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While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.  John 17:15 (KJV)

Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return:  "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"  Matt. 24:29 (KJV)



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Hebrew 5783-5788   Gregorian 2023-2028

 We are followers of Yahusha/JESUS Only​​​​​​​
Yahusha/JESUS is YHVH/GOD/YHWH-Yahusha/Son:
​​​​​​​Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD

Yahusha is I Am That I Am  (Exodus 3:14)

Yahusha is YHWH  come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of  a Virgin.

Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence

When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels. 

John 14:26
"the breath of life"

But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.

God is not His  Name but a term.  The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.

There is no Trinity.  The Father, YHVH  and Yahusha are One  (John 10:30)






Book of Enoch: http://tinyurl.com/BkOfEnoch

The book of Second Peter and Jude Authenticate the book of Enoch and Vice Versa





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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

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Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlIgQE1RH00
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CAUGHT ON TAPE: Comet ison turned MARS into a Comet. THEREFORE.... ISON "MUST" Be NIBIRU.

Tell me this. They say comets are made of ice and dust right? RIGHT!!! If that's the case,then how did comet ison just turn mars into a comet with a coma???
Coma's are made when comets get near the "SUN". So how did mars turn into a comet with a coma around it?? THERE"S YOUR PROOF, THAT COMET ISON MUST BE NIBIRU!!!

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

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Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozLeGEunw0M
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10 16 Super Computer Conspiracy Discussion 2

This video report brings together recent national media events, that I feel, are related to a larger overall conspiracy. It is a NWO conspiracy discussion that openly discusses recent media events and how they are viewed as efforts of the NWO Super Computer, to advance their One World Agenda, by the use of a super computer, that is attempting to find and finalize the specific and one time line needed, to declare their successful new world order at a future date.

The Naval Yard Shooting, The Capital Hill Shooting, The DC Burning Man incident on the National Mall are discussed along with other items of importance. ISON and Mars are mentioned, but not discussed in depth.

I wish to make a correction to HolyVessel34 being confused with another You Tuber, for it was not HolyVessel34 that conducted the talk show. Only because of similar sounding speech patterns of both black men, I have confused HolyVessel34 with Tommy Sotomayor, Tommytalksto, who conducted a talk show interview for the John Oakley Show of Toronto Canada, the day of the Miriam Carey Shooting incident. It was Tommy Sotomayor that was discussing mental health issues regarding black people that caused my confusion with HolyVessel34. I apologize for any confusion it may have caused and I repeat, it was not HolyVessel34 that conducted the morning talk show interview. His videos are however; what alerted me to the John Van Allen II, age 34, Oregon Shooting incident, where he was killed. It was his You Tube screen name with 34 in it that showed me that perhaps black people aged 34 were perhaps being tested by secret race specific weapons technology. A search led to John Van Allen II - age 34.

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

This colorful Old Man knows how to tell it like it is. Why not take a listen; you may begin to see things a whole lot differently. And if it makes no sense the first time....listen again. Then ask yourself if this world isn't in a real pickle RIGHT NOW, not some 7 years down the trail.

Thanks Steven,

Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dIfSBAU848
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Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy


Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy


This is really interesting!! Seems to tie in with so many signs in the sky!

Link of article or video : http:// www.foxnews.com/...hubble-sees-asteroid-spouting-six...tails

Behold, Christ is coming quickly and soon!

Patti C.

Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy


Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

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The most wicked pic yet of this thing...Awesome shots in the days ahead!

Signs in the heavens? Two comets racing towards Earth and Sun: ‘unprecedented’

Posted on November 23, 2013 by The Extinction Protocol

November 23, 2013 – SPACE – NASA spotted Comet ISON coming on strong on Thursday. An awesome set of images shows Comet Encke, its tail wriggling, along with Mercury and Earth. Then ISON enters the field. It looks like a comet race. It’s evidence, the space agency says, that ISON is still intact and hasn’t splintered as it approaches the sun. A camera on NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory captured the action Thursday. Watch the tails of the comets below. Solar wind, the particles that stream outward from the sun at 1 million miles per hour, make the comets’ tails move. – LA Times

Double Comets: Battams points out another exciting development: Comet Encke and Comet ISON are converging for a photogenic close encounter. “No they’re not going to hit each other – in reality they are millions of miles apart – but as seen from the STEREO-A spacecraft, they are going to get very close!” he says. “We are probably a couple of days away from seeing two comets almost side-by-side in that camera, with long tails flowing behind them in the solar wind. To say that such an image will be unprecedented is rather an understatement.” Stay tuned for that. –Space Weather

Comet ISON seen in the dawn sky with the planet Mercury in the background. The comets arrive on the heels of the Leonids meteor showers, to create even more spectacles to watch in space.


