While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. John 17:15 (KJV)
Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" Matt. 24:29 (KJV)
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Hebrew 5783-5788 Gregorian 2023-2028
We are followers of Yahusha/JESUS Only
Yahusha/JESUS is YHVH/GOD/YHWH-Yahusha/Son:
Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD
Yahusha is I Am That I Am (Exodus 3:14)
Yahusha is YHWH come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of a Virgin.
Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence
When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels.
John 14:26
"the breath of life"
But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.
God is not His Name but a term. The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.
There is no Trinity. The Father, YHVH and Yahusha are One (John 10:30)
Book of Enoch:
The book of Second Peter and Jude Authenticate the book of Enoch and Vice Versa
All Of The Apocryphal Books Of
The King James 1611 Version
Pray for one another, as we watch for the Lord's return!
I just want to make sure that all of you here love Israel, pray for her and bless her.
Why? This is just my own opinion, but be aware if there is hate inside you toward Israel, you risk yourself of being left behind! I know I would receive a lot of critiques about this but this is the main theme right now. Israel is like a lost child right now, but the time will come that this child will come back to the Father again and repent. As we have the same Father YHWH, we must love our brother/sister which is Israel, so pray for her. If you hate Israel, you again risk yourself of being left behind just because you need to learn to love your brother/sister in God. Many Evangelists or Pastors express their "hate" toward Israel, without realizing that YHWH the Father loves Israel very much. We then must show our love to Israel, support them in our praying for the fulfillment of what YHWH has promised to Israel. By doing that, we have shown our love to Israel.
May Yahshua takes us all home at the appointed time only by His grace and mercy to be forever with Him.
For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Save Jerusalem link Click on link to support Israel, Jerusalem
Introduction of the Jerusalem Prayer Team by Mike Evans to the Save Jerusalem television campaign
Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
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Gimel, Man of God! Man of Prayer!
Amen to Love Israel, Gimel & Steven,
God is turning His attention to Israel and the times of Gentiles is ending soon.
Israel had rejected their Messiah for about 2000years(360days) and so God would Bless anyone who Blesses Israel!
Genesis:12:3: "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
There is another group I believe God would also turn His attention to...Ismaelites...Islam?...Is LAMb?...scapegoat?
Ishmael is also seed of Abraham too right?
If we hate Ishmael...are we saying the same that we hate Abraham?
To Bless Abraham the Grandfather of Israel, should we also Bless Ishmael, a bondage son of Abraham?
Isaiah:19:23-25: "In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians.In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land: Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance."
Could Islam or Ishmael be the Assyrians?
This group of Islam people are like the Israelites who practice Saved by Law instead of Saved by Grace.
There is this constant Holy warfare between Christianity and Islam for 1500years...could this 2 be the 2 Legs of the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar?
Would God also save the Muslims who Bless Israel too?
If the Muslims did not recognise Jesus as their Messiah and receive another Iman...then it is real pitiful for them.
Pray to God to open their eyes to see the error in the Koran which teaches the opposite of the Bible.
Pray to God that Muslims Love Israel their nephew too if Ishmael is the uncle.
Pray to God to Unite these People by Jesus the Heavenly King of Kings!
Thank God for HE will Defend Israel and who can be against HIM?
May the Whole World see the Miracle of ISRAEL Surviving Against All Odds Again!
Mike, I agree with you that We have to love everyone but not necessarily their ideology. Islam is an antiChrist religion in the sense that it is against Christianity especially regarding the Christ. It is not the people, it is about the ideology, religion.
However, love people who have religion of Islam doesn't mean support their idea of Palestinian land in the land of Israel, that imo against the Word of God.
One day they becomes friend again, brother and sister only when Islam as a religion can be gotten out of their mind because it is an evil religion and ideology.
Sorry for using Islam to mean Ishmaelites...
I never support Islam...just thinking that majority are ignorant as the rest of the world is...even Christians too are ignorant of the Lord Messiah...
Romans:10:3: "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God."
The Islam ideology is evil and definitely not holy because their koran was distorted by devil to deter them from knowing the TRUE MESSIAH, JESUS CHRIST.
Islam religion and ideology is wrong and so are the rest of the world's religions...Islam's terrorism is never justified.
Muslims and Roman Catholics are using religion to war and this is not what God wants.
Whoever war against Israel is warring against God is also warring against themselves and will be destroyed.
Yes we Bless the Muslim to Repent, Know Jesus and be Saved too.
Yes we Bless Israelites to Repent, Know Jesus and be Saved too.
May God Bless Israel and Save Israel from all these Muslim 'Enemies' and turn All to Jesus Christ.
I read from another forum of the possibility of night attack on Israel tonight, it was told to them by dreams.
Is there anybody else here knew more about it? We should then pray for Israel more intensely ...
Hi Gimel,
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem,
Israel and the Jewish people all the time because I love God and God loves ISRAEL.
I have a friend who blows the shofar almost everyday for God to Bless Israel all the time.
WE LOVE ISRAEL and pray because God fills our hearts with JOY to pray for the Jews.
Dear Gimel,
I believe any attack is normally on end of month whereby the moon is hidden...meaning no reflection of light from the sun for air assault by warplanes...
maybe 1st of the 4th month is the trumpet holy convocation...annuar solar eclipse...for gog/magog war?
i am still hoping for pre-summer solstice rapture...
Yes we have to pray for Israel, the lost brother in Yahshua, someday he will return home and we will celebrate the day when he will return home, our lovely brother in Yahshua.
It is an excellent post about Jews who believes in Yahshua are persecuted in Israel. That's why as a country many Israelis are like a lost child whom we should pray including his inheritance, the homeland promised by God of Abraham, Ishack and Yacob.
This is one episode in recent SidRoth telling us how we should love Israel even as a country to avoid the judgment and by the same time gain a blessing.
This is 25 minutes of Walid Shoebat speech:
He explains about Islam and how Islam specifically hated Jews and also of course Christian and how the moeslem said they hated Zionism etc ....
God of Islam is:
1. The most proud one
2. The most killer one
3. The great deceiver
It is mentioned in their holy book. Walid Shoebat explains this.
Interesting from Walid Shoebat endtime conference:
1. If you are pro dividing the land, you are actually hate Israel and pro the AC.
2. When Yahshua comes again, He would basically fight all of the countries who divide Yerushalayim literally!!!
3. He also showed how all the enemies of Israel in the end time referring to the current Islamic countries.
4. One small thing, how 2 out of 8 divisions in Hitler WW2 are actually Islam radicals who wants to destroy Jews literally.
Hi Gimel,
Great video!
Here is the full length version according to youtube.
God Bless
Great video Gimel, puts a lot of weight on the subject of antichrist as well as Islam, thanks for posting it for all of us, i look forward to more of your postings.
I thinks its wonderful to have someone IN ISRAEL that can share insights with us on this site.
I blow the shofar daily and pray for the safety and peace of Israel, the apple of God's eye.
Genesis 12:3, and i will Bless those who Bless you, and i will curse those who curse you, Amen.
God Bless, Bob
Thanks Bob if you enjoyed it.
You are surely be blessed, because you bless Israel literally, see it and prove it by yourself in your everyday life, to see the unexpected profit, gains coming which is blessing in your life ..
Hi Gimel, i actually have worked with and have good friends who are of the muslim /islam faith, and i have witnessed to them about our God and our Savior Jesus Christ, and i pray every day that the Lord with give the increase to them.
I do enjoy your comments and posts, keep up the good work....
Hi Bob, Mike, I copied from what Steven put in the other thread for this is very good and I want to show this to anybody who wants to boycott Israel, many moeslim countries, many antisemitic:
Did you know??
Israel is only 1/6 of 1% of the land mass of the Middle East.
Israel is roughly half the size of Lake Michigan.
The Sea of Galilee, at 695 ft. Below sea level, is the lowest freshwater lake in the world. The Dead Sea is the lowest surface point on earth, at about 1,373 feet below sea level.
Israel is the only nation in the world that entered the 21st century with a net gain in it's number of trees. Jericho is the oldest continuously inhabited town in the world.
The Mount of Olives in Jerusalem is the oldest, continually used cemetery in the world.
Demographics :
Israel 's population is half the size of Metro New York City.
Israel has only 2% of the population of the Middle East .
Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees per capita in the world.
Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation in the world - by a large margin.
Israel has the highest number of scientists and technicians per capita in the world - by a large margin.
Israel has the highest number of engineers per capita in the world.
