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While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.  John 17:15 (KJV)

Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return:  "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"  Matt. 24:29 (KJV)



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​​​​​​​Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD

Yahusha is I Am That I Am  (Exodus 3:14)

Yahusha is YHWH  come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of  a Virgin.

Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence

When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels. 

John 14:26
"the breath of life"

But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.

God is not His  Name but a term.  The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.

There is no Trinity.  The Father, YHVH  and Yahusha are One  (John 10:30)






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Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Thank you Julia for your insight



Posted for Julia per e mail

Hi Steven,

I am pinpointing, as you yourself are, the significant details for us
on the day of the May annular eclipse, and I just know that it will be
a huge day. It is only 30 days away!

I would like to add to your analysis- here are a couple of thoughts
that may further pique your interest. I certainly have delved into my
studies over the past few months and feel guided by the Holy Spirit in
this, but I am not an expert or scholar. Also, thank you very much for
posting on your webpage. I have been reading online for months and
never made any comments or emails to people, so in that regard, just a
reminder that so many people appreciate what you are doing and
appreciate your effort!

May 20th is significant in every aspect of what I define to be
important in my "Search for Truth." These are some ways the annular
eclipse lines up with my other key metrics.

1) Belief in the Truth of the Old Testament

- the Jewish holiday of Shauvot was practiced the day after the new
moon. Obviously, the eclipse is literally the new moon. Therefore
Shauvot will be Mon May 21st! I believe the eclipse is the Rapture,
and thus the next day on Shauvot, the dead and living will have been
gathered, and therefore the celebration may commence. Shauvot is the
celebration of the Harvest, made up of barley (the dead in Christ) and
wheat (those of us living that are then caught up). I would argue
Rapture must happen ahead of Shauvot, its celebration day. Perfect
timing to get the Word out, because every action in the Tribulation is
to turn people to the true God.

2) Belief in the Truth of the New Testament

- Rapture is: becoming the Bride of Christ. In Aztec star lore, the
Pleiades represented a "marketplace." In Jewish tradition, townspeople
would often have the marriage take place in the marketplace chuppah
(wedding tent.) The marriage of the bride and groom will take place at
the annular eclipse at the Pleiades chuppah. Many planets will also
"attend" since they are in Taurus too.

- May 20th represents Catholics' "Ascension Day."

- New Testament clue: At the Rapture, it will be a harvesting season,
as one lady will be taken up from the field, and one will remain. Now,
I do know that there is the spring harvest and an autumn harvest in
the Middle East. However, I believe that the Bible is universal and
that the Truth is universal, and the the Hopis in Arizona must be able
to equally understand the Word. Their culture does not have a fall
harvest, I read today. That is why generally weddings take place in
the fall. So in this case, culturally, the harvest has to be the
spring, and weddings can be spring or (generally) fall. Therefore the
Hopi (my randomly-chosen benchmark for cross-cultural universality of
the Bible) would understand the Rapture references as also know Spring
is the time, not the fall.

- Also Pentecost happens at this time, or the following weekend.
Pentecost, originally, was the Holy Spirit coming down the the
followers. I think this is the literal betrothal ceremony (in Jewish
culture the man presents the katubah (marriage contract) to the future
father-in-law and the bride. They have time (days, weeks years, until
the actual wedding) to review it.) And thus, the Holy Spirit was given
to us at our engagement, as a taste of what God will offer us in full
when we are his bride.

3) Belief in the Truth of Astronomy.
- The eclipse, as representative of the wedding ceremony, will
literally make a ring. These eclipses are often called diamond rings.

4) Belief in the Truth of what my heart says is True, such as other
religions and cultures that I do not personally identify with, or
claim as my own religion, and yet somehow they are true, outside of my
personal dogma.
- Hopi Kachina ceremony for this time of year is the "unveiling"
ceremony, and the end-of-the-world eschatology is told through the
"kachinas taking off their masks" in the "great plaza"
- there are stones at the mesas of the Hopi- huge smooth cylindrical
drill holes- used for the "ladder ceremony" where kachinas dance up
and down from heaven
- I think the Tribulation will be shortened to seven months, not
years. 5/21 to 12/21 is seven months. This fits into my belief that
the 12/21/12 date means something very significant, and "crossing the
Galactic Center" is way too awesome and it is not going to be part of
Satan's time ruling our planet.

The eclipse also runs right through Utah's Zion National Park, which
has a lot of ufo activity etc, and it is called "Zion" and near a huge
evangelical population center- Salt Lake City.

On a negative note-

I think that the black/white motif of the Masons is key here.
Everything up to the eclipse is the doppleganger to the other side of
the eclipse. I think after the eclipse, all the Holy Spirit
represented physically will be gone, between the Rapture and the
earthquakes etc. And like the eclipse on this side represents the
wedding ring, but from the other perspective, and it starts to break
the eclipse, it is the Ouroboros.

Anyways, thanks again! I'm sure there's lots more too.
~ Julia

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Luis Vega (23 Apr 2012)
"Pentecost 2012 - A Numerical Analysis"

Pentecost 2012
A Numerical Analysis
In Relationship to the Symmetry of the Golden Ratio & Menorah

By Luis B. Vega
PDF: online at: http://www.sonoma.edu/users/v/vegalu/eschatology_files/Pentecost.pdf

The purpose of this study & chart (see link above) is to look at the peculiar day-count patterns centered around Pentecost 2012. There appears to be several numerical associations & symmetry in relationship to repeating number sequences & certain astronomical events surrounding the Feast of Pentecost. One such pattern involves a very symmetrical (13, 6-2, 6-2, 13) day-count. There will also be an association presented that correlates the number of the 153 Fish caught by the Disciples in John 21 to the number of 120 Disciples gathered in the Upper Room on Pentecost in Acts 2.

Pentecost of 2012 will coincide with the Jewish Spiritual Calendar of May 26 as was Passover between the Gregorian & Jewish counting. At sunset on May 26, Jerusalem time, Pentecost will be very unique in one primary aspect. The Feast of Pentecost will be ‘bracketed’ between a Solar & Lunar Eclipse. Could this symmetry be signaling that this Pentecost of 2012 is going to be a very special one? These assertions may be pure speculation but the illustration is amazing The order of the astronomical events leading up to & after Pentecost 2012 are as follows:

1) The Total Solar Eclipse of May 20
2) The Partial Blood Moon of June 4
3) The Transit of Venus on June 5-6

33 days: from May 1 to Partial Lunar Eclipse Jun 4

33 days: from the start of the Venus Retrograde to Summer Solstice June 20

33 days: from June 1 to July 4th

(3+3) (3+3) (3+3) = 6 - 6 - 6

The Menorah Effect
As my prior studies can attest to, I am very much fascinated with the symbology of the Menorah & the mathematical principle of phi φ or the Golden Ratio in patterns. In terms of the Menorah, each branch of the Menorah can represent multiple layers of meaning. Several of the attributes allude to the primary 7 colors, of light, of the Planets, of the days of the week, the senses, peculiar Psalms, & the Church Age, etc.

Other studies have carefully mapped out & have suggested that the Church-Age (see link) corresponds to each of the 7 Churches of the Book of Revelation. The 7 Churches, in particular then correspond to the 7 stems of the Menorah. Could then the Feast of Pentecost possibly correspond to the ‘gap’ between the 1st 3 & the last 3 stems of the Menorah with the Resurrection/Rapture -denoted by the 4th Menorah Stem? Some studies suggest so, others don’t.

For the purposes of this Pentecost study, you can nonetheless impose a ‘Menorah’ icon to scale onto a current timeline presented. (see graphic) You can place the Menorah dimensions onto the timeline. One of the Menorah ends will correspond to the Full Moon on May 5, 2012 on a timeline. The last stem of the Menorah will correspond to the New Moon on June 18, 2012. These Menorah proportions will place the time-frame of the 2-Day Feast of Pentecost right down the middle from the corresponding end stems -as the ‘center 4th stem.’

It appears that the typology of the Feast of Pentecost does indeed correspond to the 4th Feast in the series of the 7 Feasts of the LORD that corresponds. It appears that the Feast of Pentecost correlates to prophetic time – a schedule of prophecy that is unfolding. The 4th Center Servant Stem of the Menorah has yet to prophetically be completed; it is currently ‘being’ fulfilled. Thus Pentecost 2012 perhaps many correspond to the time, if not in this year, to a future time when the ‘Gap’ between it & the last 3 Feast of the LORD is to proceed & be fulfilled. The 1st 3 Feasts have been literally fulfilled by the LORD Jesus Christ in His 1) Death at Passover, 2) Burial at Unleavened Bread & 3) by His Resurrection at First-Fruits.

The last 3 Feasts have yet to have a literal fulfillment; that of Trumpets, Tabernacles & Booths. Thus the ‘gap’ that has lasted over 2000 years is what many see it as the needed fulfillment before the Prophet Daniel’s 70th week of years is to be completed. This fulfillment would take place at a Pentecost Feast -if one subscribes to this view of interpretation. Perhaps the last 3 will thus likewise be successively fulfilled at His 2nd Advent –which have to happen after the Resurrection/Rapture of the Church.

On one point, eschatological scholars & researchers agree, that the Feasts of the LORD are a dress-rehearsal of sorts & a type & shadow of a much larger significance. These Feast of the LORD serve as object lessons for His people & the world to understand the Plan of Redemption as the LORD purposed in Jesus Christ.

The Golden Ratio
For Pentecost 2012, there appears to be a geometric pattern with dimensions in terms of ‘time.’ This 2012 Feast of Pentecost is also encompassed by 2 symmetrical Golden Ratio proportions in relation to the Eclipses. One Golden Ratio can be configured from the Total Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 to the 1st Day of Pentecost. The 2nd Golden Ratio occurs from the 2nd Day of Pentecost to the Partial Lunar Eclipse of Jun 3-4th 2012.

Interestingly, the 2 Golden Ratio proportion lines come to configure an ethereal ‘pyramid’ with Pentecost at its center of time -between the 2 Ratios. (see chart) The timing of Pentecost directly bisects the mid-section of the geometric pyramid constituted by the 2 symmetrical Golden Ratio time proportions. There is a 3rd Golden Ratio proportion as well. From the end of the 2nd Day of Pentecost to when Venus reaches the end of the Retrograde & arrives at the end of the Horns of Taurus, it will be July 4, 2012.

Allowing for some poetic license in interpretation, the ‘picture’ of the Holy Spirit coming down on Pentecost is what the Feast is all about, of an in-gathering of the LORD’s Disciples, a harvest even. This pyramid imagery can seemingly depict the ‘Dove’ or Holy Spirit as if it is coming down from the top of the Pyramid. A Rapturing perhaps? From this imagery, the Holy Spirit appears to be coming down to rest on the pyramidium apex -as a picture of completing the pyramid. Could this Pentecost Pyramid foreshadow the other ethereal pyramid that the Transit of Venus that will likewise configure when it traverses up* the Horns of Taurus & reach the apex of that pyramid around July 1, 2012. (see Eye of Lucifer chart here). *Or down depending on your point of view & angle of perspective.

Will this time around the Feast of Pentecost signal the arrival of the ‘Departure’ of the Body of Christ? Is this the time when the Holy Spirit is lifted up & out with the Body of Christ from this world? IF the typology is valid, it so happens that Christ ascended or was ‘Raptured’ to Heaven 10 days prior to Pentecost in the Book of Acts. And His Ascension is directly tied to Pentecost. On May 17-18, 2012 this date will be 10 days out from Pentecost. This 10 Day time-span is when Venus begins its Retrograde motion down the Horns of Taurus. Could this timing be a 10 Day warning of Christ’s coming for His Bride to culminate in the time of the Rapture on Pentecost? We shall see.

Celestial Eclipses
It appears that the Feast of Pentecost comprises the mid-section, in terms of time, between a Total Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 & a Partial Lunar Eclipse in Jun 4, 2012. Last year in 2011, there was a similar celestial configuration dealing with Pentecost but in opposite juxtaposition. You had Pentecost in-between a Partial Solar Eclipse before the Feast & with a Total Lunar Eclipse afterwards.

The numerical configuration constituted a 7-7-7-9 day count sequence that had a particular significance of ‘Total Judgment Decreed’. (see link ) Will 2012 then be the year that this ‘judgment’ is to befall on humanity? On Earth? Perhaps the recent & escalating earthquakes, volcanoes, dead animals, abnormal weather patterns, solar flares etc. are an indication of what is to come if these trends continue. It appears then that the 2nd half of 2012 will be even more ominous.

A Jewish Feast?
As a particular Feast of the LORD approaches every season, many Followers of Christ become expectant with the anticipation that perhaps the Rapture of the Church will occur on such a given ‘Jewish Feast.’ The Resurrection/Rapture does not have to coincide with any particular ‘Jewish’ Feast but the cycles of the LORD’s Appointments are eternal. Although some Believers have stated that the Church is all together a separate entity & not ‘Jewish’, the Feasts are not just prescribed to the Nation of Israel.

The 7 primary Feast of the LORD are the time-piece that not only is correlating to Earthly seasons & times but that which Heaven ‘metaphors’ the work of Christ with. Noted, in the spiritual realms & Throne Room of God, there is no ‘time.’ Yet we see in the Book of Revelation that God does somehow relate a time-piece of duration regarding events that are initiated in Heaven first that affect the Earth. For example, there is the ‘half an hour’ of silence that occurs before the wrath of God is to continue upon the Anti-Christ’s kingdom.

Point being that the Feast of the LORD are of an ‘eternal decree’ originating outside of time, space & nationality. It just so happened that Israel was privileged to be given the special stewardship of implementing the ordinances as part of its special Covenant or relationship made between the LORD and that Nation. But the Church’s birth is directly tied to one particular ‘Jewish’ Feast, that of Pentecost. Will the ‘work’ of the Church likewise be completed or fulfilled at a given Feast of Pentecost in 2012 or the near future? Perhaps.

The Hidden Codes of Pentecost
The Church of God began on the Feast of Pentecost at the end of the spring harvest season. Based on the analogy of the Menorah, the last 3 Feasts are to deal with the Nation of Israel as it was with the 1st 3 Feast. At the 1st Pentecost, the power of the Holy Spirit –as a ‘Dove’ with Fire came upon at total of 120 believers (Acts 1:15). The 120 Disciples in the Upper Room were the ‘first-fruits,’ if you will of a representation of the total future harvest of souls to occur at the point of the Rapture.

Until that time, the 1st Pentecost is serving as a ‘time’ that represents the whole of the ingathering for the Christian era & for the whole of humanity. This harvest or Christ’s ingathering will occur at the time of the Resurrection/Rapture when the work of the Church is completed & enters into its ‘Pentecostal’ rest –after the 50th ‘Day’. But the 120 number of the Disciples assembled is a ‘code’ for a representation of the total ‘prophetic’ time ‘cycles’ mankind since the Creation would be allotted until the last Pentecost concludes the time of the ‘End of Days’.

The 7 Ages of the x the 7 Churches = 50 total duration of time allotted for the Church

[ 120 Cycles of Time x 50 Petecosts ] = 6000 years

IF you believe in Dispensationalism, 6000 years is the ‘time’ that the LORD has allotted for humanity -aside from the last & 7th 1000 Millennial Reign of Christ. Pentecost could thus be directly related not only to the end of the Church Age but a harvest of all humanity. As far as the Church is concerned, this would allude to the fact that it would enter its ‘rest’ at the 7th Sabbaths of Weeks culminated at a future ‘Pentecost’ –if not this year. Thus, if not at this Pentecost, then at a future one, The 50th Pentecost of he 120 cycles of time would coincide with the Year of Sabbatical Rest the LORD would implement at His 2nd Return.

Given the typology, I believe that this is a hidden ‘code’ given by the LORD as to the number of Saved that would be ‘caught’ by the Church until the Great Commission of the Church would be fulfilled. Thus this ‘picture’ could, in one layer of meaning, allude to the 7 Disciples being the representatives of the 7 Churches of Asia & the 7 Church Ages. This 153 Fish correlation can further be linked to the 120 Disciples that would later assemble themselves back in Jerusalem’s Upper Room on Pentecost.

153 Fish
It is interesting to speculate on the correlation of the 153 Fish caught by the 7 Disciples with the Net that did not break. After the Resurrection of the LORD, the Disciples got discouraged & sought to turn back to their natural lives & livelihood etc. Most returned, it seemed, to the Sea of Galilee to fish. Christ appeared to them by the shore on a day that the Disciples could not seem to catch any fish at all -a ways from the shore.

The LORD there gave them instructions to ‘cast the net on the other side’. Once the reluctant Disciples did this, not immediately realizing it was the LORD, a precise number of 153 Fish was calculated to be caught. Evidently, this would have been impossible for the Nets they had to sustain such a quantity & not break. This is where perhaps a direct association would be linked with the ‘50’ Pentecost number associated with the 120 Disciples in the Upper Room. If the 120 Disciples does correlated to the 120 Cycles of ‘Prophetic’ Time, these 120 cycles of time are linked, in my opinion to the number of the 153 Fish caught by Disciples at the specific direction of a Risen LORD Jesus in John 21:11.

This number then 153, in turn could be linked to Pentecost as the Disciples soon after according to Acts 2 re-gathered in the Upper Room to celebrate the Feast. The Scriptures once again specifically number 120 total Disciples there. At this time, the Holy Spirit came down as a Dove of Fire to indwell the Believers & infuse them with ‘power from on High’. Thus if the stipulation is carried forth, the whole 120 amount could thus represent a code of the fulfillment of the Church’s labor. Here are some possible mathematical correlations:

the year 2012 / .33 factor = 6096 Could this be the actual years since Creation?

Fish caught 153 code: [153 Fishes - 120 Disciples] = 33 (highest degree possible)
153 = 1+5+3 = 9 0r (3+3+3)

153 Fish X 120 Disciples = 18360 / 33 = 556.36363635
(555 is associated in the occult with death & resurrection) 556 possibly signifies 1 digit beyond that.

Thus, possibly the number 153 is a ‘code’ for the number of precise Believers that will be ‘brought in’ during the Church Age. This would be done by the ‘Net’ of the LORD’s saving work thorough the agent of the Church since Pentecost, figuratively speaking. Is it any stretch of the imagination that it will likely also end at such a Feast as with the 120 Disciples in the Upper Room experiencing the ‘rapture’ of the Holy Spirit? We shall see.

The Ichthys Fish
Christians in the early centuries of the Church began using religious symbols. One prominent one that has lasted down to modern times has been the Greek word for "fish." This symbol is as an anagram or acronym for ‘Jesus Christ God's Son, Savior’. Ichthys consists of 5 letters from the Greek alphabet: I-ch-th-y-s. When these 5 letters are used as initials for five words, it becomes what Christians were known to declare: Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter. I bring this to light because the 153 Fish ‘code’ is one of ‘reproduction’ & harvest as it corresponds to the Vesica Pisces geometry. There is an association of mathematical proportions that is derived from the dimensions of the fish symbol itself that is linked to the number 153. (see chart for illustration)

The ‘fish’ symbol that has long been associated with Christianity has peculiar mathematical principles as the symbol associated with the Vesica Pisces. This is in itself a very ancient symbol with a principle of sacred geometry that denotes multiplication & reproduction. Just as Christians are said to by like ‘fish’ as the LORD commanded His Disciples to be ‘Fishers of Men’ & to make ‘disciples of all nations.’ This command echoes the one in the Garden of Eden to ‘Be fruitful & multiply’ –like fish! It so happens that the Vesica Pisces has the coefficient of 153. The number 153 can be obtained in a by dividing the Vesica Pisces width by its height & using the square root of 3. (see chart illustration) The mathematical formulas is as follows:

width / height = √3 = 265 / 153 Factor

The Rapture is a Harvest
A specific harvest type of grain coincides with each of the 3 main Feast of Israel. There are other types of fruit/nut harvests but it is the barley, wheat & grapes that are specifically associated to the 3 main required Feast. The LORD required all male Israelites to be presented before the LORD at his Temple during these specific Feasts.