Typhoon Haiyan death toll rises to 5,200 in Philippines

Posted on November 22, 2013 by The Extinction Protocol

November 22, 2013 – PHILIPPINES – The number of people killed when a super typhoon devastated the Philippines has surpassed 5200, making it one of the country’s deadliest natural disasters. The official death toll from the storm jumped by nearly 1200 to 5209, with another 1611 people still missing, the spokesman for the government’s disaster management council, Reynaldo Balido, said on Friday. Super Typhoon Haiyan flattened dozens of towns across the central Philippines on November 8, bringing some of the strongest winds ever recorded and generating tsunami-like storm surges. Balido said the death toll rose sharply on Friday, increasing from 4015, after officials reported body counts from communities outside the worst-hit areas. “If you notice, there was not much movement in the death toll for the past few days. This was because the reporting rules required a casualty report signed by the city mayor and his health officer,” he said. “Now, the reports are coming in from the entire typhoon area.” The Philippines endures a seemingly never-ending pattern of deadly typhoons, earthquakes, volcano eruptions and other natural disasters.

It is located along a typhoon belt and the so-called Ring of Fire, a vast Pacific Ocean region where many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. But Haiyan now stands as one of the deadliest natural disasters ever recorded in the country, and the worst typhoon. The only other natural disaster to rival Haiyan was a tsunami triggered by a magnitude 7.9 earthquake in 1976 that killed between 5000 and 8000 people on the southern island of Mindanao. The latest disaster has triggered a giant, international relief effort, with dozens of countries and relief organizations rushing to deliver food, water and health services to isolated communities. The US military has performed the highest-profile role, while Japan has sent more than 1000 troops in its biggest deployment since World War II. China, which is embroiled in a long-running territorial dispute, has also sent a 300-bed hospital ship and relief supplies. -News


Reawakening? Chile’s Chaitén volcano shaken by earthquake swarm of 80 tremors

Posted on November 22, 2013 by The Extinction Protocol

In 2008, as seen here, Chile’s Chaitén volcano erupted after being dormant for more than 9,000 years. The eruption was the most powerful to occur on the planet in the last decade.

November 22, 2013 – CHILE – Increased seismic activity has been detected under the volcano, Chilean scientists reported. The devastating Plinian eruption of Chaitén in May 2008 forced the evacuation of the entire population of the small coastal town of Chaitén, located only a few kilometers south of the volcano. After the initial explosive phase, several lava domes have been growing slowly by extrusion of degassed, viscous magma. This phase ended in 2011 and since then, the volcano has only produced degassing. On 20 Nov at 08:07 (local time), a volcano-tectonic magnitude 2.4 earthquake occurred at 6 km depth north-east of the volcano. It was followed by a swarm of more than 80 quakes of mostly long-period type, characteristic for movements of fluids (gasses, water, and possibly magma) inside cracks inside the volcanic edifice. They are considered potential precursors to eruptive activity. In addition, pulses of volcanic tremor and a second volcanic-tectonic quakes of magnitude 2.7 at 11:39 local time, this time at shallow 4.4 km depth were recorded. –Volcano Discovery


Tavurvur volcano (Rabaul, PNG) activity summary: explosions and ash emissions

Posted on November 22, 2013 by The Extinction Protocol

November 22, 2013 – PAPUA, NG – RVO reported that Rabaul caldera’s Tavurvur cone was quiet during 1-12 November. At 0516 on 13 November a moderate explosion generated a dense billowing ash cloud that rose 1 km above the crater and drifted NW. A few more explosions continued after that, at irregular intervals; notably on 14 November at 0738, 0851, 1308, 2044, and on 15 November at 1903. Ash plumes from these events also drifted NW. During 1-15 November seismicity was very low, except for events associated with the explosions. Deformation measurements showed slight inflation of the central part of the caldera; the long-term inflationary trend continued. –Volcano Discovery

THIS, Is Comet ISON! Amazing New Image Of The Inner Coma of ISON!

The Pic was taken from the canary islands by Fritz Helmut Hemmerich.
The Core of this thing is Huge and absolutley wicked looking!

