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While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.  John 17:15 (KJV)

Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return:  "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"  Matt. 24:29 (KJV)



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Yahusha is YHWH  come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of  a Virgin.

Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence

When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels. 

John 14:26
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But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.

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Who could be the Antichrist? Could the antichrist be alive and living today? Answer: Yes Part I

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Part 1

Who could be the Antichrist?
Could the antichrist be alive and living today? Answer: Yes

Definition of antichrist, he who pretends to be Jesus Christ!

Who could be the AntiChrist-

Please note that I could be possibly wrong. But there is a person living today,
that all signs point to be the AntiChrist. Only living thru the tribulation could we really
know, and I for one don't care to know that bad, that I would live in that time of the
tribulation to find out. But here it goes........

I got a clue the other day when a minister on TBN (Trinity Broadcast Network) or
as we call it, the Christian channel, that the next King of Iraq should be the antichrist,
and is from Saudi Arabia, his name was Abdullah. I'm sorry but I would have to
disagree with him, for there is no Prince in Saudi Arabia that fits the profile of what
we know are to be the requirements of the AntiChrist. But I have found one person
who meets all these requirements and is living today. He is the Ex-Crown Prince of
Jordan. Prince Hassan.

The antichrist to come is associated with the "ten kings" of Revelation (also the
"ten toes" of Nebuchadnezzar's vision in the Book of Daniel). These "ten kings"
are generally associated with Europe. However, this not the case, infact, these
are ten kings, that are still yet to come, as this verse clearly points out.

Rev 17:12 "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have
received no kingdom as yet; but Recieve Power As Kings One
Hour With The Beast."

The well-known "ten kings" do not receive their kingdoms until late in the game.
I believe this will happen, in the formation of a new U.N. or League of Nations.
Please read below on my possible scenerio.

Prince Hassan of Jordan Bio -

Goes by the Name: El Hassan bni talal
Real Name: hassanu bni talâli hâshim
Birth Place: Amman, Jordan (Asyria today is Jordan, Syria, Iraq)
Age: 61 - born 3/20/1947
Background: 42nd Generation of the Hashemite Monarchy, to be
direct decent of Mohammad.

Let me give some reference to why I think this is the person we should look at.

In 1916, Transjordania, better known in biblical times as Assyria, split into
three territories or nations. These territories or nations, now called, Iraq, Syria,
and Jordan. Before the split, these territories or nations were under the Mecca
kingdomship, but ruled by Britain. So let's take a look at some scriptures which
relate to the end times.

Rev. 17:10 "And there are seven Kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other
is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short

Rev. 17:11 "And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of
the seven, and goeth into peredition."

Rev 17:12 "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have
received no kingdom as yet; but recieve power as Kings one hour
with the beast."

Rev 17:13 "These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto
the beast."

In the first verse, it say's "seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other
is not yet come". We do not include the king of Mecca who was king of the arabs
in this before the split of transjordania, for this verse only relates to the kings after
the split, which Iraq had 2 Kings, Jordan 4 Kings, Syria 0, Syria never had Kings
after the split. This verse also say's that "the other is not yet come".

Who were the Kings -

(I believe these are the 5 fallen kings)
King Faisal l (1st king of Iraq, deceased)
King Faisal ll (2nd King of Iraq, deceased)
King Abdullah l (1st King of Jordan, deceased)
King Talal l (2nd King of Jordan, deceased)
King Hussein l (3rd king of Jordan, deceased)

Next the verse say's "that one is" would be King Abdullah ll (King of Jordan)
Next part say's "the other is not yet come" would be Prince Hassan of Jordan.

My thought, on the next portion of the verse "he must continue a short space"
relates to Prince Hassan, when he becomes King of Iraq, and will only be king
for a short time, until he gives his power unto the beast.

Next, let's take a look at this verse, and i'll explain.........

Rev. 17:11 "And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of
the seven, and goeth into perdition."

This verse could throw you, but we need to look at it logically, the verse say's
"even he is the eighth, and is of the seven", is still the same person, he will be King,
then give his Power to the Beast, and be King under the beast, not of himself,
(perdition), the losing of one's soul.

A Possible Scenerio-

In the current situation with Iraq, and the UNwillingness that the U.N. can solve
world problems, it is most likely, that the U.N. will either be disolved or Restructured.
And out of this will come a League of Nations which Iraq will be part of. Hassan
has been quoted many times, about his work for world peace. He is the major
peace planner between Israel and the Arab countries, when he first got the door
open, and Prime Minister Rabin visited Jordan.

UPDATE - A Recent Interview with Prince Hassan

From an article in the Guardian - Tuesday March 18, 2003

Prince Hassan says he would happily mediate between Saddam Hussein and
the world.

Former Crown Prince Hassan would not reject another notion being mooted -
that he should go to Baghdad as a mediator. And when he is done with that, he
might be open to the idea of taking over in New York as the next secretary general
of the United Nations.

