While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. John 17:15 (KJV)
Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" Matt. 24:29 (KJV)
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Hebrew 5783-5788 Gregorian 2023-2028
We are followers of Yahusha/JESUS Only
Yahusha/JESUS is YHVH/GOD/YHWH-Yahusha/Son:
Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD
Yahusha is I Am That I Am (Exodus 3:14)
Yahusha is YHWH come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of a Virgin.
Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence
When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels.
John 14:26
"the breath of life"
But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.
God is not His Name but a term. The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.
There is no Trinity. The Father, YHVH and Yahusha are One (John 10:30)
Book of Enoch:
The book of Second Peter and Jude Authenticate the book of Enoch and Vice Versa
All Of The Apocryphal Books Of
The King James 1611 Version
Pray for one another, as we watch for the Lord's return!
For Fair Use Education and Discussion Purposes
Just think of how the Children of Israel had the presence of Almighty God shown to them constantly in their trek in the Wilderness yet, they murmured against this and that; you name it, they did it. Why, just weeks after telling God that they would agree to a Covenant with Him, obey Him and follow the path laid down for them, they back-peddled to their former pagan know the accounts written in the Bible.
Do you know that the Land of Israel under Kind David was always called Israel until after the death of Solomon? Because of taxes raised against them by an unrighteous king, the 10 Northern Tribes separated from the 2 Southern Tribes of Judah & Benjamin and became a Kingdom unto themselves. Reading the accounts, you know how they built their own temple up north because it was too far to travel to Jerusalem and even had their own High Priest, who was not of the priestly line of Levi. Out all of what they were guilty of, there was one of the Commandments given by God to Moses, that caused Him to finally take action. They were conquered and scattered into all the world. To this day, those ten tribes are called Lost but they are not lost to God.
Why do you think that Jesus said that He had come unto the Lost House of Israel? II Corin. 4:3-4. God didn't forget them. Nope, He had a plan to send the gospel to the Lost House of Israel. When Jesus came, the Land was minus those 10 tribes and the House of Judah stood preaching their perverted religion that become thickly mixed with Paganism brought back from Babylon. Why did Jesus refer to them as Vipers, sons of their Father Satan? Jesus didn't concentrate on Judah when the gospel was preached, did He? Read your Bible and you will understand that this scattering was known by God and used by Him to have His "Calling" send out to all the places that they (House of Israel/Ten Tribes} had gone.
Before any of us, who believe we are born-again, think that we are surely the "Chosen", it would be prudent to listen to this Biblically sound teaching by David J. Smith. Did you know that it was Rome, the newly established Universal Church, that changed the "Sabbath" to the Lord's Day in AD 387? And ever since, Sunday has become The Lord's Day. Do you really believe that this is pleasing to the One who established His Sabbath Rest forever? He kept it while He walked this earth, didn't He? I know the arguments for insisting it be "The Lord's Day" but those are the same ones that Rome decreed. There were a few Protestant groups that kept the Sabbath but most that broke away took the Pagan Sun Day with them. It isn't in the New Testament, you say? Take a look at Hebrews 4:9. This remains to this very day despite what Rome has changed. Matthew 13:19 tells us that He writes His law in our heart to know what is right or wrong.
But, all of that being said, that is not the main subject of this video. Why do you think scripture says, "Not Everyone that says, "Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven?" That is speaking about having the white wedding garment on made by God's rules not man's rules.
I want to say, very strongly here, that those that have done the most criticizing of this site, better step back and reflect on the Bible instead of the slant put on scriptures as taught by the professors of the Seminaries. You are no better than the "religious" Vipers of Judah. Take that beam out of your own eye.
Do yourself a very big favor and listen to this "Eye Opener". Just maybe, you have been chosen to understand it but then again, you may be one of those just called and think you are Chosen.
In case your feelings were hurt by my remarks....good....perhaps you can learn more than you think you already know. I did and continue to do every day in the endless library of information on this site.
Oh! And read your Bible for yourself, God's Holy Spirit will show all truth to you
Newswatch Magazine - David J. Smith #615 Many are Called But
All so true. Explains a lot, doesn't he. All Biblical. Very interesting indeed! I agree 100%!
COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello all,
I wrote this post after listening to David's video in answer to the challenge presented. I also posted it alone as I think it is something that stands on it's own. Added here is some more direct comments about what he is teaching. I know most agree with this man, but I have to be honest, and show what the Lord is placing on my heart.
