While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. John 17:15 (KJV)
Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" Matt. 24:29 (KJV)
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Hebrew 5783-5788 Gregorian 2023-2028
We are followers of Yahusha/JESUS Only
Yahusha/JESUS is YHVH/GOD/YHWH-Yahusha/Son:
Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD
Yahusha is I Am That I Am (Exodus 3:14)
Yahusha is YHWH come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of a Virgin.
Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence
When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels.
John 14:26
"the breath of life"
But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.
God is not His Name but a term. The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.
There is no Trinity. The Father, YHVH and Yahusha are One (John 10:30)
Book of Enoch:
The book of Second Peter and Jude Authenticate the book of Enoch and Vice Versa
All Of The Apocryphal Books Of
The King James 1611 Version
Pray for one another, as we watch for the Lord's return!
In answer to this letter called "Enoch Exaggerations -1 below, I have inserted my response in black. Bob's statements will be in brown.
Please consider all of this before falling for this retort against Enoch, the Great Scribe whom was shown heaven and all it's works and later taken without knowing death.
I'd like to say here, right up front, that this Enoch is the 7th from Adam.
The off-spring of Cain who is of the Seed of Lucifer, also had one of their own called Enoch whom the Nay-Sayers use to dispute the writings of the true Enoch. It is a serious thing to take this Prophet of God and say the things that have been said by this man.
For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Matthew 24 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
All Doves:
The late J.R. Church of "Prophecy In The News" several years ago ran a multi-part series on the Book of Enoch on his weekly television program that aired on the "Sky Angel" network. The entire program was later sold as a 4-DVD set for $29.95. The magazine 'Prophecy In the News' ran the text of this Psuedepigraphal writing in a multi-issue feature. I copied the series and put it in sheet protector pages in a 3-ring notebook for closer scrutiny. I periodically go back and refresh my understanding of this document that seems to be the rage at a number of web sites. I'm not easily persuaded and recommend discernment.
I can't say it any plainer but it is severely flawed with problems that cannot be reconciled. While many seem captivated by the book, one web site shows a video with over a half-million viewings on You Tube. My study of the Book of Enoch does not offer much credence to anyone that thinks this document is of any value whatsoever.
The name "Enoch" only appears 12X in 11 verses, and 9X of those are found in Genesis. Thus, we only have three references to the name "Enoch" in the New Testament, in Luke 3:37; Hebrews 11:5; and Jude 1:14. The key point here to remember is that just because the name "Enoch" is in the Bible, it does not prove it is God-breathed and ought to be considered as "Canonical". As I share many of the discrepancies with the book itself, one will be able to obviously see why it has not been included in the "Canon" of Scripture.
In various Bible Dictionaries, it is classified as part of the Pseudepigrapha; which is a collection of Jewish books containing various forms of literature, that use the names of Biblical people in Israel's history. The real authors are unknown, and the addition of Biblical names are used to add a sense of authority to the writings but authenticity is dubious at best. The name "Pseudepigrapha" means "False Writings". That should serve as a key when the name of "Enoch" is mentioned outside of the 12X it is noted in the Bible.
In addition to using a pseudonym, the first chapter of the book of Enoch also makes use of a famous statement made by the real Enoch who lived millennia before the oldest known copies of the book of Enoch even came to light.
A similar (but not exact) question of Enoch exists in the small New Testament book of Jude to doubt that the real Enoch of Genesis 5 spoke these words and that they have been passed on by tradition. However, the commonality of Jude 14-15 with 1st Enoch 1:9 does not make the rest of the Pseudepigraphaal book of Enoch "God-inspired" any more than Paul's brief quotation of Aratus -(Acts 17:28) and Epimenides -(Titus 1:12) would sanctify the entirety of those author's words.
If you hold the book of "Enoch" up to the "Scriptures cannot be broken" test of John 10:35, we will find a major conflict discrepancy. A major theme in 1st Enoch is sinful angels taking human wives -(1st Enoch 6:2; 7:1; 12:4; 106:14, etc.); this is in direct contradiction of the words of Jesus Christ, who created "all things ..... Visible and invisible", and knows how they function -(Colossians 1:16 compared with Hebrews 4:13). In Matthew 22:21-30, Jesus said, "you are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. They neither marry or are given in marriage... Like the angels..." Reference also Mark 12:24-25; and Luke 20:34-36). This rebuttal by the Lord Himself pertaining to a major theme of Enoch indicates that was and is God clearly refutes these stories in the book of Enoch as to its being truthful, or God-inspired Scripture. That said, the issue is dead in the water as far as Bible-believing Christians are concerned.
