While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. John 17:15 (KJV)
Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" Matt. 24:29 (KJV)
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Hebrew 5783-5788 Gregorian 2023-2028
We are followers of Yahusha/JESUS Only
Yahusha/JESUS is YHVH/GOD/YHWH-Yahusha/Son:
Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD
Yahusha is I Am That I Am (Exodus 3:14)
Yahusha is YHWH come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of a Virgin.
Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence
When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels.
John 14:26
"the breath of life"
But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.
God is not His Name but a term. The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.
There is no Trinity. The Father, YHVH and Yahusha are One (John 10:30)
Book of Enoch:
The book of Second Peter and Jude Authenticate the book of Enoch and Vice Versa
All Of The Apocryphal Books Of
The King James 1611 Version
Pray for one another, as we watch for the Lord's return!
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Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
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Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
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Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
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We Are Moving Into The Most Supernatural Part of Our History!
For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
As Jim Bakker says, "This is the machine that they have built to see if there is a god". "Why would these scientist, who don't believe in god, have a Hindu god, called Shiva at the CERN headquarters?"
Tom talks about how these, at CERN, believe when they get to the 33 point, at which the gravitons disappear. Where did they go? They believe if gravitons are escaping through into another world, maybe they can use the same science to send their own through; in others words, break through the veil of another dimension.
Babylon, in the Akakkadian language of the time translates into "Gate of God" or "Gate of gods". And just what was it that they were attempting at the Tower of Babel?
Now, here is where it gets interesting. Just as Tom Horn and Chris Putman were getting ready to have their book published, the head of the Apache Indians contacts them and informs them there is more to this story then they know about what is going on. The Indians along with the Enviromental people are suing the Vatican over their building this Observatory, called Lucifer, because it is built on one of the 4 holiest sites to the American Indians. The location of the Observatory is right over a "Portal" that have a history of supernatural entities going in and out of the door-ways since the beginning. After hearing that, Horn & Putman both had their Conspiracy Mind's going off wondering why the Vatican, who could have chosen any mountain to build this observatory, chose this particular one. So they traveled up to see this Indian and hear what he had to say and to look at the drawings on the cave walls.
The Bible tells us these very things that the Supernatural Giants will be returning to earth. And, in fact, have already been reported as seen up at the location of CERN when they fired up.
Now, does that tell you how very close we are to the times of the Return of Jesus Christ and I am not talking about a pre-7 year Tribulation Rapture either. Listen, you hard-headed pre7 year Rapture people, if you can't understand what the Bible is really telling you.... take Bakker's advice and buy the book and read it. He advises getting the book for your young people to come to God but it just may help many of you come face to face with fact that you have been misled, badly misled. Don't you see, it is not about hanging on to a teaching because it has been taught all of these years in the seminaries and churches because your pride is too big to admit it but is about asking yourself, "What is Truth? And no matter how hard it may be to face, I must know the truth."
When former believers in the Secret Rapture have had to admit they were wrong and literally hundreds are changing their minds because the Holy Spirit has been revealing this to the Elect, don't you want to seek the Biblical Truth which would show that you may be one of the Elect. Not all that have been Called are Chosen, are they? That is scriptural and may be better understood to it's meaning.
The Islamic believe the Mahadi is already in the earth and will come out. Revelation tells us this is Apollo; also known as Abbaddon.
But back to the Giants. Tom Horn tells how Dr. Don Moses, an 3 generational Hopi Medicine man allowed them to come into their private areas and showed them drawings on the wall and told about the giants they had to kill in early Indian History. They were shown and told things that no one else has been allowed to see and hear. There was one Giant that was 200 feet all and when they cut off it's head, the blood run like a stream down the valley. And here we have those that couldn't believe there was one 34 feet tall. Oh, what you can learn when you put aside your former Jesuit taught education.