Oil = The Father
Blood = The Son
Wine = Holy Spirit
"If you love me you will keep my Commandments". Jesus IS the Oil and the Blood and the Wine".
"My hour has not yet come" that He said at the wedding in Cana, meaning He had not yet gone to the cross, He had not full-filled being the Passover Lamb, which would be the Blood of His New Covenant. Nor had He not yet sent the Wine, the Comforter, that He is yet to send when He full-fills the Feast of Pentecost.
To keep going, or falling back to the Feasts of the Lord, when ALL have been ( full to the brim) FULL-FILLED. is as turning BACK to RELIGION when you know the TRUTH. Remember, religion is of Cain and Truth is of God.
The Old Covenant, that cannot hold the New Wine of the Holy Spirit, has been turned into a priesthood that has neither the Blood nor the Wine, still pointing to the Kingdom, but never able to enter into it, as they have not the Blood (Jesus) and the Wine (the Holy Spirit) the Only WAY into the Kingdom.
"But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in." Mat 23:13
The Blood and the Wine are the Way to the Oil; the Father; without the anointing of BOTH ( becoming Born Again), no one can enter the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. These are those false prophets that refused to go to the wedding feast that God prepared for them, and therefore try and block the way for others, and yet God gathers all His elect from the highways and byways of this earth, and clothes them with the wedding garments...those without garments are those without the Blood of Christ, or the Wine of the Holy Spirit.
In short and to make this as plain as I can....
If God was a refrigerator...he would become just an idol to a person because without a place to plug in (Jesus), and the electricity to complete the circuit of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Worshiping idols is what happens when one takes away Jesus and His Blood, and the Wine of His Spirit.
"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. Mat 23:15
That is what religion does! Jesus hates religion! God hates religion! Religion is of of Cain, who offering God rejected! What would we keep choosing the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, over the Tree of Life?? One does this when they put what Christ already FULL-FILLED into the future...just like they do the anti-Christ, and the Great Tribulation and worst of all The KINGDOM OF
By NOT seeing that ALL was finished at the Cross, it takes away the IMMENSITY of what Jesus did for us at the Cross!! He became the Way to God, (the place to plug in) and the Truth (the electricity) and the Life (Tree of Life).
They want you to pay your way to heaven, by buying their CDs and DVDs and Books... so you too can be taken in. They becomes lovers of gold and not lovers of God!
"Woe unto you, ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor!" Mat 23:16
Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold? Mat 23:17
By this, I do not mean ministry costs, I mean making a profit and what is worse, making a profit off of lies.
Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
Mat 23:24
Keeping the feasts of Old, when the New is come, is only having a very small part of the Truth( the Torah, and the Laws and appointed feasts) are blinded by the need to the rest of it!! They have and gnat of truth and swallow lies the size of a camel!).
"Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the ****ation of hell?" Mat 23:33
The Religious leaders of the time of the ministry of Jesus were the Pharisee and they had removed themselves from the Mosaic Law, and were practicing Babylonian religion via the Kabbala and the Talmud. They were forcing the people to keep the Mosaic Law,but they themselves had become the elite and were above the Law of Moses and into the laws of Satan carried down by the seed of the Serpent.
This is why Jesus calls them vipers and hypocrites. Although the temple was destroyed in 70AD, the priesthood of this Judaic religion carried on in the form of the Roman Catholic priesthood and religion in the rebuilt temple of the Vatican. To this day the religion of Babylon and the mystery religion of witchcraft is carried on by these Jews. In the guise of worshiping Christ they have convinced the world that they are Christian, but they are the Synagogue of Satan; always has been, and always will be.
There is nothing new under the sun!! Even the Jesuits are of this religion of the Jews! These Jews are the ones who rule the world and even give marching orders to the Jesuits! The Catholic religion is the same as Judaism, the new "boss" is the same as the old" boss", this is how satan is prince of this world.
Jesus concludes His woe verses to the Pharisee, with this prediction for those that practice the religious laws of the anti-Christ.
"Behold, your house is left unto you desolate." Mat 23:38
Meaning you have made of the Law, and the Feasts of God, a religion!!