What does the Word of God tell us? That the sonnes of God saw the daughters of men, that they were faire, and they took them wives, of all which they chose.
- King James Version (1611)
But for the low information folks, their ignorance [lack of knowledge] will never be satisfied to drop the subject. So, furthermore, it would equate the Enochic stories as empty deceit according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Jesus Christ as the Apostle Paul states. -(Colossians 2:8). As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been.
This unhealthy fascination with and exaltation of angels throughout the book stand as stark contrast to the message of Colossians 2:18-19; and Revelation 19:10, etc.). Colossians 2:18-19 KJV - Let no man beguile you of your reward ... The stories of Enoch's ascent into heaven (1st Enoch 71:1, 5) contradicts Jesus Christ's words in John 3:13,And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. And the tale of an actively conscious afterlife of Enoch and others prior to the Resurrection -(1st Enoch 70:3-4; 65:2-5; 22:7-13) are in conflict with Biblical Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10; Job 13:14; Hebrews 11:13, 39-40; 1st Thessalonians 4:14-16, etc). Even Burger King could not top these "whoppers".
You and others often refer to Enoch's birth and his being taken on Pentecost to support your pre-7 yr. tribulation Rapture because you fail to understand that the ecclesia/church is made up of Israel and Gentile. For that purpose, you acknowledge this man. (Jude quotes Enoch) Jude 1:6 tells us the reason for the flood of Noah and where these angels are now? "And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.". Now if earth had to be destroyed because of what they did then, who are you to dismiss it and refer to this an an unhealthy fascination? YOU, on the other hand are ignoring God's recorded Word through the prophets because it wasn't taught to you by your Educators.
A simple example of an Enochian fallacy that very few would sincerely assert as an indisputable, God-inspired fact is the description of Noah as a newborn baby in which "His form and appearance are not like the form of human beings - and his eyes are like the rays of the Sun... which makes the whole house bright. And he stood up from the hands of the midwife and he opened his mouth and praised the Lord of Eternity" -(Enoch 106:10-11, 18; 107:3).
Hebrews 13:9 tells us, "Do not be carried away about with various strange doctrines, for it is good that he heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them". The reason why the Early Church Fathers and the KJV Bible translators rejected the book of Enoch as not being inspired of God, wasn't to hide the truth; but, because it isn't the truth! The book of Enoch is a fraud, an imposter, and right out of the pit of hell.
When you read in Enoch 1:9 that an angel named "Phanuel" is "set over the repentance unto hope of those who inherit eternal life" you know darn well its a fraud, a lie of "whopper" proportion. The truth is that Satan is a murderous thief, who's sole purpose of existence now is to take as many of God's children to hell, by killing, stealing, and destroying -(John 10:10). Satan hates the Word of God because it is his greatest enemy in this world. Therefore Satan seeks to destroy the Bible, and if he cannot destroy the Bible, then he tries to corrupt the Bible by changing it -(Romans 1:25; 2nd Peter 3:16). Satan did precisely this when he used the Romanist-friendly Anglican leaders Westcott and Hort to rewrite the New Testament, by using fraudulent manuscripts of Gnostic traditions. If Satan cannot destroy or corrupt the Bible, then he tries to introduce "new" so-called "lost books" of the Bible to confuse people. Such become distractions from the real thing, the KJV Bible.
(Others spellings of Phanuel include Paniel, Peniel, Penuel, Fanuel, Orfiel, and Orphiel.)
His name means "the face of God". His was one of the four voices Enoch heard praising God.
This first is Michael, the merciful and long-suffering: and the second, who is set over all the diseases and all the wounds of the children of men, is Raphael: and the third, who is set over all the powers, is Gabriel: and the fourth, who is set over the repentance unto hope of those who inherit eternal life, is named Phanuel. (1 Enoch 40:9)
As an angel, Phanuel is reputedly a member of the four Angels of Presence. In 1st Enoch, he is also listed as an angel of exorcism (he is heard "expelling Satans"). Http://
The term Satans are plural nouns, used in this manner, is like demons, not a proper name. Lucifer's name was changed to Satan when he rebelled and became who is being referred to when any of these names are used: the devil, the dragon, the evil one, the angel of the abyss, the ruler of the air, Moloch, the "Owl" in the heavens, the Great Owl, Belial, Beelzebub, etc... The name Satan is Hebrew for "adversary" or "enemy."
