man who had recently been fired from his job at Vaughan Foods in Moore, Oklahoma, strolled into the front office, grabbed the first innocent victim he came across and proceeded to stab and decapitate her.

He was in the process of stabbing his second victim when the company’s president, a reserve sheriff’s deputy, Mike Vaughan, ran to his car, retrieved his gun and shot Nolan several times. Thank God for good guys with guns, because Nolan would have undoubtedly continued his rampage.

The fact that Nolan was a recent muslim convert with an extensive criminal history, came as no surprise to anyone. His co-workers at Vaughan Foods reported that he had tried to convert several of them to islam in past weeks. If you read the entries on his Facebook page, it reveals a man who supports ISIS and hates America and Israel.

Naturally, the FBI has labeled this incident “workplace violence,” being the gutless islamic lovers that they are. Thankfully, the public isn’t buying that explanation this time. There has NEVER been an incident of workplace violence in which someone is decapitated. True, his termination was most likely the catalyst for his rampage, but islam was absolutely the inspiration for his choice to decapitate his victim.

What you might not know is that a second man, 30-year-old Jacob Mugambi Muriithi of Oklahoma City, also recently fired from his job, was arrested and is being held on $1 million dollars bail for threatening a female Christian co-worker with death. He told her that he represented “ISIS and that ISIS kills Christians.”

When she asked him why, he stated, “This is just what we do.” (Brilliant reasoning!) According to The Oklahoman, “The victim said Jacob asked her what time she got off work, and she replied by asking him in a joking manner, if he was going to kill her. Jacob told her ‘yes,’ he was going to cut her head off. The victim asked what he was going to cut her head off with, and he said ‘A blade,’ and told her after he did it, he was going to post it on Facebook.”

“The victim said Jacob was serious when speaking and never gave any indication that he was joking or kidding around. Muriithi repeated the threat in front of another employee, that he was going to use a blade as the woman left work.”

Then, the 7-foot-tall statue of Baphomet, featuring a large pentagram and two children on either side, staring adoringly up at the goat-headed figure, is finished and slated to be placed at Oklahoma City Hall beside the granite monument depicting the Ten Commandments—all in the name of fairness and freedom of religion.

You reckon the demons of hell have been unleashed in this state? Is the City Council to blame for not having the stones to refuse the satanist’s request to rent out the Civic Center so they could conduct their blasphemous black mass?

Finally, did you know there have been over 108 earthquakes in Oklahoma in the past month? Coincidence? I think not. Can you imagine what would be happening there if Christians in that state weren’t praying, fasting and repenting to a Holy God??

Like the LGBT mafia, the satanists are currently having their coming out moment in American society. The Satanic Temple Church plans to give The Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities to elementary school children in Florida’s Orange County schools. They will also provide pamphlets to Middle and High school kids with information on satanism, rituals, and beliefs as well as informing the students of their right to worship whom they choose.

This is being done in response to the school board’s decision to permit distribution of religious materials in the schools. Christians have provided Bibles and other materials, and atheist groups have done the same. So, of course the satanists feel the need to step in and make their voices heard.

Parents, please pay attention to what your small children are watching on TV. Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim has a show called Mr. Pickles, about a demon-possessed dog who promotes satanism. The show is unbelievably perverted and features pentagrams, goat-heads, bloody sacrifices, advocates abortion, chained sex-slaves, mass murder, inverted crosses and the Illuminati pyramid with the all-seeing eye.

Yes, you read that correctly. That is on the Cartoon Network. In the opening credits, with their chirpy little happy song, subliminal messages flash on the screen. The entire message reads: “Since 1425, one secret organization has sought dominion over the world of man. Illuminati. Tonight it reaches a new level of indoctrination, Hail Baphomet, with an animated show about a dog. Give your soul to Mr. Pickles.”

Yes, the beast is rising folks and he’s pitching some impressive tantrums all over this world. Can you imagine how peeved he must be? How terrified? How many millennium have passed since his rebellion against God? How long has he known all about his ultimate fate, except for the timing? Anyone with an ounce of spiritual insight can see and feel the increase of demonic activity and descending darkness across this world.

If you think for one second that we are not living in the very seconds of the last days, you are completely delusional. Brain dead. In total denial. Head in the sand. Don’t be foolish enough to rationalize and/or minimize the increase in earthquake activity, animal deaths, deadly diseases, guano-crazy violence, hatred, immorality, government corruption, wars and rumors of wars, and so on.

2 Peter 3:3-4 “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying ‘Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.”

In the last 3 months, I’ve had conversations with two fellow Christians who aren’t convinced Jesus is about to take His Bride home! “Well, it seems like every generation thinks they are the ones living in the last days. After all, people thought Nero and Hitler was the antichrist. They were responsible for wars, genocide, economic woes, etc. yet Jesus didn’t come back. So, it’s rather doubtful that WE are living in the last days. It could be another 100 or 1000 years before time is up.”

*Sigh* Both of these guys are well versed in the Bible, but they love to intellectualize and allegorize what they read. They’re so smart that they’ve slipped into stupid land. They can’t see the signs right in front of their faces! Yes, I do understand how Christians in Nero and Hitler’s time thought they were living in the last days.

However, those eras didn’t possess the technology capable of marking and tracking every human being on the planet. There were no such things as satellites or the internet, paving the way for every eye to witness a physical Christ returning in the clouds with great glory. Israel hadn’t returned to her homeland. There was no European Union, no United Nations or NATO.

Folks need to wake up and face facts. ALL facets of the prophetic puzzle are in place and currently being assembled by Almighty God. The picture becomes clearer every day and for those who are left behind, the scene is horrifying. Make no mistake. We are at the midnight hour on God’s prophetic time clock. The world is coming apart at the seams, yet the vast majority of people are distracted by every day concerns, plans for the future, getting more stuff, and pop-culture and sports entertainment!

Unless you’re a complete zombie, you KNOW things aren’t right; that something big and scary on a huge scale is about to happen. You can feel it in your bones, but you go on pretending that everything is hunky-dory and life will go on as we’ve always known it. You get up each day, strap on your sunny, fake optimism with a side of hard-core denial, to protect yourself from these things you fear, but have no control over.

Time to put on your big-boy/girl pants and accept the fact that the November elections will change little to nothing. The ONLY hope any of us have at this point is to give our lives to Jesus Christ, and accept the pardon for sin He died on the cross to provide. And that, my friends, offers awesome hope!

As for this life? Unfortunately, I can guarantee that it’s only gonna get worse from here. After all, these truly are the last days.

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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