Each harvest reveals or represents separate & distinct Resurrections among the LORD’s Disciples. The Wave Sheaf Ceremony marked the official beginning of the physical ‘early’ harvest season, while Pentecost celebrates the completion of it. Here are the following types of Harvest associated with the 3 main Feasts of Israel:

1. Barley - Passover

2. Wheat - Pentecost

3. Grapes - Tabernacles

For the Barley Harvest, the 1st harvest of Barley begins to ripen early in the spring around Passover. It is from this sample crop that the Wave-Sheaf Offering is gathered during the Days of Unleavened bread. The early harvest is completed in late May or early June at the time of Pentecost.

>From Passover to Pentecost the number 7-7-7 that symbolizes perfection or a completion is encoded in the day-counts. There are 7 Days from the selection of the Passover Lamb to First-Fruits. There are 7 days after the Wave-Sheaf Offering is given. Then there are the 7 weeks until Pentecost to complete the circuit. In this continuum, God’s counting method ties the Resurrection at the First-Fruits harvest – of Jesus Christ, together with the anticipated 2nd Resurrection of the same type of harvest on Pentecost. Pentecost is the time of the completion of the early Grain Harvest which is still Barley.

It so happens that at the beginning of Pentecost the early ‘first-fruits’ of Wheat are then chosen. Perhaps after the Rapture, if it is to coincide with a Pentecost, where the 144,000 of the Book of Revelation will be ‘anointed’ as the type of the wheat ‘first-fruits’ from the Tribulation that is to follow? As several researches have put forth, the wheat unlike barley has to be threshed against the ‘tribulum’ or board to separate the fruit/kernels. This could be a picture of what Israel is to go through to have its sin of unbelief removed so that they can see ‘Him who they have pierced’ at Christ’s 2nd Coming.

The Order of the Resurrections
Thus there were 2 main phases to the physical harvesting in ancient Israel, so there will be two occasions of spiritual harvesting. Jesus was the First-Fruits, represented by the first harvest that begins during the Days of Unleavened Bread. The corresponding 2nd phase will be when the full harvest of Barley is accomplished by Pentecost & the Wheat First-Fruits are presented at that time as a token of the next subsequent type of harvest to come.

The 1st Resurrection corresponds to Christ, the First-Fruits, which was the earlier Barley Harvest that coincided precisely with Passover. The 2nd Resurrection or harvest will coincide with the Wheat Harvest, which will coincide with Pentecost. This time is what many Christians interpret as being the ‘Rapture’ that in reality will be the 2nd Resurrection of the Dead in Christ to immediately be followed by those that ‘remain & are alive’ to be transformed & caught up together to meet the LORD in the Air-in the twinkling of an eye; no lingering around on Earth for 40 days as many believe.

The 2 Wave Loaves of Challa Bread
The early Barley Harvest began at First Fruits & the early Wheat Harvest at Pentecost. Pentecost is the only Feast in which the Offering had leaven in it. There were to be 2 loafs of bread for the Wave Offering called ‘Challa bread’ in Hebrew. It was to be offered to the High Priest & waved before the LORD at the Temple. (Lev 23:16-17) The bread with yeast is another of those hidden clues that make Pentecost the most likely feast date for the Rapture. Why, because although the sin-nature was crucified with Christ on the Cross & though nullified by the finished work of Jesus at the Cross, it still resided in the physical body of the Believers. It won’t be until the Resurrection/Rapture would that be totally removed by the giving of the promised glorified bodies.

Leaven is a picture of ‘sin’. The Church's 2,000 years has been one of a ‘leavened existence’. And most significantly, these 2 loaves of leavened bread were -In the same way, had a measure of corruption as it is within the Church, the Believer. A follower of Christ is a ‘saved sinner’, redeemed, justified, & sanctified by Jesus alone. It is a process. This is where we see Scripture alluded that the Bride ‘has made herself ready’ by the washing & renewing of the Word of Christ. Christ paid in full for the entire effect & outcome. Yet it is playing out now in time; Christ saved our Spirit, He is saving our Soul, & will ‘save’ our Body at the Rapture.

Thus it is plausible to assert that now, Christ ‘in the Church’ by way of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is what is being fulfilled up until the Resurrection & Rapture of the Body & Bride of Christ. Pentecost is thus an object lesson to demonstrate by last day of Pentecost’s presentation of the 2 Loaf of Bread Wave Offerings. Pentecost was to be concluded at the presentation of 2 loaves of bread with leaven. They were to be just waved before the presence of the LORD in the Temple by the Priests in hand.

It is plausible that one possible meaning of these 2 pieces of bread with leaven pictures that God in Christ has reconciled to Himself a ‘new humanity’ out of the Jewish & Gentile peoples of the world. These 2 entities are to be presented at the end of a Pentecost Feast by the High Priest, Jesus Christ. It is Christ that is sanctifying & purifying the Church currently. It is because of His imputed righteousness that Followers of Christ can be in the presence of the LORD with ‘sin’ still in our person as He intercedes on our behalf. I John 2:1 Christ is currently our High Priest & is waving His Bride made up of Jewish & Gentile Disciples before the Father in His Temple to be accepted because of Christ.

Perhaps 2012
When God sent the Holy Spirit to indwell Believes at Pentecost, it was accompanied with a miraculous supernatural sign to mark this special occasion of the founding of His Church. There was a sound of a rushing wind possibly to be likened to that of the blowing of a wind instrument perhaps? Then fire came down. if the Rapture is indeed going to be associated with Pentecost, in some year’ it will also be a miraculous supernatural sign to the world as it was a direct witness to those Jews especially that are seeking ‘signs & wonder’.

It will be like when Gideon carried the earthen vessels that concealed the light inside and were only at the point of the ‘attack’ that they were broken & the army of the LORD went ‘up’ before the enemy’s camp. At the point of the Resurrection/Rapture, our earthen vessels, our physical body of leaven or sin will be as if ‘waved’ before the LORD but shed to be transformed into the promised ‘glorified’ body that is sinless & indestructible!



Some sources of the Harvest Study
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Jim Bramlett (25 Apr 2012)
"Ten-Day separation"



Both Ascension Day May 17, 2012 and Pentecost May 27, 2012 point to the possible resurrection/rapture. Since they are two separate events, could not May 17 be the resurrection of the dead and May 27 be the rapture of those who remain?

Marilyn Agee is looking to May 17 as the rapture, while others are looking to May 27.

That is a ten-day separation. Could those be the ten days of Revelation 2:10? It makes sense that "those who remain" would be greatly persecuted after the resurrection.

I am intrigued with that Fibonacci curve/number as God's signature seen throughout the universe.

See http://www.sonoma.edu/users/v/vegalu/eschatology_files/Pentecost.pdf

It makes sense that He would stamp the most important day in history with His signature.

Just sayin'.

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Will Schumacher (25 Apr 2012)
"reasons to look at pentecost for the rapture"


Are there reasons to think that Pentecost could be when the church is raptured

Every pentecost the book of Ruth is read. Ruth is symbolic of the gentile church redeemed by Christ(Boaz)

God and Israel were betrothed to each other at Mt Sinai in Exodus 19 on pentecost.

The church was born on Pentecost.

Enoch, a clear example of the rapture, was born on Pentecost and died on Pentecost. He very well could be a type of the church-born and raptured on Pentecost.

It has become tradition to stay up all night on pentecost and study the torah. I read it started around 1530. Did God know this tradition would start on HIS feast day. Of course. I find it interesting that 1 thess 5:6-7 when Paul is talking about the rapture he says let us not sleep as others do for those who sleep do their sleeping at night

There are 3 harvests in Israel –barley, wheat, grapes. Barley is the spring festivals beginning with first fruits. Wheat begins at Pentecost as the feast of first fruits. The grape harvest begins with the fall feasts.

Christ was the first fruits and once they were offered the barley harvest began. Barley is separated by wind-I believe symbolizing the Holy Spirit indwelling us. This is the church age. The church age ends when the barley harvest ends and the wheat begins-pentecost.



there is an excellent article on Pentecost. It explains that the wheat is separated by a tribulum-the great tribulation. However the tribulum is not used on the wheat in the two loaves being lifted and waved (rapture) at Pentecost. This then starts the wheat harvest-those saved through the great trib. And of course the grapes is Rev 14:19-20-the winepress of the wrath of God-the days of awe from tishri 1 to tishri 10.


Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Pentecost 2012?


> > It’s good to see that your website is back up!

Marilyn wrote:

Yes! Thank you Lord, and bless my out of state friend that straightened it out for me. My new computer running Windows 7 still has me hunting an HTML editor and FTP client that I can use with Windows 7. CoffeeCup Direct FTP can’t find the Projects folder. Windows 7 won’t let me delete it. My eyesight is so bad, I have to use a black background. Bright sunshine yellow blinds me. The Tool Tips come out yellow type on yellow background. They are invisible to me. The page I have to type on is sunshine yellow, but the Split Preview has the black background, so I can manage with that by keeping most of the yellow page covered up.

> > In the January 2012 issue of Prophecy in the News, Gary Stearman wrote an exciting article about the Rapture possibly occurring on Pentecost 2012.

JR Church and Gary Stearman both wrote about Pentecost. I might have set my face for Pentecost if it hadn’t been for the angel encounter Tom Tanner told me about. That woke me up in a rush. As I remember it, the angel said that the dead in Christ would rise up on Firstfruits. They saw people coming out of their graves. The man asked, “ON EASTER?” The angel said, “Yes, ON FIRSTFRUITS AS PROMISED.”

I did a double take. I said, “AS PROMISED? WHERE? OH, AS ACTED OUT.” JESUS ACTED IT OUT HIMSELF. I remembered Job 11:6 and Eccl 1:9 and 3:15. What is to be has already been, and there is nothing new under the Sun.

Easter and Firstfruits were on the same day this year, and are not in 2013 or 2014. To me, that limits the Rapture to this year.

Job 11;5,6 says, “ But oh that God (i.e., Jesus) would speak... 6 And that he (Jesus) would shew thee the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is!”

Jesus and some saints were resurrected on Firstfruits/Easter, Nisan 16, 3790, April 9, 30 AD. It looks like Jesus came back on April 9, 30 AD, because he will come back at the Second Advent on April 9, 2016, Nisan 1, 5776, the first day of the Sacred, Regnal and Jubilee Year. That year is locked in place by the Sabbatic Year 5775, which has to precede the Jubilee Year. Dan 12:11 adds an extra month, because that year, 5776, is a leap year with the 13th month. That too, locks in the date of the Second Advent for me. Seven years before 5776 is 5769, but the last half of the Tribulation is to be shortened or no flesh would be saved.

Dan 8:13,14 tells us that the actual time of the shortened Tribulation is 2300 days, 1260 + 1040. Subtracting 1040 days from April 9, 2016 is Nov 8, 2012. It looks like the Tribulation started on Pentecost, May 29, 2009, our daughter’s birthday. Adding 1260 days brings us to Nov 9, 2012, Mid-Trib, because the 2300 days are figured by inclusive reckoning. That’s because they are a block of time.

I figure the Temple has to be there Nov 8/9, 2012, because the False Prophet will desecrate it Mid-Trib. It takes 3 months to build the Temple.

I think we should be out of here on Ascension Day, May 17, 2012, because Jesus acted out the Rapture. He ascended on Ascension Day so that he could send the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. I think that will happen again on Pentecost, May 27, 2012, to energize the 144,000 Israelites and the foolish virgins to get the Temple built. It belongs between the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque, with its back lined up with the Wailing Wall. It should be built over the Al Kas Fountain.

Those who think the Temple should be built over the rock that is under the Dome of the rock should look up the dimensions of that rock and of the Holy of Holies. That rock is too large to fit inside the Holy of Holies.

Examining the aqueduct that brought water from the Etiam Spring near Solomon’s Pools to the Temple shows us where the Temple should be built. The aqueduct entered the Temple Mount north of the Wailing Wall and then turned south. The water cascaded from one cistern to another as it flowed downhill.

> > I pulled Ed Vallowe’s book off the shelf, Biblical Mathematics, to see if he had anything to say about these dates and sure enough he did. See the following:

May 27 is associated with “Preaching the Gospel.”

May 28 is associated with “Eternal Life.”

May 29 is associated with “Departure” and “Gone Away.

I think May 27, 2012 will see the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to PREACH THE GOSPEL, and May 17, 2012 will be our VICTORY, THE MEANING OF 17. By the 29th, we will have already departed, gone away.

> > It appears that the Middle East is about to blow up. If Bashar Assad is true to his word, in that if Syria gets attacked, Syria will attack Israel, we will probably see the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1.

Yes, the other day I read on rense.com that a rocket hit Israel that came from Syria. Things are heating up, and the days are few. Tomorrow is Omer 19. I think the wise virgins are being chosen during the 40-day counting of the Omer. The Omer is 1/10th of an ephah, and an ephah represented the church in Zech 5. We should be sure we are ready. It looks like there will be lots of foolish virgins weeping and gnashing their teeth after Ascension Day.

Luk 12:46 says, “The lord of that servant (the unwise one) will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder (lit., cut him off), and will appoint him his portion (i.e., of the Tribulation) with the unbelievers.”

Mt 24:51 adds, “And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites (i.e., pretenders): there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

We must be wearing a white wedding garment.

Mat 22:11-14 says, “And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: 12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. 13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 14 For MANY ARE CALLED, BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN.”

Rev 17:14 says, “the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that ARE WITH HIM ARE CALLED, AND CHOSEN, AND FAITHFUL.”

The Bride of Christ is called, and chosen, and faithful.

She has used I John 1:9 to bring sins committed after accepting Christ under the blood of Christ. It says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. “

This is no time to be lukewarm. The lukewarm Laodiceans have been warned.

Rev 3:16-19 says, “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue (lit., vomit) thee out of my mouth. 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.”

The Philadelphians have been promised.

Rev 3:10-13 says, “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience (lit.,patient endurance), I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. 11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. 12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. 13 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”

Blessings and agape,

Marilyn Agee


From: Joshua
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 5:51 PM
To: mjagee@verizon.net
Subject: Pentecost 2012?

Hello Marilyn

It’s good to see that your website is back up!

Here is some food for thought.

In the January 2012 issue of Prophecy in the News, Gary Stearman wrote an exciting article about the Rapture possibly occurring on Pentecost 2012. It is interesting to note that Pentecost during this Leap Year will be May 27 and 28.

I pulled Ed Vallowe’s book off the shelf, Biblical Mathematics, to see if he had anything to say about these dates and sure enough he did. See the following:

May 27 is associated with “Preaching the Gospel.”

May 28 is associated with “Eternal Life.”

May 29 is associated with “Departure” and “Gone Away

Considering the fact that Lindsay Williams, a Baptist preacher who worked and lived with top executives for Atlantic Richfield back during the construction of the Alaskan pipeline, has mentioned on several occasions that the global elite intent to collapse the dollar by year-end. His “predictions” based on insider information, has been about 95% correct.

It appears that the Middle East is about to blow up. If Bashar Assad is true to his word, in that if Syria gets attacked, Syria will attack Israel, we will probably see the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1. I am prayerful that this Pentecost will be our home coming and that unfolding events in the Middle East, like the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1, Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 29, will served as evidence to His church of His soon coming in the clouds!

God bless, see you on the way up…


Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Ben C (26 Apr 2012)
"Is His Bride Being Given Her Wedding Ring 10 Days Early?"



What is an Annular Eclipse...May 20, 2012 -The Serpent's Eclipse - (see descrip)

The descent of light and shadow on the Pyramid of Kukulcán is an annual reminder of the sun-Pleiades-zenith conjunction that occurs during a seasonal window of 72 years, (1976 - 204 over Chichén Itzá. In the middle of this seasonal window is 2012, when the Great Cycle ends.

The passage of the zenith will combine with two solar eclipses, the first on May 20, 2012.

This day on the Tzolkin is 10 Chicchan, which means "serpent". The second is on November 13. The winter solstice end-point will be 4 Ahau in the Tzolkin calendar, meaning Lord/Sun, and 3 Kankin in the Haab calendar, which means 'snake-day'.

I know, I know, there has been so many times of speculation. Well heres one more. But being the fact that the time is ripe for The Tribulation to start this year, that means Yeshua's Bride has to leave this world first in preparation for THE WEDDING!

Remember, Christ died for ALL those who will accept HIS FORGINESS. Once we proclaim HIM as our Lord and King, not only is our name written in The Lamb's book of Life, but we are given a part of Himself, The Holy Spirit that resides inside all those who love Him, and wait for the redemption of their body.

The above video I believe is yet another incredable sign proclaiming His Near Return! THE WEDDING RING! Taking place on the fortieth day after His Resurrection, May 17th, and just 10 days before our possible departure from this world, He is showing all those who are watching that THE WEDDING IS ABOUT TO TAKE PLACE IN THE HEAVENLIES!

To back up what has just been said, watch hese other videos for more understanding about the time we live in.



http://www.sonoma.edu/users/v/vegalu/eschatology_files/Menorah.pdf > The Age of Pentecost > Chart

http://www.sonoma.edu/users/v/vegalu/eschatology > many Prophetic Graphical Charts

http://www.sonoma.edu/users/v/vegalu/eschatology_files/Pentecost.pdf > requires patient study for understanding

This may well be The Pillar of Understanding of where we are on God's Prophetic Timeline! > This is set in concrete! Information taken directly from the Nasa Web Site > www.nasa.gov < Here is this amazing chart!

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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" target="_blank">http://www.sonoma.edu/users/v/vegalu/eschatology_files/Decade.pdf]/url]

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Kari (27 Apr 2012)
"May 20....why????"


From Kari

I've tried to use a different approach this time trying to explain to you certain high alert dates, because when I go my other route I can sense the eyes glazing over....you've heard many theories before. And it's too much information. I'm going to tell you via the enemy's dates- as in the previous crop circle videos a few days back.

May 20 is the date to watch for. It's said Quetzalcoatl is returning that day! It's when the tsab (Pleiades) is directly overhead the Chichen Itza pyramid. Quetzalcoatl told the people to learn astronomy, dates and times.

Quetzalcoatl is the one they're waiting for: aka Apollyon. You can expect him to return with aliens, it's when the bottomless pit is opened and these scorpion like things come out with him. One of the videos even mention him coming WITH his offspring.

The date falls just in between:

-40 days after Passover ( May 17-18-ish )

-before Shavuot ( May 27-28 ).

Jesus was taken up on day 40 ( firstfruits, 144k ) then 10 days* later the wheat harvest, which are the two loaves being waved (which I believe are the now Jesus-believing Jews having witnessed the asension of the 144k, and Christians being harvested)

*Rev 210Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

11He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

Apollyon will kill (some of) the two (witnesses) and will resurrect on Shavuot. Apollyon will have inhabited a ruler who will have just culminated his 42 months of speaking proud words and blasphemies. Do you understand how this aligns with Scripture? I must tell you within these time frames/dates, we will have fulfilled Yom Teruah (starting the 70th week) and Yom Kippur on Sept 2012. (will finish it) Yom Kippur is Armageddon-the grape harvest. Do you understand this fulfills Scripture in that Apollyon will have then culminated his 5 month reign of terror? May-June-July-Aug-Sept.

Now you know why we are told only to observe the Feast of Tabernacles during the Millenium reign of Yeshua on the Earth....( Zech 14 ) because that is the last feast yet to be fulfilled. It is fulfilled after the 1000 years, when Yahweh comes to dwell/tabernacle with us:

Revelation 21:3
King James Version (KJV)

3And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Luis Vega (30 Apr 2012)
"Vesica Pisces of the Church Age - The Great Commission Accomplished"


The Vesica Pisces of the Church Age

The Completion of the Church’s Great Commission

To Be Raptured at the End of the Piscean Age?

