While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. John 17:15 (KJV)
Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" Matt. 24:29 (KJV)
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Hebrew 5783-5788 Gregorian 2023-2028
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Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD
Yahusha is I Am That I Am (Exodus 3:14)
Yahusha is YHWH come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of a Virgin.
Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence
When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels.
John 14:26
"the breath of life"
But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.
God is not His Name but a term. The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.
There is no Trinity. The Father, YHVH and Yahusha are One (John 10:30)
Book of Enoch:
The book of Second Peter and Jude Authenticate the book of Enoch and Vice Versa
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The King James 1611 Version
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But this sacrificial rite required to inflict the ‘mortal head wound’ to the President required a triple confirmation of the number 33. This number is the highest and most sacred in the satanic order of any numbers. Furthermore, the sacrificial victim had to be at a Temple ‘holy of holies’ where the satanic/luciferian ritualistic sacrifices are performed. Thus the heading of the motorcade up Elm Street within the Pyramid Temple Capstone of Dealey Plaza and the Latitude and Longitude of the spot -down to the very 33’’ (seconds) at 12:30pm provided this satanic numerical spell combination.
To reiterate, the very spot of the ‘kill shot’ was at a 33º heading and both the seconds of its Latitude and Longitude of the very spot where Kennedy was first shot, while in a moving motorcade mind you. Thus this 33-33-33 satanic incantation is really masking a 666, the Biblical number associated with the Beast of Revelation 13 that received a ‘mortal wound but yet lived’. There had to be 3 shots fired to correspond to this magical triple numerical charm. The 1st Shot was to the neck, the 2nd Shot was to the back of the head and the 3rd Shot was from the front of the head. It is understood that the Revelation 13 is also viewed as an allegory to a dispensation of time whereby nations, Popes and political figures have been attributed such characteristics.
Some Motives
There are many conspiracy theories as to why President Kennedy was murdered. Dispute his many moral flaws, he did avert nuclear war with the USSR in the showdown over the Cuban Missiles of October 1962. Many in the ‘know,’ state that the people of the world did not really grasp the severity of just how close the world was to a nuclear winter. Several assertions have already been written extensively about the actual motive or motives of why he was assassinated. Here are just a few popular notions that have already been presented at large over the past 50 years.
Some believe that the Banksters feared that the President would dismantle the Central Bank. This type of President was a direct threat to the monopoly of the Money Changers. Kennedy wanted to cease their money printing monopoly that charged interest with every Dollar bill printed and lent back to the US government. He wanted the US Treasury to solely print Silver Certificates instead. Such certificates or real money was even redeemable with actual physical silver amounts at any bank. It was a bold attempt by Kennedy to have the US government print its own paper money. This decision could not be permitted to occur; these certificates ended in 1964.
Others believe that the Organized Crime Syndicates were also in a fall-out with Kennedy. They blamed Kennedy for allowing Castro to gain power in Cuba and evict them from the island as Castro shut down their ‘Las Vegas’ of their day that was in Havana. The government corruption, gambling, drugs and prostitution allowed in Havana depicted by the movie The God Father was yet another conspiracy of those that had it in for Kennedy.
While others believe that the Spy Network agency wanted to topple Kennedy for allowing Castro to keep a Soviets base in Latin America. They never forgave nor forgot how Kennedy did not provide the crucial air support promised to those anti-Castro insurgents that invaded Cuba during the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Kennedy considered ending and doing away with major components of the spy apparatus that orchestrated many such Black-Ops and wars without any form of accountability.
Despite the hope, the vigor and challenge he instilled in the youth of that generation not only in the USA but he world at large with such programs as the Peace Corp, there were certain political decision he made and was about to make that caused the entities that are really behind the power of world governments to decide to kill Kennedy.
The Numbers that Killed Kennedy
Is it mere coincidence that this luciferian ritualistic murder of the President had to be on November 22 as there is precisely .22 miles from the Reunion Tower to the apex of the Dealey Pyramid? Is it a mere coincidence that it is .22 nautical miles from the Tower to the ‘kill shot’ were the sacrificial victim was executed upon the Pyramid’s Hexagram Temple ‘altar’? All these peculiarities could not have been orchestrated by mere mortal mathematical calculations.
This is especially true when the factor of the number 33 in terms of Latitude and Longitude exactly coinciding with the 33º street heading that the moving motorcade was to be at when the shot was first fired. This convergence of mathematics alone is not possible when compounding the different layers of random chance statistically. Grid coordinates are fixed on Earth but to have the factor of ‘timing’ correspond to a specific chosen day with calculated distance at specific heading converging at one particular spot is mathematically impossible to be a random occurrence.