Oh, you have to watch this video. Tom tells about how the Indian's history is so much like our Bible. First a man came through the portal that didn't look like them but had a beard. Later, another; a serpentine man came through. He was dark but his face was like a serpent. Then came the Giants. What you learn, is that each culture has about the same kind of story, including the flood. Giants then came again and taught people pharamekia, same as the Bible taught, which tells that these in the end of Days would not give up their pharmekia (drugs)
Yes, Giants weren't just in the Promised Land, their bones are found all over America. Illinois has a large burial mound. I know of one not far from the Minnesota border. They have 6 fingers and 6 toes on each appendage.
Good grief, how can people who claim they've had the best Biblical education keep on scoffing at these truths which is based upon the Word of God.
We even learn when these Giants will return. Isaiah 13:1 in the Septuagint which supports the Book of Enoch, "Open the Gates you rulers, I give command and I give them; Giants are coming to fill My Wrath. Rejoicing at the same time and insulting." Then Verse 9, "For Behold the day of the Lord is coming which cannot be escaped, a day of Wrath and Anger, to make the world desolate and to take the sinners out of it". And then it goes on to say there is more coming, monsters, demons, satyres, half-human goats.
As is said, when America has closed it's door on God, we have opened the door to something else. That answer to "something else is what is described in Isaiah 13.
This is covering just the first video of the three. Please realize that you must become aware of what is coming upon the world; especially us, in America who are so naive about really horrible days. Please also take not the scripture in Isaiah tells us this day cannot be escaped and also did you notice who will be taken out? It is just the opposite of what you have been taught isn't it?
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Pt. 2
Tom Horn continues in his account of why the Apache Nation is suing the Vatican over their putting up their Observatory on Graham Mountain. He thought it was because it was similar to a Indian grave-site of past generations, of which we have seen many movies of how, when traveled through, the Indians would retaliate for disturbing the spirits of the dead. But, it is much more than that. Mount Graham is considered one of the four holiest mountains in the world.
Why? Because it is a portal to the Abyss.
In the Bible story of Jacob's Ladder, he saw the angels ascending and descending. It frightened Jacob so badly, he anointed the whole place. People have thought that Jacob said this was the House of God (Genesis 28:17) but that is not what he said. He said, "There is a gate here to the House of God". Think about where the Bible tells us the Fallen Angels descended: where was it? It was on the 33rd parallel up at Mount. Hermon, the very place where Jesus stood when He pronounced Himself as The Rock upon which He would build His ecclesia. Catholics, you are deceived when you are told it is Peter upon whom Christ built His Church. This should tell you something right there.
The Vatican would never admit to their foundation being built upon Jesus Christ. Former Catholics once believed the Vatican but no more. They have read the Bible, which is the Word of God. The Vatican god is the Sun god and his wife is The Queen of Heaven. God has no wife and neither did Jesus Christ. Do you see how words can be so deceiving? Peter, the apostle was never in Rome but he was up at Mount Hermon when Jesus Christ stood at that Gate-way declaring that He was the one who came to defeat Satan and it is upon Himself, that the Church will stand against the very Gates of Hell.
CERN is the modern version of the Tower of Babel, Mt. Hermon & Mt. Graham where Lucifer(their name for it)is located. It is the Vatican Observatory which the Jesuit Astronomers keep watch for whomever they expect. CERN, also sits upon an ancient Gate-Way, ramping up it's power to break through the God particle. It expects to bring back those Evil Ones and cause Hell on Earth. What is the purpose of that? Scripturally, we know the answer... to rid the earth of the Believers and the True Jews. They expect to create earth to their liking. Lucifer is using the Power of the Air, of which he is the prince, to do these "Out of The World" feats.
At the 3:06 mark: Chris Putman, whom had traveled to Sedona, Arizona, which is famous for being a Portal area, actually filmed the orbs/spirits that flew over their heads. He shows it and tells about it. If you say this cannot happen, consider Job 1:7 (KJV) where Satan is asked where he has been, "And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it."
