While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. John 17:15 (KJV)
Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" Matt. 24:29 (KJV)
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Hebrew 5783-5788 Gregorian 2023-2028
We are followers of Yahusha/JESUS Only
Yahusha/JESUS is YHVH/GOD/YHWH-Yahusha/Son:
Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD
Yahusha is I Am That I Am (Exodus 3:14)
Yahusha is YHWH come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of a Virgin.
Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence
When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels.
John 14:26
"the breath of life"
But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.
God is not His Name but a term. The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.
There is no Trinity. The Father, YHVH and Yahusha are One (John 10:30)
Book of Enoch:
The book of Second Peter and Jude Authenticate the book of Enoch and Vice Versa
All Of The Apocryphal Books Of
The King James 1611 Version
Pray for one another, as we watch for the Lord's return!
The year 1947 ( Israel declared a state by the UN) + 62 years ( Daniel 9:25 says Jesus was cut off meaning killed after 62 weeks ) = October 9, 2009 ( 7th day of Tabernacles) when Obama was given the Nobel peace prize which began the 70th week of Daniel, 1947 + 70 = 2017 ( 5777 on the Hebrew calendar) and 1967 ( year Jerusalem was captured by Israel as its capital) + 50( Jubilee) = 2017 ( begins on Rosh Hashanah 2016 or 10/2/16 as the Lord’s prophetic calendar is on the Jewish lunar/agricultural calendar in Leviticus) to begin the 120th jubilee or Sukkot ( 120 x 49/50= 6000 years approximately or three one thousand year periods meaning the triune( 3 ) God---Father/Son/Holy Spirit). The life span of man was initially 120 years in Genesis 6:3 symbolic of man’s rule of earth before the Messiah reigns for eternity and 2017 is the year mentioned in the Great Pyramids of Egypt for the millennium to begin.
2017 ( begins on Rosh Hashanah 2016) is the year when Yeshua will be crowned King in the millennial Temple in Jerusalem for the Millennium and harps/implements are already prepared along with the foundation stone and 2009-2016 represents the 7000 year timeline of man on earth in a year/day/thousand year parallel as one day with the Lord is one thousand years in I Peter 3:8. Rosh Hashanah 2016 may be when the Bride returns from heaven with Jesus after a season of protection in heaven to meet the tribulation saints in the air per Jude------ and the Feast of Tabernacles may be when Jesus is crowned King in the Millennial Temple.
From the day the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Obama ( for no legitimate reason) in October 9, 2009 on the Feast of Tabernacles( given to him on Kislev 24 ) until March 22, 2013 is 1260 days, and March 22 began the 1290 days of Daniel per the teaching of Dewey Bruton listed below and confirmed by many other teachers. The rapture comes before the wrath of God is poured out in 2015/2016 during the DAY/ YEAR OF the LORD ( Numbers 14:34 day/year parallel) and confirmed by prophets such as Nita Johnson (Messianic Jewess) who sees the church going through some of the 1260 days before the rapture, but not the worst destruction in the map attached which means much more time left maybe into 2015.The words that say “no one would be saved if the days had not been shortened” does not mean shortened 16 hour days, but the Lord’s Second Coming to stop a 100% annihilation of the residents of planet earth.
Ms. Johnson and three other prophetic maps of destruction of America post the rapture are attached to this letter( over twenty years ago with no event occurring to date), and no one in America could survive a” post wrath rapture during or after the Day of the Lord” in the 2013-2016 era. The final year of 2015-2016 may be when the wrath of God is poured out on the world during the” DAY OF THE LORD”, but the Lord says in Exodus 19:4 that He has prepared a place for the Bride of Christ and given Eagle’s wings to her to fly to heaven meaning the Rapture for protection calling it” the wilderness” in Revelations.
The “falling away” in Thessalonians or” apostasy of those once saved to go liberal” has been happening for many years in America and Europe, and the identity of the Beast who is Obama has been revealed to those who are listening. After the rapture,” the dead will envy the living and men will dine on dog intestines in America” is seen by many. This type of existence will be the only way to survive after the rapture unless one takes the Mark of the Beast ( RFID Chip) for ****ation and worships Obama which will be mandated in 2014 post the rapture of the Bride on some surprise day.
The solar and lunar eclipses found by Pastor Mark Biltz ( happen separately on various Jewish holidays) including a tetrad eclipse in the fall of 2015 do NOT confirm this scripture meaning ” the sun and moon will be darkened before the Second Coming of the Lord “ in Matthew 24 as eclipses happen for an instant, and that scripture says the sun/moon/stars are darkened for a long time at the Second Coming, but the eclipses have huge end time significance.