Is this what Daniel was talking about in Daniel 8:24 -

Daniel 8:24 "And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall
destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy
the mighty and the holy people. "

Now we continue to look at the scriptures to see what happens after his
appointment. Let's take a look at Daniel 11:23 .......

Daniel 11:23 "And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for
he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people."

Infact, this is an excert of the speech he gave at the UNESCO head-
quarters in Paris, France on Feb. 28, 1998. He said......

Prince Hassan made a forceful appeal for the peaceful coexistence among
cultures and religions, and pointed to the history of the three monotheistic
religions which have their roots in his region. They contain the seeds for an
ethical code of conduct, he said, appealing for the preservation of diversity
in the face of globalisation which should not lead to confrontation.

The three monotheistic religions Prince Hassan refers to is Abrahamic,
Christians, and Islamics. He say's he is in the Christians Category.

Abrahamic - We know that Abrahamic is the true christians of God
or God of Abraham, in which Jesus and the Holy Bible
came from, along with Judaism.

Christians - The christians he refers to is the Ibrahim Religion
Created By Mohammad, or simply put, the
Muslim Religion, this is a combination of
Abrahamic, Islamic, and Arab Paganism.
This religion is actually Anti-Christian Paganism.
Islams - Islamic is one of the prodominant religions in the area,
also claim to be the true christians.

( I thought that this is too much to try and form a religion, from 3 that all
think theirs is the true christian religion. That's what got them to fighting
in the first place.)

The later portion of this scripture "shall become strong with a small people" is
also true - CNN on 03/27/2003 had an Iraqi Citizen being Interviewed, telling us of
a small group of Assyrians, in Iraq, approx. 3,000, waiting for help. Hence making
the last portion of this scripture true.


Prince Hassan's mother "Queen Zeini sh-Sharaf bint Jamil" was Egyptian, So,
if we look back at history, we see that Egypt was under the rule of the Romans
around 65 B.C. just before the take over of jerusalum in 63 B.C.

Prince Hassan's father "King Talal bin Abdullah", 40th Generation Assyrian
Hashemite Dynasty, next was "King Hussein of Jordan", Prince Hassan's Brother
was 41st Generation Assyrian Hashemite, next in line was "Crown Prince
Hassan", 42nd Generation Assyrian Hashemite, but lost his Crown to his nephew,
"King Abdullah ll"

The antichrist is NOT of King David decent................
( I have seen stories around that say that the antichrist is of King David decent,
This is not true, I have found no scriprutres to backup this statement. King David
decent would point to a Jewish person being the antichrist, and the antichrist will
destroy the Jewish peoples. So I doubt this bloodline to be correct.)

Where will the Antichrist Come From -

I realize that scriptures in the Holy Bible, are very specific to geneology of the
antichrist, The essential verse establishing where the antichrist comes from is
Daniel 9:26. We will need to dig futher into history to understand.

Dan 9:26 "And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not
for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy
the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood,
and unto the end of the war desolations are determined."

Antiochus Epiphanes was thought to be the first antichrist, but in the bible, the anti-
christ will abolish God's word for a period that will last 2300 days (7years). Antiochus
reigned over Jeruselum from 170B.C. to 165B.C.. It was not till 168B.C. that the
temple was ravaged, and God's word was tread under foot. About 3 years, 2 weeks,
until 165B.C. when defeated by Judah and his army. Matching the scripture of
Daniel 9:26 above and shrotly after his defeat, he had died a miserable death.
Antiochus was the Syro-Greecin King. But this may be a mere dillusion to this
scripture. As this only a portion of the scriptures, relating to where the Antichrist
comes from. But I want to point out a strange coincindence between Antiochus
and Prince Hassan. Antiochus took kingdomship from his nephew, who was Crown
to the thrown, and Prince Hassan lost his Crown to thrown, to his nephew, King
Abdullah ll. Antiochus was Syro-Greecin(later Assyria), and Prince Hassan is from
former Assyria.

The scripture says that “the PEOPLE of the prince that shall come shall destroy
the city…" To Understand what this verse means, we need to look at the scriptures
from Daniel chapter 8, this is the chapter that determines the location where the
prince or antichrist comes from, In a vision Daniel had, though he had written it, he
did not understand the vision so he prayed for understanding. An angel, Gabriel,
came to him to explain his vision, that this is a vision of the end of times. Let's start
at the beginning of his vision explained by Gabriel, this starts with verse Daniel 8:20

Daniel 8:20 "The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the Kings of Media
and Persia."

Medo-Persia in ancient times covered the area above Saudi Arabia to the south,
to the Mediteranian Ocean to the West, above Syria to the North, and to Iran in the

Daniel 8:21 "The rough goat is the King of Grecia: *the Great horn between his
eyes is the first King."

