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Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return:  "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"  Matt. 24:29 (KJV)



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Yahusha is YHWH  come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of  a Virgin.

Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence

When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels. 

John 14:26
"the breath of life"

But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.

God is not His  Name but a term.  The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.

There is no Trinity.  The Father, YHVH  and Yahusha are One  (John 10:30)






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Luis Vega (8 Jan 2013)
"A TEMPLE FOR THE ARK OF THE COVENANT - Mathematical Correlation for locating Holy of Holies"



A Temple for the Ark of the Covenant

Possible mathematical correlation for locating Holy of Hollies
Overlay of 2nd Jewish Temple Landmarks with current muslim Structures

By Luis B. Vega


Chart online at http://www.sonoma.edu/users/v/vegalu/eschatology_files/Ark1.pdf

Then the Word of the Lord came through the prophet Haggai: Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin? –Haggai 1:1-4

The Jewish people are at a prophetic crossroads in our present time. With the ever increasing threat of all-out regional war in the Middle East, perhaps the time has come for the Jewish Nation to once again rebuild the Temple of Worship to YHWH despite the current political & religious opposition to it happening. According to the Bible, YHWH directed Israel to be the steward of GOD’s House on Earth or Temple that would be a House of Prayer for all Nations in Jerusalem.

This study will seek to draw certain prophetic parallels from the time of Israel’s return from the Babylonian Captivity to rebuild the 2nd Temple. It was a time of constant harassment from the surrounding enemies of Israel & those occupying the Land in an attempt to thwart the plans to establish Jewish re-settlements & construct the 2nd Temple as the LORD directed Israel to do. This study will also present a theory that seeks to use the Fibonacci Ratio to establish the true location of the Holy of Holies from the reference point of the ‘Navel’ or the Foundation Stone within the Dome of the Rock.

If you look that the Top View of the illustrated chart accompanying this study, it is amazing to see & notice how the old Roman & current muslim structures on the Temple Mount appear to mark off the prior Temple’s boundaries by certain walkways, corners and gates. The schematics presented in the chart accompanying this study will illustrate several conceptual renditions.

1) What the past 2nd Temple era boundaries possibly consisted of

2) How past structures & boundaries correspond to the present-day Temple Mount layout and

3) How the possible future 3rd Temple is overlaid based on perhaps what could be a pivotal clue using the Fibonacci Ratio as references from the Foundation Stone in the Dome of the Rock.

According to some interpretations of the Book of Daniel, there will be a fully functional Temple worship service in the End of Days. The Book of Revelation also collaborates with Daniel in that there will be in service, at the End of Time, a yet future Temple that will be desecrated by the AntiChrist. (Daniel 11:31) This notion is popularly held to occur before the 2nd Advent of Jesus Christ despite the current political & religious impossibility. The challenges to such a construction of the 3rd Temple are presently enormous; where is the exact location to be found, where is the Ark of the Covenant, if it still exists & how will the muslim administration of the Temple Mount facilitate this future arrangement, etc.

Nonetheless, prophetically, once the exact ‘time’ is reached, the location of the Holy of Holies will be determined & the 3rd Temple will be built. Perhaps it will only be then that the Ark of the Covenant will be revealed & housed thereafter in that future Temple. This notion presupposes 2 incredible events yet to take place within our lifetime according to the Bible. One is that that a 3rd Temple well be built. Two, is that the Ark of the Covenant will be unveiled & placed within the Holy of Holies. Spectacularly, the time associated prophetically with these future Temple events will no less involve some of Israel’s greatest Prophets. They will be Moses, Elijah (assuming one supposition of who the 2 Witnesses are), the False Prophet & the AntiChrist according to the Book of Revelation.

the Foundation Stone

The theory presented here in this essay & by way of the illustrated chart is that mathematically, the exact location of the Holy of Holies of the 1st & 2nd Temples can be determined based on the Dome of the Rock’s Foundation Stone. This theory collaborates & agrees with the already postulated theory that the Holy of Holies is directly over the Dome of the Spirits site on the Temple Mount. The proof will be speculative in so much as that a Fibonacci Ratio or ‘spiral’ from the Foundation Stone within the Dome of the Rock or the ‘Navel’ as it is often referred to is projected out to the Dome of the Spirits. (See chart for illustration.)