The spring feasts have already been fulfilled and the fall feasts will be fulfilled in 2015 /2016, but the exact day of the Rapture of the Bride is ON A SOON SURPRISE DAY meaning neither Christian nor Jewish holidays. A brother in the Philippines saw in a vision a banquet table in heaven with a scroll opened in heaven on May 14, 2013 with the final word “GOD IS ONE meaning dealing with Israel (Deuteronomy 6:4), ” and May 14, 2013 was the 65th anniversary of the state of Israel which began in 1948. 13 x 5 = 65 is associated with Ephraim and the apostasy of the tribe meaning rejection of Yeshua as the Son of G’d.
Isaiah 7:8 says “ Within 65 years Ephraim( Israel) will be broken so that is will not be a people any longer.” Daniel 12:7 says “when the Power of the Holy People ( Israel) is shattered, all these things will be finished.” A remnant of Israel will be left alive in the next war with two thirds perishing per Zechariah and they will weep for their only son as they see Jesus returning with His Bride to land on the Mount of Olives. Almost one million out of 14 million accepted Him as Messiah before the rapture of the Bride of which they are a subset of true believers world wide.
Only 5 % of the world population ( some believe 2%) of almost #7 Billion ( # 350 MM or 15 % of named Christians at 2.18 Billion half of which are Catholic) are seen taken to heaven ( per the visionaries) in the rapture as true believers. The vast majority of Christians are lukewarm and not accounted worthy of the reward of the rapture in Revelations 6:11 and Luke 21:36, and must go through the tribulation for purification, and is the explanation of the ten virgins with five not having enough oil for the wedding with the door shut to heaven to become martyrs or take the Mark of the Beast for ****ation. Some countries will have a higher % raptured like Africa where the people are on fire for the Lord, but in Europe only 1 % attend church. # 200 MM claim to be Christians in name ONLY vs. heart in America, but the visionaries see maybe # 20 MM taken in the rapture as the Bride of Christ and are true believers who worship the Lord every day.
The two “riverbanks” in Daniel 12: 5 are the two 1260 day periods of the 70th week with the second 1260 days beginning on March 22, 2013( Spring began on March 20 and ends on June 20 but most think on Memorial Day on May 27, 2013) and Matthew 24: 15-20 says the Beginning of the 1290 days IS BEFORE the JEWISH SABBATH DAY( Begins on Sunset on Friday March 22) and DURING SPRING which ends on Memorial Day on May 27. The fullness of the Gentiles ends per Romans 11:25 at the rapture and the Bride of Christ which returns with Jesus on Rosh Hashanah 2016( October 3, 2016).The Jews were given warning for salvation on that day before destruction by war and” head for the wilderness” is rapture code language meaning prepare our hearts for the soon event.
On March 22, Obama entered the Church of the Nativity This was the day of the” Abomination of Desolation standing in the Temple” meaning” OBAMA STANDING IN the HOLY PLACE of JERUSALEM ( Friday March 22 at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem) ” in Matthew 24:15 with the “daily sacrifice taken away” in Daniel 12:11. His true evil character will not be revealed until after the rapture of the Bride along with that of the False Prophet if there is a personification of these two people. He said he would” rest on the 73rd day” of the second term in office which was April 2 with everything accomplished in less than 100 days.
Obama even wept at the death of the Sandy Hook children to mimic Jesus weeping at the death of Lazarus and celebrated Hanukkah in 2012 with the 8th candle of Hanukkah placed upside down and made a Covenant with death with the world in the name of change—the word” We Can” in reverse is “Serve Satan”. His second term campaign motto showed Obama on a White House with a rainbow and was called the Messiah---- his name Barack in Arabic means Blessed to mimic Christ. He is not a Peacemaker, but the DESTROYER of humanity and God’s laws—but why would he attend a prayer vigil for the Boston Marathon bombers? The reason is to appear for a show like he did after many disasters in America and Obama hired a 100% Muslim staff on his security team. The Obama administration is spying on every American over the internet and phone communications illegally to know who to place in fema camps post martial law.
Obama may be the Leonard Beast of Revelations 13:2 who is half white and half black, and Nita Johnson prophesied all true believers will know his identity before the rapture. Obama may be a Nephilim alien beast described in Genesis( cross breed of Demons/ Man). This is the reason he has seventeen different social security numbers, no college records, changed his name from Barry Soettoro to the blasphemous name of” Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama” per Revelations with a quick rise to political power to deceive and destroy America. 95 % of blacks voted for Obama and they even call him the Messiah in the White House( Temple) and many of them are Muslim. Obama spoke on October 29, 2008 at the Temple of Zeus in Berlin, Germany one week before his election which is the same place that Hitler spoke to begin his reign of death.