(Although I have placed this description here from this site, I continue in learning, along with many others, that the one Satan is NOT really all of these but these are other Fallen Ones and their sons who became like gods to the people. Nimrod is such a one as this. He has been used interchangably with Abbadon or Apollo. g)
Without a doubt, the "whopper" of "whoppers" is the primary claim of the book of Enoch is that fallen angels had sex with human women and produced 450-feet tall giants upon the Earth. Even this teaching is ridiculous, unscriptural and has no solid evidence to support it, be it Biblically or scientifically).
What are you disputing... the height or the Fallen Angels? Why are you always putting down those you consider a whole lot less educated than yourself? I have found folks that do that use it as a tool to make themselves look much more than they are. Their education becomes their "Bragging Rights". If you consider those who do not have your degrees as uneducated or low informed, remember, you are speaking to a host of others that frequent this and other sites. Most of us have had years of getting educated via reading our Bibles, books and the use of the Internet with it's great sources of information. You paid for your education. Most of us have gotten ours much cheaper but precious in the amount of time put into the learning.
Satan lost his beauty and used the most beautiful of God's animals to disguise himself and caused Eve to eat of the fruit and offered it to her husband. For that they were no longer in their former state but now became the humans whom God put skins upon. They left Paradise (which is not The Garden of Eden) and were placed upon earth, in the place " The Garden of Eden" where as a human woman, Eve was enticed to partake of an sexual encounter or seduced thus conceived the son of Lucifer (Satan) and bore the first of her sons, Cain. Cain was not born a Giant but the offspring down the way, Nimrod became a Gibborim, a Giant before the lord (not the "I Am that I Am" but the lord of the unrighteous ones) "And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon your belly shall you go, and DUST SHALL YOU EAT all the days of your life" (Gen. 3:14). "…that OLD SERPENT, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world…" (Rev. 12:9). Why would God make a distinction between the Seed of the Serpent apart from the Seed of the Woman if there wasn't a difference???
In Enoch 69:6 it claims that a demon named Gadreel led Eve astray and introduced weaponry to mankind. How utterly ridiculous, its absurdity does not need being dignified, but the Bible tells us in Ezekiel 28:13, that the serpent which deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden was Satan. Even Steve Quayle would find it hard to digest these "whoppers"!
There were others that rebelled and each had their expertise that they taught to earthly women. How utterly ridiculous it is to limit your understanding to all things done by just Satan. What do you make of the statement, "They shall learn war no more"? Apparently someone taught mankind about weaponry. God didn't make Adam to make war but Satan created a son who did the first killing, called MURDER.
Enoch 1:9 says, "And behold! He cometh with ten thousand of holy ones to execute judgment upon all, and to destroy [all] the ungodly; and to convict all flesh of all the works [of their ungodliness] which they have ungodly committed, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners [have spoken] against him."
There is no doubt this is very similar to Jude 1:14-15. The question is Why? There is a conundrum here. Was Jude quoting the book of Enoch? If so, does this mean the book of Enoch should be considered Scripture? Were the book of Enoch and Jude both quoting from an earlier text (i.e., the actual account of Enoch? Was the author of the book of Enoch actually quoting from Jude to make their book look more credible?
(There's nothing like throwing questions like this around to dispel the fact that what was told by Enoch from the very throne of God was passed down and quoted by Jude . It would be a good idea to remember that the books that Enoch wrote were entrusted to his son Methuselah with instructions to keep them and teach them through the generatiosn that followed. I expect Noah took those very books with him on the ark prior to the flood.
It is after that flood that it happened again (angels coming down) Genesis 6:4 but before that read Genesis 6:1,2, which refers to the time on earth in which the Fallen Ones caused so much havoc that God had to destroy it with a flood, which left it Null and Void.....Noah's Flood did not do that. If you study the subject, you will learn that is where the Fallen Angels lived and trashed it, the animals & birds. Their leader is called the Prince of the Air. That would be the 1st heaven surrounding the earth which was his to offer to Jesus when he tried to tempt Jesus Christ.)
