Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum

(Rapture is a Vatican/Jesuit Lie )
The "Resurrection" has been erroneously labeled The "Rapture". 



While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.  John 17:15 (KJV)

Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return:  "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"  Matt. 24:29 (KJV)



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Hebrew 5783-5788   Gregorian 2023-2028

 We are followers of Yahusha/JESUS Only​​​​​​​
Yahusha/JESUS is YHVH/GOD/YHWH-Yahusha/Son:
​​​​​​​Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD

Yahusha is I Am That I Am  (Exodus 3:14)

Yahusha is YHWH  come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of  a Virgin.

Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence

When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels. 

John 14:26
"the breath of life"

But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.

God is not His  Name but a term.  The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.

There is no Trinity.  The Father, YHVH  and Yahusha are One  (John 10:30)






Book of Enoch: http://tinyurl.com/BkOfEnoch

The book of Second Peter and Jude Authenticate the book of Enoch and Vice Versa





All Of The Apocryphal Books Of

The King James 1611 Version


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Rapture New Updates: August 9 2013

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes

Link: http://www.raptureready.com/rapnews_db.php
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09 Aug 13

Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan 'gunned down pleading pregnant woman'
Nidal Hasan gunned down 13 fellow soldiers including a pregnant woman who pleaded for the life of her unborn child and screamed "My baby, my baby, my baby," a court martial heard. Private Francheska Velez, 21, who had become pregnant while serving in Iraq, was one of those killed in the massacre carried out by Hasan, an American-born Muslim, in a medical building at the Fort Hood military base in Texas on Nov 5, 2009.

Agent: IRS Still Targeting Tea Party Groups
The Internal Revenue Service is still targeting tea party and conservative groups in their applications for tax-exempt status, a full three months after the scandal first erupted. "In plain English, the IRS is still targeting tea party cases," an aide to Rep. Dave Camp, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, told The Washington Examiner.

Hubble Finds Source of Magellanic Stream: Astronomers Explore Origin of Gas Ribbon Wrapped Around Our Galaxy
Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have solved a 40-year mystery on the origin of the Magellanic Stream, a long ribbon of gas stretching nearly halfway around our Milky Way galaxy.

African Bishop Anathematizes Episcopal Presiding Bishop
An Anglican Catholic Church (ACC) bishop from Southern Africa has anathematized the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Katharine Jefferts Schori, saying that she has committed the one unforgiveable sin: that of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. He accused the Episcopal Presiding Bishop of saying that "all the writings of St. Paul are satanically inspired. I pronounce publicly that she is anathema!

Rand Paul OpEd: Obama Should Be Held Accountable For Benghazi
CNN now reports that at least 35 American agents were in Benghazi and the CIA is doing everything possible to prevent them from testifying to Congress. Did Clinton lie because the CIA program was classified? Is it OK to lie to Congress about classified programs? Obama's national intelligence director, James Clapper, lied to the Senate in March of this year when he testified that no American records were being collected by the NSA. He tried to explain his prevarication by saying that he responded in the least untruthful way he knew how because the program was classified.

Obama Lies To Leno: We Don't Have A Domestic Spying Program
Obama tells comedian Jay Leno that "We don’t have a domestic spying program." He made the comment during a taping of Leno's TV show. Obama also says the U.S. is not overreacting by closing some U.S. embassies for a week. The president tells Leno, "The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of dying in a car accident, unfortunately."

Congress Gets Their Obamacare Exemption
When Congress passed the health reform law known as Obamacare in 2010, an amendment required that lawmakers and their staff members purchase health insurance through the online exchanges that the law created. They would lose generous coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

Snowden link to encrypted email service closes
Two encrypted email services have closed down for reasons linked to US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden. Texas-based Lavabit service has shut down but said legal reasons prevented it explaining why. Correspondents say Lavabit appears to have been in a legal battle to stop US officials accessing customer details.

Obama’s $195 Million Aid Package for Al Qaeda-Led Syrian Rebels
President Barack Obama’s announcement of an additional $195 million in humanitarian and food aid to Syrian rebels came a day after Al Qaeda-linked forces led those same rebels in an offensive that landed them control over a strategic military airport. The aid package is the latest gesture of support...to forces that have become dominated by elements the U.S. has been fighting against since the days following 9/11.