Bakker talks about how the Church seems to be the last one that is talking about angels coming through portholes yet, here we are, in these End of Days. In fact, there are those within the Church that will accuse anyone studying these things, of having an unhealthy fascination with angels. Now, how stupid is that? The Word of God warns that there are principalities in high places (authority). But we have the Condemnation before Investigation coming upon us over and over again.
When asked if we are in the End Days, Tom Horn affirms that we are. He reminds the listener about how Jesus stood at one of the Portals at Caesarea Philippi and said that the Gates of Hell would not pervail against His Church.
That is us, those that He has also said would be kept in safety because we have the mark of God upon our foreheads. He didn't say we would be taken out in a Rapture but kept from these days when these Giants are allowed to return.
Chris Putman reminds us that angels are more than messengers. Take a look at this Psalm 82:1 (KJV)and how it describes these angels, "God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judges among the gods." Let this be a good scripture for those that keep on insisting that the sons of God were of the lineage of Cain. It sure makes one wonder what the real motive is behind those that have gone to seminaries where this teaching has been hidden, doesn't it?
Please listen to the rest of Video 2. There is so much discussed.
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Since video #2 is the video where the question is asked, when will this happen? When will there be a release of the those in the Abyss taking place so I will add an addendum to this portion that covers that question.
Isaiah 13 speaks about that End of Time as does Enoch, chapters 12 and 13 so take it upon yourself to get acquainted with those writings.
Enoch 15:10-13 tells us that The Day of Slaughter is the time reserved for these Giants to return.
The Septuagent, which was written in the ancient Greek version of the Jewish Scriptures and later translated into English by Sir Lancelot Brenton tells us it would be 70 generations from the time of Noah's Flood when this would happen. 70 years, scripturally make up a generation. So 70x70 bring us to 4900 years.
What did Jesus tells us about His Return? He said it would be like in the Days of Noah.
The Holocene Impact Working Group, who are scientist who believe a Meteor caused the great flood puts the date at 2800-2900 BC.
Bottom line: The year 2015,2016 and 2017 are the years when Enoch wrote this would take place.
Well, folks, as Tom Horn says, "WE ARE THERE".
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For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
From the accounts given to us from Zen Garcia's books, we know there were thousands of giants in the land before the flood of Noah. And then, it happened again. There was another group of Fallen Angels who came down and began a repeat of history once again. God will deal with this group also and with their children.
Ten Percent of the Fallen Angels will be allowed to return. Where do these 10% of Fallen Angels come from that will be used of God to bring Judgement? They will come from the Abyss.
The Book of Enoch gives the account of the 200 Fallen Angels who forged a Covenant between themselves that if one was punished for what they planned to do, they would all share in the punishment. Their crime was that they took daughters of humans (Clay) and mixed their seed (Iron) within and begat a race of their own. For those that do not know, these are the ones who call themselves The Elite who rule the world today.
Their off-spring or "creations" of which one was Nimrod whom became a Mighty One went on to build an Empire known as Babylon. The Tower of Babel was their attempt to get to a portal that would allow them back to the dwelling place of God. Remember how God said "NO" to their request for pardon? Some Christians actually believe God should or would forgive these Angels for what they did. God is God and He knows exactly what He is doing and why.
Discussed in this video #3 is Nimrod who was not born a Giant but became a Mighty One through some kind of Satanic works, potions or incantations and was given knowledge that a normal human would not know. Here is what happened according to God's Word. This is also discussed on how humans open themselves up to Satanic influence when they mess with things that God has commanded as "NO".
Genesis 11:4-8 "And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
Notice, it is not said that they wouldn't achieve getting up to this heavenly portal but that now that they had started this, nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. So God caused them to speak other languages so they couldn't continue to work on this plan. Out of this came the various nations.
