While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. John 17:15 (KJV)
Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" Matt. 24:29 (KJV)
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Hebrew 5783-5788 Gregorian 2023-2028
We are followers of Yahusha/JESUS Only
Yahusha/JESUS is YHVH/GOD/YHWH-Yahusha/Son:
Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD
Yahusha is I Am That I Am (Exodus 3:14)
Yahusha is YHWH come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of a Virgin.
Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence
When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels.
John 14:26
"the breath of life"
But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.
God is not His Name but a term. The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.
There is no Trinity. The Father, YHVH and Yahusha are One (John 10:30)
Book of Enoch:
The book of Second Peter and Jude Authenticate the book of Enoch and Vice Versa
All Of The Apocryphal Books Of
The King James 1611 Version
Pray for one another, as we watch for the Lord's return!
To the Readers:
Let's be real honest about the lies
I have just finished reading Jerry Golden's Vision that he has been given concerning the day after Yom Kippur. He tells, "There was what looked like millions of people all shouting and screaming in the streets, at first it was the streets of Tel-Aviv, and then it was New York, it kept changing locations but the people all had the same blank and evil appearance not knowing what it was they wanted but seemed to be obsessed and unable to control themselves."
I recalled, quite a few years ago about someone telling me that I shouldn't support Jerry Golden because he didn't believe in a Rapture. At that time, I was a pre-7 year Tribulation believer but was struck with the thought, "What? Isn't the gospel of the Messiah of Israel about His Message and not the Rapture?" The hatred, by the way it was said, reminded me of a relative who told me that if our uncle died, one of us should get to the house and get all of his stuff out of there before the wife (whom she hated) got it all. It was just about that crazy. The stuff belonged to the wife. The Gospel belongs to all and not to be shared by just those that believed they were going to get the stuff and get out of the country before trouble caught up to them.
Now we have seen days where men are eating the faces off other humans. Do I even dare call them human; there is something very animal like about these creatures running loose now. But that is a subject I couldn't bring up to the pre-tribbers because they weren't taught about the off-spring of Satan whose seed was put into Eve which spawned a race of Giants. Good Grief!
It seemed like there were so many restrictions to the truth among those that were guided by the Jesuit owned seminaries. What are they trying to hide? Why don't they want people to really know what is going on? And, Please, I don't want to be told that it is about preaching the Narrow Way Gospel when most of the Bible is ignored thus making it very narrow. That's called an Oxymoron.
I began to notice that most of the teachings on places like Five Doves were filled with the Traditions of men. Well, I had my fill of those pagan traditions while in the Catholic Church and wanted no more of that. In fact, I was getting pretty disgusted with the Disney Land Belief System among pre-7 year Tribulation believers.
Before Steven's RaptureBibleProphecyForum was completely banned from Five Doves, I noticed it and decided to click into it and see what was said on there. I noticed a huge variety of subjects being presented. Where in the world had all of this been hidden and why wasn't anyone besides his Forum sharing it? Having been in the occult prior to my own salvation, I could never understand why the churches weren't warning their people about all of this dark side. I recall my first month after being saved attending an evening service and a Halloween Party was going on. Was I the only one that knew how dangerous it was to have anything to do with Pagan Holidays... even if the Pastor was dressed up like Moses?
Steven's web-site got into the subjects of the Giants, the true history of an pre-Adamic period of earth that got so perverted God destroyed it with a flood. No, this is not the Flood of Noah, which came later. Most don't even realize that Genesis 1 is speaking about a time prior to Genesis 2, when not even a bird remained after that destruction by God. In Noah's flood, there were many animals saved besides the 8 humans.
And, you could not talk about the Esoteric belief system of the people who rule the earth. The pre-7 year Tribbers still don't seem to realize that most of the ruling class, including our own presidents are of the Seed-Line of Lucifer whom consider themselves "Elite". Because of their short-sightedness, they believe another election will change the world....if they are still here to vote, that is. If they are Raptured, guess the Democracy will fall. Well, this country is about to crash despite any of us.
Included were other books besides Enoch, Jasher & Jubilees to go through. Biblical history became more and more meaningful and brought clarity to why things happened as they did. Any pre-tribber that says they have a good grasp of Biblical history is lying to you because they omit most of this. What is life if you live it in a State of Falsehood. Have you ever enjoyed a conversation with a person you know constantly lies? What value is there in that. Why even waste precious time in that exchange?