U.S. declares 'unusual mortality event' as dolphin deaths rise
Federal scientists investigating an unusually high number of dead bottlenose dolphins washing up on the East Coast said on Thursday the carcasses are showing up at a rate that is seven times higher than usual. More than 120 dead animals have been discovered since June from New Jersey to Virginia, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Fisheries Service said.

Deadly floods hit central US with Missouri worst affected
Up to three people have died in flash floods that have sparked alerts in several US states. A child was killed and his mother is presumed dead after their car was swept away in Missouri, which has suffered the worst of the deluge. Another woman died as her car drove over a bridge in rapidly rising waters in the same state.

US speaks to Israel over its approval of 147 new settler homes and plans for 949 more
The United States has called Israel over its approval of 147 new West Bank settler homes and its decision to advance plans for 949 other units just one week after direct peace negotiations resumed in Washington. The second round of talks is to be held in Jerusalem on August 14, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki confirmed on Thursday at a press briefing in Washington.

Greek unemployment rate hit record high in May
Greece's unemployment rate hit another record high in May of 27.6%, according to the country's statistics body. The figure, from the Hellenic Statistics Authority, compares with a jobless rate of 23.8% in May last year.

US withdraws diplomats from Lahore consulate in Pakistan
The US has ordered all non-essential government personnel to leave its consulate in the Pakistani city of Lahore. A senior State Department official said the move was in response to a "credible threat" to the consulate. US personnel remaining in Lahore should limit non-essential travel within the country, the official said.

Egypt's coup puts fearful Christians in a corner
It was nighttime and 10,000 Islamists were marching down the most heavily Christian street in this ancient Egyptian city, chanting "Islamic, Islamic, despite the Christians." A half-dozen kids were spray-painting "Boycott the Christians" on walls, supervised by an adult.

Obama’s Putin snub puts new focus on Moscow’s China ties
When leaders of the G20 assemble in St Petersburg next month, all eyes will be on the body language between the host Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama, who this week snubbed the Russian leader by cancelling a separate summit in Moscow. But the cameras will also be keen to capture the chemistry between Mr Putin and Xi Jinping, the Chinese leader who has quietly encouraged the growing rapprochement between the two nations.


08 Aug 13

Blue Cross, Aetna, United, Humana Flee Obamacare Exchanges
Major health insurance companies--Blue Cross, Aetna, United, Humana--have decided not to participate in various states in the Obamacare health-insurance exchanges that will be the only place Americans will be able to buy a health insurance plan using the federal subsidies authorized under the Obamacare law.

Surprise! IRS assault on churches started with Holder
The seeds of the IRS targeting of conservative groups were planted by Eric Holder in 2001 when as deputy attorney general under President Bill Clinton he convinced incoming Attorney General John Ashcroft to seize the building of a conservative megachurch, says the church’s retired pastor.

Person-to-Person H7N9 Transmission: First Case Detailed in New Report
The case of a father and daughter in China who both became infected with H7N9 bird flu provides the strongest evidence yet that the virus can transmit from person to person, experts say.

Spectacular filament eruption & Earth directed CME - August 6, 2013
A spectacular filament eruption was observed.... A strong Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) has been seen following this energetic impulsive eruption and it does seem to have an earth-bound component which should impact the Earth late on the August 10.

Earthquake: 3.0 quake strikes near Pine Valley, Calif.
A shallow magnitude 3.0 earthquake was reported Wednesday evening 16 miles from Pine Valley, Calif., according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The temblor occurred at 6:15 p.m. at a depth of 3.1 miles.

Ex-Border Patrol Agents Warn: Politicians Helping Cartels in U.S.
In an open letter to the public in late July, several retired Border Patrol agents wrote on behalf of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers to warn that Mexican drug cartels are actively operating inside the United States spending millions every year to try to build their networks here. They argued that American politicians are protecting their activities as well.

Obama Diminished Presidency by Talking National Security on Leno
"The president of the United States went to a late-night comedy show for his first-ever statement about this increased terror threat. A late-night comedy show." Limbaugh added that though there is "nothing wrong with late-night comedy shows," this "would not have happened with any prior president." "Matters of such consequence, matters of such seriousness would have been dealt with in a far more serious and appropriate way and forum and time of day," Limbaugh said. "There were serious items on the agenda in our relationship with Russia, and all of it was treated as a joke. All of it was treated as unserious, halfhearted, nothing to really be concerned about."