Medo-Persia after it's conquer by Alexander the Great (he-goat in Daniels vision),
became Syro-Grecia, Syria under Greek Roman rule. The great horn between his
eyes, although in Daniels vision it was called *"the little horn", is the antichrist. "the
little horn" an ecclesiastico-political power, which charecterizes mohammedanism,
and popery. This is a secret society of Arab-Paganism. Also called Ibrahim.

Daniel 8:22 "Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms
shall stand up for it out of one nation, but not in his power."

After the death of Alexander the Great, this area was split into four nations, these
are Macedonia, Syria (Assyria), Iraq, Egypt. With Alexander dead, Greeks were
losing control of the territories to the Roman Empire.

Daniel 8:23 "And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors come
to the full a king of fierce countenance and understanding dark
sentences, shall stand up."

This is the time when "the little horn" or antichrist comes out of one of these
nations, and accepts his new kingdomship. This is also known as the start of the

Daniel 8:24 "And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he
shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall
destroy the mighty and the holy people."

When "the little horn" or antichrist accepts his new kingdomship, for a short time,
then gives himself unto the beast, and his power shall be mighty. He will devestate
the Holy Land and the Holy People. ( Jerusalem is the Promised Land staited by
God, but the Juadism Religion, believes the Messiah has not yet come, and most
will believe the antichrist is the messiah). Jesus Christ is the messiah, sent to save
all of us from the antichrist. Do not believe anyone who say Jesus is here in the
flesh. He will not set his feet on the earth until Armageddon. End of the 7 year
reign of the antichrist, not before.

Daniel 8:25 "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his
hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall
destroy many: he shall also stand up against the prince of princes;
but he shall be broken without hand."

When "the little horn" has begun to devastate the Holy Land, then he also will to
the people of the world who do not bow down to him. (Take the mark of the Beast).
He will make all people denounce God, and all spiritual rights, and will tread under
his foot for a period of 2300 days, (almost 7 yrs., a full 7 years is 2555 days,
7 x 365=2555 + 1 day for a leap year) By this calculation, the shunning of God will
take place thru almost all the tribulation. During this 7 year period, God shall give
the antichrist and his followers his wrath. This is the end time, called "Apocolypse."

Sometime between Daniel 8:21-24 will be the rapture of the Christians. During
Daniel 8:24-25 non-believers in God (atheist) and Christians that were unfaitful
(sinners and backsliders or those not of the Abrahamic Faith who do not believe
in Jesus) will now suffer from not only the antichrist, but also from God's wrath.
During the 7 year period, are the opening of 7 seals, with each seal will effect
the state of the chuches, (7 seals), 7th seal will bring on the trumpets, (7 trumpets),
the 7th trumpet will bring on the pouring of the vials (7vials). The 6th vial will bring
"armageddon", and 7th vial will hear God's voice saying, "It is done".
The seals, trumpets, and vials are destructive, ranging from earthquakes, all the
water and rivers turning to blood, storms with hundred pound hail stones, disease,
star falling from the sky, famine, the mark of the beast, and mountains flattening.

(There is one way to avoid all this, accept Jesus Christ as your savior, God gave us
Jesus Christ to SAVE man, God knew we would sin, Evil is all around us, and that we needed a redeemer, God gave us Jesus Christ so that we would be saved.) Repent your sins, and accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, and you will be saved from all this.

By now we understand that the antichrist will be of Roman decent, from
the Assyrian Area. From the Mohammedanism Religion (Ibrahim Religion).

Please note: Mohammad and Mohammed and muhammad are the same, just
spelled different from arabic to english. Mohammad is the founder of Ibrahim

Musilum Belief-

What does the Muslim religion say about a savior to come, when we look at
the koran (Islamic Bible), it infact boasts the coming of the antichrist, and the bloodline
which the antichrist will come from, here is what the they believe.....

1. Mahdi is going to come in the last days to make a universal Government,
2. Mahdi is from the Ahlul-Bayt of Prophet,
3. Mahdi is from the children of Fatimah (AS), the daughter of Prophet,
4. Mahdi is different than Jesus (the messiah),
5. Jesus will be one of the followers of Imam Mahdi and prays behind him.

This indeed is what the antichrist will do, he will form a "one world order", and that
he is from a false prophet (Mohammad), and will be the beast of Satan, for even Jesus
will bow down to him.

Do not believe, that Jesus Christ will bow down to the antichrist.

Humanitarian and a soldier-

In Revelations, the Bible say's that the antichrist is a humanitarian, he will do
great things to win the trust of his people, he will even fool the elects, those who will
give him his Crown. That the antichrist is a intelectual person with great knowledge,
this would certainly fit the profile of Prince Hassan. Prince hassan is regarded
among all royalty in the world to be the most intelectual person threr ever was, that
his knowledge is even above all others.