This Foundation Stone within the enclosure of the Dome of the Rock has a significant circular hole carved out within the Rock that protrudes out the ground. The hole resembles a ‘navel’ –as in that of the human body. It is held tradition that this precise site is the ‘Navel of the Earth’ & from which the LORD started His creation of Earth from. It is also held that this location on the Temple Mount was where Abraham was put to the test with Isaac & that it was the -or a boundary for the Garden of Eden from which either Adam & Eve were expelled or not allowed to enter at. It is also the place in which Jacob rested his head on a stone & was given the vision of the Heavenly Ladder up to the Gates of the House of the LORD from which the pre-incarnated Jesus Christ was standing at.

the Mathematical Pattern

The Fibonacci Ratio φ might well be the key in determining the actual dimension & boundaries of the Temple & its environs. By projecting out such a Fibonacci Ratio φ from the Dome of the ROCK to spiral out & intersect the Dome of the Spirits precisely is perhaps a concept not yet considered by Biblical researchers. The direct proportion of the Fibonacci Ratio φ determined by the Dome of the Rock’s φ Ratio is to be kept exactly as it is applied to the reference point of the Dome of the Spirits; this is what will determine the Temple’s layout proportions.

This mathematical theory supposes that perhaps the true mark that is to determine the Temple’s true dimensions & boundaries can be obtained from the same φ Ratio used from the Dome of the Rock’s Foundation Stone once applied to the Dome of the Spirits. If this theory is valid, then the dimension of the Temple Proper, which consists of the end of Court of Israel to the end of Temple building edge can be precisely determined. (See chart of illustration) This theory only seeks to present a postulated model using a mathematical relationship & scale that perhaps will accurately give the precise dimensions of the Temple Proper.

On both accounts, it appears that the spirals or the φ Ratio that intersect the Dome of the Spirits precisely validates where the mark the Ark’s true resting place will be once the 3rd Temple to be rebuild. Of further consequence, if the intersecting lines are protected out fro, both ends of the Ratio patterns, they give you the western boundaries of the Temple Platform itself – from where the Fortress Antonia was to Robinson’s Arch.

Islamic Revisionism
The islamic Palestinian authority that currently has administrative rights on the Temple Mount -given by Moshe Dayan as a ‘privilege’ after the 1967 Six-Day War, has allegedly destroyed & is destroying considerable amounts of Jewish 1st & 2nd Temple era artifacts & fragments. They are in a guest to remove any Jewish association with the Temple Mount. In the guise of ‘renovation’, they have violated the conditions of their given administration rights by the Israeli government & have destroyed much of any 1st & 2nd Temple artifacts that have been subsequently unearthed by excavations. Tons of debris has been dumped in the Valleys below the Mount without regard to its archeological significance. They have burned wood from the 2nd Temple era & seem to be on a quest to stamp out any archeological relevance linking the Temple Mount to the Temple of Solomon & Herod.

The current efforts of the muslim Temple Mount authority have also been to restrict any digging or prayer by Jewish Believers on the Mount itself. As it stands now, pardon the pun, the Dome of the Rock is a muslim structure that has only been in existence since the 690s AD. It is only the 3rd holiest shrine in the muslim world, not the first. When muslims pray from the Dome on the Mount, they face Mecca, not the where the House of GOD once stood. The city of Jerusalem is not even mentioned once in their so called sacred book. Perhaps because of such a lack of connection & association on the part of the current muslim claim to the Temple Mount, it will be all that much easier to let go once the conditions & time is right to let it be gone as opposed to if the contention was over, say over Mecca’s black box.