We are to become Kings and Priests on this earth and Jesus DID EVERYTHING NECESSARY for us to be just that. We are in the KINGDOM OF GOD right now!! We need to keeping picking up that Cross and follow Him, to count all as loss to gain Him!! We should not only be preaching the Gospel to the WHOLE EARTH, we should be able to heal the sick and raise the dead and much more than Christ did because He is our High Priest and intercedes for us, and lives in us, if we have crucified "Self" on our cross and follow Him wherever He goes.
Briefly about the Feasts of the Lord and how Jesus fulfilled them all.
Here is what I am being shown:
Trumpets is the first feast of the New Year, Jesus was born on this feast, it is about His FIRST coming. The King of Kings has come! Blow the trumpets, and for a New Way to God, the New Covenant, is Coming!
Atonement is the sending out of the sacrificial goat into the wilderness of this world, the first part of atonement that is completed by the sacrificial Lamb at Passover.
Tabernacles is God becoming flesh and living among us in the form of His Son!! Christ at baptism and the beginning of His Ministry. And, thus showing that our bodies are just temporary, too.
Then, Unleavened Bread showing Christ as having lived a sinless life, and is the Pure Lamb and is the Passover Lamb.
Passover, the final Atonement for our sins, opening a Way to His Father through His Blood.
Becoming the first of many that will rise from the dead, because of His Sacrifice, thus becoming the Firstfruits.
Completing ALL the Feasts, when He ascends to the Right Hand of His Father and sends the Holy Spirit, at Pentecost.
Before anyone gets upset with the above statements, please realize I have not entirely studied this out, but am gathering information about it, and researching the Scriptures. This is but a short outline of what I am learning the more I look into this.
Also, I am not saying that there maybe a dual fulfillment in someway, but either way, Jesus did fulfill all the feasts of the Lord, at His first Coming and during His Life and Ministry.
And please remember the Jews, the ones who have NOT the Blood and the Wine keep the Sabbath of the Old Testament...why oh why would we persist in this "religion" when we can live and breathe, eat, and drink of the Truth, everyday?? Don't settle for less than all of God. Give up "self" and come to Jesus.
Find out for yourselves!!
Patti C.
Addition to my answer for this thread:
I think I covered most of what I disagree with that David Smith said.
He NEVER SAID how Jesus full-filled the Law, and that is what Jesus says He did. He quotes from the Old Testament...pre-Christ era where Jesus had not come yet, so of course the Law and Sabbath and feasts are being kept. Even his quotes from Matthew are all pre the Cross...the New had not come yet.
Yes, there was a few things where I agreed with this man, but the vast majority I did not!! Therefore, I saw a few pearls of wisdom among the false...but, it worries me when anyone denies that Jesus did not full-fill everything that He said He did.
I know, that most loved what David Smith taught! And I know that most on this site agree with what He teaches. I am just saying beware, and be very aware. Be sure to study both sides of these issues and find yourself approved.
But, it is all up to each person...God wants all to be saved, He wants us to witness for Christ everywhere and to everyone, that he brings to us.
Always choose Truth over Religion!!
Patti C.
Hi Patti,
NO ONE especially me is saying that JESUS is not the ONLY WAY into heaven.
Just to be clear this is not a salvation issue.
JESUS DID COMPLETE it all that is why HE said " It is finished"
However we do have a few more bible prophecy to encounter before the book of revelation is complete.
The MOST important one is the SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST.
Keep in mind that scripture can have DUAL meanings.
So let's try not to make this a JESUS has completed everything post but one that says there are still things that need to happen before HIS second coming.
Now when does JESUS return?
When is Pre Wrath ?
What year could that be?
We are merely warning everyone to get READY because we do KNOW that JESUS is returning so it is best to keep sharing the GOSPEL while we can.
That is the main reason for just about ANY post on this site.
To make it obvious that HE ( JESUS ) return is soon....very soon.
God Bless
I will go out on a limb and S P E C U L A T E that JESUS will NOT return to earth until WELL over 2015.....that is my current S P E C U L A T I O N.
The window to share the GOSPEL is closing.
Hi Steven,
Of Course there is still His Second Coming! That goes without saying, and I don't think I implied that Jesus has already come the Second time.
My main focus was to make sure believers realize He fulfilled all the feasts the first time. Quit making the Kingdom, and the fulfillment of Feast and the Law a future thing!! Maybe He will return on Trumpets, or Tabernacles, or the Last Great man knows the day or this is still speculative. What is for sure is that He fulfilled them with His Life!