By Luis B. Vega

PDF: online at: http://www.sonoma.edu/users/v/vegalu/eschatology_files/Vesica.pdf
Click on this link to get best viewing size

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifies himself, even as He is pure. 1 John 3:2-3

The purpose of this study & chart (see link above) is to ponder the notion if perhaps a Pentecost season will indeed coincide -at some point, with the Rapture of the Church. This will be a purely suppositional & hypothetical study. To see if such a theory could be plausible this study seeks to tie in an element that will correlate the Season of Pentecost with the Spring Feasts of the LORD as a ‘type & shadow’ correspondence. This element that I believe to be the key in this assessment, is a ‘Vesica Pisces’ pattern. For illustration purposes only.

The Vesica Pisces pattern will specifically be derived from the numerical coefficient of the ‘153 Fish’ catch in John 21. This 153 number factor, I believe is the ‘code’ & coefficient of the Vesica Pisces, at least geometrically. I believe that the 153 numerical factor ties in with the ‘120 Disciple’ numerical code of the 1st Pentecost of the Church after the Resurrection of Christ in Acts 2. These numerical codes in turn are related to the dimension of the Vesica Pisces in proportion as it will be projected out onto the Church Age timeline & beyond, as the chart will illustrate. Perhaps these numerical codes can lend some perspective as to just how much time the prophetic ‘120 Disciple-Church of Christ’ has been given to ‘catch’ the prophetic ‘153 Fish’.

This Vesica Pisces pattern will be the key, based on the established pattern of the Spring Feasts of the LORD & their corresponding day-counts from Passover to Pentecost. Perhaps the Spring Feast pattern of the LORD has echoed down the centuries of the Church Age –right down to this culminating year of 2012. This study is not stating that the Rapture will take place in 2012 or at Pentecost, but possibly that when the Rapture will occur, that it could correspond with a Pentecost date specifically or its season. Mind you, it does depend on which calendar you are referencing from, as it relates to the celebrated Feast in the present time. Other dates will be considered as this study will bring out multiple possibilities of candidates for the Rapture date based on astronomical phenomena that occurs in 2012.

The Great Commission
Perhaps the Great Commission of the Church by Christ has indeed encompassed the duration the Age of Pisces –which is about to conclude. When? In 2012 IF astronomically, at least, it turns out to be true on Dec 21, 2012. Perhaps, the Rapture might occur then or not. It may be that 2012 could be the transitional year. As the new ‘Age of Aquarius’ dawns, the Rapture could take place thereafter. There was a transitional type of period from the Old to New Testament as documented in the Book of Acts. For example, even though the Holy Spirit came down on Pentecost, we see some instances where the Apostles, early on, had to still ‘lay hands’ on those that were saved to receive the Holy Spirit…but this is for another study.

But what is exciting to contemplate about 2012 is that the Age of Pisces is to conclude on Dec, 21, 2012. This date will coincide with the Winter Solstice that signifies an opening of the ‘Golden Gate’ of Heaven. We are looking at 2012 as perhaps being the last ‘prophetic year’ of the Age of Grace. Maybe even the ‘Last Pentecost’ of the Church Age.

This Age of Grace or Pisces has constituted not only the nation of Israel but incorporated the Gentiles as discoursed by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 3. He talks about how, now in & by the Church, comprised of both Jewish & Gentile followers of the 1 Messiah… the 2 together are ‘joint heirs’ of the Promises of the LORD. This ‘picture’ of the 2 bodies ‘tied’ together lends a correlation to the 2 Fish of Pisces that will be looked at further down the study.

The Gospel Stewardship
It has been stated by many Biblical Scholars that when the Holy Spirit came down upon the 120 Disciples at Pentecost, it was sort of a representative ‘First Fruits’ of the Harvest that the Church would accomplish. It was a foretaste of who the Bride of Christ is & will be. At this point began the mission of the Father seeking to give the Son a Gentile Bride, much like the type & shadow of Boaz with Ruth. Furthermore, this current time of the Church Age, in which we are living in, has been one in which the Father has also given the Stewardship of the Gospel, not to Israel, but to the ‘New Creation.’ This ‘New Man’ as Paul taught about is made up of ‘both Jew & Gentile’ –that is to say the Church.

We can see further down in prophetic time by way of the Book of Revelation that when, at some point, the Bride of Christ is ready & the Church is removed from Planet Earth, the administration of the Gospel of Christ will be transferred to another Witness. This transference, according to no less than the Apostle John, will be handed over to the 144,000 anointed Jews & the 2 Witnesses according to the Book of Revelation. They will in turn by the Stewards of such a privilege. Why? God does not leave Himself without a witness & it requires 2 ‘witnesses’ to establish a truth in God’s judgment. Thus as many assert, the Church cannot be around during this same time, if this argument follows its logic. This will be the ‘Time of Jacob’s Tribulation’ as it refers to the LORD fulfilling the 70th of the Prophet Daniel as it concerns the Covenant with Israel.

What is the Vesica Pisces?
The Vesica Pisces has a variety of meaning depending on the context one is using it for. In its most simplistic form, it is a geometric configuration of sacred geometry. It is derived by linking two circles together, bringing the outside edge of each to the midway point of the other. The almond-shaped center of the image is called a mandorla or ‘Vesica’.

1. Astronomically, the Vesica Pisces represents the Summer & Winter Solstices in the cycles dealing with the Procession of the Equinoxes.

2. Theologically, the Vesica Pisces correlates to the 2nd Day of Creation having each day represented by a sphere or circle. On the 7th Day, 7 spheres configure the Seed of Life on the 6th Day of Creation, etc.

3. Esoterically, the 7-fold Vesica Pisces "Seed of Life" acts as a basic component of the Flower of Life's design.

An End of an Age?

When does the Age of Pisces end? IF the typology presented in this study is valid, this ‘Vesica Pisces’ pattern, which I believe to be hidden in John 21 can allude to when the end of the Church Age is to be completed. Christ did say, regarding the Great Commission of the Church in Matthew 18, that He would be with the Church ‘…even unto the end of the Age…” Not time.

1. IF the Church Age does correlate to the Age of Pisces, and

2. The Age of Pisces is to astronomically end on Dec 21, 2012, then

3. The Church Age is to conclude at the end of 2012, thus

4. The Rapture would follow this deductive reasoning

This is just how close we are to the Rapture event & why 2012 is a very significant year. I am assuming that the Rapture of the Church will coincide with a completion of the prophetic ‘153 Fish’ catch of the Church or as how the Scripture describes it in Luke 24…’until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled’. This accomplishment of the Great Commission by the Church Age would mean that the Bride of Christ is thus on the verge of being completed & ready to be presented to the King at some ‘Pentecost’ or when the ‘Age’ ends or sometime in-between.

This assertion is solely based on the parallel of the ingathering that occurred when all the 120 Disciples were called together in the Upper Room. At that place & time the Disciples had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit. This happened after catching perhaps their last literal 153 Fish. Why? Because, the LORD thereafter commissioned His Disciples ‘go into all the World & be ‘Fishers of Men’. Perhaps, prophetically, there will be an ingathering of the ‘Disciples’ after the final ‘153’ catch of the Church. Figuratively likewise assembled together the ‘Upper Room’ to be ‘Raptured’ up to meet up with Christ in the Air & be ushered into the God’s Celestial Throne. This will be done by the power of the Holy Spirit as it came down to them on Pentecost.

‘And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you.’ –Romans 8:11

So could the Rapture possibly occur in 2012? Maybe. Consider this, IF in fact Dec 21, 2012 is the ‘end point’ of the time when the Age of Pisces is to end & indeed the world is currently experiencing the transition to the Age of Aquarius, then this Pentecost season of 2012 will be the last of the over 2000 year-span that we have been under during the Age of Pisces since the 1st Pentecost of the Church. IF true, this would be amazing as our Redemption is drawing near –maybe then in the season of Pentecost , if not some time thereafter. We will have to see.

A Typology
Again, this study is only going on types & shadows & not every little detail is a 1 for 1 perfect match. The timeline is an approximation based on a theory correlating the day count of the period between Passover to Pentecost. This in turn is used as a prophetic pattern using the Vesica Pisces as a template that is projected out into space & time.

This study is using past sequence of events infused with current astronomical occurrences, that in my opinion, could be associated with the Rapture based on the Pentecost codes of 153 & 120, etc. Here is the known prophetic sequence, from Scripture, that could possibly give us some clues as to the order leading up to the possible Rapture of the Church or ingathering. From the last Passover of Christ, to the first Pentecost of the Church, the order of paramount & prophetic importance is as follows:

1-a Death of Christ

2-a Commission to the Church

3-a Harvest of Fishes

4- an Ingathering of Disciples at Pentecost

5- a Birth of the Church (Rapture)

The Covenants
Again to reiterate, nowhere in Scripture, to my knowledge & understanding, does it speak about the Rapture being associated with any particular Feast of the LORD. I believe the Rapture, at this point in time is imminent but with certain prophetic conditions having to be met first. We are the generation, I believe though, that has the conditions ‘in place’ to be able to make such a bold assertion that the Rapture is within our living generation. The Rapture of the Bride of Christ is at hand like in no other Church Generation in the past. Why? One primary reason would be related to the LORD’s Covenant with Israel. The rebirth of the nation of Israel in 1948 possibly started the ‘count-down.’ Another factor would be based on the count of the Jubilees from that point in time.

But realize that no other generation within the Church Age could speak of Israel in the present tense since AD 70 or all of Jerusalem being back in the administration of Israel. Nonetheless, it is recognizable that patterns of the LORD are based on His Feast days. His time-piece centers around His Feasts. Why? These Feasts of the LORD are a ‘Covenant’…a contract with a promise that the LORD has made, foremost amongst the God-Head. Thereafter, the LORD made these with Abraham, in the case of Israel. The Feast of the LORD can also be seen as a metaphor, of sorts, regarding the plan He purposed in Jesus Christ. These Feasts ascribe to GOD, Glory, His Holiness, His purpose, His character, His humility, His sacrifice, His Power, His Love…etc. To some degree many of the Covenants won’t be in full effect until the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth. Consider the following analogies:

Spring Feasts (Pentecost) Fall Feasts
------------------- ----------------------- --------------------
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Jewish Stewardship Jewish + Gentile Stewardship Jewish Stewardship

36 days 2000 years 23 Days (36 - 23 = 13)

Christ’s Tribulation Church’s Tribulation Israel’s Tribulation

7 Days 7 Church Ages 7 Years
1 week 1 Prophetic Week 1 week

7 Disciples caught 153 Fish

120 Disciples gathered

The Vesica Pattern
The Vesica Pisces pattern will be superimposed on 3 different levels of significance for this study & chart. The chart presented will be somewhat complicated as it attempts to overlay 3 layers of the Vesica Pisces as the key pattern for this assertion. The theory is thus actually very simple …as it was in the beginning, so it shall be in the end; the end is the beginning, the beginning is the end, what was shall be again, etc. But this timing will be based on projecting the sequence of prophetic events from the last Passover of Christ to the first Pentecost of the Church. Specifically here is how the Vesica Pisces pattern & the 153 & 120 number codes will be linked to a Pentecost Season & the possible Rapture timing. As to the day & hour? No one knows.

A. The 1st Vesica pattern will establish the proportion of time set by the 1st Century Spring Feasts of the LORD that led up to the 1st Pentecost of the Church. In particular this time period will be from the counting of Passover to Pentecost. This 55 Day count or (5-5) code will be the template for the Vesica Pisces that is to be generated & projected out from.

B. The 2nd Vesica pattern will be mirrored onto the 7 Church Age timeline. This is the focal point of this study. This study seeks to see if there is a possible correlation between the 7 Church Age Vesica Pisces of nearly 2000 years to some future ‘Pentecost’ season or date. The pattern may give us a clue as to when will the Church possibly fulfill its prophetic ‘153 Fish’ catch. Why the number 153? Because it is not only the coefficient of the Vesica Pisces but it is also associated with the ‘last catch’ of the 7 Disciples before they were in-gathering on the Feast of Pentecost.

C. The 3rd Vesica pattern in turn, matches up with the end points on the celestial Ecliptic that correspond to the 2 Celestial Solstices. The points of the Solstices are where the Ecliptic intersects the Galactic Plain or the Milky Way. This intersection is referred to as the ‘Grand Cross.’ Thus there are 2 of them in the Heavens that constitute the ‘beginning’ & an ‘end’. Planets also can configure a ‘Celestial Cross’ but are different from the “Grand Cross.’ (see link for an example)

The Gates of the Heavens

The 2 end points of the Vesica Pisces that has been overlaid onto the chart timeline with the Solstice intersections, can also convey ‘a death’ & ‘a birth process. These 2 end points of the Vesica Pisces, also correspond to ‘Celestial Gates.’ The Silver Gate is associated with a ‘birthing’ or entering & the Golden Gate is associated with a ‘dying’ or a departing.

These 2 Solstice or ‘Gates’ constitute the 2 ends of the Vesica Pisces pattern that is projected out into timeline for the 7 Church Ages as the chart illustrates. In mirrored fashion, as to when the Holy Spirit came down on Pentecost, piercing Space & Time perhaps through such a possible ‘portal’ or ‘gate’ could the Church-Bride of Christ be taken up to exit this world by the piercing Space & Time as well. Perhaps. But if this typology is plausible, then either the June 20, 2012 or Dec 21, 2012 should be high watch date.

1. The 1st end point of the Vesica is referred to as the Silver Gate of Heaven that corresponds with the Summer Solstice. This ‘Gate’ or ‘Star-Gate’ for that matter is atop Orion’s Right Hand.(Think Statue of Liberty)

2. The 2nd end point of the Vesica corresponds with the Golden Gate of Heaven that occurs on the Winter Solstice. This Gate is atop Sagittarius.

The Vesica Pisces pattern can also be projected out into the current Heavenly constellations for 2012. This pattern is associated with several astrological occurrences; mainly the events of the Annular Solar Eclipse & the Transit of Venus. The beginning & end points of this Vesica Pisces pattern correspond with the Summer & Winter Solstices of 2012. These 2 points to ancient cultures & civilizations were & are considered to be when the “Gates of Heaven” would open. For 2012, these 2 Gates will correspond specifically to the:

1-Summer Solstice of Jun 20, 2012, & the Transit of Venus at the same place on Aug 8, 2012
2- Winter Solstice of Dec 21, 2012 which is the anticipated Great Galactic Alignment

The Silver Gate is located atop the right hand of Orion. This place is where the Sun will enter the Silver Gate at the Grand Cross intersection as it will be in conjunction to the Full Moon on June 19/20, 2012. Thereafter the Transit of Venus will be in conjunction on Aug 8, 2012. On the other side of the Zodiac, the Sun will cross or enter the Golden Gate at the 2nd Grand Cross intersection in Sagittarius on Dec 21, 2012. This date concurs with the ominous Maya End of Calendar date & the astronomical start of the Age of Aquarius, thus the End of the Age of Pisces. A birth and a death.

The 1st Century Pattern
Christ entered Jerusalem through the Golden Gate at His ‘Triumphant Entry.’ This was to foreshadow His death by crucifixion. I see a pattern in the Death of Christ, beginning at Passover, which brought about the Birth of the Church on Pentecost, in the end. It is that of a ‘dying’ of the Christ & a ‘birthing’ of His Church which culminates in the giving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This ‘dying’ which lead up to a ‘birthing’ pattern of the Spring Feasts of the LORD is the blueprint used to speculate about the possible Rapture type or picture to consider for the Church Age. Thus, this is why I believe that within the Pentecost Season, this Feast is the best candidate for the fulfillment of the Rapture to occur. Consider the following pattern:

I do believe that the Vesica Pisces & the number codes do mirror the Church Age in the grand scheme of things. The Birth of the Church at the 1st Pentecost of the Church correlates to the Silver Gate. The Church Age then continues through the Vesica Pisces pattern right down to the current year, which would end at the Silver Gate on Jun 20, 2012 to close out the Piscean Age. IF the typology is valid, as Christ entered through a ‘Golden Gate’, will Church then enter some sort of ‘Silver Gate’?

Which Time in the Season?
What is peculiar about 2012 astronomically, is that at the Winter Solstice on Dec 21, 2012, the Ecliptic will not only align itself with the Galactic Plane or the Milky Way, but it will occur near the Galactic Center. (see the New Age chart) This has not happened like in 26,000 years, so they say. This date happens to be when many experts, both in the scientific & esoteric circles, signal the closing out of the Piscean Age –that is to say the Church Age then. Many see this alignment with the Golden Gate on the Winter Solstice as an ‘Opening of the Gate to Heaven’, perhaps a ‘Star Gate’ if you will. IF so, there remains to be understood clearly just who is to go through it. Perhaps this event will constitute the ingathering of the LORD’s disciples at that time? Or with the descent of lucifer -thrown down from Heaven? Or both at the same time?

According to the astronomical picture for 2012, something will be ‘entering’ this world on June 19/20. Something will be ‘departing’ on Dec 20/21. When the Golden Gate is said to open, a ‘death’ will be associated with it. Could this occurrence be a prelude to the Tribulation that will ensue after the removal of the Church by then? IF Dec 21, 2012 happens to be astronomically the point at which the ‘153 Fish’ code ends, will the New Age of Aquarius that is to replace the Age of Pisces, the Age of Grace, be the beginning of ‘Law’ that leads to the massive death of humanity? According to the Book of Revelation, yes.

This study does not insist that the actual date of Pentecost 2012, which is on May 26-27, depending on your calendar count anyway, is when the Rapture will occur or either on Dec 21, 2012. There are actually more possible high-alert dates that could be prime candidate dates just the same, spanning nearly 3 months. This is why I emphasize in this study a ‘Pentecost Season’ & Church Age. The Church since its 1st Pentecost has been given the Great Commission of reproducing Disciples of Christ by way of the Gospel of Grace. One thing is for sure, at some time in human history, the Church’s Great Commission will come to it fulfillment; a mission accomplished, of bringing in the sheaves of the ‘153 Fish’ catch.

Part I

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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By Luis B. Vega

PDF: online at: http://www.sonoma.edu/users/v/vegalu/eschatology_files/Vesica.pdf
Click on this link to get best viewing size

Possible 2012 Astronomical High-Date Watches
No where in scripture does it stipulate that certain schedules or event of the LORD have to coincide with solar and or lunar phenomena. No comets or eclipses for that matter. But consider this, at the time of the LORD’s crucifixion, a Solar Eclipses & an Earthquake occurred. Moreover scripture tells us that the Heavens declare the Glory of God. Who is to say that such phenomenal events as the Transit of Venus or a Comet, Earthquake or Eclipse doesn’t play a part or could play a role in the LORD’s warning and/or revelation to humanity?

That being said, there are several possible scenarios that I see that can be related to the timing of the Rapture; at least for the remainder of 2012. The astronomical events listed below are what is verified to happen, at least based on particular astronomical phenomena for 2012. These I believe will be several high-alert dates corresponding to the Pentecost of May 26-27, 2012. Any one of these dates related to significant celestial events could be potential candidates for the Rapture:

1. May 16/17: The Rapture could take place 10 Days prior to May 26, that coincides with the Ascension of Jesus Christ & so happens to be the starting point of Venus’ Retrograde.
2. May 26/27: The Rapture could take place on this date, sunset Jerusalem time, given that not all Believers subscribe to this calendar Feast Date.

3. Jun 1: This is when the Planet Mercury swoops by Venus in conjunction to it before Venus begins it Transit across the Sun’s disk.
4. Jun 5-6: The Rapture could take place on during the actual Transit of Venus as the planet crossed the Sun’s disk.

5. July 4: The Rapture could take place on, which coincides with Venus reaching the end of its Retrograde.

6. Jun 19/20: The Rapture takes place as the Sun intersects the Milky Way & Ecliptic on Summer Solstice.

7. Aug 8: The Rapture takes place as Venus is at the ‘Hand of Orion’ on, the 8th hour; an 888 code signifying ‘Jesus Christ’ & Resurrection. It so happens that on 888, Venus will be in conjunction with the Silver Gate that represents ‘A Birthing”.