What we don't know is when the book of Enoch was written, who the author was, or what Jude was quoting. There is a consensus of older and even contemporary Bible scholars that the Biblical Enoch was not the author, but, rather someone who lived closer to the time of Jesus Christ, or possibly even after, based on some of the references. Whatever you read out of the book of Enoch, the issue on Enoch is the question, Is this Holy Spirit inspired word of God? This is where we can confidently say "no". If it were Scripture, we would expect it to be free of false doctrine. What we find instead is that false doctrine is one of the most prevalent themes in the entire book.!
"Enoch (/ˈiːnək/; Hebrew: חֲנוֹךְ, Modern H̱anokh Tiberian Ḥănōḵ; Arabic: إدريس ʼIdrīs) appears in the Book of Genesis of the Hebrew Bible and was a figure in the Generations of Adam. Enoch was the son of Jared (Gen 5:19-21), the father of Methuselah, and the great-grandfather of Noah. Enoch lived 365 years before he was taken by God, which is a small amount of time compared to his offspring Methuselah, who lived to be 969 years old." The text reads that Enoch "walked with God: and he was no more; for God took him" (Gen 5:22–29).
This Enoch is not to be confused with Cain's son Enoch (Gen 4:17).
Enoch appears in the Book of Genesis of the Pentateuch as the seventh of the ten pre-Deluge Patriarchs. Genesis recounts that each of the pre-Flood Patriarchs lived for several centuries, had a son, lived more centuries, and then died. Enoch is considered by many to be the exception, who is said to not "see death" "for God took him." The Christian New Testament has three references to Enoch from the lineage of Seth (Luke 3:37, Hebrews 11:5, Jude 1:14–15).
I read the photo-copied book of Enoch in 2006 and did a verse-by-verse analysis of enough of the book to conclude it was nothing more than a fraud, a spurious document, intended to confuse and deceive Bible readers by causing doubt in the minds of those who read the Bible. In my study of the book, numerous problems were such that I had to include my hand written notes with the photocopied text. Here is a partial list of discrepancies that challenge the credibility of the book of Enoch:
++Enoch 1:1 implies restoration during tribulation; and is incongruent with Scriptures.
++Enoch 1:8 is in conflict with the doctrine that peace was made at the cross. Also, in the last days tribulation will increase for the righteous, and this verse seems to dispute that fact.
I think you mislead, peace was not made at the cross; salvation was purchased at the cross and His own words said, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34
++Enoch 2:2-3 appears to contradict 2nd Peter 3:3-7.
++Enoch 5:4 is an admonition to some unknown party - this is very irregular relative to the Scriptures (i.e. authentic ancient writings) by God-fearing Jews.
++Enoch 6:4 states that Semjaza seems to be listed as the leader of the angels, which again is not Scriptural.
(Why not? This is the group of 200 that came down and took for themselves wives later after criticising the fall of Adam and Eve. They wanted to show that they wouldn't do that but they failed the test, didn't they?)
Chapter 7
1 It happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days, that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful.
2 And when the angels, (3) the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamoured of them, saying to each other, Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget children.
(3) An Aramaic text reads "Watchers" here (J.T. Milik, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976], p. 167).
3 Then their leader Samyaza said to them; I fear that you may perhaps be indisposed to the performance of this enterprise;
4 And that I alone shall suffer for so grievous a crime.
5 But they answered him and said; We all swear;
6 And bind ourselves by mutual execrations, that we will not change our intention, but execute our projected undertaking.
7 Then they swore all together, and all bound themselves by mutual execrations. Their whole number was two hundred, who descended upon Ardis, (4) which is the top of mount Armon.
(4) Upon Ardis. Or, "in the days of Jared" (R.H. Charles, Ed. And Trans., The Book of Enoch [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1893], p. 63).
8 That mountain therefore was called Armon, because they had sworn upon it, (5) and bound themselves by mutual execrations.
(5) Mt. Armon, or Mt. Hermon, derives its name from the Hebrew word herem, a curse (Charles, p. 63).
9 These are the names of their chiefs: Samyaza, who was their leader, Urakabarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Saraknyal, Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anane, Zavebe, Samsaveel, Ertael, Turel, Yomyael, Arazyal. These were the prefects of the two hundred angels, and the remainder were all with them.