I began to also noticed something else and that was the destain that the pre-tribbers had for Steven because he had done his home-work on the Rapture, presented all of the videos and asked only that people would look at the evidence before making off the wall remarks like, "But..that isn't the way I've been taught." which was never based on scripture in the first place. Asked to give one scripture that supported the view, it could never be done. "Truthfully, isn't that exactly what he has asked all of us to do that have come unto the Forum?" He never asked anymore than he, himself, had done in his quest for God's Truth.
To the credit of others, they would research the information only to find out that this was the truth. But, it takes someone who is willingly to be Flexible to research the facts, Available to study and Teachable. You cannot learn anything if you already think you know it all.
It blows my mind that Christians, who now have so much of the truth at their finger-tips on good solid Christian sites through-out the Internet, continue to be a part of the Pagan Rituals. I know of some who were presented the evidence right out of the Bible but the old traditions of men had a stronger hold than the desire for the truth which is The Word of God, by the way. That's right, each one of those holidays such as Christmas, Easter & Halloween is a World-Wide Satanic ritual in honor of the Illuminati's gods and goddess.
It is just like Jerry Golden said he was told in the vision given to him by the Lord who said, "There is salvation only in My Word and My Truth. This must be found and sought after by all, it is available for those who truly love Me more than life itself. They also hate the righteousness of my Word that I also sent to them and they have perverted it in their Churches and Synagogues.",
If you still practice Christmas and Easter after having been told the truth, you are not a are one in name only. The Lord has made it very plain He allows no other gods before Him.
This past week has proven, once again, just how little time is Left to lead others to Christ Jesus. That leading must be done, not with words of "Hang in there brother, soon we will be caught out of here." Instead, we should be honest with others, that there is no rapture but days of horror coming upon this world. Many are seeing visions of fires all over and a world out of control.
I know there are those out there that believe the Secret Rapture Theory because they have never questioned if it were really so. Their preacher told them and the old pastor who taught him said there was a pre-7 year Tribulation Rapture. They can't all be wrong...CAN THEY? If they are so sure, they shouldn't mind doing the research to prove to those of us who have found the truth that we must be wrong. I can assure you that once, sincere reading of God's Word on your own is done, the Holy Spirit will make it very clear to you. It happened to my husband and me. Four years ago, we were asked to leave a church because we insisted there was a Secret Rapture. If only that Pastor had provided the scriptural proof, we would have found the truth much quicker.
People like Rick Wiles doesn't care anymore about what other people think, he is determined to teach the truth about the fact that there is no pre-7 yr. Tribulation Rapture. He is also determined to no longer promote the Christian Zionist Movement because he knows that it is an Illuminati Movement to get Christians to support their agenda. He will reveal the truth about that. And God has given him favor for making his stand. He will be preaching the gospel for free instead of paying 60 thousand monthly on a news site which now banned him for his stand against the pre-7 year Tribulation Rapture. That is how God gave favor to him.
That's right, it is their Agenda, not the agenda of True Israel. They are determined to put their man on the throne of Jerusalem. Instead of Jerusalem being the capitol of Israel, they will make it the Capitol of the New World Order. Now, you know why the USA never supported the move for Jerusalem being Israel's declared capitol but always keeping it at Tel Aviv. They are not there for Godly reasons but for the purpose of bringing back Old Babylon right into the very heart of The Promised Land given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
This is the Land that God calls His Own and has said, "Israel is the Apple of His Eye". We are learning more and more about the Eye of God, aren't we? That's another revelation that was brought to me which I learned on Steven's Forum and that the earth is not round like the Globe. Where else can one find such a variety of subjects. The Bible is not about just the Life of Jesus but is full of the reasons why He had to come and the on-going battle between the two seeds.
It was on the RaptureBibleProphecyForum that I began to dig deeper into who really are Jews and who are not. I was like most of you out there. To my surprise, I Learned there is a vast difference. No wonder Jesus made remarks against those Pharisees, calling them vipers (sons of the Serpent). Now, I understood why it said in Revelation that these who call themselves Jews but are of the Synagogue of Satan will worship at the feet of the Believers. One eye opener leads to another. These Pretenders are Kazarites (Cassocks) who adopted the Babylonian Pagan Traditions that had crept into the teachings of Moses. Yet, there are idiots in this world that have the audacity to call those of us that know the difference anti-Semitic when it is they who do not know the difference.
There are those who want the short answers and to all of them Steven keeps pleading with them "Look at the information, read the Bible, search for the Truth, the Holy Spirit will show it to you if you let Him." Most think this is being impatient and mean but the only real way to find out the answer is to do your own research like he has done. I've done that....asked a question and was always given the same answer. You know, pretty soon, the message ought to get through; there is no greater teacher than the Holy Spirit who makes God's Word become real.