Currently, the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount is for muslims only & not a ‘House of Prayer for all Nations’ that YHWH had instructed the place to be. If the islamic ‘god’ is the same ‘god’ as that of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, then there is a contradiction & confusion of the ‘gods’. If the ‘god’ of the muslims was the same as the GOD of the Bible, then the muslims would gladly allow for the Jewish Nation to proceed with the construction of the Temple per YHWH request & desire. This has not been & will not be the case for the muslim world. Thus it is speculated that when the AntiChrist comes on the scene, there will either be an event that will cause the muslim world to capitulate on this stance regarding the Temple Mount. This will either be by a political maneuver, a world war or a combination of such that will facilitate the construction of the 3rd Temple, perhaps it will be because the disclosure of the Ark of the Covenant will demand it.

Why is the Ark to be relevant in the Last Days

The Ark of the Covenant was the primary storage container for the 10 Commandments given directly by the Hand of YHWH on Mt Sinai to Moses & the Jewish Nation. It was a ’covenant’ for all eternity. The ’Throne box’ was a duplicate copy of the one in Heaven’s Throne Room. The 2nd set of Tablets or Tablet was made by Moses as the 1st was broken by Moses when the Hebrews worshipped the Golden Calf while Moses was receiving the very Law.

The Ark also had a token sample of the Manna that the LORD provided Israel during the 40 year Wilderness journey & the almond Staff of Aaron that budded. Once a year, on Yom Kippur, only the High Priest would be required to pour blood upon the Mercy Seat of the Ark as a propitiation for Israel’s national sins. The Ark was situated in the midst of the Holy of Holies. Contrary to the much accepted notion, the Temple was constructed to house the Ark, not the Ark for the Temple.

The Ark of the Covenant will be relevant during the Tribulation Period because it will forever establish & prove who the real Messiah was & is. The Ark is at the center & the most important religious relic Israel has known; it provided a tangible symbol of their relationship with YHWH. It speaks & represents the aspirations of a Nation that is still waiting for its understanding of who the Messiah is or will be. In part, due to Israel’s national stubbornness & current blindness, Israel will accept the false Messiah to come proclaiming that ‘he’ is the One promised & ‘Master of the Ark’.

It will be lucifer that will use the Ark of the Covenant for his own -next to his final manifestation in an attempt to destroy those he falsely promises to protect & receive worship from, Israel. It will only be then when lucifer, possessing the AntiChrist false Messiah, enters the Holy of Holies & sits on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant that ALL of Israel will finally see that this false Messiah was & is The Imposter. What is blasphemy is not necessarily that this false Messiah sits on the Ark of the Covenant, but that he will demand absolute homage & worship be ascribed to him alone from Israel, not for YHWH. Any Jew or Gentile not receiving the Beast’s Mark will be either cut off from the ‘grid’ to either starve or be beheaded for lack of allegiance.

A Type of the Messiah
Prophetically, the Ark of the Covenant on one level is a picture of Christ & how He is GOD’s agent of mercy & love for Humanity. The Ark shows how ‘mercy’ or love covers a multitude of sins or requirements of the Law. The Manna or Bread is what Christ said about Himself about being the Bread of Life. The Branch or Aaron’s Staff alludes to Christ’s being the chosen Priest to officiate the duty of being the Intercessor. The Staff alludes to one of His Messianic Titles, the “Branch of the LORD” that shall come forth & bud.

The Law represents the morality & righteous standard of the LORD that only Jesus Christ was able to not only fulfill as a Man on behalf of Humanity’s representative before the LORD but He imputed that righteousness to those that avail themselves of the shed blood that paid for the sins of all Humanity on the Cross of Calvary. In the Letter to the Hebrews, it states that Christ Himself, as the King, Priest & Prophet presented His own Blood at the Heavenly Ark of the Covenant or Throne of the LORD in Heaven. This is a profound mystery & accomplishment.

The Ark of the Covenant, on the other hand represented the failure of GOD’s People to keep the LORD’s ordinances & commandments. Each element within the Ark speaks of judgment upon Israel for their unbelief & unfaithfulness. The Law Tablet was broken; the Manna was given when Israel murmured for food & did not believe the LORD would provide for them in the Wilderness. The Staff was a sign of who was to be of the Priestly line to serve in the Temple Worship Services because there was a contention about it against the LORD even though it was very clear that the LORD had chosen Aaron’s descendants for such service.