8. Dec 21: The Rapture takes place during the Winter Solstice that correlates to the ‘Golden Gate’ that signifies a leaving. Perhaps a death as it pertains to leaving this world & a birth of the New World Order that will fill the vacuum.

The Age of Pisces

If in fact the Church Age is the Age of Pisces, then the Sign of Pisces, the 2 Fish of the Zodiac or Mazzaroth, (see Mazzaroth study) match up with the beginning & end points of the Vesica Pisces of the Church Age timeline illustrated in the chart. To reiterate then, the 7 Church Age Vesica Pisces does correlate to the Age of Pisces that has lasted over 2000 years. IF the Silver & Golden Gates are transposed as the beginning & end points of the Church Age on the timeline, we see that the 2 Gates in the Heavens constitute a ‘beginning’ event with the Silver Gate & an ‘ending’ event with the Golden Gate. These 2 points in turn could very well have corresponded to the ‘birth’ of the Church in the 1st Century with a future ‘dying’ to the world (Rapture) in the Golden Gate at its end point.

There are many layers of interpretation ascribed to this Sign of Pisces in the Heavens. In regards to the 2 Fish of Pisces, both are bound to the Sea Dragon Cetus. If Pisces is a prophetic metaphor for the Church, is the Church then bound by satan? I wish to focus on the work of E. W. Bullinger regarding this. According to his research & interpretations, these 2 fish represent, on one level, an earthly & spiritual character of the Church Age & Bride of Christ for that matter. On another level, Pisces can also represent the nation of Israel & the Church –thus the 2 Sheep Fold. Both share 1 aspect in common; both are still bound in the domain of satan –this world. Although redeemed, both entities have been plagued by centuries of satanic persecution; by the Sin Nature, the World & satan himself until the end of the Piscean Age or harvest/catch.

The 2 Types of Remnants
Many believe that the 2 Fish of the Sign or Pisces specifically characterize the Church Age. With some liberty at interpreting, the Vesica Pisces of the Church Age that is projected onto the chart timeline also configure 2 Fish intertwined. This in turn could very well correspond to the 2 Fish of the Sign of Pisces that projected out for the Vesica Pisces of the Church Age. These correlations lend some validity that indeed the Church Age has in fact constituted the Age of Pisces that will come to a end in our lifetime, in 2012. Next we will look at these 2 Fish in a prophetic context, as it related to the Church Age.

The 1st Fish of the Sign of Pisces, as it related to the Church Age, represents the make up of what the initial Church Age started out with, primarily Jewish Believers. The 1st leaping Fish represent Peter in my opinion. In turn, Peter represents the Jewish Believers & beyond that, the nation of Israel. From Scripture, Peter was one of the 7 Disciples that was at the Sea of Galilee fishing after the Resurrection of Christ. We are told that Peter recognized that it was Jesus who was the one that gave the command to set the nets to the other side that caught the 153 Fish. It was Peter who ‘jumped’ or leaped up to swim back towards Christ at the shoreline.

Thus this 1st Fish represents an Earthly Remnant that interestingly is also tied to Andromeda. This constellation speaks of the Bound & Persecuted Woman. Looking into the future, prophetically after the Rapture, it could be alluding to the time perhaps when Israel or the non-believing Jews will have to deal with the severe persecution by the Anti-Christ after the Rapture in the midst of Daniel’s last Week. Perhaps this will be the picture of what Israel will go through at the End Days during the Time of Jacob’s Tribulation.

The 2nd Fish of the Sign of Pisces, as it related to the Church Age, represents the make up of what the later part of the Church Age would end of with, primarily that of Gentile Believers. The Apostle John, who was also one of the 7 Disciples with Peter in the boat, represents the Church. It is he who after realizing it was also the LORD, but stays the course, stayed in the boat & waited on the LORD. The ‘Beloved Disciple’ as John is often referred to was the only Apostle that was not killed or martyred & lived the longest. John as a metaphor for the Bride of Christ was given the vision on the Isle of Patmos of how it was all going to come down.

In fact we see an echo of the type & shadow of how ‘John’ was to remain alive until the Return of Christ, figuratively speaking. At the end of John 21, Peter inquired of the LORD regarding this assertion. Perhaps the LORD gave us a glimpse that the Church, as it pertains to being a type of John, would be sustained & kept alive to the very end of the Church age. It is the 2nd Fish of Pisces that represents the Heavenly Remnant. Thus the 2nd Fish is ‘Raptured’…taken up & out on the wings of Pegasus -to fly away in deliverance.

The Enthroned King of the Vesica

One last analysis to this study deals with the final Vesica Pisces pattern overplayed onto the Ecliptic. The Vesica Pisces from end to end of the Silver Gate to the Golden Gate produce the geometric span of the Vesica Pisces. As the Ecliptic is actually spherical, when we stretch it out as I have on the chart, it makes the universe become a sphere. Yet even with this ‘bending’ of space & time, one can still see the handiwork of God’s design & composition.

This ethereal geometric configuration, when analyzed, incredibly corresponds to several angles of the constellations that are within the Rhombus symmetry & angles that it creates. For example the Right Arm of Orion will always point to & is on the center of the Galactic Plane (Milky Way). The top angle of the Bid Dipper is parallel with the Rhombus within the Vesica Pisces. Cygnus, at the center seems to point to the direction of the Milky Way like a sign arrow to the Galactic Center in Sagittarius. The body of Pegasus is also parallel with the angle of the Rhombus, etc.

Lastly, at the very geometric center of the Vesica Pisces between the 2 Solstices or ‘Gates’, leads you to the ‘unseen face’ of the ‘Enthroned King’ Cepheus. He is next to the ‘Enthroned Queen’ Cassiopeia. Scripture teaches us of how the Face of God & His presence is so Holy, the Cherubim have to cover their faces. Here we have the very imagery of the King of the Universe –His Face invisible due to His holiness. This imagery also speaks of when the Disciples asked of the LORD to show them the Father... & Jesus replied ...’if you have seen Me, you have see the Father.’ But most encouraging for the Bride of Christ is that the Believers in Jesus are being transformed & being readied as they gaze into the Face of the LORD by way of Jesus Christ; May we seek His face always.

‘And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. -2 Corinthians 3:16-18

‘For God, who said, Let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the Face of Christ.’ -2 Corinthians 4:6

A Focus Needed

As the season & the event of the Rapture come more into 'focus' as it approaches....the LORD is bestowing to His Church wisdom & understanding about it that will resonate with His Bride. It is becoming just as it would be or is with most Grooms that are in anticipation of hearing, that the Bride is ready & the ceremony is about to begin. But have you considered this….most Believers focus & have speculated about how, as the Bride of Christ, she will be so ecstatic & mesmerized when the Bride gets to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb, etc.

But have you realized, in anticipation, just how much joy the Risen & Glorified Christ will also have when He finally comes for His Bride? Relative to our time & dimension, He has been waiting over 2000 years. Can you imagine just how expectant He is too? Expectant to finally be with his Bride… to take her, to show her, to say to her, to entertain all that the LORD has in store for her because she loves Him. Jesus Christ expressed His longing at His last Passover on Earth, as He communicated His deepest longing & looked forward to commune with her in the future Kingdom to fulfill the Feast. To hear the words of His Father, ‘the Bride is ready, go get her & let the ceremony begin!’ We are at the threshold. We need to be extra focused in these coming days & months.


Some sources for the Study

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

How about that the temple here is the human bodies which then unbelievers will be dwelled by evil spirit and desecrate them by mid of tribulation.
Yahshua clearly said that our body is the temple of God now. Then implicitly, when Satan is thrown out from Heaven, he and his disciples will dwell in unbelievers literally and desecrate the temple.

That is just one possibility of the temple meaning other than literal temple in Israel which requires the war to break out soon, destroying the Al Aqsa mosque ...
In my own estimation, to build the temple, you need more than a year and it is impossible to make it just in 3 months period, humans just don't enough technology to do it right now, except the core temple, not as big as what Herodes built or Solomon built, then it might be possible.

Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

Hi Gimel,

Thank you for another interesting and insightful comment.

We are constantly learning everyday as we study the scriptures new and deeper meanings of scripture.

Thank you for your thought provoking comments!!!

Keep them coming......

Always appreciate your post's on this site!



Not sure if you have had a chance to watch this video but I find it very interesting I pray it blesses you.

For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes


Mazzaroth descriptions coming in 2012 enjoy this very interesting Video

Please click on this link NEW! Part Four: The Heavenly Signs Expected From Passover Through Shavuot 2012 (83mins)

Please Note: These presentations are NOT predicting the "second coming of Messiah" or the dates thereof. Those who interpret them this way do so out of their own eschatological and theological perspectives. Be intellectually honest - do not create a "strawman" arguement of what you might think these these presentations are about and then proceed to criticise that interpretation from your own preconceptions of end time eschatology. The scripture clearly states that no man knows that date of the second advent of Messiah when He comes to rule over the nations.

This is a watchman report alerting to signs indicating the imminent, promised restoration of the Divine relationship with the remnant of Jacob in these last days in the context of the prophetic parable of the Law of Moses and biblical prophecy. Those who do not have a hebraic biblical mind, but approach this material with a Greco-Roman Dualistic Dispensational Christian mind will inevitably misunderstand and misinterpret information that is being presented here.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Coming Solar Eclipse/Blood Moon/ Transit of Venus signicant to Mayans! (Add on video/May 2, 2012)

Is the May 20th Solar Eclipse, June 4th Blood Moon & the June 5th-6th rare Transit of Venus the real Dec 21st date? How does this comply with Bible Prophecy?

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Patsy (4 May 2012)
"25th Dec (conception date) 6 days to end of year + to end of Pentecost 27th May 27/5/12 =153 days..da dah!!"


Hi 5 Doves,. Patsy here another Watcher,,,

I want to share with you some findings re this year Pentecost being a good time for the rapture..I hope you will be able to understand it.I have included quotes and comments and hope you can follow it.
Firstly .. I know you will be familiar with Luis Vegas Charts but if not.
Let me introduce you to Luis .. go to his site to see the most professional beautiful detailed charts.
The one for this Pentecost has caught my eye.



Hi, I'm Luis Vega. I go by Lu. At our University, I wear multiple hats in providing services to students. I work in Instruction, Program Admissions to EOP, Academic Counseling & as a Statistician, I provide entrance & graduate level testing. I have taught UNIV 102 as well.

For those interested in world events, I love to study patterns in Numbers, End Times, Astronomy & 'Types and Shadows' from a Politcal Science point of view. The purpose of these short studies -by way of charts is to better help & instruct us to consider such patterns as they may hold a key in what happened in the Past & to what can possibly happen in the Future. Does history repeat itself? Some would say yes, others no or maybe...

I have several degrees & as a Political Scientist, I especially like to study recent/current events & news related to Israel, the World, Astronomy & Astro-Archaeology. I have traveled to over 18 countries on service projects helping with orphanages, Tsunami Relief, construction & Malaria projects. I am amazed at the speed in which world events are heralding to a final climax-it seems.

You are welcome to download the charts/work I have so far accomplished in my research. They are US Standard 8.5x11 inches or 8.5x17 legal size. The charts are in PDF format. You can zoom in & increase the size without loosing clarity too much. There is also a Black & White (B/W) version that does not have most of the color to print out. I hope all this informaion will be of some use to you in your studies &


'Given this typology, there is an association of mathematical proportions that is derived from the dimensions of the fish symbol itself that is linked to the number 153 & the Vesica Pisces.

Perhaps these numbers, 153, 120, 50, 777 are hidden ‘codes’ to reveal the hidden sequence of prophetic events.

Perhaps153 is a pro-phetic number of those since Pentecost that are to be Saved; that would be ‘caught’ by the Church until the Great Commission of the Church Age would be fulfilled.

Thus this ‘picture’ could, in one layer of meaning, allude to the number of 1 53 Fish as one of ‘reproduction’ & harvest. As it started in Pentecost could also end there.

Will this Feast of Pentecost 2012 signal the arrival of the ‘Departure’ of the Body of Christ? Is this the time when the Holy Spirit is lifted up & out with the Body of Christ from this world?

IF the typology is valid, it so happens that Christ’s Ascen-sion is directly tied to Pentecost. Jesus was ‘Raptured’ to Heaven 10 days prior to Pentecost. On May 17-18, 2012 this will be 10 days from Pentecost.

This 10 Day time-span is when Venus begins its Retrograde motion down the Horns of Taurus. Could this timing be a 10 Day warning of Christ’s coming for His Bride to culminate in the time of the Rapture on Pentecost? We shall see.' end quote.

Jhn 21:11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken. (33 words)

1Th 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (33 words)

Patsy speaking..

I was thinking this afternoon about the number 153 and realised it is 51 X3..

51 being the number for transformation i.e change x godhead ( 153 = 17X9) e.g. change of state, dead to alive etc

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17 = 153

Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed' ( 1 Cr 15 :51) 17 words

'But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.' ( 1Th 5:1) 17 words

I remember also..
Enoch was translated at this time of year. He was 365 years old.
We have 365 veins in our body (which carry oxygen,blood, water), 365 days in our year. (Fish die when taken out of water etc)
The one man Enoch a picture /type of the 1 body church being raptured at this time its mirror was last year 9/11/11.(Gen 5:22)

25th Dec (conception date) 6 days to end of year + to end of Pentecost 27th May 27/5/12 =153 days..da dah!!


Reply from Luis..

Wow, that 153 link is awesome! This is highly significant because the Math would not always work out as the Pentecost date is different every year....
But will something then happen at this year's Pentecost? I am so ready to leave! I don't want to hang around for 2013.
May we be worthy to escape what is going to happen....
You need to post it and share that with other, if not already :)

The number 3 is used to represent seed, resurrection, divine completeness or Godhead .

'For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.' (1 John 5:7)

Jesus is connected to the number 3.
E.G. Jesus as the seed, 3 crosses, 3 years ministry, resurrected 3rd day, 33 years old when he died....

For example:
The natural seed.
1.Seed in nature which grows food has 3 parts.
The endosperm, the embryo and the seed coat.
Man also has three parts: Body, Soul and Spirit
The spiritual seed.

2.The good seed planted in our minds from the hearing the WORD.

3.The bad seed planted by Satan grows tares or weeds amongst the good.
On Day 3 , there was seed bearing and fruit bearing trees created.

Now go to Genesis 3.
The Serpent plants a seed in Adam and Eve's mind.
The Serpent seed has 3 parts to it also as revealed in the 3 verses below.

'For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your 1.eyes shall be opened, and 2.ye shall be as gods, 3. knowing good and evil' ( Gen 3:5 )
'And when the woman saw that the tree 1was good for food, and that it was 2pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be 3 desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat' ( Gen 3:6 )
'For all that is in the world, 1.the lust of the flesh, and 2.the lust of the eyes, and 3.the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.' ( 1 Jn 2:14 )

E.G. The 17th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is called 'Pe', The meaning of which is in the language or context of a verse or passage dealing with subjects such as to 'cry', 'mouth', 'word', 'rivers of waters' (can mean tears), or 'victory' (being Saved). This is another meaning of 17.
'When he uttereth his voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens; and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth: he maketh lightnings with rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures'
(Jer:51:16 ) 51 being 17 x3.

The words used here express the meaning of 17.

Exodus 17 Moses cried unto the Lord and the Lord answered the result being water came from the rock.

'voices' occurs 17 times, 'heard the voice' 17times ,' In the beginning' 17 times

Amo 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
(17 words)

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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MathMan (4 May 2012)
"Spectacular Astronomical Signs Embrace Pentecost 2012"


Dear Doves,

Check out the spectacular astronomical signs that will embrace Pentecost 2012 (links courtesy of Beast Watch News):

Annular Solar Eclipse (the “Wedding Ring” Eclipse) occurs on May 20th, 7 days BEFORE Pentecost 2012:

FROM BELOW ARTICLE: “Over the next several weeks, skywatchers will thrill to a couple of astronomical wonders playing out in daytime skies: a solar eclipse on May 20 — and then, on June 5, a "micro-eclipse" of the sun that involves the planet Venus. It'll take about three and a half hours for the moon's shadow to race across Earth's surface, from 6:06 to 9:39 p.m. ET.”

NOTICE that the shadow will touch the earth for EXACTLY 3 hours and 33 minutes!! PERHAPS this a warning from God pointing to the soon-to-rise NWO, given that 33 is the NWO’s favorite number. Also, 3 hours = 180 minutes = (6 + 6 + 6) x 10, or 666.

BEAST WATCH NEWS: “Huh! Interesting! Ring of fire - NATO Summit - Ring of fire - NATO Summit... Anyone see a connection? I dunno... I'm just sayin'!... These NWO Edomite freaks just LOVE to make plans around the objects in the sky that they worship.”


FROM BELOW ARTICLE: “Next month's micro-eclipse, more formally known as a transit of Venus, is even rarer. The planet's tiny black disk will march across the sun over the course of several hours ( roughly from 6 p.m. ET June 5 to 12:50 a.m. ET June 6 ). Most of the world will get in on at least part of the show, but the best viewing will be had once again from the Asia-Pacific region. This will be the last transit of Venus most of us will ever get a chance to see: The next one is due in the year 2117!!!!”


Venus crosses the Sun on June 6th, 7 days AFTER Pentecost 2012:

BEAST WATCH NEWS: “The next cycle will then take place either 105.5 or 121.5 years later. The event is astoundingly rare because the planet usually passes above or below the sun from our viewpoint. This year's transit is the second in a pair, with the previous one taking place in 2004, making it the last one we'll ever see unless we discover the secret to immortality in the near future. Hmmm.... I wonder what "they" are planning for June 6th? Maybe nothing, maybe something...”



Perhaps the above are just a fluke occurrence, just happening to embrace Pentecost 2012. Or perhaps try the challenge I made to Randy in a separate post today and see if there is good reason for this occurrence “just happening” to embrace this particular Holy Day in this particular year.

Regardless, it is obvious that the number of days left for us on this decrepit planet shrink after every passing night. Everything around us is screaming at the fact the Lord is about to call us to home, whisked away in the chariots He made just for us!!

YbiC, MathMan

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Rapture Pentecost 2012!

This article was written in November 20, 2009!!

2012,2015,rapture, God's time patterns
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Part I

Friday, November 20, 2009

2012,2015,rapture, God's time patterns

This blog is a summary of what I have been studying for the last year and what I feel God has revealed to me. I do give dates based on historical patterns and biblical numbers. However, God has not spoken to me audibly so I want to emphasize that I may be wrong! I do not want to be known as a date setter. Posting this study is an act of faith. The men's group I am in is finishing up the book Risk by Kenny Luck. I realize I am risking much by posting this, but if in faith I believe it is true and I do not share this with the world, what kind of weak and faithless man am I. I serve the Great and Awesome God who gave all for me!

The scope of this study is to show that God intended this mortal world to last for 6 days or 6 thousand years and there would be 1 day or 1000 years of rest, the millenial reign. Then I will show the results of my study which indicate to me that the church is raptured on Pentecost 2012, antichrist starts his 3 year "hour" of time on feast of trumpets 2012, and Christ returns feast of trumpets 2015. Again, I may be wrong on the exact dates but I believe my study shows there is a good chance of it happening.

The goal of this study is to wake people up. I have been woken up. It is so easy in America to get caught up in the fast-paced lifestyles we live. We have goals for work, hobbies, retirement plans, kids, etc. With the majority of our energy sucked into our goals, which can be all good things when balanced, we leave little or no time for God and His desires, which are always great. We assume we have tomorrow, we put off witnessing to the family member or friend the Holy Spirit is leading us to, we put off spending time with God which we absolutely need, we put off prayer time and try to do it all ourselves, we forget this is just our temporary home, eternity is waiting. Are you ready to meet your Redeemer and Creator? Are you living a life in communion with the God who came to give you life and give it to you in abundance? (John 10:10)

2 Peter 3:8 with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and as a thousand years a day

Psalm 90:4 For a thousand years in Thy sight are like yesterday

Epistle of Barnabas 15:4 Give heed children what this meaneth: He ended in six days, He meaneth this that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all things to an end for the day with Him signifyeth a thousand years, and this He himself beareth me witness saying Behold the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore children, in six days, that is in six thousand years everything shall come to an end

Are there also examples in the bible of a day=1000years.