Pakistan Ramadan Massacre: Karachi Motorcycle Bomb Kills Child Footballers
Motorcycle bomb kills 11 victims, mainly children and teenagers...

Obama administration using housing department to compel diversity in neighborhoods
...the Department of Housing and Urban Development is imposing a new rule that would allow the feds to track diversity in America’s neighborhoods and then push policies to change those it deems discriminatory. The policy, "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing," will require HUD to gather data on segregation and discrimination in every single neighborhood and try to remedy it.

Exclusive: IRS manual detailed DEA's use of hidden intel evidence
Details of a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration program that feeds tips to federal agents and then instructs them to alter the investigative trail were published in a manual used by agents of the Internal Revenue Service for two years. The practice of recreating the investigative trail...is now under review by the Justice Department. Two high-profile Republicans have also raised questions about the procedure.

Egypt crisis: US-EU call to end 'dangerous stalemate'
The US and the European Union have called on all sides in Egypt's political crisis to end "a dangerous stalemate" after the interim government said foreign mediation had failed. In a joint statement, they said the Egyptian government bore a special responsibility to begin this process. The army-backed government says it will break up sit-ins in Cairo being held by supporters of ousted President Morsi.

EU refreshes diplomatic contacts with Iran
The EU has reacted to Iran's appeal for better ties with a series of informal meetings and friendly statements. French foreign minister Laurent Fabius met with Iran's ambassador to France, Ali Ahani, in Paris on Tuesday (6 August), while Italy's deputy foreign minister, Lapo Pistelli, the same day went to Tehran for a two-day visit.

Egypt Islamists stage Eid protests after military holds back
Islamist supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi began marching to demand his restoration on Thursday after the military-led authorities that removed him held off from carrying out a threat to clear protest sit-ins by force. Interim President Adli Mansour declared ...that international diplomatic efforts... had failed and...warned protesters to leave their protest camps...

Report: Iran launch site 'likely for testing ballistic missiles'
Iran has built a new rocket launch site which is likely to be used for testing ballistic missiles, The Daily Telegraph cites military analysts as saying. According to the report, satellite images of the structure taken last month and published by IHS Jane’s Military and Security Assessments shows a 23 meters tall launch tower sitting on a launch pad. The images also shows a 125 meters long exhaust deflector.



Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Rapture New Updates: August 9 2013

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes

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Feast to Famine: Egypt faces major crisis as post-Ramadan festivities end

3MIN News August 9, 2013: Life on Europa? Earth-Directed CMEs

Alert pole shift news ice caps are melting

BREAKING: "TSA Pat-Downs" Streets / Doug Hagmann

Romans 8 Promise "You Can Make It In Troublesome Times"

Alec Baldwin / Fire California / Rain Music City's / Murder

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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Re: Rapture New Updates: August 9 2013

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes

Note: Before commenting on any posts please make sure you either watch or read each post in it’s entirety. Before, making a comment, if you don’t have the time to watch or read fully please restrain from commenting. When you do this it will help to reduce confusion.

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Signs in the Sun : Sun Magnetic Pole shift could effect the entire Solar System (Aug 08, 2013)

Perseid meteor shower promises lots of fireballs

ALERT: Snowden's encrypted email service shut down because of crimes against Americans

Alert Pole Shift News Update How Confident Am I On The 40 Degrees

U. S. orders diplomats out of Lahore, Pakistan

8-9-13 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

If you are new to this site and would like to post articles, opinions, youtube videos that are appropriate for this site just e mail me at

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Re: Rapture New Updates: August 9 2013

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes

Note: Before commenting on any posts please make sure you either watch or read each post in it’s entirety. Before, making a comment, if you don’t have the time to watch or read fully please restrain from commenting. When you do this it will help to reduce confusion.

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Alert: Obama has secret meeting with leading business, top IT business,and top telecoms chiefs

Huge Security Alert! All User Passwords Are Visible on Google Chrome!

Head the warning signs and protect you, your friends and family from attacks and hacks. Being proactive with the right info can help keep you protected !

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora for August 9, 2013

Author Frank DiMora shows you reports connecting Bible prophecy with current events. One of the many reports have to do with God's curse on Ameria for working to divide up Israel. There a lot more in the video.

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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