Obama took the federal debt to over $20 T + thus far and destroyed the health delivery system with Obama Care 100% effective by 2015 with 50% of Americans against the bill ( mass layoffs at hospitals are in process with long waits to see doctors and 25% of doctors in private practice will cease the practice of medicine after profit decline and be forced to work for hospitals) with the RFID Chip or Mark of the Beast employed.
IRS will enforce Obama Care and the head of the IRS was fired for harassment by the FBI/ IRS/Justice department/DEA of pro- life, Republican Romney supporters, Jewish ministries not in favor of a Palestinian state to divide Israel and give away Jerusalem, Christian ministries including the Billy Graham evangelistic association, Fox News reporters, and the tea party---but the lady in charge was promoted to enforce Obama Care but took the 5th amendment and was placed on a leave of absence after the new IRS head asked for her resignation. There are legal documents saying the IRS had been targeting groups for the last 12 months so Obama himself had to know of the matter and chose to terminate the head of the IRS to preserve his presidency.
Obama destroyed our military with the sequester of funds, installed Gay Marriage and is bisexual and had relations with men at Gay bathhouses in Chicago, established abortion on demand including death of infants after birth, euthanasia of the elderly, and third trimester abortions , drone assassination hit list of Americans, tried to have the second amendment of own guns revoked at the UN, a heavy drinker and smoker hidden from the public eye, allowed an Imam to desecrate the souls of Seal team 6 which killed Bin Laden and hid the truth Benghazi to not protect our ambassador and the Marines assigned to protect him from death which are both impeachable offenses, and wears an empty godless suit with the word God removed from the Democratic platform.
Even the liberal Jews who supported him now believe Obama is arrogant and know that America will be destroyed when Obama Care goes into effect 100% in 2014 costing $6 Trillion. The RFID chip from Obama Care will be the Mark of the Beast post the rapture with a worldwide GPS location system already in place from the Russians and the new immigration bill will bring 30 mm more Hispanics into the country creating huge unemployment with a devastating economic blow to the blacks/11 mm Hispanics who voted for Obama and tripling of the cost of obamacare.
Obama’s appointment of Secretary Brennan as the Head of the CIA shows his true colors as Brennan converted to Islam in Saudi Arabia and changed the rules of engagement for our military in favor of the enemy--- he is a traitor like Obama and both should be impeached for treason. They want to replace our constitution with Sharia Muslim law and have dumped our allies who supported us on the war on terror against Al Queda.
Obama made no mention of Easter or Good Friday in his Saturday address to the nation on March 23 but did attend an Episcopalian church with his family on Easter. This may be window dressing as Obama has not attended a church since moving to WDC and the Episcopal church is not even a Christian denomination today denying the born again experience. On National days of prayer, Obama has made lip service to the event but joined with no prayer at the White House as not to offend the Muslims who pray to Satan next to the site. Obama is not really Muslim either as Muslims do not approve of abortion nor Gay lifestyle and Gays are executed in Muslim countries.
Some thought Obama would be assassinated with a gunshot to the head like Abraham Lincoln on Good Friday and rise from the dead two days later to mimic Jesus and deceive those left behind per Thessalonians. He used Lincoln’s Bible for his 2013 inauguration and Lincoln was assassinated on a Good Friday. There are movies and media coming out about the assassination of Obama which is something the NWO does before events and many right wing groups want him removed from office by any means. This will happen after the rapture for the world to worship Obama as God when he rises from the dead and the RFID chip will be the Mark of the Beast via ObamaCare.
Obama released the Saudi Terrorist who recruited the two former Russian brothers for Al Queda who bombed the Boston Marathon killing three people and wounding 170 others as Obama is loyal to one nation—Saudi Arabia---- and bowed to the Prince when visiting the country. This is why he wanted to shut down Guantanamo Bay in Cuba which incarcerates the Al Quaeda terrorists captured by our military and all of the 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia and the assassination of Bin Laden was merely a front for Obama on his true loyalty.