-Adam was told he would die in the day that he ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (gen 2:17) We are always told yes he died spiritually. But if 1 day=1000 years and Adam lived to 930 then he also died in the first day.

-In the second day of creation God created the expanse and put it as a separation between the waters above and below. This is the only day that was not called good or very good. The second millenium(or day) of mortality was the flood (1656 years later) where the fountains of the deep were opened and the floodgates of the sky opened.

-The Passover lamb was chosen on Nisan 10 and slaughtered on Nisan 14 twilight -4 days later. Christ was the passover lamb chosen from the foundation of the world. Eph 1:4+, Rev 13:8-9

Christ was born in the year 4000 and crucified in the year 4032. Again 4 "days" from the choosing of the lamb at the foundation of the world to the crucifiction

-Hosea 6:2 He will revive us after 2 days;He will raise us up on the third day. At the end of 2 "days" Israel and Jerusalem were revived, on the 3rd "day" we will be raptured

-Days 1-5 of creation are called a second day, a third day, a fourth day, a fifth day. Days 6+7 are called the sixth day and the seventh day. Rabbis teach that the sixth day refers to the only feast that falls on the sixth day-Pentecost Sivan 6. The seventh day refers to the sabbath of rest of Christ's 1000 year reign

-matt 17:1-2 After 6 days Jesus was transfigured

-the seventh day is a sabbath

-the seventh year is a sabbath

-Ex 24:16 On the seventh day the Lord called to Moses on the mountain

-Ex 19:11 Let them be ready for the third day, for on the third day the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people


4007-4001bc 1 perfect week of years
4000bc Adam sinned and mortality of 7000 years begins
2345 bc Noah turn 600 years old (1656 years of geneology of Genesis 5 to Noah turning 600)
2344 Flood
2343 New earth
2342 Arpachshad born 2 years after flood (Genesis 11:10)(first born of new creation)
4007-1666 years(34(2x17) jubilees) =end of year 2342 (year 4007 inclusive)
Jubilee sounded Tishri 10 of Hebrew year 2341
2052 birth of Abraham(290 year geneology of Genesis 11:10-26)
1952 birth of Isaac
1892 birth of Jacob (this is the starting point of 430 years until exodus)
1462 Exodus
1460 Spies bad report, were to enter promised land
4007-2548 years(52(4x13)jubilees)= end of year 1460 (year 4007 inclusive)
Jubilee sounded Tishri 10 of Hebrew year 1459
1422 Enter promised land, beginning of 70 jubilees of Daniel 9
1bc (Hebrew year) Tabernacle birth of Jesus (Tishri 15, circumcised 8th day Simchat Torah)
(John the Baptist born in 2bc on passover)
Jews left cup out for Elijah (John the Baptist) on Passover because expecting him then
(1422-1=1421 years which is 29 jubilees)
29 ad baptized at fall feast and then 40 days of temptation (Hebrew year 30 ad baptized on Simchat Torah)
30 ad begins “hour”(Hebrew hour 1080 parts=3 x 360 days)of ministry at Passover
33 ad crucified and resurrected
Nisan 10 presented as spotless lamb, then inspected by Pharisees
Nisan 14 crucified
Nisan 15 was unleavened bread in ground
Sunday morning feast of first fruits, morrow after Sabbath Jesus resurrects as first fruits
1948 May 14 Israel becomes nation
1967 June 7 Israel takes control of Jerusalem
2008 Feast of trumpets (Sept 29) Dow drops 777 points (Hebrew year 2009 Tishri 1)
2550 days (1290+1260) to September 23, 2015
Becomes final week of Daniel’s 70 weeks because Messiah was rejected
Jesus 3 ½ year ministry already completed ½ of final week
Anti-christ wants to duplicate Jesus so will have 3 ½ years
2009 Passover- 70 jubilees of Daniel has ended
Jesus began 3 year public ministry on Passover (first ½ was baptism on Simchat Torah, 40 days in wilderness and calling of disciples. John 2 miracle at Cana Jesus says my hour has not yet come. Hebrew hour divide into 1080 parts or 3 years of 360 days)

September 29, 2008 +1290 days =April 11, 2012 Nisan 19 (33ad is year called Nisan 19)
Nisan 14 passover April 6
Antichrist 3 ½ year ministry begin April 11
Is he “baptized” with the devil for ½ year first
September 29, 2008 +1335 days= May 26, 2012 (Pentecost May 27,but begins sundown on the 26th) Are we raptured with the restrainer taken away
(2 Thess 2:6 )

September 17, 2012 (Feast of Trumpets Hebrew year 2013) to September 23, 2015 is the same period of time (1101 days inclusive of cleansing day) From Antiochus Epiphanes ( a type of anti –christ) (15th Kislev 168bc-25th Kislev 165bc)(short year or did profaning of temple happen after the morning and evening sacrifices of the 15th) profaning the temple to it being cleansed.
SO does his “hour” start September 17, 2012

September 14, 2015 (Feast of trumpets Hebrew year 2016) Jesus returns
10 days of awe in between Feast of trumpets and Day of Atonement

September 23, 2015 (Day of atonement) Jesus sets up 1000 year prophetic reign which runs until pentecost of 3001
Tishri 10 the Jubilee is sounded 7007 years =143 jubilees
8th day Simchot Torah is God’s permanent tabernacle with us

The 144th jubilee is eternal one

What led me to start looking into all of this?
We saw a DVD by Jewish pastor Mark Biltz explaining how Jesus fulfilled all the spring feasts exactly at His first coming, and that He would fulfill all the fall feasts at His second coming.

Lev 23:1,2 And the Lord spoke to Moses , saying, speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim, holy convocations, even these are My appointed feasts.
Convocations-strongs definition ;something called out in public,i.e. a public meeting, also a rehearsal

Spring feast fulfilled
Passover –Nisan 14- Jesus was the Passover lamb
Unleavened bread-Nisan 15-21- Jesus was the unleavened bread of life in the ground
First Fruits-morrow after the Sabbath- Jesus was the first fruits
Pentecost-(partially fulfilled) Holy Spirit given on this day(Acts) same day Israelites received 10 commandments. All about the covenant between God and His bride

Fall Feasts
Feast of Trumpets-Tishri 1
Idioms for:
The time of Jacob’s trouble
The Day of the Awakening Blast
The day of Judgement/The Opening of the Books/Opening of the gates
The Hidden Day
Wedding of the Messiah
Coronation of the Messiah
Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement Tishri 10
The holiest day of the year when the holiest man would go into the holiest place to atone for the sins of Israel. The trumpet of Jubilee was to be sounded on this day. Judgement considered sealed

Feast of tabernacles-Tishri 15-21 7 day feast with the 8th day called Simchat Torah-day God will finally tabernacle with us. To be a feast of joy(Jesus birth) The 7th day is called the last and greatest day when judgement delivered.

He also spoke of Sept 23, 2015 (Day of Atonement) being some type of a significant date to God.
It is exactly 49 prophetic years (7 weeks of Daniel 9:25) after Jerusalem was taken over by Israel on June 7, 1967 and during the years 2014 and 2015 there are 4 blood red moons and 2 solar eclipses all on Jewish feast days.
2014 and 2015 Passover-lunar eclipses
2014 and 2015 Sukkot- lunar eceipses
Nisan 1 2015 solar eclipse
Feast of Trumpets 2015 solar
The last time there were 4 blood red moons on jewish holidays in a 2 year span like this was 1967-68 when Jerusalem was taken back, then 1949-50 the year after Israel became a nation, and then in 1493-94 the year after Jews were kicked out of Spain. The eclipses are also significant because Joel 2:31, Matthew 24:29, and Revelation 6:12 all talk about the moon turning to blood and the sun darkened when Jesus returns.
Later I found out that 434 prophetic years (62 weeks of Daniel 9:25) from june 7, 1967 took you to August 25th, 1539. From 1535-1541 an Ottoman Sultan named Suleiman (Solomon) the Magnificent rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem.

Then we decided to look up what happened on September 29, 2008, The feast of trumpets which would be 7 years earlier and potentially the start of the 7 year great tribulation. The news headline was “the blackest day for banks and the Dow drops 777 points. WOW that has got to be a sign from God I thought.

Ezekiel’s 430 days prophecy + 2730+ 2520 prophecies
I then started looking at different prophecies in the bible and how they were linked to the nation of Israel being reborn on May 14, 1948 and Jerusalem being taken over by Israel on June 7, 1967

In Ezekiel 4 God commanded Ezekiel to lay on his side for 430 days representing a day for each year of iniquity of the 2 kingdoms. 390 days for 390 years of iniquity of the northern kingdom and 40 days for 40 years of the southern kingdom.
In those 430 years the land missed 70 sabbaths (61 seven year Sabbaths and 9 jubilee sabbaths) Judah was removed from the land for 70 years, a year for each Sabbath. (Jeremiah 25:12 prophecy)
God also told the Israelites in Leviticus 26:18,21,24,27 that they would be punished 7x for their sins if they continued in their sin.

The following timeline is a historically accurate timeline (Wikipedia it) What I mean is that there is so much evidence historically for the dates, the only argument would be 1 year earlier or later whereas people can argue forever about the birth of Christ within 5 years and the exodus within 40 years.

725-722 bc the northern kingdom fell to the Assyrians never to come back again
606 bc summer-first siege against Judah (Daniel taken captive to Babylon)
597 bc second siege (Ezekiel taken captive)
589-587 bc final siege Jerusalem captured, temple burned on 9th of Av (August)
573 bc Ezekiel receives vision of temple from God
539 bc Babylon conquered by King Cyrus (Darius the Mede reigns for 2 years first)
539 bc Daniels 70 weeks prophecy
537 bc July- King Cyrus issues decree that jews can return to homeland
Isaiah 44:28-45:3 God named Cyrus as the one who would free His people
518 bc August –Ezra 5+6 decree to rebuild temple
515 bc April- 2nd temple dedicated
473 bc Nisan 1-pur cast

Nisan 13 -decree to kill all Jews

Sivan 23 -decree for Jews to defend themselves

Sivan 23-Adar13- many people became Jews

472 bc Adar 14, 15 First feast of Purim

Summer 606 first siege – July 537 Cyrus decree= 70 prophetic years just as God promised (Jeremiah 25:12)
August 587 temple burned –August 518 Ezra decree=70 prophetic years just as God promised
The book of Revelation uses all prophetic years: 42 months is 1260 days, 3 ½ years is 1260 days
The flood in Genesis was for 5 months, 150 days
A prophetic year is 360 days per year
God told the Israelites they would be punished 7x for their sins. The northern kingdom never returned to their land. Their original iniquity was 390 years x 7 =2730 years
725 bc + 2730 prophetic years (2730x360/365.25=2690.76 years)= around June 7, 1967
October 725 would take you to June 1967

The southern kingdom returned after 70 years but continued in their iniquity. Their additional punishment is
7x360(430-70)=2520 years
518 bc August + 2520 prophetic years(2520x360/365.25=2483.78 years)= June 7, 1967

Both prophecies converge on the date Jerusalem was restored (which again is also 49 prophetic years before Day of Atonement September 23, 2015)

July 537 decree + 2520 prophetic years= May 14, 1948 Israel becomes a nation
This was Pentecost on the 360 day calendar and 30 days before Pentecost on Jewish calendar

573 Ezekiel vision of temple chapters 40-48 started on Nisan 10 (the same day Jesus presented himself as the spotless lamb and the same day the Israelites crossed the Jordan into the promised land). Nisan 10 is 25 days before Lyar 5 ( May 14, 1948 ). This is a long vision maybe it was one day but I wonder if it was a series and lasted through Lyar 5 or maybe even Pentecost. Then 573 bc + 2520 actual years would take you to May 14, 1948 also

722 bc + 2730 actual years =2009 If they were conquered finally on Passover 722 it would take you to Passover 2009 which I will explain the significance of later

587 August+ 2520 years takes you to August 1934 ( Hitler named Fuhrer of Germany August 2, 1934 )

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( http://www.rapturebibleprophecyforum.com ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Rapture Pentecost 2012!

This article was written in November 20, 2009!!

2012,2015,rapture, God's time patterns
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Part 2

Friday, November 20, 2009

2012,2015,rapture, God's time patterns

AWESOME! Do a flow chart of this
539 (Daniel 9:24-27 -70 weeks prophecy(also talks of 7+62 weeks ) + 2520 prophetic years takes you to 1946. I believe it takes you exactly to Sept 25, 1946 Feast of Trumpets (Cyrus conquered in October 539 and vision would have to be in Nov/Dec 539 around Kislev 5/6) which is 70 prophetic years before Sept 23, 2015 Notice the two 70’s. Also Daniel talks about 62 weeks and 69 weeks (62+7). Feast of trumpets 1946 plus 62 years is 2008 feast of trumpets where the dow fell 777 points. 7 more years (69 total =finality from the father of mans opposition to God) takes you to 2015 feast of trumpets where I believe Jesus will return. 66 years (666 is devil, 6 x11 = incompleteness of man falling short of God) is from 1946 to 2012 feast of trumpets where anti-christ starts his “hour”. Then 69 prophetic years before sept 23, 2015 is 70 days before the 1947 United Nations decree on Israel. Also 66 years after 539 bc is 473 bc where Haman a type of anti-christ is defeated.

Feast of Purim celebration of Queen Esther, Mordecai., and the Jews victory over Haman (a type of anti-christ) is celebrated on Adar 14+15 (472 bc March). The pur was cast Nisan 1, the decree to kill the jews was Nisan 13, and the decree for the jews to defend themselves was sivan 23 If you add 2520 prophetic years to 473 it takes you to 2012. (473 Sivan 23 to 2012 Nisan 19)

Why did God continue to use these 2520 year prophetic linkings? 2520 is 7(divine perfection) X 360 (3x10x12) 360 degrees in a circle signify completion. God uses 360 days in a prophetic year to signify completion. I believe 2520 represents divine completion

Awesome! Do a flow chart
Cyrus means sun or like the sun. Look what God says about him in Isaiah 44+45. He is a type of Messiah. Cyrus conquered 67 years after 606 and 48 years after 587. These are linked to 537, and 518 which are linked to 1948 and 1967. 67 years from 1948 and 48 years from 1967 is 2015. 64 years from 537 is 473 and 45 years from 518 is 473. Again 537 and 518 are linked to 1948 and 1967. 64 and 45 years from those dates is 2012.

Jesus and Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy ( Daniel 9:24-27 )
“Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city…So you are to know and discern that from issuing a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the prince there will be seven weeks and sixty two weeks….after the sixty two weeks Messiah will be cut off”
-Weeks mean sets of 7 and also sets of 7’s (jubilee is 7x7)

Ezra 7:8 decree(different from chapter 5 and 6 above) occurred in 458 bc +490(70X7) years= 33 ad when Jesus crucified
Nehemiah 2 decree in 444 bc +483(69x7) prophetic years = Passover 33 ad when Jesus crucified

Jesus was crucified at the time prophesied 62+7 weeks of years (69x7). And it dealt with the holy city Jerusalem being the starting point.
The Ottoman Turk Sultan rebuilding the walls in 1539+62 weeks = June 7, 1967+7 weeks = the messiah for the second time

I believe what God was saying in Daniel 9 is that in 70 weeks of years I will bring the promised Messiah to accomplish Daniel 9:24 You chose to reject Him as I knew you would. Therefore the gospel is going to the gentiles and then there is 70 jubilees from the command to start counting them when you entered the promised land in 1422bc to the new final week which Jesus already accomplished the first ½. I will talk about this later

Do numbers mean any thing to God. Names do in the Bible and I believe strongly numbers do also. How many reoccurring 7’s,3’s,40’s,12’s are there in the Bible. A lot.
Meanings of numbers
3-divine completeness / fullness (trinity, Jesus rose on 3rd day, 3 wise men, Israelites met God on third day)
4-world / creation (4 winds, 4 corners of earth)
5-grace (Received grace during 5th day (of thousand years))
6-man / opposition to God / falling short of God (7-1=6) (666-satan)
7 spiritual perfection
8- new beginnings/creation (the eighth is the first)
9-finality from father/ judgement
10-ordinal perfection
12- governmental perfection
17-10+7 spiritual order /victory
20-2x10 expectation
40 probation period
70 universality
120 (3x40)divine period of probation
squaring a number intensifies it: 7x7= jubilee, 10x10x10 is millennial reign

I believe God is a gracious and compassionate God and although the bible states that He will return and their will be a time of great tribulation (which is a warning in and of itself) I believe God will give more warnings beforehand. There are many 40 year probation periods in the bible: Jesus, Ninevah, spies, Moses. There is also one big 120 year period of warning:Noah before the flood. So I thought if there is something to 2015, (beside the big Daniel’s 70 weeks warning) God would have given us more warnings because He is a gracious and compassionate God.
We have already seen that from Sept 23, 2015 we had a 49 year prophetic warning. 70 prophetic years earlier was Feast of Trumpets 1946(which I believe is linked by 2520 prophetic years to Daniel’s vision in 539 bc). 430 days later was the United Nations decree on Nov 29, 1967 to allow Israel to become a nation. Interesting that from the birth of Jacob to the Exodus was 430 years.
If Christ returns on Feast of Trumpets September 14, 2015 was there any warnings. 7 years earlier on Feast of trumpets the DOW dropped 777 points. 120 prophetic years earlier was exactly Pentecost 1897-June 5 (night of to 2nd day of feast). Theodore Herzl is the father of the Zionist movement. He started the first publication Die Welt in June of 1897 (possibly the 4-6th)that was devoted to the Zionist movement. On August 30 1897 (86 days (2x43(43 root of 430) after June 5) at the first Zionist congress which he founded he wrote in his diary “today I founded the Jewish state”.
Jesus says in Matthew 24:32-34,37 “Now learn the parable of the fig tree:when its branch has already become tender and out forth its leaves, you know summer is near…recognize that He is near right at the door… this generation will not pass away until all these things take place…For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like in the days of Noah”
Most people believe the fig tree represents Israel and its birth as a nation in 1948. In Psalm 90:10 Moses calls a generation 70 years. 1948 + 70 years =2018,, The longest a generation could possibly be is 100 years or 2048
What I find amazing in the above passage is the end will be like in “days of Noah” which God gave a 120 year warning before and Jesus talks about it right after He is talking about the fig tree. The seed was planted 120 prophetic years earlier and “put forth its leaves” in 1948”.
I know in Matthew 24:36 Jesus also says”but of the day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the father alone”. As pastor Mark Biltz points out the feast of trumpets is the only feast celebrated on the new moon. No one ever knew back then the exact day of the new moon, You needed two witnesses to testify of seeing it, and what if it was cloudy. Also some jews were left in captivity during the Diaspora and they needed to know. It became a celebration of 2 days, known as one long day, and was known as the Feast where no one knows “the day or hour” it would begin. It was also jewish custom that the groom would tell the bride “I am going back to my father’s house to build the bridal chamber, I do not know when I will return only my father knows.” We are the bride of Christ
I If April 11, 2012 is the day of anti-christ beginning his 3 ½ year period is there any warning. Since this is a bad day for Israel I would expect it would be linked to bad events in the past.
- On april 11, 2006 (6 years prior(6 being number of man in opposition to God)) Iran announced it successfully enriched uranium. Iran’s leader believes their messiah will only come through Armegeddon, that is why he wants the nuclear bomb so badly.
- 40 prophetic years earlier was Nov 7, 1972. 10 days prior on oct 28, 1972 Anwar Saddat declared war on Israel and went to war in 1973 on Day of Atonement. 32 years ( 4x8 ) later is Day of Atonemnt 9-23-15, the new beginning of creation in the 1000 year reign.
- 49 prophetic years earlier was Dec 24, 1963. In that month the draft constitution of the PLO was written
- 80 prophetic years earlier was June 5, 1933. Hitler was sworn in Jan 30, 1933 (126 days earlier ( 7x18 )
- Interesting that this is also the 102nd day of year because leap year. 6x17 meaning falling short of victory

May 26 2012 is the day I believe is the rapture.
It is the 147th day of year because of leap year. 147 was the age of Jacob when he died. (3x7x7) representing divine fullness and perfection. Interesting that the day after we leave is May 27, 2012 and 6 years prior on May 27, 2006 was the Java earthquake killing 6600. Again 6 in opposition to God
Also Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948 30 days and 64 years ( 8x8 )(new creation x new creation) later is Pentecost 2012. June 7, 1967 was 7 days before Pentecost so 7 days and 45 (5x9 finality of grace) years takes you to Pentecost 2012. Pentecost 1897 is 115 years before 2012 (5x23)(expectation of divine fullness of grace)
I believe Feast of Trumpets Sept 17, 2012 is the beginning of satan’s “hour” 7 prophetic years earlier was Oct 24, 2005 . This was the 7th day of feast of tabernacles and the 8th day Simchot Torah was the 25th. On Oct 26, 2005 the Iranian leader gave his speech on “a world without Zionism” Sept 17, 2012 is the 261st day of the year 3x3x29(expectation of complete and final judgement)

How did I arrive at these numbers
I knew that Revelation talks a lot about a final 1260 day period in which the antichrist wants to duplicate Jesus 1260 day period of ministry. I know that it is 2550 days from Sept 29 Feast of trumpets (DOW dropping 777 points) to Day of Atonement September 23,2015 (Which is tied to Jerusalem with Daniels 70 weeks) That leaves 1290 days for the beginning period. Daniel 12:11 says there will be 1290 days until the abomination of Desolation is set up (anti Christ) and blessed is he who attains to 1335 days.
Sept 29, +1290=April 11, 2012
Sept 29 +1335 =May 26, 2012 (Pentecost starts after 6pm this day)
April 11,2012 + 1260=Sept 23,2015

Jesus’ ministry was actually ½ year of baptized, 40 days of wilderness and calling some disciples. His public ministry began on Passover 30ad until Passover 33ad. So his public ministry was 3 years. ( his “hour” )
Antiochus Epiphanes a type of anti Christ profaned the temple of God for 1100 days and was cleansed on the 1101st day (older manuscripts of Daniel 8 ;14 read 2200 days rather than 2300 for proper cleansing). Feast of Trumpets ( which has many idioms for it including the Time of Jacob’s Trouble) Sept 17, 2012 to Day of Atonement Sept 23, 2015 is the same 1100 days. The 1101st ( 9-23-2015 )being the day cleansed
There are 70 jubilees from the entrance into the promised land in 1422bc which takes you to Passover 2009 where symbolically Jesus’ 3 year ministry would be inserted into what now is the final week of years of man.