Israel has the highest number of PhD's per capita in the world.
Israel has the highest number of physicians per capita in the world.
Israel has the largest percentage of it's workforce employed in technical professions in the world.
Israel is the largest immigrant-absorbing nation in the world, per capita.
Israel is the only country in the Middle East where the Christian population has grown over the last 50 years.
Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Christians, Muslims and Jews are all free to vote.
Israel is the only country in the Middle East where women enjoy full political rights.
Economics :
Israel has the largest number of startup companies per capita in the world.
Israel is the world's largest wholesale diamond center, finally surpassing Antwerp in the 1970's.
Most of the cut & polished diamonds in the world come from Israel.
Israel has the largest number of NASDAQ listed companies outside of the US and Canada.
Israel was the first country to have a free trade agreement with the United States.
Apart from the Silicon Valley, Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies in the world.
The cell phone was developed in Israel at Motorola's largest development center.
The Voice Mail technology was developed in Israel.
In the early 80's, IBM chose an Israeli-designed computer chip as the brains for it's first personal computers.
The first anti-virus software for computers was developed in Israel in 1979.
Most of the Windows NT and XP operating systems were developed in Israel.
Both the Pentium-4 and Centrino processors were entirely designed, developed and produced in Israel .
The Pentium MMX Chip technology was designed in Israel at Intel.
Israel has the highest number of home computers per capita in the world.
The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger and ICQ was developed in 1996 by 4 young Israelis.
Israel was the first Middle Eastern country to launch a satellite, the Ofek 1, on September 19, 1988.
Hebrew is the only case of a dead national language being revived in all of world history.
Hebrew had not been spoken as a native tongue by anyone for centuries.
Today it is the native tongue of millions of people.
Israel has more museums per capita than any other nation in the world.
Israel has more orchestras per capita than any other nation in the world.
Israel publishes more books per capita than any other nation in the world.
Israel publishes more books translated from other languages than any other nation in the world.
Israel reads more books per capita than any other nation in the world.
The most independent and free Arabic press in the Middle East is in Israel.
Israel has the largest fleet of F-16 aircraft outside of the US.
Israel has the world's most impenetrable airline security.
Israel spends more money per capita on its own protection than any country in the world.
Israel's dairy cows are the most productive dairy cows in the world.
They average 25,432 pounds of milk per cow per year, compared to just 18,747 pounds from American cows; 17,085 from Canadian cows; 13,778 from European Union cows; 10,207 from Australian cows; and 6,600 from Chinese cows.
Israel has more in-vitro fertilization per capita than anywhere in the world, and it's free.
Israelis, per capita, are the world's biggest consumers of fruits and vegetables.
Of the 175 UN Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel.
Of the 690 UN General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel
Written by: Mark Cheatwood
This is Perry Stone talking in the conference back in March 2011.
You would find in it:
1. the AC would come from the middle east NOT froum Europe.
2. Europe would be taken over by Islamic force in the trib.
3. Mahdi would come and right now the Spirit of the AC has already been here.
4. Before the birth of Yahshua, many Angels appearing likewise before the coming of Mahdi, many dark angels are appearing including some in Mosques, three place in a row recently.
5. Canada is the biggest oil supplier to the US and also the biggest supplier of gold to the US to keep the dollar in high.
6. there would be Canada-US-Mexican together with new currencies, NOTE this, this is very important.
This is what I am worry: Christians against Israel, read the following news:
Be careful, I myself would walk out from any church that is doing that for whatever reasons. That is my commitment.
In this case i agreed with you 10000%, you are absolutely correct.
and it turns out that even Palestinian homeland should be Jordan and not Israel.
Watch from this video from walid
Attached you would find how Vic Eliason host of Crosstalk on a Christian syndicated radio talk show on ninety one stations across the USA defends Walid Shoebat.
Here they exposes CNN and CAIR of what their view is against Israel on a most comprehensive interview yet.
CNN works for muslim interest said Walid Shoebat foundation.
West bank what is it actually? Walid Shoebat foundation explained.
This is the email from Walid Shoebat foundation about Palestinian refugees:
For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
The UN figure of 711,000 Palestinian refugees is disputed by many historians. We believe the figures to be between 300,000 and 450,000. The
UN and mainstream media prefer to cite the higher figures. The reality is this: the Palestinian raison d'etre is that those who fled or were displaced because of the aggressive wars against Israel are kept as refugees in order to continue the conflict. After all, if there are no refugees then there is no reason to continue the fight against Israel. After World War II, 12-14 million ethnic Germans in non-German countries were forced from their homes; do we see them fighting or using terror for freedom? No. These ethnic Germans were repatriated and the German government, with the help of the Marshall Plan, rebuilt Germany and Western Europe. America and the West tried to do the same to help the Arab refugees, but we have seen quite a different result over the past 62 years. Any objective observer must ask why and look at the reality of the situation: the Islamic Jihad mindset of hatred, Anti-Semitism, the corruption of the West by a distorted form of liberalism, and the Western
oil are all major obstacles against resolution to the "Palestinian Refugee Problem."
Please watch this very short video that explains much
Please share with those that do not know the truth.
Keith Davies
Executive Director of "CTNN" complete truth News Network
of Walid Shoebat Fdn and FFMU
If the Arab countries forces Palestinians to hate Israel and allow terrorism on Israel...why not these Palestinians bring terror against any country which refuses them citizenships!?
Why are refugees not hating those who ill-treated them in countries? Strange people...I could never understand...
Interesting analysis from John McTernan, about the reason of the current Stock fall .... Obama pushed Israel and the visit of Palestinian to the US to endorse their plan going to the UN!!!
for Fair use of discussion and Education purpose
As America Has Done to Israel
God Final Warning to America
Yesterday the stock market fell 512 points for the greatest one day loss since 2008. In the past, these huge downturns in the market have always been tied to pressuring Israel to divide the land or homosexuality. It appears that both were happening during this market sell off. The market had been rising until July 20, when the military said it was ready for open homosexuality in the ranks. This was done with the consent of both Congress and President. In the following 12 business days the market lost 1,204 points ending with a drop of 512 points on August 4. There is also serious talk about recession!
In the middle of this downturn it was revealed that Obama was pressuring Israel to restart the peace talks to divide Israel. On the day of this revelation the market fell 265 points. On August 4, the Palestinians announced they were coming to Washington to initiate the talks and the market fell 512 points.
I do not see any way out of this for America. The church is dead asleep without the fear of God. Obama is pushing to divide Israel while at the same time the military was taken over by the Hard Left reprobates. It appears now that America is locked into economic judgment which is going to destroy the nation. It could very well happen this Fall as late September/October is when the worst stock markets occur. The die is now cast for this confrontation with a sin laden America in rebellion against God's word and the Holy God of Israel.
Interesting analysis from Walid Shoebat foundation. Even righteous liberal in UK begin to defend Walid Shoebat's stance against the moeslem treat to the UK. Read more:
Jon Snow reports for Channel 4 Despatches on British TV, doing a survey on British Muslims. Channel 4 despite some silly language interpretations seems to now understand that the new generation of Muslims appear to be a grave threat to Britain and should be a warning to us that this will happen to the rest of the West including USA unless we implement some politically incorrect policies very quickly. The first step is our leaders and media including the conservative media need to at least recognize the problem. Once they admit the problem we then can tackle it. An alcoholic cannot be cured unless he admits that he is an addict. We are currently the alcoholic that does not admit that there is a problem.
Watch this clip as well as available the link to watch the full show:
Please share with people who are ignorant of the issues.
posted by
Keith Davies
Executive Director Walid Shoebat Fdn
This is just coming from my heart. I believe that God YHWH honors men's convenant. One simple example of this is the covenant between Esau and Jacob when Esau sold his right to Jacob and God YHWH honors that.
In light of this, God YHWH will honor the covenant between Israel and Palestine if both parties agree with the boundaries of the land which belong to Israel and which belong to Palestine. In this sense, Israel will make a big mistake by forfeiting their promised inheritance.
However, I always believe God YHWH will intervene at the right moment to keep that kind of covenant where Israel forfeit her promised inheritance forever NOT to be happened.
So in this September 2011, I would say two things that probably going to happen because I believe God YHWH will intervene in the behalf of Israel for the sake of His Word / promise made:
1. It will not be type of a covenant that Israel will agree on, BUT it will be a declaration of the world that will be imposed on Israel by force under the name of democracy by the UN. In this case that peace or whatever it is will be void in the eyes of the LORD YHWH and YHWH will execute vengeance on the earth for violence that is done toward Israel for His Word is holy.