Perhaps as the Church is removed at the time of the Rapture & the LORD re-focuses His attention back to Israel. Why? It will be to a time needed to finish His ‘judgments’ in a since as before during the Wilderness. Perhaps it will take such elements as concrete symbols that will resurface i.e. the Ark of the Covenant that will serve as object lesion –all over again. Plus, according so some interpretations of eschatology, Moses Himself is to come back & address Israel’s current national blindness to Jesus Christ & all that has transpired since the removal of the Bride of Christ as one of the 2 Witnesses during this future time.

The Seat of Power

This Ark is what is left of the original furnishings constructed by Moses during the Exodus out of Egypt as described in the Book of Genesis. Perhaps it will be unveiled once the conditions to rebuilt the 3rd Temple is prime & thus for the true Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ to come on the scene. The Ark of the Covenant was basically a portable “Throne Chair” in which the ‘Shekhinah’ שכינה Glory rested & the Presence of GOD was manifested in Israel during Biblical times. It was the symbol of GOD’s absolute power & authority over mankind.

The Ark mirrored the real one in the Throne Room of YHWH in HEAVEN. The Ark’s design, as illustrated by the chart accompanying this study, is taken from alleged first eyewitness accounts of Biblical research & explorer R. Wyatt. What is intriguing is that such a design has been novel in its illustration as many other renditions seek to approximate the Ark’s true form. Since Moses & the Israelites had some 400 years of Egyptian style architecture & art in their psyche, it is not a far stretch of the imagination to have the Ark’s design be heavily influenced by such designs.

In the majority of sketches of Egyptian renditions of Cherub’s or Angelic Begins, they most always had the front wing directed downwards & the back wings directed upwards when looking directly at a chest or box that they guarded. With such a design or pattern, the Cherubs of the Ark of the Covenant form a ‘pyramid’ type backdrop. Furthermore, the Bible does describe that the Shekhinah aura resonated & rested between the Cherubs.

Perhaps if this imagery can be illustrated, this aura could have been at the location were the ‘pyramid’ construed by the Cherubs joined with outreached wings, that is to say, the apex of the ‘pyramid’. In other words, it resembles the ‘all seeing eye’ of the truncated pyramid of the Freemason & luciferians as in the U.S. one dollar Federal Reserve note. Perhaps this is where satan has mimicked this supreme iconoclastic pattern of the LORD & usurped it as his own because it originates in what could somehow be manifesting at the very Throne Chair of the LORD in the Heavenly Temple. (See chart for illustration)

In the Book of Daniel, it alludes that a Temple will be standing during the reign of the AntiChrist & it will have the Ark of the Covenant within it. The Bible declares that an event called the Abomination of Desolation will take place related to the future Temple. This event has to do with either setting up an idol or statue of some type on the side of the Temple or inside of it. Another speculation is that the AntiChrist, as a mere mortal man, once fully possessed bodily by lucifer himself, will enter the Holy of Holies where the Mercy Seat is at and sit down on it to publically proclaim that he is the long awaited Messiah; in essence taking the place & ‘dethroning’ YHWH, at least on Earth.

In 1967, the Jews recaptured the Old City of Jerusalem along with the Temple Mount. This territory was not under Jewish sovereign control since AD 70 when the Nation was exiled by the Romans. The 2nd Temple was destroyed on the 9th of Av as was the 1st Temple on the very same date. There are many theories of where the Temple is to be rebuilt. An alternative speculative position, aside from the Dome of the Rock’s Foundation Stone, is that of the site that it is over the Dome of the Spirits, perhaps this is actually the correct correspondence to the Holy of Holies after all. This would religiously & politically accommodate the Dome of the Rock from having to be altercated or removed.
The following are just some hypothetical scenarios of how the 3rd Temple might come about.