(6) The Aramaic texts preserve an earlier list of names of these Watchers: Semihazah; Artqoph; Ramtel; Kokabel; Ramel; Danieal; Zeqiel; Baraqel; Asael; Hermoni; Matarel; Ananel; Stawel; Samsiel; Sahriel; Tummiel; Turiel; Yomiel; Yhaddiel (Milik, p. 151).
10 Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees.
11 And the women conceiving brought forth giants,
(7) The Greek texts vary considerably from the Ethiopic text here. One Greek manuscript adds to this section, "And they [the women] bore to them [the Watchers] three races–first, the great giants. The giants brought forth [some say "slew"] the Naphelim, and the Naphelim brought forth [or "slew"] the Elioud. And they existed, increasing in power according to their greatness." See the account in the Book of Jubilees.
12 Whose stature was each three hundred cubits. These devoured all which the labor of men produced; until it became impossible to feed them;
13 When they turned themselves against men, in order to devour them;
14 And began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh one after another, and to drink their blood. (Their flesh one after another. Or, "one another’s flesh." R.H. Charles notes that this phrase may refer to the destruction of one class of giants by another (Charles, p. 65).)
15 Then the earth reproved the unrighteous.
++Enoch 6:3, 8 lists angels that are never mentioned in the Bible.
(The Scriptures prior to the 1611 Bible had these angels listed because it held these books that you are condemning.)
++Enoch 8:1 mentions Azazel but it isn't even listed in 6:8 as one of the angels that fornicated with women.
(Azazel is the same as Asael whom is listed and is the very one the Jews named as the Scape-goat that gets turned into the wilderness every Passover).
++Enoch 8:3 notes two angels, Araquiel and Shamsiel but they are not listed in 6:8 either.
These are the two who ridiculed Adam and Eve for their fall. They asked God to be allowed to come down to show they would never be as weak as these humans that God created. It was granted with stipulations that they must obey and lo and behold they also sinned by taking women for wives. Remember, how angels are not suppose to marry or pro-create? So, now we have the two Seed-lines; the Seed of the Serpent and the Seed of the Woman contending for supremacy here on earth.
That is the fight unto the end when Christ will return and end it all. It all makes a whole lot more sense than the nonsense we've been taught all these years by the Jesuit educators. As Hersel Shanks tells in his book on the Dead Sea Scrolls, "These book were held in high esteem at the time the New Testament was written."
Continue from part one of "Enoch, the Scribe of the Lord or Enoch Exaggerations?
++Enoch 10:2 allegedly wrote about Noah, even though the Bible teaches that Enoch was taken up to heaven years before Noah was born.
Enoch was given the prophecy before it happened and his son Methusela, which means, "After he dies, it will happen" even knew about this as did Noah himself. They weren't as dumb as we are now days.
++Enoch 10:4-6, 12 implies angels can be bound and hid in holes under rocks. This is totally contrary to Scripture.
(Both Abaddon, the imprisoned spirit currently ruling over the Abyss, and the four angels now "bound at the great river Euphrates" appear to be high-ranking and powerful angels. They will be freed to fulfill their part of God's plan at the end of the age. Surely you can see that is what is meant by bound and hid under the rocks of the earth? And how is this contrary to scripture?)
++Enoch 10:8 ascribes all the sin of the fallen angels to one named Azazel. This is not Scriptural.
(Azazel, remember is the Scape-Goat that the Hebrews took out to the wilderness and represents their sins? If present unbelieving Jews would have realized Jesus Christ took all their sins away on the cross, they could stop their OT rituals that pointed to Christ)
++Enoch 10:15-11:2 seems to imply that permanent restoration took place after the flood, clearly not true. It seems the true author of this book confused Scriptures pertaining to the future restoration.
(Enoch is speaking about the Elect of the End of Days - he even tells us that. You have read that all, haven't you?)
++Enoch 13:5-6, 14; 14:5-7 implies fallen angels can't talk to God. This contradicts the book of Job. It also implies that angels were repentant, but weren't received back by God, a most strange doctrine.
(Why? These angels lost their right to petition God and needed a mediator whom was Enoch, a man who walked with God. The petition was presented and God made the decision not to forgive their transgression. These were not men but angels who left their first estate in heaven. Remember, these are stars who had their duties. Their first sin was rebellion. When a 1/3 of them rebelled, they, just as much as went on strike and walked off their jobs of providing light in the night sky.)