The sacrifice of goats was halted on Thursday March 21 ( midnight in America) across from the Temple Mount ( scheduled 4 days before Passover at the Temple Mount every year at 9 AM and 3 PM and this means prayer is ended at the same time) for security reasons due to Obama’s visit upon his request. Obama did not visit the Wailing Wall where prayers are made to God daily, and the 666 line of demarcation goes straight through the Temple Mount to the Dome of the Rock from the Church of the Nativity. Obama has a 10 % approval rating in Israel and if his real opinion of Israel were known it would be zero. The White House issued a map of Israel the day before Obama departed with Israel, Samaria, and the West Bank not part of Israel, but talked about the defense of Israel and US support to Netanyahu two faced with restraint in an attack on Iran meaning let Iran develop nuclear weapons and destroy Israel.
What other day will the 1260 days begin except March 22, and Obama did not go to Israel during his first term in office—the odds are infinitesimal of another day with an ice statue of Obama made in Jerusalem as the image of the Beast to be worshipped ( the US vehicle driving Obama around Israel is called the Beast)? There are 1290 days after this day and there is a blessing – on the 1335th for the wedding ceremony or Rapture Day on June 5/6, 2013. There cannot be a Third Temple during the 1260 days as there is no need for an earthly Temple after Christ came to earth other than the millennial Temple on which Christ will rule in 2017 for one thousand years--- but the harps from the House of Hirari already made and implements will be used in the millennial Third Temple for King Jesus.
March 22 was exactly 1260 days after the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the Beast of the Sea ( Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama) per 2 Thessalonians 3:5 who is revealed after the rapture of the Bride. Obama will be in Jerusalem on March 22 and arrives on Nisan 10 to mimic Christ which is the exact day Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey ( Obama rode the Democratic Party Donkey) before his final days on earth, and an ice statue is being made in the image of Obama which is prophetic and demonic.
Obama demanded an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank during the trip which is the abomination, and the ice statue of the Beast Obama is 666 meters from the Old train station to the Dome of the Rock and the line goes straight through the Temple Mount. March 22 was 40 days from the day the Pope resigned and 40 is a time of probation for events to happen like the 40 days of rain after Noah entered the ark in Genesis 7:11.
The conclave to elect the final 112th Pope per Malachi Martin began at noon on Tuesday March 12 ( Nisan 1 with a New Moon) with a once in a life time comet passing the earth on March 13 and lightning struck the Saint Peter’s Basilica ( Obelisk to worship the sun) in Rome the day the Pope resigned. Pope Francis of the Franciscan Xavian Order from Argentina was chosen on Wednesday March 13 @ 20:13 one week or 7 days before Obama lands in Israel not by coincidence. The Franciscans or Jesuit do not recognize any other denomination than Catholicism and want them destroyed by any means—the man is dark skinned with an Italian heritage, wears a Black Cross, and is” Peter of Rome” and works in the Vatican.
The Vatican wanted to hide his identity to the world as Peter Romano and did an excellent job of deception and the man must appear good for the world to receive him.” The Vatican teaches replacement theology meaning the Catholic church has replaced Israel which is error, and they are” a millennial” ( per the teaching of St Augustine) meaning no tribulation period and Christ comes at the end of the 1000 years which may mean a nebulous period of time which is ongoing, and rapture/second coming are on the same and not two separate events.
A man in sackcloth appeared at the Vatican on the day of the announcement of the New Pope to represent what the Lord thinks of the appointment. Catholic end time doctrine is simple---the book of Revelations may not be canonical and fulfilled during the time of Nero who was the Beast and Revelations does not mention the 1290/1335 days of the Book of Daniel, and the millennium is already here with an infinite time frame vs. 1000 years and Christ will return to earth on some nebulous day. Halley’s Bible commentary teaches that the Beast and False Prophet are the personification of institutions and are the Vatican and Papacy respectively, but Halley’s interpretation of the entire Bible is nebulous and vague and may not have veracity and is preterist( already happened ) for Revelation. But there are 22 letters in the New Testament and 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet which makes Revelation written by the Hand of G’d or Y’d Vashem in Hebrew with perfection.
MYSTERY BABYLON” in Revelations 17 is the Catholic Church and the Vatican which falsely teaches praying for the dead ,not allowing marriage for priests creating homosexuality, teaching purgatory which is not in the Bible and denies the death on the cross, infant baptism vs. altar calls for salvation, burying statues of Joseph for prayer answers, pray for the dead, calling men” Father” when there is only one God the Father, confession to men vs. the Lord in private, calling men Father when there is only one God the Father, praying to Mary in a co-deification with Jesus, annulment of marriage but particularly nullifying marriage to non Catholics with recognition of Catholicism ONLY, and created a teaching where they can be a second chance of salvation post death negating scripture creating purgatory which is no where in the Bible and is cult mentality.