1. A political maneuver or ‘Confirming’ could be brokered in which some possible “Peace for Land” is made in which the construction & service of the 3rd Temple would be accommodated.

2. A Treaty in which a Palestinian State is declared & recognized by the world and Israel is promised unconditional security in exchange for the construction of the 3rd Temple is allowed.

3. A spoil of war obtained by a possible all-out military & religious Islamic assault as alluded in Psalm 83 in which Israel’s enemies are supernaturally defeated and the Arab threat to Israel’s security will be such that Israel will abide in ‘cities without walls’ thereafter in preparation for the later Gog-Magog invasion. (Ezek 38-39)

The Preparations
The 3rd Temple is very close to being rebuilt; it is popularly stated among the Orthodox Jewry that ‘all we need is for Messiah to come’. Perhaps when the Ark appears, so too will Moses, it builder likewise appear. This would coincide with Moses being one of the 2 Witnesses as prescribed by the Book of Revelation.

The Temple Institute is one such Jewish body organized for this cause. They just finished in 2010 the last of the Temple items required for Temple Service, the adjustable Crown. (See www.TempleInstitute.org for details) What is left is for the Ark of the Covenant to be retrieved from where ever it is at currently. Many believe that it is hidden beneath the caverns of the Temple Mount itself. Many believe that the Ark never left Israel and at the right time, it will appear -to be placed in the 3rd Temple’s Holy of Holies. The resurfacing of this relic will be no doubt be a key event in eschatology & one of the most monumental discoveries in our modern times.

The Temple Mount Faithful is another religious Jewish group that is working to establish the 3rd Temple. They have the Corner Stones ready to be set for the 3rd Temple. Also, due to DNA and current science, the Red Heifers needed to purify the Temple Mount & nation to be ready for consecration of the Temple worship service have been procured. There is a DNA related ancestry registry database of those of the Aaronic Priestly lineage to serve as Priests. To this end there are many Jewish & Christian organizations in accordance to such a possibility & preparation. Such preparations have been made to have at least all the Temple furnishings, utensil, articles, clothing, protocols, & Priests ready to go once the Temple is erected.

The Creation Navel
As it is the case with the formation & function of the human navel in relation to a human gestation period of development, it is at the point of the navel that the umbilical chord is situated at & cut after birthing. This chord spirals to form a coil from the mother. How much so could a Fibonacci Ratio φ thus be used to pattern the spiral likewise from the most important geographical point on Earth. Perhaps if such a mathematical pattern is applied to such a location as the Foundation Stone, it could render the possible location of no less than the Holy of Holies where GOD’s Presence rested on Earth. Once the proportions are obtained from such a scale, this very same scale of spiral proportions will establish the 2nd mathematical relationship from the Dome of the Spirits. The Ratio is thus to be projecting such a similar Fibonacci Ratio φ proportion obtained from that 1st point off the Foundation Stone to project out from the Dome of the Spirits.

Of further interest is the assumption that the Temple Mount area has an anthropomorphic quality & principle to it. Over the centuries, here have been some postulations brought forth by only few researchers that the topological formation from the City of David to one of the believed spots of where Calvary is at forms an approximation of a ‘human body’. The City of David would consist of the ‘legs’, the Temple Mount itself would be the ‘navel’ but also the genital areas of both male & female functions. Consider the slaughter of thousands of bulls & lambs where the Brazen Alter stood & the amount of blood flowing in ‘cycles’.

There would also be enormous amounts of water needed to clean the Priests as in ‘washing away’ of sin & those approaching to worship. Then to the north side outside the Old City is currently a bus parking lot; yet above is the ‘Place of the ‘Skull’ because the side of the hill has such features. (See chart for illustration) This spot is one of the locations of where Calvary, which means ‘skull’, is believed to be where Jesus Christ was crucified. Coincidentally, the Garden Tomb is just nearby.