Interesting tidbits:
Lamech lived to be 777 years old he died 5 years before the flood. The flood was the 6th year and the first born was the 8th year. The dow dropped 777 points. At the beginning of the 8th year after the dow dropped is the beginning of the new creation

Moses life represents the 6000 years of man. At age 40 Moses killed the Egyptian supposing this was the way to rescuing the Israelites. After 1/3 of man’s time Abraham had Ishmael rather than waiting on God for Isaac. At 80 years Israelites freed from slavery and given 1st covenant. At 2/3 of man’s time Jesus was born crucified and we were freed from slavery of sin and given 2nd covenant. At 120 Moses time was up and went to heaven. Our time is up very soon. The 40 represents 40 jubilees which is 1960 years. From Adam to Abraham's calling at 75 (Gen 12:1) is 2023 years (40 jubilees +63 years (9x7)) From Adam to Isaac the promised son is 2048 years (40 jubilees+ 88 years) From Isaac the promised son to Jesus the Son of God is 1951 years (40 jubilees –9 (finality from father), and from the blessing of Gen 12:1 is 1976 years (40 jubilees + 16 years ( 2x8 ). Additional 33 years is 2009 years (40 jubilees + 49 years (7x7). Jesus resurrection was divine perfection of divine perfection The Holy Spirit is then 1979 years ((40 jubilees + 19 years) 2012-33. The time periods also represent the Father (Adam to Abraham), the Son (Isaac to Jesus), and the Holy Spirit (church). Again 3 represents divine fullness. Also the significance of 19 to God. (calendar of 19 cycles, Holy Spirit additional 19 years, 19 between 606 and 587, 537 and 518, and 1948 and 1967.

Gestation period of baby is 280 days (7x40) divine perfection of new creation

Numbers 5:11 talks of adultery test using bitter water. The woman’s abdomen would swell and her thigh would waste away. Rev 9:11 talks of Wormwood falling and making the water bitter and many men dying. Sounds like the adultery test The penalty for anyone caught in adultery was death by stoning. Rev 16:21 talks of huge hailstones falling on the earth. Is this the death by stoning for adultery against God for forsaking His covenants.

Daniel’s vision in Daniel 8 which talks about cleansing the temple (which I believe will be done on Day of Atonement 9-23-15) talks about a ram and a goat which is associated with the Day of Atonement in Lev 16. Aaron was commanded to bring in a ram for a burnt offering and 2 goats to present before the Lord-one ended up being the scapegoat and the other the sin offering. This was in 551 bc, 2015 will be 2565 years later (3x3x3x5x19) finality from the father of the fullness of grace )

The dome of the rock was completed on the Temple Mount in 691 ad. It is 2310 years to 3001(3x7x11x10)

The Temple Mount is located at Mt. Moriah where Abraham bound Isaac for sacrifice.
The flood in 2344bc to cleansed temple in 165 bc is 2179 years. From 165bc when the temple was cleansed to Day of Atonemnt 2015 when temple cleansed again is 2179 years. (2x9x11x11)
The divided kingdom in 945 bc to 473 bc (type of antichrist and victory over) is 472 years. From 473 to 1 bc when Herod decreed to kill all jewish babies and Jesus as baby was saved is 472 years.
From 1462 bc Exodus to 473 bc (type of antichrist and victory over) is 989 years and 2012 antichrist to 3001 Tabernacles is 989 years. Birth of Isaac in 1952 to completed temple in 963 is 989 years

God’s calendar

All these patterns, numbers and dates put together a solid argument for the following
September 29, 2008 feast of trumpets new beginning of Daniel’s 70 th week
Passover 2009 Jesus’ 3 year public ministry inserted
April 11, 2012 anti-christ ½ week begins
May 26, 2012 rapture pentecost
September 17, 2012 feast of trumpets antichrist 3 years of profaning
September 14, 2015 feast of trumpets Christ returns
September 23, 2015 Day of Atonement Temple cleansed

Then the night of the beginning of the feast of Tabernacles I had an idea. (I believe from God) Use the jewish calendar and its 19 year cycle assigning each year a day beginning with the beginning of the year that God commanded Moses after the exodus, Nisan 1. WOW this amazes me every time I look at it. Before I wrote this down I believed in a 1462 exodus date (even though the jubilees did not seem right at the time. I was thinking the jubilees should take you to 2015) and a 1bc birth of Christ date. (due to research by John Pratt)

Hebrew calendar that God is using for mankind
The calendar we use is a solar calendar of 365 days a year and a leap day every 4 years to try to keep with the 365.2422 day per year average of one solar year. The calendar God gave Israel is a lunar-solar calendar with months based on the moon's length of 29.5+ days. The jewish calendar then is made up of 6 months of 29 days and 6 months of 30 days in a normal year of 354 days. Then to keep up with the solar year the jewish calendar adds leap months of 30 days in year 3,6,8,11,14,17 and 19. These years are then 384 days long. This is the cycle used every 19 jewish years to allign with the solar cycle.

God has reckoned a day as a year in the bible. Examples are numbers 14:34 with the spies and
Ezekiel's 430 days in Ezekiel 4.
If you were to do the reverse and reckon each year as a day and assign the first year of mortality the first day of the jewish year and the second year as the second day of the jewish year and follow the 19 year cycle that God handed down, it would look as follows

4007-4001 bc According to the book of Jubilees Adam lived one perfect week of years and sinned in the eighth
4000 bc Nisan 1 The year Adam sinned and began mortality
3999 bc Nisan 2
3998 bc Nisan 3….etc
3994bc Nisan 7 first sabbath
3823bc Tishri 1
What I am trying to say is the year 1462 (for example) is the year called Nisan 1
The Exodus happened on passover in the year 1462 called Nisan 1
Christ was crucified on passover and resurrected on first fruits in the year 33 ad called first fruits.
These years represent hebrew years beginning Tishri 1 to Adar 29
Our gregorian year is from Jan 1 to Dec 31. Tishri begins in Sept so approx 4 months off
cycle 1 354 years(days) (4000-354) =3646 bc Nisan 1
cycle 2 354 years(days) 3292bc Nisan 1
leap 3 384 years(days) 2908bc Nisan 1
cycle 4 354 years(days) 2554bc Nisan 1
cycle 5 354 years(days) 2200bc etc
leap 6 384 years(days) 1816bc
cycle 7 354 years(days) 1462bc (year of exodus of Israel)
leap 8 384 years(days) 1078bc
cycle 9 354 years(days) 724bc
cycle 10 354 years(days)370bc
leap 11 384 years(days)15ad
cycle 12 354 years(days) 369
cycle 13 354 years(days) 723
leap 14 384 years(days) 1107
cycle 15 354 years(days) 1461
cycle 16 354 years(days) 1815
leap 17 384 years(days) 2199
cycle 18 354 years(days) 2553
leap 19 384 years(days) 2937 Nisan 1
64( 8x8 )years(days)left 3001
Notice 1bc (hebrew year birth of Christ) becomes the exact center of ascending and descending numbers

year 3001 will be the year called Pentecost/Shavuout

Dates to notice on the above calendar

2bc the year called Adar 14-Feast of Purim(victory over Haman-type of antichrist)
John the Baptist born and Jesus conceived by Holy Spirit
1bc (Hebrew Year)the year called Adar 15-Feast of Purim(2 day feast) Jesus born Tishri 15John the Baptist started ministry in 29 ad year called feast of unleavened bread- Nisan 15
Christ baptized in 30ad year called Nisan 16 ( 2nd day of unleavened bread)
Christ begins hour of ministry at age 30 in 30ad =2nd day of unleavened bread
Christ dies + resurrects in 33 ad called First fruits
2377 called Tishri 1(when jewish calendar actually changes years)
2344 bc -Flood- 33 days after new year (3x11) divine fullness of incompleteness (Jesus 33 when died)
2343 bc-New earth-34 days after (2x17) witness spiritual victory
2342 bc-Firstborn- 35 days (5x7) perfection of grace
598-597 bc 9th and 10th of Av -2nd siege against southern kingdom
538 bc called Tishri 10 (day of atonement)
Daniel's vision of 70 weeks (gregorian year 539 nov/dec)
Cyrus conquers Babylon (gregorian year 539 october)
473 bc year called Kislev 16
called Kislev 16 (possibly first day of no sacrifices from Antiochus Epiphanes)
Haman a type of antichrist and victory over
2001ad Tishri 10
2006 ad called 1st day of Feast of tabernacles
2012 called last and geatest day (7th)of Feast of Tabernacles Tishri 21 (3x7)
7th day of 7th feast of 7th month when jews believe judgement is sealed
Is 2012 the last day that the Holy Spirit will tabernacle with man on earth?
Hebrew year 2013 called Tishri 22 (2x11) judgement for jews begins
Hebrew year 2016 called Tishri 25 (5x5) grace x grace
With this calendar you can also assign each year a day of the week
Every 7th day is a Saturday or the Sabbath
3994bc was the 1st sabbath
1460 bc was a sabbath-the year they were supposed to enter the promised land
1026 bc was a sabbath- the year king David started his reign of the southern kingdom
1019 bc was a sabbath- the year king David sarted his reign of the united kingdom
year 4007 bc inclusive- 1019 bc=2989 years (61 jubilees)
963 bc sabbath-temple started in 480th year after exodus(983bc 1 kings 6:1) 20years to build-1Kings 9
year 4000bc inclusive -963bc =3038 years (62 jubilees)
515 bc was a sabbath -2nd temple dedicated ? 448 years later ( 7x8x8 )
1bc was a Tuesday (jewish tradition was that the groom comes for his bride early on Tuesday night)
33ad was the morrow after the sabbath (leviticus 23:10,11) first fruits
2950ad nisan 14 passover
2951 sabbath after passover
2952 morrow after sabbath
3001 year called pentecost 49 days later-the beginning of the 8th day
If you do this same calendar with the Enoch fixed calendar of 364 days:
Calendar is from book of jubilees, handed down by angel to Enoch
Start from year 4007bc because book of jubilees counts from there
4 seasons of exactly 13 weeks of 7 days (creation,divine perfection and fullness)
19 cycles take you to the year 2910ad
exactly (1) 91 day season short of year 3001 ad(7x13) diven perfection of divine fullness
Day 1 is Nisan 1 , 14th is passover, 187th is atonement, 192nd is tabernacles, etc
605bc 9th of AV-first siege of Judah
Jesus turns 12 (can go into temple) on nisan 14 passover
2004ad is atonement
2009 is 1 tabernacle
2015 is 7 tabernacle
2016 is Simchat Torah the 8th day

Christ sets up millenial reign of 1000 prophetic(360 day) years on September 23, 2015
(This is hebrew year 2016 which started Tishri 1)
1000x360/365.2422=985.6473 solar years
2016 Tishri 10(september 23) + 985.64 years=3001 tishri 10 + .64 year
.64x365.2422=233.76 days
3001 tishri 10 +233 days= around pentecost 3001
After the 1000 year reign Satan is to be let loose for a short time (rev 20:7)
Is he let loose and locked up by Adar 29 the last day of Hebrew year 3000
Feast of trumpets 3001(hebrew year) until day of atonement 3001 (hebrew year) dead are judged (rev 20:11+)
Wedding feast is fulfilled at 7 day feast of tabernacles in 3001 and then the 8th day is the final eternal tabernacle of God with man
143 jubilees are complete (11x13)(divine completeness of incompleteness) trumpet of jubilee is sounded on Day of Atonement beginning of counting of 144th jubilee
4007 to 3001=7007 years (143x49)

144th jubilee is eternity (12x12x7x7) WOW!!!!!!!

1000 year reign is for rest of land from sin.
Israel committed 430 years of sin and land rested 70 years
430/7=61 missed sabbaths 430/49=8 missed jubilee sabbaths + 1 extra jubillee at beg.
sept 23,2015 is after 6015 years
6015/7=859 6015/49=122 + 1 extra jubilee at beg. 859+122+1=982 years of rest from sin required
The millenial reign lasts 985 years from 9-23-2015 to 9-22-3000 (Tishri 1 begins hebrew year 3001) which is the beginning of year 7001 and therefore 8th day(the .64 year takes you to Pentecost of 3001)
Is Satan let loose after the 982 years required of the land to rest and then battle of Gog and Magog occurs.

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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Gail (7 May 2012)
"The West Coast 'under the gun,' just like I said"


Gail (7 Oct 2011)

"The Great Comet of 1811 that Preceded the New Madrid Earthquake isn't well known."
The New Madrid seismic zone earthquakes of 1811-1812 may not have been caused by strictly run-of-the-mill seismic activity. This is a study into the possibility that some Near Earth Object (NEO), such as the Great Comet of 1811, was an outside-the-box crustal stressor. If a NEO involvement is found, then some fear of the unknown about the timing of the next big one may come to be dispelled. See Earthquake Liquefaction Safety.

Meteor in CA, NV likely caused loud explosion | abc7.com

[Apr 20, 2012] RENO, Nev. (KABC) -- A meteor is likely to blame for the loud explosion heard across parts of California and Nevada. The Minivan sized meteor streaked through the sky and caused a blast that rattled nerves from Reno NV to Sacramento CA.
Two weeks from now, on the afternoon of May 20th 2012, the moon will be in its new phase, passing between Earth and the sun.

The result will be a solar eclipse -- one that will be visible in a strip of the Western United States, stretching southeastward from the Oregon-California border to Lubbock, Texas.

It should be a spectacular sight, visible from Reno, Albuquerque, Zion National Park and parts of the Grand Canyon -- but it won't be the kind of eclipse you most often see pictured.

Recall that on Saturday the moon, at perigee, will appear 14 percent larger? On May 20, it will seem 14 percent smaller -- in other words, not quite enough to block the sun.

The result will be what's known as an annular eclipse. A blindingly-bright ring of sun ("ring" in Latin is "annulus") will surround the black disc of the moon.

From my post- April 16, 2012

It's here, and it fulfills Daniel 11:38, 11:39 just exactly like I warned
The big Quakes hitting the West Coast of the U.S. is not coincidence.
Map of Silicon Valley

It's the 'timing of transition' shifting more power to the UK, the 'Seat of the Beast.'
I'm correct on what I've been posting about the rising of the Pottermore Website.
The U.S. has enjoyed the dominance of Websites like 'Facebook', 'Google', 'Amazon' and many others.

Their headquarters are all West Coast, the ones outside California are still up the Coast.

Thousands of high technology companies are headquartered in Silicon Valley.

A dramatic series of events are going to take place. Unfortunately the West Coast will be under the gun.

Mid-Point - March 21st 2013

God Bless,


Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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MathMan (8 May 2012)
"The Sun shall be darkened AND the Moon reddened BEFORE that great day of the Lord!!"


Dear Doves,

Gail posted an AWESOME picture in her post as follows:


Now read the following from Acts 2:20:

“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:”

Now you may ask yourself, HOW could the Sun be darkened AND the Moon be reddened at the EXACT SAME TIME? The answer is not at all obvious. This EXACT astronomical spectacle occurs during a Sunset Annular Eclipse, EXACTLY AS PICTURED ABOVE!!

WOW!! This EXACT RARE event will happen on the West Coast on May 20th AT SUNSET!! May 20th, in turn, is EXACTLY 7 days prior to Pentecost!! Such an eclipse is an EXTREMELY rare event!! Indeed, a Sunset Annular Eclipse, or Wedding Ring Eclipse, hasn’t been seen in North America since 1760!!

Solar eclipses are traditionally bad omens for the world. Given all the hints by the Illuminati of the Sudden Destruction PERHAPS hitting the West Coast, is this some sort of warning for impending disaster? Given all the hints by the Lord of our impending Rapture, that is to happen just prior to the Sudden Destruction, is this some sort of announcement for impending bliss?

Just look again at the picture above. While solar eclipses are an omen for the world, is this eclipse meant to be something different for us, His Watching Bride? After all, does the above not look like THE perfect wedding ring!!

Could this RARE Eclipse be a final seven day warning to the slumbering world (similar to the seven day warning given to Noah to load the ark before the flood came)? And at the very same time, could this “Wedding Ring Eclipse” ALSO be His announcement to His Watching Bride that we only have seven days left to wait for the Father to tell the Son to go and get His Bride?

While it is also written in the Bible that something similar to the above will happen to the Sun and the Moon AFTER the Tribulation (Matthew 24:29), the above SPECIFICALLY talks about this occurring BEFORE the Great Day of the Lord come!!

My fellow brothers & sisters in Christ, we have more reasons now than ever to be REALLY excited about our soon wedding. If the Rapture is not on Pentecost 2012 (May 26 / 27, 2012), it certainly won’t be much long after that. I am convinced that the Trumpet is being polished for use as we speak. Soon it will be blown throughout and the land and we will soon thereafter be caught up in the Heavens to be with our Saviour forever and ever!!

YbiC, MathMan

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Gerry Almond (10 May 2012)
"The Wedding Band Eclipse and our soon removal"


On May 20, this year, there will be what astronomers call “an annular eclipse of the sun”. This occurs when the moon blots out the sun, but not totally as in a total eclipse.