No mere mortal could have orchestrated these events to be in sync and in precision mathematically. What is the possible explanation for such patterns involved certain repeating sacred numbers in heading, seconds, & degrees? Since before the satanic 1/3 or .33 rebellion in Heaven, Angels had knowledge of such things. Because of the Fall of Mankind, many mortals have been more than eager to learn of this ancient luciferian knowledge that is deceptively marketed as the True Light and Wisdom from above. On the contrary, it is vain philosophies of man and doctrines of demons. Nonetheless o this end those in secret societies incorporate this quest for godhood and immortality as they mask their blood-letting rituals in plain sight to further their luciferian end-game.
Hidden Timing of the Rapture associated with the Mortal Wound?
"I was standing' on the seashore. Then I saw a beast emerge from the sea: it had seven heads and ten horns, with a coronet on each of its ten horns, and its heads were marked with blasphemous titles…"I saw that one of its heads seemed to have had a fatal wound but that this deadly injury had healed and, after that, the whole world had marveled and followed the beast. They prostrated themselves in front of the dragon because he had given the beast his authority; and they prostrated themselves in front of the beast, saying, 'Who can compare with the beast? How could anybody defeat him?'"…"For 42 months the beast was allowed to mouth its boasts and blasphemies and to do whatever it wanted; ·and it mouthed its blasphemies against God, against his name, his heavenly Tent and all those who are sheltered there" – Revelation 13
What is very fascinating to also consider in this whole notion of exposing these hidden associations of GPS, angle, headings and ley-lines to the assassination of President Kennedy is that the coming ‘mortal wounding’ of the Antichrist can give us a clue as to the Timing of the Rapture event. How and why? Of course this is speculative as is the evidence presented in this study and illustrations. Nonetheless, the very verse from the Book of Revelation that prophesizes the AntiChrist receiving a mortal wound to the head in chapter 13, verse 6 also alludes to the Raptured being already in Heaven. It will be a time thereafter his recovery or ‘false resurrection’ when the AntiChrist will blaspheme GOD in Heaven but also those that GOD is sheltering or protecting there? Whom? The Bride perhaps?
Most translations of verse 6 in chapter 13 of Revelation render the interpretation as ‘those that dwell in Heaven’ as implied in a Tabernacle that is a covering and/or an abode. The translation of this verse in some other versions gives an additional insight. In the context described, it could be also those that are not only being given shelter but being protected. Protected from what? Protected from the very reach and blasphemous decrees of lucifer made through the AntiChrist on Earth. At some point, in the not too distant future, there will be a ‘grand’ switch or celestial swap occur. The Saints of the Most High GOD will be Raptured to live and be protected by the LORD in Heaven as lucifer and his minions will be thrown down to Earth for judgment.
Revelation 13 thus possibly depicts lucifer, red hot mad at receiving a mortal wound to his head sometime after the Rapture because those that he would wish to harm, GOD’s people are in Heaven at that time. Perhaps it might be a zealous Jewish radical that sees through the façade of this false messiah imposter and seeks to take matters into his or her own hands.
To reiterate, given this prophetic speculative timing, chapter 13 of Revelation assert that there are those in Heaven that are being sheltered and protected from the ire and reach of the AntiChrist that apparently at an earlier time, these once on Earth had been taken to Heaven. This means that, for sure, a 42 month period will see the Church not harmed by this ‘son of perdition’. This does not preclude those people that become followers of Jesus Christ during this 42 month period that no doubt, the AntiChrist will unleash his fury against instead.
IF the Tribulation is indeed 7 years, and the 2nd half is marked by the ‘mortal wound,’ perhaps this is when the daily sacrifices will stop at the 3rd Jewish rebuilt Temple. This scenario, in turn could be then the start of the 2nd half of the Tribulation which is what Scripture called the ‘Great Tribulation’ and the Time of Jacob’s Trouble.
Regardless, to the occult, they press onward with their ‘Great Work’ that utilizes and incorporates certain locations on Earth and times that are tied to energies and/or frequencies that delve into the forbidden realm of the supernatural and demonic. They have to do this through satanic magic combined with sacred geometry because they lack someone like the HOLY SPIRIT to provide power and enabling as only spirit-filled Christians have.
As the Principalities of the Air and the ‘god of this World’ seek to control and manipulate mortals to their own end, to finish lucifer’s ‘Great Work’, the Living and only true GOD is working to save the souls of men through Jesus Christ. But in the meanwhile this anti-Messiah, lucifer attempts to counterfeit all that he knows and has seen in Heavenly Temple and uses it against GOD and His Redeemed Church on Earth presently.
Until the Blessed Hope of the Resurrection and Rapture, those Followers of Jesus Christ, the True Messiah, Prince and King must more than they seek to complete the KING’s Great Commission despite the witchcraft, opposition and persecution. Thereafter the Redeemed of the LORD will appear in the true Temple of the LORD YHWH – in the true Holy of Holies. It is where there the sacrificial lamb, a Prince of the People was slain before the foundation of the world but to redeem mankind, not lucifer and his fallen angels. It will be there that the Bride of Christ will not only be sheltered but protected for all eternity, never again to be within the grasp and blasphemy of the fallen one. Amen.
Some Sources
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