2. The other possibility is that there will be a war before Palestine going to the UN that makes all of his effort be void. There will be a massive chaos to prevent the effort to bring this into the UN this September. We have begun to see the imploding of Stock markets which will soon be followed by social unrests around the world. Note that this chaos in Stock market will not be stopped unless the effort to go to the UN will be stopped. On the other side, the peace effort will go nowhere too because it is the way God YHWH has set to prevent an everlasting covenant between Israel and Palestine that forfeiting the promised land will never happen.
I myself tend toward the second point. There will be a massive chaos in the future to prevent the act of Palestine to go to the UN. So be prepared .... cash in hands for a month and enough supply, we are going a rough ride with the hope that Our Blessed Hope Yahshua Our Savior comes to take us all home at the appointed time to be with Yahshua forever ...
Mike, I don't know if you are feeling the same thing or not, but I feel that chaos has begun, lawlessness has begun, starting with UK, it will spread .....
By September 2011, it will be already total chaos .... for the reason that God YHWH will prevent Palestine to go to the UN ....
Thanks Mike for adding the scripture. I love that.
Jerusalem | Filmed in Imax 3D from JerusalemGiantScreen on Vimeo.
From Walid Shoebat Foundation: Persecution of Christian in Irag is much worse under the US occupation.
Over one million Iraqi Christians displaced under the American occupation of Iraq. This is a disgrace and tarnish on our country. The persecution of Christians has been ten times worse under US jurisdiction than under Saddam Hussein. The Politicians and Christian leaders in USA are silent, Shame upon them! It is time for American Christians to take a stand and stop this appeasement of Islam.
posted by Keith Davies
Walid Shoebat Foundation
Part 2 of persecution of Christians in Iraq
This is part 2 of the documentary on Christian persecution in Iraq
Posted by Keith Davies
Walid Shoebat Foundation
Part 3 of persecution of Christians in Iraq
Final part in three part series on the Persecution of Assyrian Christians in Iraq.
Please share this with as many as possible
Posted by Keith Davies
Walid Shoebat Foundation
Churches will read Torah portion as a reaction to others who chose to read Koran.
Churches to Read Torah as Others Read Koran
Countering a move by churches across USA that read from the Koran, other churches prepare to read Torah.
by Gil Ronen
Published: 08/08/11, 12:43 AM
Churches in the U.S. are preparing to read sections of the Torah on Sunday, August 13, in a show of solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people.
The move is a response to an initiative by a group of churches that read from the Muslim Koran during their services on Sunday, June 26. According to the Faith Shared project, which initiated the Koran reading, 66 churches from 32 states joined that effort.
In an effort to counter the move, a grassroots movement of churches across America is preparing to read from sections of the Torah during their services.
According to Pastor Mark Biltz, one of the pastors leading the move, while Jewish communities around the world read the Shema prayer, Christian communities will join them in solidarity. “There is a special bond between Jews and Christians, as both hold as the greatest commandment to love the L-rd their G-d with all their heart," Pastor Biltz explained. "So I’ve also posted the Shema in as many languages as I could find on our website so everyone could see it.
“I am asking in a show of solidarity with the G-d of Israel, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that churches/organizations join together in one accord and read from the Torah during their Saturday/Sunday services this coming August 13 and 14,” he wrote.
Biltz went on to say that "The suggested reading from this Torah portion is the greatest commandment, found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9, that we love the Lord with all our heart, soul and strength."
The pastor is referring to the verses after the one-line Shema prayer. The reading will obviously not be from a parchment hand-written Torah scroll.
"It is known in Judaism as the Shema and begins with asking Israel to hear and obey the Lord and realize He is the one and only G-d. This date was chosen because the Jewish people all over the world will be reading that portion on that weekend. So Christians will literally be joining a chorus of voices proclaiming on earth and to the heavens that the G-d of Israel is the One and Only G-d and that we are to love Him above all others!! This weekend also is the weekend right after the Ninth of Av and begins the readings of speaking comfort to Jerusalem."
Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel, host of Tuesday Night Live, said the initiative makes sense, historically: "The Western world is going to have to make a choice very soon," he explained. "To either side with Israel, history, facts and the Bible – or to try to appease the Arab world in its quest for world domination. The Christian world will have to choose between a G-d of love and life that our scriptures speak of, and a G-d of submission and death that is being promoted by the Muslim Brotherhood. I think that a grassroots demonstration within Christianity that identifies more with Judaism and shows solidarity with Israel is a blessed move and should be encouraged."
Just see something interesting...the 3 alphabets in both Torah and Koran are 'OR' 'A'
The newest from Walid Shoebat:
Mark of the Beast:
Very interesting and reasonable ....
What will happen if Palestinian goes to the UN?
Interesting video from Walid Shoebat foundation:
Is Israel an Apartheid state?
An excellent short video that debunk that statement from Walid Shoebat foundation.
Excellent short film that exposes the lies concerning the calumny of Israel being an
apartheid state.
posted by Keith Davies
Walid Shoebat Foundation
Yes Mike, I think Walid Shoebat is a man like Apostle Paul that now defends Israel really hard.
Last night I had a dream about what is going on:
In my dream an asteroid hit the earth in middle of the sea, then giant wave suddenly formed and hit several cities around the world, destroying them and crippling them completely ....
I said to my wive that New York has been hard by this giant tidal wave around 100 meters and more higher then Liberty statue.
the next thing that came up to my mind in that dream was that UN cancel the votes for Palestinian state since UN has to meet in New York city ....
Next, I had another vision in my dream:
I look the head of statue Liberty laid down on the street without any help, in a bare land ...
Dear Brother Gimel,
Sharing personal dreams here should be avoided so as not to draw people away from God's Word, agree?
Since we trusted you and your testimony that you are man of God and there is high chance that God had really revealed the future to you through the HolySpirit, I could say that I believe your dream could be true in certain aspects.
100m tsunami is no joke.
Liberty's head statue dream could be true
Hope to know the meaning behind why UN cancel the votes for Palestinian state.
Just sharing my personal view
I agree with you Mike, that's why I posted not in special threat but just a reply to a threat because I myself don't really believe in my dream because sometimes it was just coming from your unconscious mind regarding the effect of elenin, asteroids, nibiru etc.
That's for the part of the dream, while for the vision of the head of liberty laid on the ground, that was kind of vision in a dream, it looks really real in my dream and it is just a flash out of nowhere .... but the important part is there is not any time mentioned in that dream, when and why specifically that would happen.
Some of my dreams didn't happen in the past too so in term of its credential, it is like putting in your eggs in just one basket to believe that dream ...
Dear Gimel,
I agree with your view too.
We are witnessing so many things are coming to pass around Israel these days and surely we are going away up into the clouds to meet Jesus(Yeshua) soon.
Jesus(Yeshua) will then focus only on Israel and the world will gather around Jerusalem which we could understand how things are coming to pass.
May God Bless and Save Israel and All who Loves Israel!
Dear Gimel,
I am wondering and believing that Jesus(Yeshua) is Jacob the Promised Seed of Abraham.
Since Jacob worked 7years for Rachel(Israel) and was given Leah(Church) and Jacob had to work another 7years for Rachel.
This explains why Jesus(Yeshua) had to work 7yrs alone before He called out (translated as Church) His Bride but was given Leah(many gentiles) instead of Rachel(Israel).
This further explains why Jesus(Yeshua) had to work another 7yrs for Rachel.
After Jesus(Yeshua) worked 3or4years for Rachel with (called out 'Leah'), He was cut off.
2000yrs with Leah(gentiles who are justified by faith) and it is time to work for Rachel (Israel).
so this explains why Jesus(Yeshua) had to continue 1260days or 1335days before He could called out and save Israel(Rachel).
if Abomination was 1260days from BHO's 2008 covenant with many...then that means that Jesus had finished His 7yr work for this 3year period for Rachel(Israel) and so this is why JESUS would focus only on Israel.
Remember Israel will be hidding in the wilderness for 1260days?
Jacob's Trouble started when he wanted to leave Laban with his wives and children but was asked to work for his wages...6years...2300shortened days?
The Abomination of Desolation will then be JESUS(JACOB)'s TROUBLE, agree?
How about Kevin Hacle in Steven's post?