It is very rare and has not occurred in a couple hundred years.

It is called colloquially “the wedding ring” eclipse.

This is because the moon does not totally blot out the sun but is nevertheless dead center of it.

The appearance is a fiery wedding band in the heavens.

The book of Acts (of the Church) has in chapter 2 the very beginning of the Church of Jesus Christ. Born on Pentecost Sunday, when flames of fire came with a mighty rushing wind and stood on the heads of 120 people gathered in a room, it soon caused these to preach to the crowds in Jerusalem that very hour. The Apostle Peter delivered the sermon recorded in Acts 2 and every person heard it in his or her own language. It was a mighty miracle which caused 3,000 people to accept it and the Christian Church was born.

In Acts 2 beginning at verse 17, Peter tells the crowd that Joel’s prophecy was being fulfilled in their ears. Then LOOKING DOWN THE CORRIDORS OF TIME TO THE VERY TIME IN WHICH WE LIVE, Peter said, “your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; and on My servants and on My handmaidens I will pour out in those days of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy: AND I WILL SHOW WONDERS IN HEAVEN ABOVE, and signs in the earth beneath: blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke. THE SUN SHALL BE TURNED INTO DARKNESS, AND THE MOON INTO (the color of) BLOOD, BEFORE THAT GREAT AND NOTABLE DAY OF THE LORD COME; And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Acts 2:17-21 KJV).

Beloved brothers and sisters, just before the great tribulation, that great and notable Day of the Lord comes, and there will be a “wedding band” event that will darken the sun while at the very same time, deeply reddening the moon. To those ready for the rapture, it is a wedding band presented by our Savior, I think. For those not ready, it is the sign Peter gave that the Day of darkness, gloominess, terrible fear, etc has come. Jesus knows His sheep, and His sheep hear His voice, so listen, if you know Him. He is coming again and the time apparently is NOW.

What more can be said? Prepare your hearts to meet our Savior. Surely He is right at the door. May 20th is coming quickly. It is followed by May 26/27, Pentecost, very high watch day.

“When ye shall see all these things come to pass, know that it*** is near, even at the doors”, said Jesus Christ.

***What is “It”? It is the rapture event, separating the virgins with oil from the virgins without oil. Oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit, thus when the announcement came (as it is coming now), those ready with lamps having oil arose along with those whose lamps were lacking oil. What is the difference in the two groups? They both arrive at the “hotel” where the Bride’s chamber is. So what is the difference? It is that those with oil ENTERED, while those without oil COULD NOT ENTER because the Bridegroom said “I do not know you”.

These are not left behind to suffer the great tribulation woes, but they have no part of the Bride either. What is going to happen to them? I think they go away from the Bridal chamber door to serve in the temple in heaven, never, ever to be part of the Bride. What loss.

Thus, all saved go to heaven, not all saved are part of the Bride of Christ. Only those who kept His commandments and were therefore found worthy at the rapture event can be part of that exclusive group.

Agree or disagree, still please, brothers and sisters, do what you can to make your own election sure. Time is flat running out.


Gerry Almond

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Mathman (10 May 2012)
"What to watch for on May 20th!!"


Dear Doves,

I personally believe that the EXTREMELY RARE Sunset “Wedding Ring” Annular Eclipse (as pictured below) on the West Coast of May 20th may end up being a seven day warning of a Pentecost May 26 / 27 Rapture. However, could MORE than just this eclipse be scheduled by God for May 20th? This post will outline reasons why this possibly could be the case!!

Indeed, the following will present some Biblical reasons for this being a possibility. In specific, let us look to the Book of Revelation when I ask the following question:

Could Revelation 6:12-17, 7:9 (7 verses) represent a May 20 - May 26 / 27 Noah Seven Day Warning (also 7 days inclusive or simply 7 days, same as the number of applicable verses)?

In other words, what IF the Sixth Seal actually represents the Rapture Event, the next event on the prophetic calendar? WHAT IF the Sixth Seal ends up actually being broken on May 20th, culminating in the Rapture occurring, AFTER a six or seven day delay, on Pentecost May 26 / 27?

While one may commonly expect the results of the breaking of the Seal to manifest instantly, is this always the case? I believe that it doesn’t HAVE to be. For the purposes of this illustration, let us compare a Tribulation Seal to a large hydro dam, and the eventual consequences of that Seal being broken, to a town 150 miles down stream from the dam.

If this dam were to suddenly collapse (the Seal broken) would the town instantly be destroyed (Rapture / Sudden Destruction)? NO!! The town will be destroyed once the water reaches it, but the water still has to take a little bit of time to travel before it gets to the town. In other words, there is still some delay, meaning a short last warning is possible. This means there is still some possibility of escape, a hope that remains until the water finally, but inevitably, reaches the town.

The verses that apply, with respect to the Sixth Seal, are as follows (from the Book of Revelation):

6:12: And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

6:13: And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

6:14: And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

6:15: And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

6:16: And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

6:17: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

7:9: After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

Could the Great Earthquake (the LARGEST Slip EQ in RECORDED HISTORY) of April 11, 2012 have actually been this Seal being opened? Could we already be in a 40 day delay to the May 20th Sunset Annular Eclipse, finally ending 7 days later with a Pentecost Rapture? While this is a possibility, the next paragraph outlines a different possibility.

Could Revelation 6:12 be referring to the May 20th Sunset Annular Eclipse JUST BEFORE THE RAPTURE, PERHAPS on Pentecost 2012 (May 26 / 27)[color]??? COULD there be ANOTHER “Great Earthquake”, in addition to the Great Earthquake that occurred on April 11th, that occurs on this EXACT same day, May 20th???

More specifically, could there end up being a “Great Earthquake” (with a resulting Tsunami?), perhaps even on the West Coast itself, on May 20th, in order to serve as a “Noah-Type” Final Seven day warning? Perhaps even with a possible resulting Tsunami as a type of "Noah's Flood", but obviously on a MUCH smaller scale (symbolic)??

After all, is there a reason why such an extremely rare Sunset Annular Eclipse is taking place on the West Coast of all places? If you recall, this is the EXACT place Ron and I have outlined MANY times in the past as the most likely place that the NWO will strike with there Sudden Destruction!! For example, the missile launch scare occurred just off the California Coast (also at Sunset!!). In addition, the songs played after both of the National Emergency Tests we about CALIFORNIA!! Based on all of the “subtle but significant hints” the NWO have given for this location being on their radar, on so many occasions in the past, can we REALLY exclude this as a possibility??

So exactly what am I trying to say? What I am trying to say is that I will find it EXTREMELY telling IF we were to have another “Great Earthquake”, besides the two MASSIVE SLIP QUAKES that occurred on April 11th, on May 20th!! This will be even more telling if it is on the West Coast AND "just happens" to occur on the same day as the EXTREMELY RARE Sunset Annular Eclipse of May 20th, especially if a Tsunami results!!

Just imagine how many extra people would be gathered on the West Coast in order to see this heavenly spectacle, increasing the potential devastation of such an event should a Tsunami result. Yes, this would be a tragedy and an extremely sad even!! HOWEVER, God will ALWAYS turn this world’s bad into His divine good (don’t ask me how, but He somehow does)!! This could result in MANY more souls being save when viewed in an eternal context.

Indeed, wouldn't this type of event surely result in quite an amazing 7 day warning witnessing tool should such a horrible tragedy occur?! This would certainly give us a VERY tangible events to point to as we continue our witness to the lost during the ensuing last few days before the Rapture that could very well follow shortly thereafter (perhaps on Pentecost?)!!

IF another such “Great Earthquake” were to occur on May 20th, this would certainly fit in perfectly as a 7 day warning, JUST AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH!! Sadly, we would STILL be mostly ignored by the lost in our subsequent warnings, ALSO JUST AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH. NONETHELESS, PERHAPS some would actually listen and "get into the ark" before it was too late!!

Anyways, this was just a thought I wanted to share with you all. I just find it VERY interesting that Revelation 6:12 has wording almost IDENTICAL to Acts 2:20, which reads “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come." As per the previous quote, this is obviously very similar to Revelation 6:12, which reads "and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood".

What are the chances of all this lining up like this so perfectly with the soon Pentecost 2012? Yes, I see the complete irony of “MathMan” posing this particular questionJ!!

IMPORTANT: Please note that I fully acknowledge that the Sunset Annular Eclipse could end up being a trial run for a GLOBAL darkening of the Sun, reddening of the Moon, both to be caused supernaturally just before the Rapture AT SOME OTHER DATE OTHER THAN PENTECOST 2012!! HOWEVER, IF we have an Great Earthquake on the EXACT same day as the May 20th Sunset Annular Eclipse, ESPECIALLY if the EQ is also on the West Coast and causes a Tsunami, I will personally strongly believe that THIS will be an EXTREMELY EXPLICIT AND MERCIFUL FINAL SEVEN DAY INCLUSIVE WARNING sent from the Lord pointing to a possible Pentecost 2012 Rapture!! As mentioned above, even in tragedy, we serve a Lord that explicitly promises to make everything that happens that appears bad TO US, the finite, to eventually work for His ultimate good, the infinite!!

SIDE NOTE: After I wrote the above, I noticed that Gerry Almond had written something similar:


"10. It was at Pentecost that Peter declared the fulfillment of Joel 2. In his conclusion, he prophesied not only this event but looking over centuries of time said this about the very day in which we now live “And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath: blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come; and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved”. (Acts 2:19-21 KJV). Perhaps the so-called “wedding band” eclipse of May 20 is the event Peter spoke about. It darkens the sun while at the same time it turns the moon black/red, the color of dead men’s blood. Fitting for the age in which we live. At the same time, blood, fire and vapor of smoke denotes destruction by war or other means such as massive earthquakes?"

Interestingly, in a separate email sent later, Gerry pointed out to me that there is EXACTLY 40 days inclusive from the previous Great Earthquake on April 11th to May 20th. As most of you know, 40 days is a VERY common period of judgment in the Bible.

Could this be yet another indicator that May 20th may end up being a significant date to watch? We already know that the West Coast will be experiencing an extremely rare Sunset Annular Eclipse, which would already be a sufficient indicator. However, will there be more? We will only have 10 more days before we find out!!

* * * * * * *

CONCLUSION: If we see a “Great Earthquake” occur on May 20th, especially if the EQ occurs on the West Coast, this will MOST LIKELY be a huge sign pointing towards a Pentecost May 26 / 27 Rapture!! I have personally considered Gerry's post on Five Doves, as quoted above, as a "Second Witness" to this event being a very real possibility (Ron actually ended up writing something similar to us as well, again not knowing that we had also wrote this). Should this Great Earthquake indeed occur, will this cause someone to finally "call on the name of the Lord" to be saved (as per Acts 2:21) and enter the ark JUST BEFORE the Rapture / Sudden Destruction / Great Tribulation suddenly strikes this slumbering world? We will soon find out!! Regardless, even without a Great Earthquake, the Sunset Annular Eclipse on May 20th is, on its own, a HUGE sign.

Doves, it is becoming increasingly obvious that our time on earth is RAPIDLY running out. Make sure you draw as close as possible to the Lord during these trying times!! Pray that you are counted worthy to escape all of these things and are not caught at the time of the Rapture being worldly (as warned by Jesus Himself!!).

MARANATHA!! May the peace that only Christ can give be with you all!!

YbiC, MathMan

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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May 20th Eclipse.Return Of Quetzalcoatl ?Pentecost rapture? Crop circles? All Explored.

A look at the coming Lunar eclipse on may 20th. ANd its symbolism to the return of Quetzelcoatil on the serpent rope stargate.
Could the rapture happen soon by the end of the sighn of taurus?
Rapture during pentecost and shauvot?
A fun look at the signs surrounding us.

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Gerry Almond (15 May 2012)
"The sacred feasts point to Pentecost, this year."


This is how the fulfillment of the seven sacred feasts of Israel are now playing out. These are the seven in our language:

Unleavened Bread
First Fruits

It seems that we must at least considered an eighth, which is a “replacement for the seventh? I really think so, because of the history and attitude of the Jews toward the eighth, Hanukkah. From 166 B. C. and on, slowly but surely, the Jews could not tell the difference between Tabernacles and Hanukkah. By the time of Jesus birth, they favored Hanukkah much more than Tabernacles. As a matter of fact, many of the attendees at Tabernacles would stay the sixty days until Hanukkah rather than travel back to their homes. I was intrigued by this so I acquired a book titled “The Feasts of Israel” in which a Jewish rabbi explained why the above became so. In my study of the two feasts, Tabernacles compared to Hanukkah, however, among other differences, there is at least ONE major difference. First, I need to relist the feasts and then here is my take on that difference.

The revised list:

Passover fulfilled
Unleavened Bread fulfilled
First Fruits fulfilled
Pentecost fulfilled partially.
Trumpets not fulfilled
Atonement not fulfilled
Tabernacles not to be fulfilled
Hanukkah not fulfilled

Here is what I am proposing and what I now believe. Since the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost 32, He will stay until Pentecost 2012. The total fulfillment of Pentecost will take 1,980 solar years to fulfill and will consummate May 26/27. The remaining feasts will be fulfilled AFTER the great tribulation has done what God has predetermined that it will do, and one of those things is to awaken Israel and have her return and claim her land.

So what about the remaining feasts? Trumpets is Jewish New Year. Atonement follows that by ten days. But O my, the last feast, Tabernacles, and especially the last day, day seven, of Tabernacles, which in practice saw the booths that had been constructed before the first day, torn down has a real message in it. The booth represented their bodies which would be dissolved at the rapture. It saw the worshipers gather behind twenty four concourses of priests having silver trumpets and while they blew them, the worshippers followed them across the Court of the Gentiles to the great Eastern Gate of the Temple. Twenty five men opened the great gates and the marchers went through the Gate into the Valley of Kidron, and from thence, to their homes. THIS WAS AN O. T. PICTURE OF THE RAPTURE. I believe that it would have occurred for Israel, had they not rejected their Messiah. I believe that God, knowing that they would do so, gave them a “replacement feast” called Hanukkah, which had elements of Tabernacles in it but NOT THE
RAPTURE PICTURE. Thus when God said that He was weary of their feasts and new moons because with their lips they were close to Him, but with their hearts they were far away, He set up the establishment of Hanukkah, a lesser Tabernacles 198 years before Christ would die on the cross. He then sent His Son, Jesus Christ as a human and fulfilled the first four of the sacred feasts, which then did away with the need for them forever.

On the fourth feast, Pentecost, He breathed the Holy Spirit into the 3,000 saved people in Jerusalem and the Church was born. This established the Age of Grace, or the Church Age. Pentecost has been “frozen in time” ever since.

There therefore only now remains the fulfillment of the last three sacred feasts plus the eighth, Hanukkah. In the timeline set up by the tetrads of eclipses and begun October 29, 2008, the end of that period will be December 7, 2015. That is the feast of Hanukkah, the eighth feast, the replacement for Tabernacles. Do you see? This means that the last FOUR feasts have their fulfillment when Jesus returns as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. That is what I believe.

Thus, we see one major point on the Feast of Trumpets, 2015, the next point on the Feast of Atonement 2015, but NO point of what would be the Feast of Tabernacles. Instead the end point is the Feast of Hanukkah, 2015, the possible replacement for Tabernacles. Instead of the rapture, their deliverance is to be the Kingdom Age. And as Mathman has pointed out, the 7th day of Hanukkah may complete the crowning of Messiah as King of Kings.

The work of Brother Ron Reese whose website http://www.thefinal7yearsareherenow.com
tells the story of how his work came about. Mathman, a frequent poster on 5 doves also has a great handle on the timing. But most have missed the important fact that the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost 32 and apparently will hold the feast of Pentecost in suspension for 1,980 years before leaving and thereby taking the Church with Him this very Pentecost. This feast has lasted without interruption for 1,980 years, it seems. If this is so, then the rapture will be on Pentecost, this year.

Glory to God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and forever.


Gerry Almond

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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At 4:25PM on May 12, 2010, Jesus Christ appeared to me, warning me of things to come. I was shown His "measure of days" in a set of three clocks, which He told me to combine into One Clock, which is the graphic you see here.

1) Noah was given advance notice of the time REMAINING to the fall of Judgment (Genesis 7:4), a warning that GOD is NOW repeating through MANY.

2) Elijah was given advance notice of the day of his translation ("paralambano" or RAPTURE), a Revelation that GOD is NOW repeating for the benefit of His BRIDE SAINTS (Matt 22:14, Matt 25:6.)

3) Lot was given advance notice of the Judgment that would befall his city (Genesis 19:13), and Lot was RELOCATED -- just as Noah and Elijah were, consistent with Jesus' use of the word "paralambano," which means to be "taken along" and "not rejected."

The oft-quoted words in Matthew 24:36, "...of that day and hour knoweth no man..." was fulfilled with our Lord's words in Matt 24:32 with the restoration of the nation of Israel ("the putting forth of leaves" at the START of our Final Generation), also fulfilling the prophecies of Ezekiel. The actual end-time countdown to the Return of Jesus Christ began with the Father's "date of decree," an utterance of prophecy on May 11, 1942, that preceded the physical rebirth of Israel by 6 years! Thus, Jesus was NOT referring to events at the END of our Final Generation (Matt 24:32-36), but to events at the START of our Final Generation! And we are six years further into our Final Generation than is generally believed! Remember how Jesus addressed those who would discern the face of the sky but were unwilling to hear and accept the SIGNS of the END!!

This prophecy comes by divine revelation from our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMachiach. The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus (Rev 19:10.) I preach His Gospel of salvation, calling all men to repentance. Most of you do not know how to test the spirit of prophecy. Read the articles at my website regarding Noah, Elijah, and Lot. I am sent to warn the churches and help prepare the saints for their personal "paralambano" (Rapture One) in the short time remaining! Although every saint will attend the Wedding SUPPER after the Lord's Return, the "paralambano" is your SOLE access to the MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB WHICH OCCURS IN OCTOBER, 2012!

Many of you constantly seek out those to whom God may have revealed His end-time message, but the truth is that He has revealed these things to ALL WHO LISTEN!! Put ALL your trust in Jesus Christ and seek HIM, for He alone is our Ark of Safety. Jesus is preparing NOW to open the Seals of Revelation!

Saints who do not satisfy Luke 21:36 will NOT attend the wedding but instead will enter the "outer darkness" of Great Tribulation (Rev 2:21-23, Matthew 22:13,14), to be purified by trial (Daniel 12:10) and martyrdom (Rev 6:11) before entering heaven. We must acquire favor with the Father in order to be admitted to His Son's Wedding!

Day 503 of the Four Night Watches fell on May 3, 2012. This is important because it marks *exactly* 71 biblical years since the start of our Final Generation. This is prophetically tied to the removal of Joseph's bones for burial to his homeland 71 years following his "virtual rebirth" to Jacob, his father. Consequently, MAY 3, 2012, WAS A THRESHOLD FOR THE RESURRECTION OF THOSE SAINTS ASLEEP IN CHIRST WHO ARE TO ATTEND THE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB THIS COMING FALL! THIS WOULD NOT PREVENT FUTURE RESURRECTIONS AT THE LORD'S RETURN IN 2016!!

We have NOW entered the final TWO MINUTES before "Midnight" on the Clock of the Four Night Watches, when Jesus will Receive His Bride saints (Matthew 25:6, 24:41-43, Rev 3:10.) This Video reveals His "Measure of Days," and is a Warning to the Churches. Remember that "Many are Called, but Few are Chosen" (Matt 22:14.) Pray DAILY as He Instructed in Luke 21:36.

It is VERY Important to Read ALL the Articles at my Website (Yahweh-is-your-Father.com) to Understand the Meaning of this Prophecy, what is Required of You, and Things to Come.

Nothing at my website is for sale, nor do I accept donations. You are free to distribute these materials (including the Clock) as long as the articles and graphics remain unaltered. You must not receive payment for them.