I have learned that unless one gets completely grounded in Biblical Truth, they will easily fall for Satan's lies OR in this case The Jesuit Lies.
Has it been an easy road the past couple of years or so that I have been on this website? Quite bluntly, No. At first there were those of us who exchanged our ideas. But, as time is running out, Steven made the decision that all he had come to learn through his own many hours of research had to come to the fore-front. These are just a few of the subjects:
1. There was no longer going to be any views that promoted the Jesuit lie of the pre-7 year Tribulation Rapture.
2. There was going to be taught the difference between an Israelite and a Jew; this is crucial.
3. There is no special dispensation for a Gentile Church because there is no Gentile Sheepfold.
4. Jesus would not walk in Jewry but send His Shepherds out to the Lost Tribes of Israel.
5. There are two Kingdoms and most of the believers are made up of Natural Israel and the grafted in, the Gentiles.
6. There was going to be clarity put on the reason for why God demanded the Israelites to kill the tribes whose seed-line went back to Lucifer.
7. There were Giants in the Land and they were the off-spring of Fallen Angels.
He, like Rick Wiles and so many other sincere followers of God, have a desire to pull the victim of the Vatican Rapture Trap out while there is still time. So, do they hate him for telling the truth? So, it seems because of the nasty remarks made about the site. Even I have been the victim of a pastor who is well into his 70's, whom knows me personally yet doesn't have the good manners to be gracious in his words. Instead of presenting the evidence, he opens his mouth and let's loose with his tongue of which James has given a lot of good advice of not letting it just go wild.
I have known many good teachers and although I was brought to tears a few times and even once considered myself done with the website, I knew that my husband and I had learned more on this website of endless resources in two years than we had Learned since we became believers many years ago. After a hiatus of about a week, I missed the learning & wanted to have access to the resources so went back. It was at that point that he began to share some of the titles of books that he had read and suggested I also get them and make a careful study of them. Two of my favorites out of the many have been Joe Ortiz's books and Zen Garcia's Books such as Lucifer - Father of Cain.
The latest book is the one by Benjamin Baruch called "The Day of the Lord is at Hand", which is bringing understanding about the 144,000 that wasn't clear at all to me or to most, I'd be willing to state. I hope that I can keep on learning and sharing in my way that God has given me a love for doing and that is writing. As I have shared in the past, that love was in me when I first came to America and had to learn the English Language so I could start school. I used a chair for a desk as I knelt on the floor, to print my letters. Three months later I was starting 1st grade & graduated at the top of my class after my Senior year. And I have never stopped learning: most importantly, I have had to unlearn much of what I had been taught under the teaching of the Assembly of God. Sometimes the unlearning is much more challenging than the learning.
All in all, I know a good teacher when I see one and Steven is an excellent teacher because he has had to unlearn the lies and seek the truths himself. He understands the process. Like my teachers back when I was a kid... the teachers that taught well would make you go over and over something until it became a part of your thinking process.
He deserves a fair shake from the ones that he is trying to help; the same ones who consider him their enemy because he dares to speak the truth.
Thanks for Reading,
Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.
Wow! I have just reread my own article and was led to reconsider how much I have learned on this forum since first joining. In fact I am thinking of what I have learned since June of 2015.
1. I have learned that there are a multitude of people whom Yahuah has given a good mind who are wasting it because they think it is already filled to capacity. You'd be surprised just how empty are our minds because they are Narrow-minded.
2. I believe one of the greatest truths I've learned since last year is that a Very Great Deception has indeed been played upon us, the unaware and trusting souls that we are. It is almost unbelievable that this could be done but "they" have done it. Remember the scripture where Yahusha said "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive." John 5:43 (KJV)?
Now, we find out that the Name above all Names that was given to Our Savior is not Jesus Christ. It is Yahusha. Jesus is the Greek rendering for Zeus. This is where my past involvement in the Occult and understanding of what is called Mythology caused me to see the truth when it was put before me almost right away. Steven has provided tons of information on that Truth. Have you read it. Have you considered the fact that you may well have been using the wrong name. We all did....Now, what are you going to do about it?