First before reading that, I thought there is no possibility that we are already in 7 years trib, but after reading it, I began to think, yes there is possibility of that even though I was not convinced 100%, but now the possibility of that rose in my mind like about 25% till 50% while before I read it, it was totally none or below 10% chance. Just because a lot of coincidence ... to many I guess ...
However, your theory about 7 and 7 Leah and Rachel regarding Yacob's trouble is also catching my mind because it is said in the Bible regarding the future Yacob's trouble, which represents 7 years tribulation for Israel, 7 years for Rachel ...Strangely, Leah is more abundantly blessed by children compared to Rachel. Maybe this is describing the churches which is much more than Israel BUT from decendants of Rachel, deliverer (Yacob) comes meaning .... Yahshua coming at the time of Rachel, not in Leah. Also only remnants of Israel will be saved ...
As I am thinking about Palestinian votes on September 20th, 2011, I begin to think that surely YHWH will prohibit this vote to happen with this kind of catasthropic natural disasters..
Meaning New York city could be flat before September 20, 2011 .. by natural disasters either earthquakes or big giant tsunamis ..
Now within two days, depending what Obama said and what decision of Washington DC to Israel, Irene could hit hard Washington DC and New York city.
Just wait and see ... time is ticking now ...
I copied what Steven posted in another post as it is excellent post and I wanted many posted that in their facebooks as supporting this fact!!!
The video that many Palestinians wanted to be removed from youtube:
Arabs never won any single war against Israel, and they never learnt till they are defeated!!!
And this is the fact of Yerushalayim: it belongs to Israel never to Palestinians in any case!!!
and never forget the US is blessed because of Israel and be blessed with advanced tech made by Israelis and I am proud becoming part of Israelis at least my brain be blessed with the greatness of Israelis brain!!!
Israel must have defensible borders to be exist, so support Israel and love her in your heart!!!
This is the newest from SidRoth:
Chuck Pierce's prophecy.
He prophesied an African-American would be a president in 2005 three years before it happened. He said, that by acts of the US to press Israel to be back to pre-1967 border then it brings the US back to pre-1967, the time when racism spirit was still strong in the air.
However, on the other side, he predicted the COMING OF THE LORD STILL FAR which will be 2032 and by 2016 China will be a great nation while the US going downward hill. Certainly he is not predicting that BO is the AC.
Interesting to see, what is your opinion of it?
Mike, I really hope that it will be this year, I mean the rapture.
Though, I knew, if we have to go to 2012, I will be struggling a lot here in the US of my financial situation. But I believe God YHWH is good, He will provide me enough and I will lack nothing.
I am trying not to think of next year, while at the same time there is an accuser always said, "there will be 2012, all of those evidences are lies, don't believe it etc. see tomorrow there's still a sun light also the days after tomorrow etc..."
It's hard to be a watchman especially today in this beautiful sunshine after the storm, a perfect day, not hot but warm and breezy wind. It is a wow day and difficult to think that the end is coming and soon ...
Yesterday, it was easy to think the end because it was a gloomy day but now ... hmmh.... really need a faith to do that.
Thank you Mike for your sharing ....
I think we must stick to what God YHWH has promised to us in Yahshua.
This is the newest from Walid Shoebat foundation.
Many moslem killing moslem in moslem countries many more than in Israeli war with Arabs.
Yes Gimel
Regarding moslem killing is fulfilling God's prophecy against them because they are against everyone...
Genesis:16:12: "And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren."
For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Jean Stepnoski (1 Sep 2011)
"Blessings or Curses: Much Compounded/Multiplied after 9-20-2011?"
Dear Doves,
The expulsions from the Gaza in 2005 in Israel were first for the residents and then the remaining security forces. It was called "Land for Peace: Phase 1" and that place has not experienced peace or shalom since for 6 years. "The Eye of the Storm" is an insightful book in which the author has seen the connections between serious talk or action about dividing the land of Israel and terrible weather within 24 to 48 hours later, usually for America or Europe in recent decades.
The Covenant made between Adonai, an eternal unilateral Covenant, makes clear that nations will be blessed or cursed as to how they relate to that Covenant concerning the land of Israel, the people of the Covenant, and Jerusalem. The blessings are compounded or multiplied. So are the curses. Here is an example from 2005, after the expulsion of the residents from the Gaza was complete. On that day, a tropical depression began to form. It got stronger and was Hurricane Katrina. About 9600 individuals were expelled from the Gaza. How many Americans were affected by Hurricane Katrina? It was about a million people. What is the percentage or ratio of 10,000 to 1,000,000? It is one part of a hundred. This also means 100 to 1. Does this clearly show a compounding or multiplication of blessings or curses? It shows the multiplication of curses, at 100 parts to 1 part. This is very serious business, to obey or disobey the Covenant Adonai promised to uphold as the stronger partner. A case can be argued that the Gaza remains a place of compounded/multiplied curses from Adonai to this day, as long as the land remains divided and the Covenant people expelled from the land.
What is scheduled on 9-20 in 2011?
This will probably be the date when an estimated 120-130 member nations of the United Nations vote for the creation of a "Palestinian State" and the creation of a "Palestinian Capitol" at East Jerusalem" also. This will be additional "DIVIDING MY LAND" according to Adonai! If we have seen the curses return to a nation for dividing the land of Israel, breaking and disobeying the Abrahamic Covenant Land, what happens when that one nation changes to 120 or 130 nations?
What is 100 to 1 when it is multiplied by 120 or 130? Is it not then 12,000 or 13,000 times worse as a compounded or multiplied global/worldwide situation? That is 12 or 13 thousand times worse as we see the compounding at 100 times 1 multiplied by 120 or 130 for so many of the nations on earth. What is the percentage or ratio of 120 or 130 of 190 nations? It is 12 or 13 of 19. Are the consequences of honoring or breaking the Covenant of Adonai and Avram (Abraham), eternally ongoing through the seed of Isaac, tremendously serious? What might happen within 24 to 48 hours worldwide of the votes on 9-20-2011? The last full day of Summer for Israel will be 9-21 to 22-2011, from sundown to sundown. Sundown on 9-20 begins 9-21 for Israel, THE LAST DAY for summer. The Season of the Sign of the Fig Tree, Summer beginning to ending, will soon be complete. On 9-23-2011 at 9:04 in the morning, the doors or gates to Summer close for Israel. We are told in The Scriptures that ALL of the NATIONS will side against Israel (Land, Covenant People, and Jerusalem) during the 70th Week of Daniel. The Sheep and Goats Judgment after the Second Coming by THE JUDGE (Messiah/Christ) will assess and judge each and all of the nations. The results of Hurricanes Katrina and Irene have been tremendous. But that concerns one nation, with many states.
What will the dire and grave consequences be with the COMPOUNDING OF CURSES, the MULTIPLICATION of CURSES be like if it is 120-130 nations of 190? The date of 9-20 looms large on the horizon. The predictions, promises, prophecies within The Scriptures are always fulfilled at 100% accuracy. May we take refuge in MESSIAH/CHRIST, the all majestic and powerful KING of KINGS and the LORD of LORDS. HE shall UPHOLD the COVENANT which ADONAI has PROMISED to ETERNALLY SUSTAIN. The Blessed Hope is before us, dear Doves. Come quickly, Lord...
With Love and Shalom,
Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
Disclaimer: Rapture Forum, does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.
If you are new to this site and would like to post articles, opinions, youtube videos that are appropriate for this site just e mail me at
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For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Jean Stepnoski (1 Sep 2011)
"Update to Posting"
Dear Doves,
I have just read a link at RFTH from Mike Evans. In it is quoted Israel's top United Nations diplomat, Ron Prosser. Ron estimates that more than 130 of the 193 member nations of the United Nations will vote yes for the vote on Palestinian statehood. He also believes that most of the 60 or so remaining nations of the 163 will not have the courage to vote no, but will abstain. Here is my interpretations of these things. In essence voting yes or abstain means almost all of the 193 member nations of the United Nations will side against Israel. They will side against the eternal Abrahamic Covenant. Mike Evans also relates the following. "United Nations approval of the resolution would immediately place Israel in dire economic straights. The Palestinians have already announced their intention to follow the UN vote with appeals to the World Court and other international bodies to punish Israel economically. Israel's economy is already struggling." Mike Evans has recently visited Israel and relates "I saw firsthand the social turmoil that has resulted from skyrocketing prices on food, gas, housing, and other necessities." The events on 9-20 look even more significant with this additional information. Will most or nearly all the nations side against Israel? That would be more than 12/19 or 13/19, of 130 of 193. It would be 185 or more of 193 nations siding against Israel and the Abrahamic Covenant? Come quickly, Lord...