There might be some validity to this assertion if you consider the spiritual functionality of the Temple of the LORD. It was to be a House of Prayer for all Nations but more than that, it was the dwelling place of GOD’s Presence, the Shekhinah Glory was where GOD met with Mankind as it were ‘face to face’. The Temple also served as a place of worship, consecration & where there was an ‘exchange’. At that place it was where the LORD washed the sins of Israel clean by exchanging the ‘filthy rages’ sort of speak that Isaiah 64:6 graphically alludes to in that portion of Scripture of what our sins are in the eyes of the LORD.

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Luis Vega (8 Jan 2013)
"A TEMPLE FOR THE ARK OF THE COVENANT - Mathematical Correlation for locating Holy of Holies"



A Temple for the Ark of the Covenant

Possible mathematical correlation for locating Holy of Hollies
Overlay of 2nd Jewish Temple Landmarks with current muslim Structures

By Luis B. Vega


Chart online at http://www.sonoma.edu/users/v/vegalu/eschatology_files/Ark1.pdf


There might be some validity to this assertion if you consider the spiritual functionality of the Temple of the LORD. It was to be a House of Prayer for all Nations but more than that, it was the dwelling place of GOD’s Presence, the Shekhinah Glory was where GOD met with Mankind as it were ‘face to face’. The Temple also served as a place of worship, consecration & where there was an ‘exchange’. At that place it was where the LORD washed the sins of Israel clean by exchanging the ‘filthy rages’ sort of speak that Isaiah 64:6 graphically alludes to in that portion of Scripture of what our sins are in the eyes of the LORD.

Prophetic Parallels

What we are seeing in Israel & the Jewish Nation experiencing today is exactly a repeat of Israel’s dilemma during Ezra & Zerubbabel’s time over the issue of the Temple Mount & GOD’s House. Back then, Israel (Judah) had just returned from the Diaspora of being taken out of the Land by Nebuchadnezzar for Israel’s sins & unfaithfulness to the LORD. After a period of exile to a Gentile Land, many returned, many stayed in Babylon. Thereafter, an effort was at least in thought & word proclaimed that Solomon’s Temple, the 1st on the Temple Mount would be rebuild. This reconstruction would be called the 2nd Temple.

Sadly the LORD had to admonish the Israelites for ‘building their own houses first & neglecting GOD’s House’ once the Jews returned to Jerusalem. (Haggai 1:2) In one parallel feature, since 1948, the Jews that have returned to Israel have primarily been preoccupied with ‘building their houses’ only or first. Perhaps the time is now come that despite the constant opposition to building YHWH’s House, Israel as a Nation united must see this as a priority & commitment.

The attempt by the returning Jews to the Land & rebuilding the 2nd Temple after the return of the Exile from Babylon is very similar today in its conditions & pattern of behavior from Israel’s enemies. There had to be an admonishment from the LORD to start the work of the Temple reconstruction, even though it was during a time of contention, opposition & hostility directly from the natural inhabitants of the land. As then, today the direct descendants of those very same peoples are apposing the reconstruction of the 3rd Temple as the Jews have returned from the Diaspora of AD 70.

The enemies of Israel then as now, used the world political stage to foster support from world leaders in power to successfully halt the work on more than one occasion. In today’s present context, it is the Palestinian Authority, the Arab League, the UN, the EU, the USA, etc., that do not want to see the Jews re-establish their settlements, much less erect the LORD’s Temple once again. As then with the contention so intense against Israel's quest to reconstruct the House of GOD, so too today Israel first had to secure its borders with a wall. Jerusalem had to be united & secured from attacks that sought to halt the Temple reconstruction. As Israel did then, it has done so now by erecting a wall, out of necessity for Israel’s security against muslim-arab constant attacks.

Despite the severe borage of attacks, political manipulation & international pressure against Israel, as the Jews did then, under the leadership of Ezra & Nehemiah, the construction likewise now needs to took place; with a ‘trowel on one hand and a sword on the other’. If Israel is fearful of inciting a muslim uprising & is waiting for ‘peace & security’ before it can tackle the concept of a 3rd Temple, it will never come to pass. The Palestinians & arab neighbors surrounding Israel are bent on erasing Israel off the map of the world. (See Psalm 83.)