Also in Revelations, the antichrist will ride a horse, carrying a bow with no arrow.
This would indicate that the antichrist is a soldier. Infact many people didn't know that
Prince Hassan was a General in the Jordanian Army, although Honorary, he still has
the knowledge of a warrior, but won't need it to get his Kingdomship, he will rule thru

Prince Hassan's world ties and influence,

On August 28th 1968, His Royal Highness married Her Royal Highness Princess
Sarvath, who comes from a distinguished family of the Indian Subcontinent. Her late
father, H.E. Mr. Mohammed Ikramullah worked closely with the founder of Pakistan,
Mohammed Ali Janah, and was Pakistan's first Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
and many times an Ambassador. Her Royal Highness's mother, Begum Shaista
Suhrawardy Ikramullah, is a writer and the first female Member of Parliament in
Pakistan, as well as an Ambassador. Moreover, Princess Sarvath's paternal uncle
was Vice-President of India, and her maternal uncle was Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Prince Hassan's ties with the Vatican -

In the field of religion, Prince Hassan Initiated a series of contacts and meetings
that evolved into a systematic Interfaith Dialogue. These consist primarily of three,
albeit complimentary, ongoing consultations with the Orthodox Center of the
Ecumerical Patriarchate (Chambesy), the Pontifical Council for Interreligous
Dialogue (Vatican), and the independant Commision on Christian Muslim
Relations (Dean of Windsor).


Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Part II

Current Activities-

In Jordan he has chaired the 1973-1975; 1976-1980, and 1986-1990 National
Development Plan Committees. In 1972 he founded the Royal Scientific Society; in
1978 the Bilad Al-Sham Conference; in 1980 the Aal Al-Bait Foundation; in 1981
the ArabThought Forum; in 1982 the Forum Humanum (renamed, in 1988, the Arab
Youth Forum); and in 1987 the Jordanian Higher Council for Science and Tech-
nology. He has also established and directed in Jordan, the Islamic Scientific
Academy; the Biannual Conferences on the History and Archaeology of Jordan;
the Hashemite Aid and Relief Agency; the Center for Educational Development;
the Center on Refugees in Yarmouk University; and most recently, the new Aal
Al-Bait University in Mafraq.

On the International stage, His Royal Highness, in 1981, addressing the 36th
Session of the United Nations General Assembly, proposed the establishment of
a New International Humanitarian Order. This led, in 1983 to his founding and
co-chairing the Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues
(I.C.I.H.I.), whose final report he presented in 1987 to the Secretary General at the
42nd General Assembly.

In the field of religion, His Royal Highness initiated a series of contacts and
meetings that evolved into a systematic Interfaith Dialogue. These consist primarily
of three separate, albeit complimentary, ongoing consultations with the Orthodox
Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate (Chambesy), the Pontifical Council for
Interreligious Dialogue (Vatican) and the Independent Commission on Christian
Muslim Relations (Deanery of Windsor).

His Royal Highness has paid official and working visits to numerous nations around
the world and has received high decorations from over twenty countries.He holds
the rank of Honorary General in the Jordanian Armed Forces and has been
awarded Honorary Doctorates from universities in Jordan and abroad. Also, in
March 1987, His Majesty King Hussein conferred upon His Royal Highness the
Al Hussein bin Ali Medal, which is Jordan's highest decoration.

His Royal Highness has written numerous published articles and three books, on
political and regional issues, in various languages. These are: A Study on
Jerusalem (1979), Palestinian Self-Determination; A Study on the West Bank
and the Gaza Strip (1981) and Search for Peace (1984). His Royal Highness
speaks fluent Arabic, English and French, has studied Hebrew, and understands
German and Turkish.

Prince El Hassan also chairs, and is a member of a number of international
committees and organisations. These include: Chairman of the Policy Advisory
Commission for the World Intellectual Property Organisation; Member of the
Informal Advisory Group to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees;
President of the Club of Rome; Co-Chair of the Independent Bureau for
Humanitarian Issues; Founding Member and Vice Chairman of the Foundation
for Interreligious and Intercultural Research and Dialogue (Geneva); Member of
the Executive Committee of the International Crisis Group; Member of the
International Board of the Council on Foreign Relations; Honorary Member of
UNESCO World Commission on Culture and Development; Member of the
Committee of UNESCO International Interreligious Advisory Committee. In
November 1999, His Royal Highness became President of the Board of Directors
for the Center for Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution at the University of
Oklahoma, International Programs Center, USA. In May 2001, Prince Hassan
became a member of the Committee of Notables of the Institut Català de la
Mediterrània, and in December 2001, accepted a seat on the Board of the South
Centre. In April, 2002, Prince Hassan joined the Board of Directors of Nuclear
Threat Initiative, a charitable organisation working to reduce the global threat
from nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.


Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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, does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.

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