With Love and Shalom,
Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
Disclaimer: Rapture Forum, does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.
If you are new to this site and would like to post articles, opinions, youtube videos that are appropriate for this site just e mail me at
I will send you a PASSWORD
Thanks Steven, excellent post!!! This will perfectly fit all to the judgment upon the entire world except one thing, all the children should be removed first so that the remaining will be riped for judgment .... September 20 2011 right after that less than 48 hours, something catastropic would happen but before that the removal must happen first...
I know Our God YHWH doesn't like this coming voting in September 20th, 2011.
I asked you who loves Israel to fast between September 19th to September 21st, 2011 for security of Israel, for salvation for Israel, for fulfillment of Ezekiel regarding the flesh heart replacing the stone heart.
Thank you Steven for your heart for the people of Israel.
I copied what you posted in another threat:
Gen 12:1-3
12:1 Promises to Abram
(Acts 7:2-5)
Now the LORD had said to Abram:
"Get out of your country,
From your family
And from your father's house,
To a land that I will show you.
2 I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you
And make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."
Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
At the end truth will always win and lies be exposed and lost the battle to the truth.
As they seek lies, the father of lies upon them.
Palestinian lies part 1:
Palestinian lies part 2:
With the rise of Turkey hostilities toward Israel, then the explanation of Walid Shoebat of possible arise of the AC from Turkey area or surround arises.
Look how Palestinian lies in previous post then Turkey also lies about how they treat passenger from Israel.
On the other hand, people around the world begin to wake up of what is actually Sharia Law meaning, it's a trap for all other than moeslem, because they require all others to submit to moeslem or face harsh non-equal treatment!!! Example:
- Christian in Eqypt
- christian in Malaysia
- Christian in Pakistan
- Christian in Indonesia
- Christian in All middle east countries except Israel
- Christian in African moeslem countries
- Christian in all other Islamic countries in the world and also all other religions than Islam as Islam sees all the others as second hand citizen.
The news from Walid Shoebat foundation:
Excellent speech by Swiss member of Parliament Oskar Freysinger said with passion and truth that no politician in Washington is yet ready to speak from the floor of Congress. In order for us to beat back the Islamists we need some key leaders in Washington to make a similar speech and lead the nation against the Islamist threat head on.
posted by Keith Davies
The links in Walid Shoebat foundatin I provided below is an excellent source of how Israel has legitimate right to be in the place in the middle east as right now.
Look at by yourself:
From Walid Shoebat foundation:
Excellent short documentary of the historic legitimacy of Israel:
Please watch and share
posted by Keith Davies
Thanks Steven for the wonderful video.
I got email from Walid Shoebat foundation about the truth regarding peace process between Palestine and Israel.
It was said that PLO was established in 1964 even when the whole Palestinian land still under Jordan. The charter of PLO when established back then was to eliminate the State of Israel and they continued to do this till today, not realizing they become tools of the AntiChrist.
Israel finally using the internet to give its position and facts concerning the wars and propaganda war to destroy Israel
posted by Keith Davies
If Israel Disappears
By Cal Thomas
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Share and bookmark this article | The world -- or at least the large part of it that hates Israel and wishes it would go away -- moves a step nearer that goal this week when the United Nations votes on whether to recognize a Palestinian state. The vote violates the Declaration of Principles signed by the PLO in 1993, which committed the terrorist group and precursor to the Palestinian Authority to direct negotiations with Israel over a future state. This violation is further evidence the Palestinian side cannot be trusted to live up to signed agreements and promises. Caroline Glick, whose column appears in these pages, rightly calls the prospective UN vote "diplomatic aggression."
Israel -- like the Jewish people for centuries -- has become the fall guy for people who prefer their anti-Semitism cloaked in diplomatic niceties. The Palestinians could have peace any time they wish and probably a state, too, if they acknowledged Israel's right to exist and practiced verbal, religious and military disarmament. One has a right to question the veracity of a people who claim they want peace, while remaining active in ideological, theological and military warfare aimed at its publicly stated objective: the eradication of the Jewish state.
The United States has pledged to veto the Palestinian Authority's membership application if it comes before the U.N. Security Council, but the General Assembly is another matter. There only a majority vote would be needed to grant the Palestinian government permanent observer status. From that point forward it would be death by a thousand diplomatic cuts until Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad finally decides to fulfill his own prophecy and drop a nuclear bomb on Jerusalem or Tel Aviv. Following that horror, European and American diplomats will wring their hands and say it would not have happened had Israel been more "flexible" and ceded additional territory.
Before Israel is allowed to disappear again (as Palestinian maps and school textbooks already depict) and the Jews who survive are sent into exile (who would take them?), it is worth noting a few of the numerous contributions Israel has made to the world, compared to what the Arab-Muslim-Palestinian culture has contributed.
Every weekday publishes what many in the media and Washington consider "must-reading". HUNDREDS of columnists and cartoonists regularly appear. Sign up for the daily update. It's free. Just click here.
This tiny land with less than 1/1,000th of the world's population, has produced innovative scientists that have contributed to cellphone, computer and medical technology, including the development of "a disposable colonoscopic camera that makes most of the discomfort surrounding colonoscopies obsolete," discovery of "the molecular trigger that causes psoriasis," as well as "the first large-scale solar power plant -- now working in California's Mojave Desert." Read about many more Israeli contributions to the world at
These innovations, and many others, took place while Israel was engaged in wars, suffering terrorist attacks from enemies who seek its destruction and spending more per capita on its defense than any other country.
If Israel were to be made even more vulnerable and possibly eradicated by unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state, the moral stain on the West would be a "mark of Cain" for generations to come. What other nation, what other people, would the so-called "civilized" world allow to be targeted for annihilation like Israel has been?
Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, will come to the UN to deliver a speech on the same day Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is scheduled to give his speech calling for the body to support Palestinian statehood. "The General Assembly is not a place where Israel usually receives a fair hearing," Netanyahu said last week, "but I still decided to tell the truth before anyone who would like to hear it."
The UN can't handle the truth and few member states will like hearing it. The blood of the Jewish people will be on their hands if they continue to empower individuals and nations whose goal is to create Holocaust II and a "Palestine" without Jews.
Excellent speech from PM. Netanyahu, wow I honor this man telling the truth while many other put their faces away from the truth.
Thanks Steven, beautiful songs.
I believe Netanyahu told UN participants the truth, now it's all up to them to choose death or life.
There are three reasons to say "NO" to Palestinian State:
From Walid Shoebat Foundation:
This short to the point video shows 'spot on' why there can not be a peaceful state of "Palestine." Please share with the people who need to know.
Posted by Keith Davies
Palestinian refugee holds Jordanian passpor and what they wanted to achieve is actually wiping out Israel out to the sea!!!
Our friends over at United West provide some revealing information on how Jordanians or as they like to be called Palestinians truly think. When Walid was young and living in the "West Bank" he saluted the Jordanian flag and prayed for King Hussein of Jordan. Walid's father held a Jordanian passport. So this Palestinian woman who lives in Dearborn confirms the truth.
Posted by Keith
The real goal of PLO is the destruction of the state of Israel. So we should pray and bless Israel everyday.
From youtube: the real goal of PLO to wipe Israel out of the map:
The Goal of the PLO and a large chunk of the world is the destruction of Israel. The proof is right in this video.
On that sorry note, let us hope for a just and sweet year. Happy New Year to our Jewish Brothers and Sisters.
Peace through strenghth.
Walid and Keith
History of Palestinian conflicts in 11 minutes: Excellent Explanation, Opening Eyes!!!
Great explanation of the constant rejection of peace by the Arabs and so called "Palestinians"...
posted by Keith Davies
I just realized that the video has been removed from Walid Shoebat Foundation by user so I posted directly here:
The Lord's prayer in Hebrew:
From youtube:
Hi Gimel,
I just finished watching this last video you posted.
As I was watching I again was reminded of ALL of GOD'S promises not only for Israel and the Jewish people but for all Christians that the BIBLE IS THE TRUE WORD OF GOD WITH SO MANY PROMISES.
This videos gave me peace and also sadness at the same time because the next few years will be very painful for those who "willingly choose to reject God or attack those who do choose the GOD of the BIBLE.