David Smith does imply, rather strongly, that the Kingdom, and the fulfillment of the feasts and the Law are all future, and he does imply that those called and chosen are the ones that have fallen backward to the Old Covenant by keeping everything that Christ full fills!
I know you like this man Steven and his is the majority's view...maybe that is why the Lord has me on this site, to balance out the information and to show the other side of this, and to encourage each to find out for themselves
It sure is not making me popular!
Patti C.
Hi Patti,
I thought about this and I would like to "add"
IF you have NOT watched or audited these videos about the FEAST of the LORD they may share some insight you may not have considered.
The SPRING FEAST were completed in actuality with
Jesus crucifixcation - Passover
Jesus burial = Unleaven Bread
Jesus ascending into heaven ( First Fruits )
Jesus sending the Holy Spirit ( Pentecost )
Still yet to be completed:
Rosh Hashanah = Last TRUMPET
Day of Atonement = Judgement day
Succoth - Tabernacles.
Please take the time to watch these videos and see if you are able to 'glean' anything from them.
I have posted them over and over yearly during the SPRING and FALL FEAST time periods as a reminder of what these days mean.
Leviticus 23
I am not a messianic Hebrew nor a Hebrew Roots person.
I merely share these to give you a perspective you may not have been aware.
I pray they bless you.
God Bless
Hi Patti,
Thanks for your interest to "balance out"
I appreciate your motive.
I pray that you will let the HOLY SPIRIT speak to you and take the time to watch the videos to "balance out " what I'm trying to share as well.
I personally do not think the fall feasts have been completed.
We will find out soon right?
God Bless
Dear Steven,
I have studied the Feasts of the Lord, intensely for years, many years before coming to this site. I used to see it as most do now...seen all the videos, read the books, and agreed with most everything being presented. It has not been until recently, while finding out for myself, that I have come to see it very differently.
I understand why you put these videos on this thread, as you are balancing it out the other way, back to majority view.
What you have presented here is without a doubt the most popular view out there at this time. Everywhere this is taking over and you can't go to any site that does not put it just the way you did...3 of the Feasts yet to be fulfilled. The way they are sharing, how these Feasts have not been fulfilled, proves understanding is lacking in some way. My question is how can they not see them as fulfilled!
I am very skeptical of mainstream trends of Being a follower of Christ, the wolves are looking even more like sheep the closer we get to His Second Coming.
Thanks for the videos, I hope those who watch them will compare them with what I have said on this issue, and come to their own conclusions.
Be Blessed,
Patti C.
One more thing Steven...
The first thought I had when listening to Pastor David Smith, is how great it would be to see a debate between him and Pastor Mike Hoggard! I think that would be a well matched and balanced discussion. Is Pastor Smith still alive? For some reason I thought he passed away.
Wish there were more such debates that could be watched, that would help out much!
Since you personally see the last 3 feast as unfilled by Jesus at His first coming, let me ask you this: Did you ever study the other side, of them being fulfilled at His First Coming? Are there some videos out there that present this side. If so I would be thrilled to see one. So, you see what I mean, not everyone has done that, and yet they still insist that they have not. Interesting.
Just saying...
Patti C.
Hi Patti,
I was just taking your lead based on your statement above:
Completing ALL the Feasts, when He ascends to the Right Hand of His Father and sends the Holy Spirit, at Pentecost.
Before anyone gets upset with the above statements, please realize I have not entirely studied this out, but am gathering information about it, and researching the Scriptures. This is but a short outline of what I am learning the more I look into this.
end quote:
So since you state here you have NOT entirely studied this out I thought you might find it helpful.
Time will tell soon enough if what you present is true or not.
God Bless
For anyone that wants to look at the videos and see some of the reasons why it's very possible to see JESUS Second coming and rapture around the feasts of trumpets : ( ie Rosh Hashanah )
Speculation points to September 20-21 2017 ( Rosh Hashanah )......Speculation....reserve the right to change speculated date.
God Bless
The Feast do matter; they give the event and the timing of all prophecy totally fulfilled.