++Enoch 15:8-10 gives an unusual but strange doctrine about "evil spirits" proceeding from unredeemable giants.
(It is strange to you because your education, despite your claim of it being broad, is restricted; thus refused to be taught that these giants were the off-spring of Fallen Angels and daughters of man
++Enoch 17-18, 21, 23 gives a very strange description of the earth and universe which is clearly not true. Also, it alludes to the ancient model of astronomy that held that there were 7 stars (the closest planets) which burned like the Sun. They don't!
(They aren't Planets, they are stars, the seven sisters known to be in the constellation Pleaides)
++Enoch 19:3 discredits all other prophecy about the consummation of the ages.
++Enoch 20 lists strange angels not in Scripture, and incorrectly assigns the roles of Michael (the warrior) and Gabriel (the messenger).
++Enoch 21:7-10 seems to contradict Biblical descriptions of the present and final judgment places for the fallen angels.
(Again hold it, remember, there are those angels who are bound. Now that you are admitting there were fallen angels, why do you restrict their behavior which is in the Bible and why God had the Hebrew children slaughter all of their off-spring?
++Enoch 22 contradicts the Biblical description of past, present and future dwelling places for the righteous who die.
(Enoch doesn't confuse the dwelling places, the modern churches have confused them because they have eliminated the very books that told where they are located.)
++Enoch 32:2-6 seems to imply the Garden of Eden was still in existence after the Flood.
(If we understand that the Garden of Eden is not Paradise but a place here upon earth, why would not the remains of what is earth after the flood still not be in place but altered? The 4 rivers that ran through it still have the Tigris, Euphrates and Gihon flowing in their much slower movement
++Enoch 33:1-2 says Heaven rests on a foundtion that is at the eastern edge of the Earth.
(Kind of shoots down the earth revolving around the Sun doesn't it when Enoch is shown that the Sun has it's various doors to enter and exit which depends on the seasons. The Sun is another evolving light like the stars themselves which are the light given for the night. This heaven that is spoken of here is that place called Paradise where both heaven and hell are today which Jesus referred to as where the thief would be with him that day when he did. This is from the area above, which Adam & Eve were expelled for tasting of the fruit of the tree and later the Serpent seduced her and implanted his seed, Cain, to be birthed among the humans. The worshippers of the Sun have made it the center upon with earth and other planets revolve. The Catholic Church display that sun worship in the Host that is held up for adoration.)
++Enoch 33:3 claims he counted the stars and individually mapped them, which is impossible Scripturally and scientifically.
(All things are possible with God and it is God that allowed Enoch to see things that no other human has seen before nor since. God told Enoch to write all these things down and pass them on to the generations after him)
++Enoch 34 says the winds come out of a "portal" at the Northern edge of the Earth. The "hollow Earth" folks will love this one.
(Actually, there is the north, east, south and west winds, out of the four corners of the earth; these are the prevailing winds that determine weather conditions. The intellect don't like this, of course; it takes away from the Word of God which even speaks of the angels gathering the Elect from those four corners.)
++Enoch 36:3 says the stars come out of portals at the eastern edge of the Earth and move North.
(Have you ever watched to see if it is different?)
++Enoch 38:5-6 Contradicts Daniel and other prophecies about the Millennial Reign of Christ Jesus.
(Once the pre-adamic flood is understood as not being the same as the one of Noah, then it is easy to see how that time line has been added to the end of the Book rather than before Genesis 2 began. The same ones that deny all that has been written in the Book of Enoch, Jubilees and Jasher had to add that lost millenium somewhere, didn't Hitler looking for his Third Reich. Have you ever wondered why the Lord, once he has defeated Satan and all his works, laying claim to His Kingdom would give him another chance????? )
++Enoch 39:1-2 is a very strange implication about the "seed" of angels dwelling with men at the end. This absolutely contradicts the Scriptures.
(It's happening right now with these rascals that are doing their trans-humanism work, which means "Not Human". These are the same ones who are taking the money from the people and putting it into their own coffiers, as you have described yourself. These are the ones bringing about their New, Old World Order, which intend to last a thousand years).
++Enoch 40:7 talks about the "Satans" - plural, different from the Bible, who gives that name is only one fallen angel. Also, it implies Satan can stand in God's presence, which is contrary to the book of Job.