Thanks Gimel for this inspiring video that God's Prophecies & Promises are All fulfilling in this Last days in Israel's Miracles in Promised Land really flowing with milk and honey.
I was not able to post earlier for these days because my personal computer was faulty and thank God I bought 1 cheap and good PC yesterday and had now able to post again. My office PCs could see the post but not able to post.
I agree with Steven that God's Word is of the most important because what Israel had accomplished today is due to God's Word being fulfilled as He said in His Word.
Just sharing what I felt yesterday regarding the 3Persons in the 1GODHEAD as shown above.
Yesterday, my mother-in-law who was a very hardworking housewife helped our old lady neighbour buy cigerates because she is not able to walk.
My mother-in-law meant well as of doing good work out of charity and she informed me of her good work.
I told her I have preached to that old lady before and it could be that the old lady was using my mum to attack me in this 'cigerate' help.
My mum was very angry and does not understand the spiritual war I had and she blamed me and scolded me and made a whole lot of yelling and throwing things like a crazy person and so I screamed and yelled back.
Thank God my wife came back and tried to cool us down. My mum wanted to return to China and I had enough of her nonsense and would not want to retain her anymore because she is a non-believer and always at war with me regarding my sharing her with Christ or the Rapture. She has enough too.
We cooled down further and then understood that it was all due to mis-communication because my mum is Shanghainese and her Chinese language or culture is very different from me who is Singaporean. My wife was a Chinese Shanghainese who lives in Singapore for many years and she understands both our language&cultural differences and this time she cried because of the stress in between.
What I am trying to say here is that my mum, wife and me are like 3 different Persons in the family.
I know a lot of God's Word, my mum does a lot of Housework, my wife loves the Way of Life alot.
Finally, My mum listened to voice of my wife who understands my anger regarding the wrong help which my mum was rendering to our old neighbour and she understood my intentions later.
Although tensions arises between me and my mum...I believe we could still stay until Christ comes...
This is something like the 3 DISTINCTIVE WILLS in the ONE GODHEAD.
HolySpirit is the 3rd Person in the Godhead and would need to point all to Christ the 2nd Person of Godhead who submitted [Son's]His will to the Will of the Father the 1st Person of Godhead.
If we being filled with the HolySpirit do not know nor follow Christ...we are moving the wrong ways and so erred like liars...
If Christ disobeyed just 1 Word of God...We will All be without Hope and be lost in everything God Promised.
YET the many differences in the interpretations arises because of the 3WILLs of Father,Son&HolySpirit.
HolySpirit is at WORK in this WORLD to point Mankind to God but would only tEACH every man God's Word according to that INdividual PERSON.
If the PERSON did not want to know God's WORD, the HOLYSprit will not force the PERSON to know. So this is why many people who has the HolySpirit filled in them could say Prophecies which are not 100% right.
It is because the Person although being filled with the Same HolySpirit is receiving ONLY a PART of the Prophecy.
That makes him a LIAR and everyone of us are found to be LIARS too.
But thank God the HolySpirit's Will is according to the Will of Christ who is obeying the Will of the Father.
Thank God the 3 Persons in the Godhead agree as ONE.
Even ONE is a 3-Alphabet-Word.
Holy Holy Holy,
Lord God Almighty!
Amen Amen Amen!
P.S. sorry for sharing my personal encounter here...
Thank you Mike for your analogy.
I post this a video that Palestinians don't want people to see:
From Walid Shoebat foundation.
Thanks Gimel,
Fyi. My mum and me have reconciled and happy that she understood and realised that her own image was affected even when helping someone in the wrong way.
Pls note that this excellent video was earlier posted within Steven's post.
Thanks for including this excellent video here so that anyone who loves Israel could see all excellent related videos and informations in this post.
Thanks Mike and Steven for your excellent posts.
News clip one:
How to Speak to the Muslims: Our friend Professor Mordecai Kedar shows us all on how to stand up to the the Arab media. If only our Jewish Federations and Jewish leaders would stop talking peace and instead stand up for what is theirs. Respect comes before being loved. Jews need to stop looking to be loved and start looking to be respected.
News Clip 2
Protest to Save a Murderer: A Pakistani mob protests the death sentence of a confessed murderer who killed Salman Taseer former governor of Punjab. Even the liberal news organization France 24 understands the take-over of Pakistan by the fundamentalists.
Both can be accessed on the link below:
Posted by Keith Daviesfrom Walid Shoebat foundation.
In my opinion 11/11/11 will be an interesting date to watch as General Security council will meet and decide by voting the Palestinian State who always refuse to admit the right to exist of the Jewish State over and over again.
I am with Jewish State, because Israel has the right to exist so the problem is with Palestinian State since early of its inception. What Palestinian wants is the annihilation of Israel through the UN!!! They don't want peace (Yahshua) they only want war (the AC) till the Prince of peace coming, there will be no peace in Yerushalayim.... Keep looking up, cause our redemption is near.
Hi Gimel,
It won't be long now ....not many days until 11/11/11
Time is flying by....
tic toc tic toc.....
From another thread but still an excellent article.
Something to Consider: Eurupe died with Auswitch
October 26, 2011
I got this message on email. Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez might not exist. But the facts are correct.
Nazism and Islam has rthe same source. Both ideologies wants to get rid of the Jews.
The following is a copy of an article written by Spanish writer Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez and published in a Spanish newspaper on Jan. 15, 2008. It doesn’t take much imagination to extrapolate the message to the rest of Europe – and possibly to the rest of the world.
Date: Tue. 15 January 2008 14:30
I walked down the street in Barcelona , and suddenly discovered a terrible truth – Europe died in Auschwitz …. We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.
The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world. These are the people we burned.
And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.
They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime.
Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.
And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition.
We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs.
What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe ……
The Global Islamic population is approximately 1,200,000,000; that is ONE BILLION TWO HUNDRED MILLION or 20% of the world’s population.
They have received the following Nobel Prizes:
1988 – Najib Mahfooz
1978 – Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat
1990 -Elias James Corey
1994 -Yaser Arafat
1999 -Ahmed Zewai
1960 – Peter Brian Medawar
1998 – Ferid Mourad
The Global Jewish population is approximately 14,000,000; that is FOURTEEN MILLION or about 0.02% of the world’s population.
They have received the following
Nobel Prizes:
1910 -Paul Heyse
1927 -Henri Bergson
1958 -Boris Pasternak
1966 -Shmuel Yosef Agnon
1966 -Nelly Sachs
1976 -Saul Bellow
1978 -Isaac Bashevis Singer
1981 -Elias Canetti
1987 -Joseph Brodsky
1991 -Nadine Gordimer
1911 – Alfred Fried
1911 – Tobias Michael and Carel Asser
1968 – Rene Cassin
1973 – Henry Kissinger
1978 – Menachem Begin
1986 – Elie Wiesel
1994 – Shimon Peres
1994 – Yitzhak Rabin
1905 – Adolph Von Baeyer
1906 – Henri Moissan
1907 – Albert Abraham Michelson
1908 – Gabriel Lippmann
1910 – Otto Wallach
1915 – Richard Willstaetter
1918 – Fritz Haber
1921 – Albert Einstein
1922 – Niels Bohr
1925 – James Franck
1925 – Gustav Hertz
1943 – Gustav Stern
1943 – George Charles de Hevesy
1944 – Isidor Issac Rabi
1952 – Felix Bloch
1954 – Max Born
1958 – Igor Tamm
1959 – Emilio Segre
1960 – Donald A.. Glaser
1961 – Robert Hofstadter
1961 – Melvin Calvin
1962 – Lev Davidovich Landau
1962 – Max Ferdinand Perutz
1965 – Richard Phillips Feynman
1965 – Julian Schwinger
1969 – Murray Gell-Mann
1971 – Dennis Gabor
1972 – William Howard Stein
1973 – Brian David Josephson
1975 – Benjamin Mottleson
1976 – Burton Richter
1977 – Ilya Prigogine
1978 – Arno Allan Penzias
1978 – Peter L Kapitza
1979 – Stephen Weinberg
1979 – Sheldon Glashow
1979 – Herbert Charles Brown
1980 – Paul Berg
1980 – Walter Gilbert
1981 – Roald Hoffmann
1982 – Aaron Klug
1985 – Albert A. Hauptman
1985 – Jerome Karle
1986 – Dudley R. Herschbach
1988 – Robert Huber
1988 – Leon Lederman
1988 – Melvin Schwartz
1988 – Jack Steinberger
1989 – Sidney Altman
1990 – Jerome Friedman
1992 – Rudolph Marcus
1995 – Martin Perl
2000 – Alan J. Heeger
1970 – Paul Anthony Samuelson
1971 – Simon Kuznets
1972 – Kenneth Joseph Arrow
1975 – Leonid Kantorovich
1976 – Milton Friedman
1978 – Herbert A. Simon
1980 – Lawrence Robert Klein
1985 – Franco Modigliani
1987 – Robert M. Solow
1990 – Harry Markowitz
1990 – Merton Miller
1992 – Gary Becker
1993 – Robert Fogel
1908 – Elie Metchnikoff
1908 – Paul Erlich
1914 – Robert Barany
1922 – Otto Meyerhof
1930 – Karl Landsteiner
1931 – Otto Warburg
1936 – Otto Loewi
1944 – Joseph Erlanger
1944 – Herbert Spencer Gasser
1945 – Ernst Boris Chain
1946 – Hermann Joseph Muller
1950 – Tadeus Reichstein
1952 – Selman Abraham Waksman
1953 – Hans Krebs
1953 – Fritz Albert Lipmann
1958 – Joshua Lederberg
1959 – Arthur Kornberg
1964 – Konrad Bloch
1965 – Francois Jacob
1965 – Andre Lwof
1967 – George Wald
1968 – Marshall W. Nirenberg
1969 – Salvador Luria
1970 – Julius Axelrod
1970 – Sir Bernard Katz
1972 – Gerald Maurice Edelman
1975 – Howard Martin Temin
1976 – Baruch S. Blumberg
1977 – Roselyn Sussman Yalow
1978 – Daniel Nathans
1980 – Baruj Benacerraf
1984 – Cesar Milstein
1985 – Michael Stuart Brown
1985 – Joseph L. Goldstein
1986 – Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini
1988 – Gertrude Elion
1989 – Harold Varmus
1991 – Erwin Neher
1991 – Bert Sakmann
1993 – Richard J. Roberts
1993 – Phillip Sharp
1994 – Alfred Gilman
1995 – Edward B. Lewis
1996- Lu RoseIacovino
TOTAL: 129!