In Ezekiel 43:1-9 we see that Ezekiel was led to the Eastern Gate in Jerusalem, where he sees the Lord return from the east. When he returns, he complains that by their building their door-post by His door-post with only a wall between them, they defiled His Holy Name. OK, we know that the Eastern Gate remains closed to this day and will not be opened by man. Only the Messiah will once again come through that gate. I'll let you read the below scripture yourself to let God's Word prove that this is being told. Now, when was all of this being shown to Eziekel? For that go back to Chapter 40, which I will include at the bottom of this scripture here and you will find out just when this happens. Notice that this date given occurs on the 10th day of the 1st month, which would be the Feast of Tabernacles. The first day would be Rosh HaShanah, the first of the last three feasts followed by Yom Kippur and the third being the Feast of Tabernacles. This I say to show that the Feast do matter and in fact, give you the very time that the Lord's Glory Himself returns. So, let us remember to keep God's Word and pay attention to His Feasts. gerlinda
Hi Gerlinda.
I have never said nor am I saying now, that the Feasts of the Lord are not important. Also I have clearly said there may be a dual fulfillment of the last 3 feasts, in my very first post on this thread.
What I am conveying is that ALL Feasts were already fulfilled by Christ at His first coming. That does not mean that there is not a dual meaning. A perfect example is Ezk. 43 1-9 that you used to show the fulfilling of the Feast of Tabernacles as future.
The description of New Jerusalem is future, but Jesus made it so that each one born again already resides there. We have that living water that flows from Him.
Remember when Jesus was attending this very feast and at the high point of the festival He cries out "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink." What Jesus is offering is the very FULFILLMENT of the very things they are celebrating!
His offer shows he is far more than just a prophet or an agent; here we have God himself offering us life.
That heavenly water of life is already available through Jesus!
In offering them the Spirit he is claiming that the age to come has already arrived!
A river flows from the temple in Ezek 47. Ezekiel's vision has begun to be fulfilled in Jesus' offer in the temple, and it will come to completion in heaven in "the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb" (Rev 22:1). His invitation at the Feast of Tabernacles is repeated in the invitation at the end of the book of Revelation: "Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life" (Rev 22:17).
I hope this gives you a clearer picture of what I am saying. Jesus fulfilled what was being celebrated at all the Feasts of the Lord at His first Coming, not just the last 4. What most are seeing as the last three, are the first 3 He fulfilled! I know this is a lot to take in, but I am working on proving that Jesus fulfilled these, so called yet to be fulfilled feasts, beginning with Trumpets and ending with Pentecost.
I have a lot of work to do, but I know He did this, and the more I study the clearer it all gets. I am one of those Bible students that IS finding out for myself, and reporting what I am finding. I thought that was an important part of what this site is, encouraging each to do the research and put in the time to really find out. I come to a conclusion from my own research, before I look for the studies of others that have brought them to the same place.
Again, I am not saying there is not a dual fulfillment, as shown here with the Feast of Tabernacles. But Jesus did make it possible for every jot and tittle of the Law, and the Feasts, and every prophecy about Him to be fulfilled by what He did at the Cross.
Patti C.
Hi Patti,
Sorry you must believe that you responded to my comments
On one hand you said you did not have it all figured out
On the other hand you said you have studied this entirely and all the FEASTS of the LORD have been completed.
Then on a third hand you are now saying that the prophecies have dual meaning?
Would you mind tiding up your comments so we can have a better understanding of YOUR position?
I made it clear I DO NOT think that the FEASTS of the LORD have all been completed yet in the future tense.
That is WHY I said JESUS Second coming has NOT happened yet....
That is why I said that the JUDGMENT ( day of atonement ) has not been fulfilled yet.
That is why I said that Succout ( Tabernacles ) has not been fulfilled yet.
Sometimes we can over think something ?
I know you said you have studied this deeply correct?
So could you tell me how or why the Videos of Mark Biltz explain the FEASTS of the LORD and how the future fulfillment by JESUS is incorrect?
I'm only pressing the point since I have NO idea what you think about JESUS SECOND COMING ( Feast of Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah )
JESUS fulfillment of TABERNACLES ( I know you think that there is NOT a millennium reign )
But I just don't see it.......
Here is your opportunity to use scripture ( LIKE THE VIDEOS I POSTED SHARE SCRIPTURE after SCRIPTURE ) making the points that I have shared.
Sometimes trying to make something there that is not there can be very misleading as well so I look forward to you sharing scripturally why what I have presented is incorrect.
God Bless
Quote from my very first post on this thread.