Fire in the Sky News/More awesome Ukraine footage!/ISON Huge! (new vid)

Thanksgiving Day Surprise? Indication That ‘Terrible Event’ Will Happen Nov. 28

A friend schooled in various prophecies and looking at the bigger picture believes that warnings from different sources indicate a “terrible event” may take place on November 28. He calls it the “Thanksgiving Day Surprise.”

What he said in an email is below.

“When warnings from different sources indicate the same date for a terrible event, I become very interested. Then when strange and/or significant events are due to happen on that very date, I research it and examine it over and over. I find there is reason for concern that something may surprise us, this 28 Nov (Thanksgiving). Now let me outline each warning and/or concurrent events. Finally, you need to do your own research and judge for yourself.

1. A crop circle (source aliens?) shows an hour glass with sand (time) running out and indicates the date of this Thanksgiving. Reference

2. The strange and now infamous Illuminati video-warning for people to “Run Away” from “New York Water Sector.” Encoded in the symbols at the end of the video is the message “It is time (Clock) to balance (Yin-Yang) the world’s (Globe) power (Electric Plug).” The waves could indicate “the current” (present) or “by tsunami.” I believe the video also has the date 11/28 coded in it … as the web site’s address is 2311…etc. and (in the orginal posting of the video) that date was circled clockwise or advanced five times giving the date 28-11 or 11/28. What date can be more fitting to bring America down than Thanksgiving Day? (source) References Most widely known version before being taken down.) (Original version of video contained in this video… possibly the only place you can find the circling of 2311.) (a list of some organizations of the Illuminati)

2A. Missing nukes taken from Dyess AFB along with the subsequent firings of high ranking Generals/Admirals responsible for nuclear weapons. Reference

2B. Nuclear destruction of a city followed by flooding seems to be coded on our US currency. Reference

2C. Nostradamus’ warning of the destruction of a “New city;” with what might be description of a nuclear detonation.

Reference: Quatrain VI-97
At forty and five degrees the sky will burn, (Longitude NYC Water Sector=40.5 degrees)
Fire to approach the great new city:
In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up,
When they want to have proof from the Normans.

2D. Art chisled in the columns of NY St John’s Cathedral showing the destruction of New York City. Reference

3. Comet Ison closest approach to the sun will on 28 Nov. Several scientist/astronomers have noted that when a large space object closely approaches or hits the sun, unexpected things like large solar flares are likely to happen. Reference (at the end of video)

4. NASA has secretly known of ISON’s approach since 2004 or 2005. NASA has secretly positioned a space probe in a perfect spot to monitor Ison’s closest point to the Sun. NASA has lied about the probe’s mission and the probe’s status. Reference

5. Janet Napolitano’s warning that there WILL BE a cyber attack. National Geographic special on Lights Out a cyber attack resulting in a 10-day power grid outage. Numerous whistle-blowers in FEMA, Homeland Security, the US military and truck drivers indicating that portions of our government are planning a false-flag cyber attack, grid outage and Martial Law coming sometime in November or December. Reference (full length American Blackout over 1 hr)
Reference (General Information) Additionally there is a new reference from an anonymous general indicating the cyber attack and grid outage will be towards the end of Nov or December. (John Moore show )

6. Two Christian women claim they have messages indicating something is going to happen on Thanksgiving. Reference“

Link: http://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2013/11/thanksgiving-day-surprise-indication-that-terrible-event-will-happen-nov-28-2455964.html

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes

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Do the Math and tell me what you think? If the X Flare on the 19th had not stripped Ison it
would appear 4 X bigger that it does now.. the giant outer coma and several
pieces were peeled away.. the size went from 250,000 km to 70,000 km.
Encke was hit but not stripped because it is not diving at the sun the Way ISON

ISON Rapidly Regaining it's Coma and Tail.


ISON Geocentric Distance Updater

This shows you the Geocentric distance of comet ISON , as it is moving.