The Jews are NOT promoting brain washing children in military training camps, teaching them how to blow themselves up and cause maximum deaths of Jews and other non Muslims.
The Jews don’t hijack planes, nor kill athletes at the Olympics, or blow themselves up in German restaurants.
There is NOT one single Jew who has destroyed a church..
There is NOT a single Jew who protests by killing people.
The Jews don’t traffic slaves, nor have leaders calling for Jihad and death to all the Infidels.
Perhaps the world’s Muslims should consider investing more in standard education and less in blaming the Jews for all their problems.
Muslims must ask ‘what can they do for humankind before they demand that humankind respects them.
Regardless of your feelings about the crisis between Israel and the Palestinians and Arab neighbors, even if you believe there is more culpability on Israel ‘s part, the following two sentences really say it all:
‘If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.
If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel .
Benjamin Netanyahu
General Eisenhower Warned Us It is a matter of history that when the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Dwight Eisenhower, found the victims of the death camps he ordered all possible photographs to be taken, and for the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead.
He did this because he said in words to this effect:
’Get it all on record now – get the films – get the witnesses – because somewhere down the road of history some b*****d will get up and say that this never happened’
Recently, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it ‘offends’ the Muslim population which claims it never occurred.
It is not removed as yet. However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving into it.
It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended.
This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the, 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians, and (1,900 Catholic priests) Let us not forget that the Pope supported Hitler, but Hitler did kill priests who did not agree with the Pope) who were ‘murdered, raped, burned, starved, beaten, experimented on and humiliated’ while many people looked the other way.
Now, more than ever, with Iran , among others, claiming the Holocaust to be ‘a myth,’ it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets.
This e-mail is intended to reach 400 million people. Be a link in the memorial chain and help distribute this around the world.
How many years will it be before the attack on the World Trade Center ‘NEVER HAPPENED’ because it offends some Muslim in the United States?
Written by Ivar
Thanks Ivar for writing this.
From Walid Shoebat foundation:
Being one of Frank Sinatra's die hard fans (Keith), I also would like to make a tribute to him with this video made in 1962 the year I was born. In this video Frank Sinatra himself pays tribute to Israel as well as making an appeal to support young country which then was only 14 years old. Frank would have been 96 years old on December 12 this year, he died 4 weeks before my wedding day on May 14 1998.
Here is the video
Keith Davies
Executive Director
Romans:11:15: "For if the casting away of them[Israel] be the reconciling of the world,
what shall the receiving of them[Israel] be,
but life from the dead[RAPTURE]?"
Wow Mike, you are right, I never read that passage with that understanding.
So who hate Israel can risk themselves of being left behind....
Even though I cannot describe in details every verse that support Love to Brethren can also mean Love to Israel, Mike, you are perfectly describing what my feel about Israel and what the Holy Spirit has put in my heart when I started this thread several months ago.
Thanks Gimel for this Topic and all who receives & loves Israel too.
I feel that ALL NATIONS should also be grateful to Israel because our LORD JESUS[YAHSHUA] confirmed that 'salvation is of the Jews.'
John:4:22: "Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews."
May LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel Bless All Nations & forevermore.
People in the West need to understand that there is no such thing as "moderate" Islam and there is also no such thing as "extreme" Islam there is only Islam. If you are a Muslim you cannot be loyal to another form of government i.e. democracy. This video explains it clearly from the horses mouth so to speak.
posted by Keith Davies
From Walid Shoebat Foundation.
The brand new TV show featured on Cable TV channel TLC tries to depict Muslims as "ordinary patriotic" Americans but fails to deliver in its very first episode by featuring a radical Shia Imam Husham Al- Husainy. In the first episode the Imam is featured marrying a male convert to Islam to a secular Muslim women. The Imam was exposed on the Sean Hannity Show back in February 2007. I remember listening to the actual interview live in which it was obvious the Imam supports Hezbollah a terror entity listed by the State Department. The Imam hates the the USA and Israel. You can hear in the interview what a nut job the Imam is and his gymnastics and crazy attacks in order to avoid answering simple questions.
The main stream media continues to propagate the illusion of a moderate Islam and moderate Muslims. The only moderate Muslims that can exist and based on the way the show is presented are the Muslims who act in a very secular way and the Muslims who follow the faith closely are a major problem when it both comes to sympathizing with terror or actually supporting it. Even the "secular" Muslims still have tribal instinct to side with the tribe rather than side with righteousness. We will continue to monitor the show as it progresses through the season.
watch and listen to the segments from the Sean Hannity show that expose the Imam Hushan Al-Husainy
posted by Keith Davies
This one verse captures my mind:
Psa 11:5 Yahweh measures the righteous; But the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.
Who support Palestinian Intifada, firing rockets and missiles to Israel teritory, killing innocents, killing unarmed persons, killing babies, are those who in this category, those who loveth violence.
Again do not risk yourself of being left behind because of your hatred toward Israel ....
In fact HAMAS means literally VIOLENCE !!! Coincidence? Of course not, this serves as a dividing line between the righteous and the wicked ....
ABC misleads people about Islam:
from WalidShoebat foundataion:
Our friend over at Answering Muslims David Wood gives you the expert analysis of how the stupid MSM media either get suckered by the "moderate Muslims" who mislead and lie about the true teachings of Islam. The MSM are the equivalent of the orchestra that soothed the nerves of the Jews before they were marched to their death in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. Spread this important explanation of the true nature of the teachings of Islam.
posted by Keith Davies
From Jonathan Cahn: Israel, beginning and end:
From Walid Shoebat foundation:
Palestinian never wants Peace NEVER they want to keep the pot boiling, they fill their hearts with hatred toward Israel.
In the past Pat Condell, the famous YouTube commentator, while getting the Islam issue, was not pro-Israel and favored the delusion of a 'two-state solution' on the premise: "why can't the Jews and Arabs just get along?" For this reason we never posted his stuff. Well, Pat now gets the issue of the Arab-Israeli conflict and has figured it out correctly that it is about Jew-hate. Pat is an atheist (maybe he might change on this too some day), but has changed his mind about a 'two-state solution' and is now on the side of the Jews. Pat's commentaries are always politically incorrect and powerfully articulated. Share with those that also need to get it!
posted by Keith Davies
Yes Steven, I agree with the article that Israel is a blessing even for the world. After Israel was founded in 1948, cars become common, computers even spring up, phone becomes natural, people travelling even faster than before. I asked my parents how about 50 years ago? They said, it was hard to travel, cars are uncommon, mostly travelling still by animals. Cars just become common transportation in many countries after 1960s, and even 1970s become much cheaper and affordable price in real term.