This is where we are today. One Hundred Nations, who are normally enemies, have aligned in their demonic drive to rebuild a way to go through a heavenly Gateway. CERN has been in the making for over 50 years. They have all given huge amounts of money and the smartest of their people are working to get this largest of any machinery ever called CERN to break through this thing they call The God Particle. It will have to be so tiny that it can pass through this very tiny hole in the heavens known as a Gate-way, which they will then keep firing away at until it become a larger portal.
We've heard of CERN and what it has done lately, whenever it turned on it's power, that it caused horrible havoc here on earth. Is it any wonder the Bible tells us there will be an increase of earthquakes and stronger in strength? In fact, as the other chapters tell us, CERN sits atop an Underground portal to the Abyss. It is the place called The Temple of APPOLYON. And it is not the only location of important mountain portals. Another is right atop of Mount Graham, where the Vatican "Lucifer" Observatory keeps a careful eye upon the skies.
The Nations have come together under The United Nations. They have united their language through the Wide World Web where all languages can be translated and work together. In other words, this Ancient Babylonian Empire is already back and working to bring their "Leader" back. He was once known as Abbaddon/Opollyon/Nimrod. Doesn't the Bible tell us that an angel would come down and open the Abyss where the king of these Locust would be released?
Is the crashing through of this heavenly portal making this possible? So, it seems. But God has everything under His Control. Also in His own Time and will use the release of 10% of the original Fallen Ones to bring justice upon their own sons & daughters. He will not allow any harm to come upon those that have His Own seal upon their foreheads. He will take care of His own.
In this 3rd video, the subjects go into the subject of what these Trans-humanist are already doing in their labs, where they are creating monsters of unimaginable mixtures of animal and human. So, knowing this, do those pictures on the ancient walls of 1/2 humans & animals seem so far out now? It isn't mere mythology, is it? It is the creation of the Fallen Ones who mated with human women. Chris Putman tells of a place in the Atlantic, on an Island called Saint Kitt, where the monkeys have had human DNA placed into their brains. Now you have monkeys with 1/2 a human brain. Is it any wonder that the Bible speaks about the Beasts of the Wild as another thing that humans will have to contend with as they come to kill and feast.
In Video #2, the question is asked, when will this happen? When will there be a release of the those in the Abyss taking place so I will add an addendum to this portion that covers that question.
Isaiah 13 speaks about that End of Time as does Enoch, chapters 12 and 13.
Enoch 15:10-13 tells us that The Day of Slaughter is the time reserved for these Giants to return.
The Septuagent, which was written in the ancient Greek version of the Jewish Scriptures and later translated into English by Sir Lancelot Brenton tells us it would be 70 generations from the time of Noah's Flood when this would happen. 70 years, scripturally make up a generation. So 70x70 bring us to 4900 years.
What did Jesus tells us about His Return? He said it would be like in the Days of Noah.
The Holocene Impact Working Group, who are scientist who believe a Meteor caused the great flood puts the date at 2800-2900 BC.
Bottom line: The year 2015,2016 and 2017 are the years when Enoch wrote this would take place.
I'd like to point out how all of these pieces come together. In front of the CERN building is the Hindu goddess Shiva who is the goddess of Destruction. We also have Planet 7X coming past the earth in March 2016 and it is also called The Destroyer.
CERN also stands for the Horned God called Cernunnos. Do you think it is mere chance that all of this points to the Destruction of those that dare to usurp the very power of The Creator?
Wonder how a pre-7 year Tribulation Rapture would fit in all of this timing?
I put aside that Rapture theory a long time ago when the pieces just did not add up. I am grateful for all of these videos and articles that get posted on RaptureBibleProphecyForum and I might add, quite a few years ago, it was way ahead of most Prophecy Revelations. I encourage those that really seek the blessings one receives from reading Revelation & Enoch to do so now while you have the opportunity to get what is promised to you. Enoch was written for the End Time Generation. This you will understand once you give serious study to it.
Thank You Steven for your dedication despite all the hurdles put in front of you.
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