Comet 2012 S1 (ISON) Geocentric Distance



Here is the link to follow

Comet ISON

God Bless





Comet 2012 S1 (ISON) Geocentric Distance


Real-time Distance Calculator

Local Time:
Wed Nov 6 10:14:06 PST 2013

Universal Time:
Wed Nov 6 18:14:06 UTC 2013

Julian Day:

Earth-Comet Distance:
1.0738 AU
99,816,044 miles

Sun-Comet Distance:
0.8522 AU
79,217,740 miles

Comet Velocity:
28.29 miles/second

Light Time:
8.93 minutes

Calculation Time:
0.002 seconds

Comet ISON Calculator Page Notes
History and Construction

The calculator page was designed and built by Horace Dale, Jason Boss, and Scott Meves. The original template was constructed for calculating the Earth-Mars geocentric distance in real time by Horace and Scott back in 2003 for the close approach of Mars in August of that year. Instead of incorporating standard orbital elements (which will change over time) they used the VSOP87 algorithm so updates are needed less frequently. The Mars calculator has been running great ever since. This comet calculator required only few small modifications to the Mars code and should remain accurate enough to keep everyone entertained when Comet ISON is obscured by cloudy conditions. This calculator runs based on the time from your computer, this means, if you have permission to change your system time, you can run the calculator forward or backward to find certain conditions.

Some Interesting Things to Look For!

The comet will continue to accelerate on its way to perihelion (its closest distance from the sun), which occurs on Nov 28, 2013. In January 2013, the comet was traveling at a little more than 11 miles/second. Watch as the comet velocity increases more rapidly as it approaches perihelion. The comet will reach a maximum velocity of more than 230 miles/second (370 km/sec) as it goes around the sun in November 2013!

There are a few dates when the Earth-Comet distance will change font color. Our calculator shows a blue colored font when the Earth-Comet distance is decreasing (or moving closer) and a red font when the distance is increasing (moving away from Earth). This happens because of the relative motions of Earth and the comet around the Sun. The dates to look for are:
•8-9 February, 2013 the numbers change from blue to red
•12 May, 2013 the numbers change again from red to blue
•21 November, 2013 the numbers change from blue to red
•28 November, 2013 perihelion, numbers change from red to blue
•23 December, 2013 numbers change from blue to red. This will also be the closest to Earth at about 0.4 AU.

Technical Notes
Since Comet ISON currently has a trajectory that is nearly a perfect parabola, we were able to simplify the calculations in the script by using the equations for perfect parabolic motion. To put this in perspective, Comet ISON currently has an eccentricity of 1.000002 so we used 1. We expect these values, along with the other elements, to change only slightly as more observations are made. We will keep updating the code as new elements are determined. If the eccentricity happens to change enough to produce any significant errors, we will apply a different set of equations in the script to keep the calculator within a reasonable error.

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes

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ISON Rapidly Regaining it's Coma and Tail.

ISON/Will History Repeat Itself?


Could Comet ISON Cause Revelation 8?

7 Year Old Boy Hit With Meteorite In Florida!!

BREAKING: "Comet ISON Causes BOOM Over Canada

"Comet ISON Chaos" Beheadings, Train Derailment, B-2 Bomber

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGgxQOth7ms
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Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R51ZSuvsuY
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Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

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Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbEOGIX1E-s
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ISON/Problem with the Math

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

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Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gfl9Gi3pxI
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ISON Survives! 'Ancient Time-Traveler' travels on!

ISON Holding Predicted Path.

ISON One Says it broke days ago and why



Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXZi7iB-zNw
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Comet ISON "Survives It Is A Sign In The Heavens"

Comet ISON "Tail And Debris" Revelation Moment Possible..

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpGOSZyAVTA
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William Cooper is quoted in this video!!!!!!! William Cooper .....


Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBEwPTQ63uw
Note: Before commenting on any posts please make sure you either watch or read each post in it’s entirety. Before, making a comment, if you don’t have the time to watch or read fully please restrain from commenting. When you do this it will help to reduce confusion.

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MrCati's Dark Winter 2013 - 3 Days in December

This video highlights 3 suspect dates in December, that when combined with the timing of the unknown object sighted on 11-28-13, which many call Hercolobus, Such a massive object could bring about or produce what many call the 3 days of darkness.

Ritual code was used to identify 3 future ritual coded dates. I discovered that we will finish off the old year 2013, and bring in the New Year of 2014 in style. This timing when paired to the unknown object many are calling Hercolobus, it could be an indication of the intent of the NWO to advance the NWO one world govt,agenda and or initiate a global world war, based on some global event such as the Hercolobus event which they would prefer to remain undisclosed

It is food for thought. Nothing more.
My best regards.

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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Re: The Comet ISON - ZION Conspiracy

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGcLLO93Tog
Note: Before commenting on any posts please make sure you either watch or read each post in it’s entirety. Before, making a comment, if you don’t have the time to watch or read fully please restrain from commenting. When you do this it will help to reduce confusion.

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Ison Slices thru Lovejoys Tail.

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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