I found an article in Walid Shoebat foundation, an interesting one of how children in East Jerusalem learn to hate Jews and have dreams to shed their blood for Islam.
Young children trained in Nazi-style hatred. A world that pressures Israel to make peace with or legitimize the Palestinian nationhood is evil.
Ironically, this school is located in East Jerusalem and is most likely at least partially funded by the Israeli government.
posted by Keith Davies
This article from fivedoves, the significance of blood red moon over Israel. Historically, war happens in just 1 to 7 days after this blood red moon. Very excited time in history to watch :
I have been feeling something major was going down all day just not what. Literally sick to my stomach the bittersweet feeling in the bible when John was told to swallow!
Well when I just about could not take anymore I asked God what was up because my heart felt like it was going to fail me.
This post on Rapture Ready ties in everything we have all been seeing! The USA and Canada made agreement today also in border security cooperation as well. When you see this and understand the profound implications of what it means and how few will notice or understand you must get this out!
I was curious what others had to say about this?
via Lisa Dennis-Sparks
I'm so excited, I'm about to jump right out of my skin!! I'm about to share something INCREDIBLE with you that God showed me this morning!!
I was looking at the article from Israel National News that describes the lunar eclipse that is coming over Israel this weekend. There are LOTS of lunar eclipses, but not like this one. This one is over Israel, is a full moon, falls on a sabbath, and happens right at sundown where EVERYONE in Israel will see it. It lasts for 26 minutes so they can't miss it.
I knew in my Spirit that God was trying to tell me something. Lunar eclipses foretell things about ISRAEL, and solar eclipses foretell things about other nations. So I go back and look up solar eclipses with these same characteristics and what I found is ASTOUNDING!!! This type of lunar eclipse has happen three previous times in the last 100 years. They happened in 1948, 1967, and 1973!! If you know your history, you know that these dates are all dates of every war Israel has fought since her birth in 1948!!! This eclipse is announcing another war - this time it's the Ezekiel 38/Psalms 83 war that we've been expecting to blow up anytime now. Every single one of these wars started ONE WEEK TO THE DAY after their corresponding eclipses. So, am I saying that this war is going to break out one week to the day after this eclipse happens this weekend?? Yes, I think that's what God is showing us.
Remember that these wars were ALL VERY SHORT. This one will be very short also. What's SO INCREDIBLE also is that the treaty that ends this war is the one that starts the tribulation period. WOW~~~!!!!
Any clue how close that puts us to the rapture? It's finally time to get excited!!!!
(Cafe Astrology reports on the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse: when they occur. ... Apr 23, 1948 8:28 AM Sun 3 Tau 18 Opposition Moon 3 Sco 18(LE) May 8, 1948 .... May 9, 1967 10:55 AM Sun 18 Tau 18 Conjunct Moon 18 Tau 18(SE) Oct 18 ... Jan 4, 1973 10:42 AM Sun 14 Cap 10 Conjunct Moon 14 Cap 10(SE) Jan 18 ...)
From Walid Shoebat foundation
Great BBC documentary from the Panorama program earlier this year which exposes the reality on the ground concerning the Iranian repression of freedom.
The U.S. Media is very lacking in real investigative journalists.
At the moment the best that we have is Drew Griffin and Christiane Amanpour, what an embarrassment!
posted by Keith Davies
From Walid Shoebat foundation:
"Ron Paul is ANTI ISRAEL" be careful ...
When politicians on either side of the political spectrum undermine or speak against Israel we will be there to expose them. Ron Paul in recent statements has shown his animus to Israel and sided with the Palestinian cause. Here is a video of an interview with Iranian media, judge for yourself and if you believe in Genesis 12:3 before casting your vote in the primary elections; Ron Paul should be at he bottom of your list.
The argument that Israel is provided with too much US aid is a false canard. Israel provides the US with as much or more economic opportunities. Israel provides tremendous research to the US economy in the areas of computer technology, communication technology, medicine, pharmacology, agricultural science as well as military technology. The drone technology is mostly from Israeli scientists. Further, the cost of Israeli brain power is a fraction of what it costs for US salaries for similar scientists and engineers. Israel also has many companies who have set up industries in the USA based on many of the technologies we use in our daily lives employing hundreds of thousands of Americans. How many Arab companies have set up in the USA employing Americans? So Israel has a profound positive economic impact on our country and all the Arabs do is hold us hostage with the price of oil.
click here for link:
Year in Review for Walid Shoebat Foundation
First let me thank our supporters for their generous support both with the many donations and supportive emails.
Our major successes this year has been the starting of our Rescue Christians division which was set up originally by accident when a Christian family came to us needing help concerning the blasphemy laws in Pakistan. We now work with a heroic group of people called World Vision who specialize in working among the persecuted in Pakistan. They intervene in forced conversions, provide the setting up of safe houses and support for the people who suffer from the persecution under the blasphemy laws. We provide the financial ability for them to do their work and we send each month directly to the families we are helping through your generosity. We are now helping seven families directly with a total of 13 families being supported by World Vision ministries and us. There are over three hundred families that require assistance so much more is needed and we hope to expand operations as our donor base grows in 2012. We would greatly appreciate if more of you would consider a small m
donation. If we can multiply a thousand small donations a month we can multiply our help ten fold.
We have done much work on the Internet, which we call the invisible reach. Based on Google analytics our web site has been viewed in two hundred countries with only four countries we know, have never viewed our web site. We receive over 60,000 unique visitors a month and 120,000 page views with nearly 50% of unique visits are from new people never been on our web site. We hope to extend and grow our reach on the Internet in 2012.
One sad piece of news is that the slanderous CNN report which aired last July, which was done in collusion with CAIR has affected invitations to churches. We know that many people in the Christian community have had doubts sown in their minds. We hope to counter this soon and in 2012 we should have news concerning this issue. We have on our web site a video, which you can use to help, in order counter this slander and please use it if you come across people who believe what CNN concocted against us. In some ways the CNN report was a badge of honor as it proves that what we are doing is effective and the only way to attack Walid is to attack his credibility because they cannot attack his message, as what he says is true. We know also that Walid is regarded in the Arab world as the foremost Arab “islamaphobe” and he is mentioned on a multitude of Arab News web sites. Walid has proven to be the greatest thorn in their side. It is
wonder CAIR is gunning for him by using their allies like CNN. They may have won a small victory on CNN but they will not win the war.
We still have no problem doing talk radio, even prior to the CNN slander we were not getting FOX or other Secular TV to invite Walid to comment; that market has at least been temporarily shut. We know that FOX has been bought off by The Saudi Prince Al Aweed, as well as given in to intimidation from CAIR.
The fight for the freedom of America and the West is now only in the hands of us Islamaphobes” and We the people. Our leaders still are afraid to stand up and many are being deceived or colluding with the enemy.
We will fight on for we have no choice, we will continue to speak out and expose the agenda of the Islamic supremacists.
We appreciate all those who fight with us and support us in this struggle against the forces of darkness.
We wish all of you a Blessed New Year.
Keith Davies & Walid Shoebat
All big media propaganda against Israel either by CNN, ABC, CNBC or others is a LIE. Israel is NOT an apartheid state.
Walid Shoebat foundation explain this even further that Israel IS NOT AN APARTHEID STATE.
This video shows the real Israel that the liberal CAIR paid off intimidated dhimmi media chooses to ignore.
People should also know that Israel was the first nation to take in the Vietnamese boat people in the 1970s.
posted by Keith Davies
As I listened to Begley, someting coming up on the surface:
1. Judgment upon Russia is near, YHWH will use this moment to put judgement upon Russia, as what Russia plans to hit Jerusalem, YHWH will crush Russia to the ground. Where is your mighty warriors, Where is your boastful mouth, for in the event you arouse to take my inheritance, you will be crushed, you will be ashamed, you are nothing, listen and repent so you won't be strucked or otherwise, your place is found nothing...
2. For Russia's evil plan upon Israel, God YHWH will set Russia on blaze and surely as heaven on earth, God YHWH will strike you hard really hard for you to know that YHWH is the God of Israel and Yahshua is His Savior.
May the people of Russia read this ...