If you hesitate over that one, how about considering the fact that the Vatican and it's Jesuit power has no trouble at all in using the name of Jesus Christ. The Charlatans on TV, who proclaim themselves to be True Shepherds, use the name of their god that they serve while they mingle among the Sheep. I always wondered how they could serve Satan and say the name of Jesus Christ so easily. The Only Begotten of the Father that came down to pay the price for our redemption was a Hebrew, not a Greek god. "Before Abraham I Am", He said.
3. Ahhhh! You've heard how one truth leads to another...just the opposite of a lie leads to another lie. After the Vatican manipulated the real NAME, they changed the day upon which He is to be worshipped. They said they changed it because they had the authority to do so.
The Sabbath is not on Sunday nor is it on every Saturday. Upon really studying this subject, Steven brought it up to me to also study. We have learned that the two Roman Calendars are incorrect and another calendar called the Solar Lunar Calendar is also wrong. Yahuah's Calendar is Lunar and if you follow it as it is designed, each month begins with the sighting of the New Moon called Kodesh and the end of that day, when the Jewish Day begins (evening) the count to the 7th day begins. The Sabbath can follow on any day. It is all in the Hands of the One who gives the first moon light in each month. The SDA have that wrong as do the Jews themselves who use every Saturday as their Sabbath.
4. Another subject that fills in so much of prophecy that Steven has hit extensively on the sites is the subject of CERN, which one of the experts on what is taking place there, Anthony Patch, a believers tells us that he believe that CERN will be used to open the Abyss. CERN is the Keyhole for unlocking the Pit that will release the Fallen Angels held there.
5. A topic that makes more & more sense in light to The Word is how Yahuah created this earth and that the lie told for the past 500 years that the earth is a globe is a Huge Lie. Also, we learn that NASA has lied about sending men to the moon. The rumors had been going around for quite a while about the Moon landing but now we know it could not have happened because God placed a covering over it (I call it a globe) but Isaiah calls it in one place, "A Tent". Yahuah never intended man to break through this barrier. It has water above it and water below it. it is all written if you want to check it out.
6. The Ecumenical union between the Pope of the West and the Patriarch of the East have joined hands again. This mending of who is the Religious leader is the final period at the sentence saying, "We are One, One People under One Pope". In other words, pre-tribbers, you are here to see the One World Order, something you never dreamed you'd witness, did you?
7. The truth of who makes up the Body of Yahusha, His Sheep began with the Northern House of Israel as the Natural Branch and the Gentiles are grafted into that Fig Tree is no longer even contested when you look at all of the Biblical teachings on that subject. In other words, there is no separate Dispensation. You who consider yourself a Gentile Church may well be of family who are of the House of Israel that fled into other parts of the world. Stop saying that we are anti-Semetic. We are completely for the Rightful Hebrews and completely against those that say they are Jews but are not.
Steven has been trying his level best to show you who you just may well be. and.... that means you are here until the Angels of God are sent out into the Four Corners of the Winds to gather His Elect. Jahusha left Jewry and sent his apostles to the Lost House of Israel. They are the foundation of the ecclesia.
8. And being watched carefully is this thing that so many considered laughable when they first heard it and it turns out it is out there and heading in. That would be Wormwood, the Destroyer, Planet X or whatever.
9. I will make this last but it is not new, only growing more evident daily and that is there is a Seed of Satan that walks among the Seed of Righteousness. Those are the Tares and the Wheat that Yahusha said would grow up together with the Tares being removed at the end of the Harvest Season.
I've been wanting to warn those of you who have bad-mouthed Steven's presentations that time has shown he knows what he is talking about. it is you who have been on the wrong side of the fence regarding so many Biblical Truths. But it isn't just the bad mouthing: do you realize that you may have influenced many who were searching for truth because you directed them away from this awesome source of Truths? What is the wise thing to do when you know you have been guilty of slandering a servant that Yahuah has chosen to share all of these facts?
How do you know he is a servant? Consider the many, many hours he has devoted to reading and listening to various presentations, comparing them to the Word of God. When you have done this yourself, then you may be able to make a sound judgment but not until you have put in your own time. That is all he ever asked of each and everyone of you, read your Bibles, listen to the videos.
What does God require of us who know we have wronged a fellow man? We need to repent and go to the person wronged and ask for forgiveness. How hard can it be to say, "I am sorry" and mean it? You'd be surprised how good it feels to have undone a wrong to the best of your ability to do so.
I am so grateful for all of the knowledge presented on Steven's sites. It does not come easy; it takes study but it is so worth it when you can escape the FRAUDS put upon us by the Babylonian Queen. Now God's Word makes sense...right from the creation to the Second Coming.
Disclaimer: Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum, ( ) does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.