(Satans is being used as a plural noun, not a proper noun. There are many devils whose spirits are of the off-spring of the Fallen Ones. There are many satans, many dragons that follow their head one known by his various names.)
++Enoch 40:9 mixes up the roles of the 2 archangels and adds more names in it. Michael's role in Scripture is related to conquering nations and fighting spiritual wars, while Gabriel's relates to bringing messages and visions to people.
++Enoch 41:1-2 says the Kingdom of God is divided. It's not and can't be Scriptural. It also describes sinners being repelled from a mansion, which is also not Scriptural, unless you look at a parable Jesus told, which was not intended to be literal.
(Why Not? you are making judgements based upon your restricted knowledge of the Fallen Ones whom once occupied the Kingdom of God. These sinners were repelled from that place called Paradise where the New Jerusalem is located.)
++Enoch 41:4-5 says the Sun,Moon, winds, etc. are stored in chambers and released at appointed times.
(You bet, God is a God of Order. Their release is what determines what we know as seasons
++Enoch 41:6-7 implies the Sun and Moon move opposite of each other.
++Enoch 43:1-3, 44 presents a weird model of the nature of stars and lightning.
++Enoch 47:4 says God requires the blood of the saints, strange for sure, very strange. It might fit into the Pre-Wrath Rapture babble.
(It doesn't say that at all: Here is what it says: 4Then were the hearts of the saints full of joy, because the consummation of righteousness was arrived, the supplication of the saints heard, and the blood of the righteous appreciated by the Lord of spirits. It is the blood of the Saints that will have come to full vindication. Remember those martyrs up there that beg for their blood to be vindicated?)
++Enoch 51:1 says Sheol and Hell will give back to the Earth, which isn't Scriptural. Also Hell is a New Testament term, not Old Testament.
++Enoch 51:2 disputes the Biblical doctrine that we are chosen. We do not have to wait until Christ's return to be chosen. The Enoch statement isn't Scriptural.
(I think you have given the wrong impression in this statement. It is speaking of "10 All these things shall be rejected, and perish from off the earth, when the Elect One shall appear in the presence of the Lord of spirits." The Elect One (singular) is none other than Jesus Christ who was elected from the foundations to make right all that Satan has done wrong who will appear in His Glory. And there are many called, few are chosen. Those that are of His Body are also the Elect. The believer is the Body. The Jews who forgot their Covenant Husband and will someday call for Him, are the Wayward Wife (Bride). The Believer takes part in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb to His Wife/Bride. We are the guests who have the white robes of redemption. There will be many who think they are chosen, only to find out they are told, "I never knew you.....They will be those who can't come into the marriage supper because they haven't received their white robe even though they think they have. There are multitudes of Evangelist among the Jesuits that will find this fact to be true. )
I'd say that was enough of your own interpretation. Let the reader see for themselves:
1 The word of the blessing of Enoch, how he blessed the elect and the righteous, who were to exist in the time of trouble; rejecting all the wicked and ungodly. Enoch, a righteous man, who was (1) with God, answered and spoke, while his eyes were open, and while he saw a holy vision in the heavens. This the angels showed me.
(1) N.B. The italicized words supply a gap in the text.
2 From them I heard all things, and understood what I saw; that which will not take place in this generation, but in a generation which is to succeed at a distant period, on account of the elect.
(There is just too much continuing on below; let the reader do his own reading about this subject and ask the Holy Spirit for His discernment.. Here is a good place to start.)
Hershel Shanks reveals in his book on the Dead Sea Scrolls, these books were held in high esteem at the time the New Testament was written.
Now Bob, if you really care to find out the truth of what God has said about the Fallen Angels being allowed to come back in the Latter Days, take a look at the codes found by Code Searcher, who himself is learning things that he has only begun to understand as of late as Science is showing that CERN is behind the effort to open the Ancients portals. These Scientist have learned things that the average person couldn't begin to grasp but from their source, the Fallen Angels. We, on this site, have been talking about this for a couple of years already. Rather than try to learn these things, we have slanderous words flung at us and you seem to be their chief spokes-person. In your achieving your education, you forgot your good manners.
Code Searcher - CERN-the fallen, and the Dictator..Oh,...
The entire post by Bob is found here:
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Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
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