Please share the Lord's Clock with others while there is still time! A high resolution image is available at yahweh-is-your-father.com under the second link to the right from the main page. Many people you know can benefit by having this clock in their possession during the Tribulation!

Even so, Come, Lord Jesus






The generational clock began with the breath of YAH into the seed of Abrahamin in 1942 ( not 1948 ), as was revealed to me by the angel of YAH in 2008. A meeting of zionists took place in May of that year (see historical document HERE) -- a fact unknown to me until it was divinely revealed in 2010. At this meeting in NYC the zionists declared, "It is Time to Open the Gates to Palestine!" That date (May 11, 1942) was Israel's conception -- and the start of our Final Generation -- and will end with fulfillment of Revelation 19:15 on September 2, 2016, when Jesus smites the nations of the world with the sword of his mouth (ie., takes control of the governments of Man.) The Second Coming will be complete when Jesus re-enters Jerusalem during the days of Sukkot (a 7 day feast during October of 2016.) Day 2086 of the Tribulation (09.02.16) is not the date that Jesus re-enters Jerusalem, but rather the day that gentile oppression of the Holy city will END (Rev 11:1-2.)

We entered the Four Night Watches on the Tenth of TEVET in 2010, which fell on December 17, 2010. We will enter the GREAT TRIBULATION in the Spring of 2013, at the start of the 7th Seal of Revelation. The first six seals begin to be opened on day 600 of this period, which falls in the summer of 2012. The bride of Christ ("paralambano," aka "rapture") concludes before the end of Spring this year (at "midnight" / Matt 25:6, or one quarter of the way into the four night watches.) We are almost at the end of the "beginning of sorrows!" Christians have been misled by many who claimed to have "figured it out," but the truth of these things can ONLY BE REVEALED BY JESUS CHRIST. A "day and hour you think NOT" means exactly that! He appeared to me in May of 2010 to affirm what I am telling you now, and it is up to you to accept it, or not. To be ready for the first Rapture, put your total trust in Jesus, be filled with the Holy Ghost, and WATCH!

Things may seem to be moving slowly at first, but the "rapture" will take place at the appointed time! If you satisfy Luke 21:36, you will be received by Jesus on the day and hour CHOSEN FOR YOU (Matthew 20:16.) According to Jesus (Rev. 2:22, 3:16), many christians will enter the Great Tribulation ("Many are called, Few are Chosen," Matthew 22:14), but those willing to prepare NOW will be part of His Bride!

In order to be received at "paralambano," keep His commandments, receive His baptism of fire (Acts 1:4-6), and pray to be accounted worthy to escape what is to come (Luke 21:36.) PRAY EVERY DAY!



Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Posted for Julia: Pentecost/ Annular eclipse ideas- May 21 2012

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Gary Kearney (19 May 2012)
"Just a hypothesis"

Counting back from May 30th, ten days, puts us at May 20th. This just happens to be the day of the "Annular Eclipse", also known as the "Wedding ring Eclipse". This could be a possible "Ascension Day" of which "no man knows the day or the hour" because our calendars are actually messed up.

GOOD NEWS!!! God knows what day it is.


Just a hypothesis

I think those of us that have used the Hebcal.com calendar for the last few years at least can agree that we don't really know what time it is. Any of us that have put in a date have at some point in time met up with the disclaimer that pops up stating:


"WARNING: Results for year 1752 C.E. and before may not be accurate. Hebcal does not take into account a correction of ten days that was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII known as the Gregorian Reformation."

Let's face it, our calendar system is messed up real bad because when we changed over from Lunar to Julian, and then to Gregorian, we ended up not having a clue as to what the date truly was or is. We can't even be absolutely sure of what day of the week it is. Today may be Sunday and we just don't realize it.

Now having said that.....let me lay out my theory. And I want to make it clear this is only a theory.

In the bible, it seems that everytime an angel or the Angel of the Lord showed up, there was a "great earthquake". Examples:

Mat 28:2 And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.

This is when the angel showed up at the tomb where Jesus was laid.

Act 16:26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed.

Obviously, the foundations of the prison were shaken by the earthquake. But I am going to assume that angels opened the doors and loosed the bands that held everyone captive or else there would not have been a reason for the angel to roll the stone away at the tomb because it could have been done by the earthquake. But it specifically says the angel rolled the stone away. So I will take for granted that there were angels present in the prison and their presence is what caused the earthquake.

Rev 11:12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.

Rev 11:13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

When the two witnesses are killed and lie in the streets of Jerusalem for three days, Someone comes and shouts for them to "Come up hither". In these instances, we have someone crossing over from the dimension of Spirit or "descending from Heaven" and then the two witnesses ascending into Heaven. It seems this crossing causes earthquakes. Great earthquakes.

Now the bible states that the witnesses will descend from Heaven. I theorize that when they do, they will cause two great earthquakes. My hypothesis or speculation is this:

April 11, 2012 saw 2 "great earthquakes" in Indonesia. An 8.2 and an 8.6. I would call those "great earthquakes". April 11th plays a major role in the timelines that many have laid out. I submit to you that this date, April 11th, could very well have been the day that the Two Witnesses showed up on the earth. They showed up just hours apart. I know of no verse that says they will come to the earth at exactly the same minute or that they will land in Jerusalem. It says they will be killed in Jerusalem. Could it be possible that April 11th is the "Day one" of the counting of the Omer and they will have fifty days to awaken the 144,000 jewish virgin evangelists that may be scattered throughout the earth right now. Does it say anywhere that they will start this awakening in Jerusalem? Does it say anywhere that the 144,000 will all be in Israel? Not that I'm aware of. I realize it does not say that the witnesses will awaken the 144,000. But could it be possible? Will they (144,000) be awakened to their mission before being given the "seal of God" in their foreheads? Is it possible that the Witnesses start their mission in Indonesia?

The church was given the "seal" of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Could it be possible that the 144,000 will be "sealed" on Pentecost. Are we absolutely, 100% sure, of when Pentecost is? If April 11th is the beginning of the 1335 day count, which I believe it is, and if it is the 1st day of the 50 day Omer count, which I believe it COULD BE, then Pentecost would fall on May 30th. This would be the day the 144,000 would be marked or sealed in their foreheads. Since the calendar disclaimers say that we are off 10 days on our gregorian calendar, then it is feasible that April 11th, being a Wednesday on our calendar right now, is actually April 11th, a Sunday. Just count back 10 days from Wednesday and you end up on Sunday. That would make May 30th a Sunday......Pentecost Sunday. That would also make Passover a Wednesday, instead of a Saturday this year.

Counting back from May 30th, ten days, puts us at May 20th. This just happens to be the day of the "Annular Eclipse", also known as the "Wedding ring Eclipse". This could be a possible "Ascension Day" of which "no man knows the day or the hour" because our calendars are actually messed up.

GOOD NEWS!!! God knows what day it is.

This is just food for thought. Nothing in stone.

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Luis Vega (25 May 2012)
"The Pentecost Call to Assembly - The Missing Feast in the Tetrad"


The Pentecost Call to Assembly
The Rapture Clue of the ‘Missing Feast’ within the Tetrad of 2014-2015

By Luis B. Vega

PDF: online chart at: Please click on this link to see Best view of Chart

This study will consider certain suppositions to see if the Feast of Pentecost is a better candidate than Rosh HaShana for the Rapture to occur on. I will try to itemize the points & assertions for better clarity as some of my studies & charts can get a bit complicated. This simple study primarily proposes that the up-and-coming Tetrad is possibly giving us a ‘hidden clue’ as to which of the 3 Required Feast of the LORD the Rapture could possibly be associated with. Based on my research so far, it is my understanding that a Pentecost Feast is a better candidate for the Rapture than Rosh HaShana when considering the following points:

1. The Feast of Pentecost is 1 of the 3 required Assemblies of the LORD, Rosh HaShana is not.

2. The Feast of Pentecost is omitted or ‘missing’ from the Tetrad Feast pattern of 2014-2015.

3. The type of Grain Harvest associated with the Feast or Pentecost is Barley, not Wheat.

4. The type of ‘trump’ sounded at Pentecost is not the Shofars of Rosh HaShana.

In my continued studies on Pentecost & the Tetrad of 2014-2015, I believe that the Tetrad time period is a key period specifically designated for Israel & that it won’t involve the presence of the Church. The LORD seemed fit to ‘punctuate’ the 4 Total Lunar Eclipses of the Tetrad with the First & the Last of His Feasts, in particular, the first being Passover & the last being Tabernacles -but not Pentecost. At least 1 of the 4 Total Blood Moon of the Tetrad of 2014-2015 could have been on Pentecost but it is not the case. Perhaps this is a key or clue by design.

For a visual illustration (see chart PDF link above)
1. A timeline of the 7 Feasts & the 3 Primary Feasts of the LORD will be mapped out.
2. The Tetrad of 2014-2015 will be shown in light of its associated Feasts.

3. The type of fruit/grain Harvests will also be mapped out that correspond to the Feasts.

The Gathering unto the LORD’ House
The reason I titled this study ‘The Pentecost Call to Assembly’ is that as the Disciples were called to assemble in the Upper Room on Pentecost in Acts 2, I see direct parallels in the Book of Revelation. After the LORD Jesus Christ evaluates the health condition of His Church, as the Great Physician, the Apostle John, as a representative of the Bride is summands to the Throne Room wherein we are shown the 24 Elders that are in ‘assembly’…in the House of the LORD. The imagery is striking. There is no clear association to this scenario as being associated with Pentecost but the LORD does identify His position within the ‘Menorah’ of the Churches of Asia, as being in the ‘midst’ or the middle; that of the 4th Center Servant Stem.

Using deductive logic here, it can be than asserted that the LORD’s position at the time of the calling of the Apostle John as the ‘Church’ representative to assemble and gather at His Throne Room is directly then associated to the 4th Stem of the Menorah, that is to say Pentecost. This typology is consistent with Pentecost being the 2nd of the 3 required Assemblies or Gathering Feasts of the LORD, & thus in the middle. This is why I have come to understand why Pentecost would not be attributed to any of the Tetrad’s 4 Total Lunar Blood Moon Eclipses that mark off the LORD’s First & Last of the required feasts. I am assuming that this is the pattern implied.

When will the Rapture take place?
Will the Rapture take place on Pentecost 2012? I don’t know. But again, this study only is postulating that if the Rapture were to occur on a LORD’s Feast, it could most likely be associated with Pentecost & not Rosh HaShana. The Rapture of the Church will be a special day no doubt as the LORD does ‘punctuate’ His appointments. This is especially true in the pattern & type of fulfilling the 7 Major Feasts of Israel. These Feasts or Moedim echo the Plan of Redemption purposed in Christ Jesus. Each Feast is a stage in the overall will & plan of God.

As many excellent studies have pointed out, the Rapture does not have to fall on any particular Jewish or Feast of the LORD at all. The Rapture does not even have to occur on Pentecost at all, nor in 2012 for that matter. There are other possible high watch-dates that are to be considered still for the Rapture -at least for 2012. There is the:

- The Transit of Venus across the Sun on Jun 5-6, 2012.

- Venus conjoining the Hand of Orion on Aug 8, 2012.
- Rosh HaShana of course on Sept 16, 2012.
- Even when the Age of Pisces comes to a close on Dec 21, 2012.

Why on Pentecost?
This required 2nd Assembly or Gathering of the LORD’s People on Pentecost is the only one of the 7 main ‘High Holy Feasts’ of the LORD that distinctly has a Gentile attribute associated with it. In the Old Testament, Gentiles since the time of Exodus were actually also required to observe the Feasts of the LORD. It had always been in God’s heart to save the whole world, not just the Jewish Nation. It was because of the direct rejection of Christ by the nation of Israel, as a whole, that this facilitated the objective. There are many excellent studies that show how:

1- Ruth, as a picture of the Gentile Bride, married Boaz the Kinsmen Redeemer on Pentecost.

2- Enoch was Raptured on Pentecost.

3- Moses on behalf of Israel ratified the Marriage Covenant with the LORD as the Law was
implemented on Mt. Sinai on Pentecost with trumpet blasts etc.

4- Even King David proposed to have died at Pentecost

Thus Pentecost specifically is thus associated with a Gentile element that was to be included in the ‘harvest’ of the LORD at some point in time in the future. In fact it was for this very reason that the Apostle Paul got stoned during one of his Asian Missionary trips for declaring this truth to the Jews. The Jews became jealous that the LORD would have also included & incorporated the Gentles into His Redemptive & Rewards Plan.

Furthermore, in Acts 2 the prophecy of Joel 2, alluded to by the Apostle Peter, was fulfilled. The giving of the Holy Spirit, that descended on the 120 Believers gathered in the Upper Room, was given, as it will be given to the 144,000 to be anointed to witness in the Tribulation, the Disciples witnessed to Israel during this Pentecost in people’s native languages that were understood without interpretation. No doubt, there were probably those that were also non-Jewish that were also attending the required Pentecost Feast of the LORD. The 3000 that were saved that day was a foreshadowing of the nature of the dispensation to come, namely the Church Age that was to incorporate Jews & non-Jews into the Plan of Salvation.

Thus Pentecost of Acts 2 was a sort of ‘first-fruits’ of the much broader ‘harvest’ to come that incorporated Gentiles & celestial signs in the Sun & the Moon to accompany it –just like we are seeing now before the Tetrad. Perhaps as the Age of Pisces is coming to a close on Dec 21, 2012, such Solar & Lunar Eclipses are leading up to what the Rapture will be consisting of, perhaps in a time that it is to be between a Solar & Lunar Eclipse? As mentioned before, so far this past decade, only 2011 & 2012 match this astronomical composition of Pentecost being in the ‘midst’ of a Solar & Lunar Eclipse before the start of the Tetrad in 2014. We shall see.

The Trumpets
There has been fascinating studies on what the “Trump of God” and the “Last Trumpet” means or signifies. There is some confusion as to the words when they are translated into English. The connotations are not easily distinguishable in type; which could make all the difference & perhaps could result in less confusion & argument. For the purpose of this study, it will be very simplistic in its association to the comparison of the Feasts in question.

1. Shofar: used by the Jewish nation to assemble, call to war, alert etc -Rosh HaShana – Shofar
2. Silver Trumpet: primarily used in association with the Temple worship -Pentecost – Silver Trumpet

There are those Believers that adamantly hold that the Rapture, will occur on the ‘Last Trump’ of the LORD. This is Scripturally correct. In this case, it would seem logical to then the Rapture would be associated with Rosh HaShana. This Feast in the Fall, around September in most cases, is decorated with a 100 Trumpet blast sequence, BUT it’s of a Shofar, not as in a ‘Silver Trumpet.’ More so, Rosh HaShana is associated with the Wheat Harvest & it is not one of the main 3 Required Assemblies of the LORD, although there are extremely well thought-out arguments for the Rapture to take place during this time. Thus I believe that the Rapture is not a good candidate to occur on Rosh HaShana because of this simple reason. I am sure there are more complex & in-dept rationales.

Pentecost was associated with the blowing of the Trumpets as in Silver Trumpets or Divine Trumpets at Mt. Sinai when the Assembly, the Church in the Wilderness as the Apostle Paul called the gathering met on the Mountain. There was a rushing of wind, thunder, flashes, the Sound of Trumpets as the Marriage Covenant was presented & initiated by way of Moses. This echoes the same manifestation at Pentecost of Acts 2. In this case, it was the betrothal of a fusion of the Jewish & Gentile Bride for Christ to be harvested at the Rapture –at some point in time.

The Harvest Types
God’s People were to congregate or assemble in Jerusalem 3 times a year. These 3 assemblies were Passover, Pentecost & Tabernacles. These LORD’s Assemblies, or Moedims were associated with a type of Harvest. Each type overlaps the subsequent one as the end of one type of Grain/Fruit harvest is the beginning of the next type of Harvest.

-Passover = Barley-Beginning of Spring, Harvest gathered at Pentecost
-Pentecost = Barley Harvest gathered, Beginning of Wheat Harvest at beginning of Summer
-Tabernacles = Wheat Harvest gathered, Beginning of Fall Grape Harvest

1. Winnowing of the Barley (PASSOVER)
This type of Grain is thrown in Air to separate it from its chaff. This is a ‘picture’ of Rapture; of Believers in Christ throwing off Old Sin Nature along with the physical body. In the air they are transformed & given a Spiritual body as we meet Jesus. The Barley Harvest is in-gathered by Pentecost. Because Christ was the ‘First-Fruit’ from among the ‘Dead’, in Romans, it declares that we too likewise will follow in this same ‘type’ of Grain. This can not be said of Rosh HaShana. The in-gathering or assembly of the Barley Harvest is taken into the barns around Pentecost.

2. Threshing of the Wheat (PENTECOST)
This type of Grain is beaten loose on a ‘Tribulum’ because it is a lot harder before it is to be winnowed. This is a ‘picture’ of Tribulation Saints, Martyrs & Israel that is to be purified before being Raptured up. At the end of the Barley Harvest on Pentecost, the Wheat Harvest begins. This gives credence to the studies that propose that there are actually more than 1 ‘traditional’ Rapture, but that of the 144,000 Jewish Evangelists that are seen with Palm Branches signing the Song of Moses etc.

3. Pressing of the Grapes (Tabernacles)
This type of fruit, Grapes in this case are crushed to extract its juice. It is a picture of judgment. It will be associated with the judgment of the Nations, the Anti-Christ, the False Prophet at the end of the Tribulation in reference to the Battle of Armageddon where blood will flow like rivers in Israel. This is why we see Christ at His 2nd Coming & his robes dipped in blood because of the battle He will wage at His Return. This is the ‘Vengeance of our God’ that He did not read at the Synagogue reading during His ministry. It was He at the Garden of Gethsemane that was crushed for our inequities, bruised by our sin & took the full brunt of the furry and wrath of God for the judgment of sin on our behalf. Didn’t He say that He was poured out like water on the Cross? ...Such anguish and price to pay for you and me. Gethsemane means ‘pressed out’.


So based on the information presented, the Rapture of the Church would be a better candidate than that of Rosh HaShana in my opinion. Primarily this stipulation is based on the Tetrad Feast pattern of having the Passover as the beginning & Tabernacles as the end, Pentecost as the logical 2nd in the series of the LORD’s required 3 Assemblies is absent. This is based on the assertion that perhaps, as the Tetrad is said to reflect a time period where the LORD will deal specifically with the Nation of Israel, perhaps the Rapture, IF it were to occur on a Feast or Moedim day, could be the at the Feast of Pentecost –at some time, some year.

It so happens that leading up to the Tetrad of 2014, for the past decade, only in 2011 and 2012 will Pentecost is exactly between 2 Eclipses. Of course, the Rapture could occur at any time or on a totally different Feast date that we think not. Regardless, we need to be objective in our watch & be faithful to the LORD’s discernment as He instructs us as the Feast come & go and we are still here.

A Word of Encouragement
Recently, as I have been meditating on the current season of Pentecost & the possibility of the Rapture being associated with it, a verse has been pressed upon my heart over and over. It is

Psalm 24:3-4.
Who may ascend the Mountain of the Lord?
Who may stand in His holy place?
The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.

We need to be reminded that as we approach the Rapture –even if it is not on this Pentecost 2012, at least 1 day closer, we are & need to confess our sins faithfully; realizing that in us, naturally dwells no good thing & that we are sinners saved by grace. In this ever decaying society & world, it is becoming more difficult to keep our hands clean & hearts pure.

But may our deeds & actions done by our hands & the thoughts & words that come out of our heart be surrendered in prayer to the LORD that has qualified us to receive such a gift of the Rapture, whenever it shall come so that we may go. The key is to remain in Him. As Christ admonishes us that it is He that is the True Menorah, He is the True Vine, & we are the Branches, apart from Him we have no life in ourselves. May we hold fast on to Him, nourished by His Holy Spirit as we dig into His Word waiting to hear His Call to Assemble at the Rapture.

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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