"Also, I am not saying that there maybe a dual fulfillment in someway, but either way, Jesus did fulfill all the feasts of the Lord, at His first Coming and during His Life and Ministry."
So, from the get go I said there could be a dual fulfillment.
I should not have given a summary of what I was studying and working on before I presented a study on each of the Feasts in question. But, I certainly gave a good example in what I am saying in my response to Gerlinda about the Feast of Tabernacles. I think I made it perfectly clear, by showing how Jesus fulfilled this feast at His first Coming, and I will show more in depth about this and the other two.
NO ...I am not saying the second coming has already happened.
NO ... I am not saying the Judgement has already happened.
If I had known this was going to get so misunderstood and twisted out of shape, I would never have responded at all. Honestly Steven, I don't think you are even trying to understand what I am saying and that is fine. I will start over and just take one feast at a time, and be very clear about it. Excuse me for presenting something before I had written the studies, that is one mistake that I will not make again as it is time consuming and frustrating to keep having to explain myself.
Wish I could just find a video about it! ha! So do you I am sure.
Patti C.
Hi Patti,
Your comments made it very very unclear and complicated.
I even gave you some videos to help you but you refused to watch them
IF you took the time to view them then maybe....just maybe you might find some answers.
The videos also could be viewed then reading the book by Marvin Rosenthal I think published back in 1998 could go a long ways to unraveling some of the questions but since you are ADAMANT NOT to watch the videos it's really impossible to consider that you are willing to take a full study of the subject since the videos are or should be considered regardless of what you currently believe if you really want to do some research on this topic.* at least a thorough research of the FEASTS of the LORD.
I'm sorry but I will have to post when you do post on the feast of the LORD and WILL include the Videos for others to at least have that information to 'balance' or add to whatever you do conclude from your research.
God bless
Hi Pattie, This subject does not have to be contentious if we let the Word of God speak for itself. There is one sentence you said that I believe causes you to believe the age is already here.
Per your quote
Hi Gerlinda,
Thank you for responding. I am taking a few days away from this topic as it has been draining in a way it should not be, yet at the same time revealing important issues about people. I need a spiritual vacation of just me and the Lord and my Bible...and I am going to take it.
So, this response from me, will be the last on this issue until I am ready to present proof from His Word of what I am trying to convey about the feasts.
You brought up this quote from my letter to you. I am going to explain what is meant by this statement.
"In offering them the Spirit he is claiming that the age to come has already arrived!"
For those who accepted His offering, they are already in the Age to come, already residing in the Kingdom Of God as His Spirit becomes Lord of their lives.
This is a very small number of people in the history of this world; this is the Remnant of all those called chosen, and faithful. All those that not only hear His Voice, but also obeys it.
Nothing in this world takes precedence over that, we count all in this life for nothing, and give up all claim to self. Until then, no one rests in God, no matter how many sabbaths and feast days they keep.
Jesus tells us that living in Spirit and Truth is more important than not eating pig! That He is more important to obey, than the traditions of men, even if those traditions were in honor of Him!
The biggest problem with understanding the Spiritual nature of the Word of God, is that intelligence is still in control of the self life of a person. One must be fully surrendered to the Lord until our will becomes His and His Spirit rules over the mind, not the other way around! The servant (the mind) is not above the Master (Spirit).
Thank you Gerlinda, you gave good commentary on how you see the future fulfillment of this.
Patti C.
For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
The Words of God given to man include much more than the 66 Books of the Bible. So, it is a great error to omit them, especially the Book of Enoch which includes 366 books of Wisdom and Instruction that could only have come from God himself. Enoch was take up to Heaven on the first day of Tsivan, stayed 60 days. He returned where he spend his final 30 days; whereupon he gave those books to his son Methuselah with instruction to pass them along to the following generations to teach them the instructions from the very throne of God. Why would such important writings be kept out of the Bible? Do you suppose it was because Enoch lived during the days of the Fallen Angels upon earth. Those Fallen Angels, who co-habited with the human women of Canaan and produced off-spring no longer containing the pure DNA given to humans by God and revealed the Secrets of Heaven, asked Enoch to intervene on their behalf which he did since he did have access to the Throne of God. Well, we know the answer; God refused and had the original 200 leaders chained up. Enoch had first hand truths about what transpired. So, this is one Building Block left out on purposes. This site has given much space and encouragement to listen to the videos and writings concerning The Books of the Apocrypha. Do yourself a huge favor and received much blessings by looking into them.