The arab-muslim contention against Israel over the Temple Mount, East Jerusalem & the West Bank is that Israel preempted the military strike against the arabs during the 6-Day War. The arab nations were on a verge of attack, mainly, Egypt, Syria & Jordan. The arab argument is that since Israel was the ‘aggressor’ or fired first, any land acquired because of it is illegal & not recognized by the UN or the world for that matter. The Palestinians demand these Lands back as part of the Oslo Peace Accords. The Accords specified ‘Land for Peace’ but it was not based on the indefensible pre-1967 border of Israel. This is the current dilemma that only a regional all-out war or natural calamity will allow for the 3rd Temple to be rebuilt by Israel.

A Spiritual House

Israel became a sovereign nation in 1948 & the Temple Mount was acquired in 1967. What many believe that the next phase in GOD’s End Time plan for Israel is to erect on the holy ground that Israel has under its jurisdiction, the 3rd Temple to house the Ark of the Covenant on the Temple Mount. No Jewish Temple or for that matter the ‘House of the LORD’ has stood in the Temple Mount since AD 70 as foretold by Jesus Christ. Yet Christ Himself spoke in reference to the Prophet Daniel of a future yet Abomination of Desolation event that was to take place in the Temple. He admonished His Disciples & Jews to ‘flee to the hills’ i.e. Petra when this event would occur. The Prophet Daniel alludes to this event being the halting of the daily sacrifices –which can only presuppose a 3rd Temple yet in the future. This is when the AntiChrist will turn on the Jews for realizing & not recognizing his claim to Messiahship after all.

Since the Jewish Diaspora by the Romans took place because of the rejection of Jesus Christ as Israel’s Messiah, the national people of the Jews have had to wonder the four corners of the world until 1948. During that time, even though no physical ‘House’ was in place geographically in Jerusalem, the work on the Cross of Jesus Christ provided an opportunity for GOD to seek out a Gentile Bride & construct His ‘Spiritual House’ out of Gentile Believers & Jews. The New Testament of the Bible refers to as the ‘New Creation’ or the ‘New Man’ in Christ.

For over 2000 years now, the Church Age has been that ‘Temple of Worship’ filled with the Shekhinah Glory or Presence of the LORD by way of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that is currently sealing permanently individuals or ‘constructing’ each as if though a ‘brick’ into corporate Body of Christ or Temple of the LORD. At some point in time, once the House is COMPLETE, the LORD will ‘dwell’ within Her, as in reference to the New Jerusalem to be called out & up, i.e. Raptured.

The Church Body of Believers or the ‘Spiritual House of God’ is a unique phenomenon that presupposes the Rapture in order for the LORD to draw His attention back on an unbelieving National Israel once the Church is removed. The LORD will allow conditions to be such as they were when Solomon’s or the first Temple was constructed. Perhaps the last Temple will likewise have all the furnishings to include the Ark of the Covenant.

The Spiritual Warfare
There is one similarity between the Church as a Spiritual House & that of Israel’s attempt to rebuild the House of God during Ezra & Nehemiah’s time as it is with Israel now. The Church Age likewise has seen the same pattern of opposition to YHWH building His ‘Spiritual House’ –primarily from the same type of people. It is no surprise that islam is Christianity’ moral enemy. No other ‘religion’ on Earth is specifically & theologically against the core tenants of the Christian doctrines as islam is. Despite severe persecution, mass slaughter, genocide through out the centuries, the Church of Christ has not stopped building, evangelizing to procure this Spiritual House. Christ promised that the Gates of Hell would not overcome or overpower the Church as a whole.

There might seem times & places where it might appear that the Church is all but destroyed, distraught & in despair but the LORD has promised that no matter how hard the contention, opposition & assaults are, His Church, His Spiritual House, His Bride will Conquer to the very last ‘brick’ to be placed on the wall. In the end, the Bride will overcome & be complete because the Church’s ‘end’ is with Christ’s end & beginning forever & ever. Amen.


Temple Institute
Temple Mount Faithful


Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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