Are All men created equal? NO!
"The Lord Himself created human in-significant and significant". Chapter 41 of Enoch. That brings up the scripture that says, "Many are called but few are Chosen". Matthew 22:14 This very fact alone is extensively covered by David Smith who uses scripture after scripture to prove why Jesus said He had come to the House of Israel. The House of Israel did have individuals that went back to the House of Judah but as a whole, they were scattered into all four corners of the world where God will regather them. The Land of Israel may be called "Israel" today but it is no stretch of the imagination to know that this Stick of the Northern Kingdom has not joined the Stick of the Southern Kingdom Judah yet thus it is a great error to blindly support the Zionist Movement, which most of the Modern Church Movement under the guidance of the Jesuits, are promoting. Warning: You have no idea what you are supporting. Don't you know that Israel, the State, was created by those that call themselves Jews but are of the Synagogue of Satan? Take the time and research who all those are that had their hands in this. You will find that they are those that call themselves Jews but are not; the Rothschilds and other Illuminati families hope to reclaim the land and the place of God's feet, Jerusalem, for themselves. What did Jesus call them? Yep! The Synagogue of Satan. He called them that because they returned from Babylon and brought with them the Traditions of Man and pagan worship
Jesus Christ didn't come to those Jews at that time but Unto the Whole House of Israel who had been scattered and will someday be brought back. In fact Hosea 6:"Come, and let us return unto the Lord". What do you suppose Hosea is stating here? This is where David Smith's teachings on the two 1/2 tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, who are included in the Northern Kingdom and were dispersed into all the world, needs to be understood. The UK, with it's all of it's once Power Structure, and America are Covenant nations. There never was such a nation, like America, whose blessing was foretold would be given to Manasseh, the younger of the two brothers. Can that be refuted? So, how is it that they are known by that term (Covenant Nations) if it isn't from the Hand of God Himself. How many Christians have even considered that they could be part of those tribes and have been Chosen to receive the Redemption that came through Christ Jesus when their Brethren, the Jews of Judah, who make up the areas around Jerusalem, are still blind and won't wake up to the truth until just before Christ's return when they will say, "Blessed is He that Cometh in the Name of the Lord."
The very same corrupt Roman church that omitted these books are the ones that did not want mankind to know that the seed of the Fallen Angels live among them, through religious and political power. It is this off-spring that will be the ones that bring about the End Time One World Order. We have generations of people who are awed by the Illuminati Kings, Queens and their off-spring who are in positions of power, don't we? They have worked to bring this pomp and awe, by the masses, upon themselves. You cannot get the depth of this indwelling by Satan into humanity by just reading the King James in it's present content. It is like keeping the mice chewing on the cheese which leads to the trap set for them. They believe they have nothing to worry about because of the "False Facts of the Trap", which is the teaching that a Rapture will take place 7 years prior to some 7 year Tribulation Period. But getting back to who and what make up The House of Israel.
Moses, many years before, said of Israel in Deuteronomy 32:5 that they were:-"A perverse and crooked generation".Incidentally, note the use of the word generation here, meaning Israel as it does in Matthew 24:34 where Jesus confirms that this 'generation' (Israel) "Shall not pass, (away) till all these things (The Second Advent) be fulfilled". Asaph, in Psalm 78:8 calls Israel:-"...a stubborn and rebellious generation". We have the Churches teaching that they, the Gentiles, are that generation when it is very clear that this is the House of Israel, who is made up of the grafted in Gentiles. Again, here is where David Smith's outstanding teaching of "Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen" deals with these people and this generation. To teach that that there are two different Dispensations, one Gentile "the church" and the other Israel is a great error. The two are intertwined within the House of Israel who didn't even know their lineage yet the Gospel went to them and the accepted AND they ran with it through Missionaries. Don't you just know how the Vatican hated that? God used His Own Rebellious people in fulfilling the commission given to the 70 Disciples that were sent out to spread His Word. Knowing this truth is another proof that the believers are here just prior to God's Wrath BECAUSE the Church/Body of Christ are the natural and grafted-in of the Olive Tree of which Christ Jesus is the Root. This brings us to the 70th Week of Daniels.
The 70th week of Daniel. Who is the "He"?
I will insert here a paragraph taken from one of the post on Rapturebibleprophecyforum