But the Catholic church teaches against abortion, is extremely pro marriage, strong on communion and the deity of Christ when only two seminaries mandate the deity of Christ for their priests---Missouri Synod Lutheran and Catholic. There are many dedicated true believer within the Catholic church and other denominations with some doctrinal error in all of them.
Many other denominations are apostate like Episcopalian which teaches universal salvation with no hell, no bodily resurrection of Christ, no need for being born again, pro-choice on abortion, and pro-Gay marriage and marrying Gays in their churches. Only the evangelical churches teach the born again experience which is the message of the Cross, but there are believers still attending apostate denominations and the Pentecostal church has its share of error in wealth prosperity teaching which is heresy /greed vs. with no suffering which is the true message of the cross clearly taught by the Catholics.
March 22 had multiple confirmations from visions, scriptural gematria, staggering numerics, dreams, New World Order days, and Purim on 2/21/13 30 days advance notice for the beginning of the final 1260 days of Daniel 12. Iran is planning to delink from the petro dollar to take payment in only Gold or the Yuan which could in time cause a currency crisis and Cyprus will reopen its banks with a 40% haircut on deposits banks on March 28 creating run on their banks which may spread worldwide with a flight to Gold and meltdown of stock markets ---- this is the real reason for war with Iran and Iraq. America is headed for civil unrest, martial law, bank closings, hyperinflation in one hour with a new currency and there are 850 FEMA concentration camps to execute and house # 40 MM dissenters post the rapture of the Bride on Nisan 21 Jerusalem time.
There are over # 100,000 railroad box cars equipped with guillotines from China to execute prisoners on the way to the FEMA Camps which are gas chambers with crematoriums. The process is already in place to label Christians as terrorists along with gun owners by the UN and there are one million foreign troops on our soul and twenty thousand(# 20,000) new MPs have been trained at Ft Leonard Wood for enforcement.
The “falling away/rapture/catching away/gathering together/apostasia” is translated ” H’tSallah” in Hebrew---the rapture/ sudden destruction occurs simultaneously per Matthew 24 depicting the story of Noah. The final 112th Pope is Pope FRANCIS named Jorge Bergoglio, age 75, from Buenos Aires, Argentina per Malachi Martin with 100% accuracy in predictions. This Pope may be the Beast from Land in Revelations 13--- and Obama – will be the Beast from the Sea meaning Hawaii which lies by the ocean—the two will satanically control the world in Revelations 13 for 1260 days and then they will be bound by the Lord for the millennium. This Pope approved Gay Marriage in Argentina which is against all previous Catholic doctrine upholding the sanctity and sacrament of marriage.
Some believe President Shimon Peres( Former Prime Minister of the Labor Party ) may be the False Prophet as his name in Hebrew means” Listen to Divide the Land,” and the real reason for Obama’s trip may have been to discuss the recently discovered secret Iranian nuclear base loaded with ICBM missiles meaning Iran is now a nuclear power. Pressure to divide Israel and give away land to the 1967 borders has never been so great as today and Perez was the man who gave Obama the Nobel Peace Prize with another medal on Nisan 10 and orchestrated the Ice Statue of the Beast. Could he be the Judas Iscariot from the tribe of Dan to betray his own people and give Jerusalem to Obama ? Probably the final Pope will be the false prophet if Revelations is literal.
It is more likely the Jews would be betrayed by one of their own than a Pope from Rome, but many see dual capitals of the world during after the Bride is taken to heaven. Others believe the false prophet will come out of one the Arab Spring radical Islamic countries and the Beast will come out of a communist country like Russia or China.
Part 2
The two witnesses may be the” left behind lukewarm Church and Messianic Jews saved during the 1260 days but most will take the RFID chip and worship Obama and be ****ed,” and Revelations is mostly figurative and symbolic language and may not be literal. The “day no man knows” in Matthew 24 may be the burning of the earth after the millennium after a Gog or Satan is released for one final battle or mean no one will know the day of the rapture or both —the New Jerusalem comes down for eternity which is heaven for true believers in Peter 3:10. Halley’s teaches that Zerubbabel and Joshua were the two witnesses/olive trees in Revelations or the 1260 days already happened when Elijah caused no rain for 1260 days. Others think they are Elijah, Moses, or Enoch to appear at the rapture of the Bride, but the two witnesses are probably figurative language vs. literal people.
Two thirds of the unsaved Jews and Gentiles left alive post the rapture will perish in war and natural disasters ( or take the Mark of the Beast or RFID implant to be ****ed unless they become martyrs and mandated on March 23 not by coincidence and the New World Order plans to reduce the world population to under One Billion) during the 1260 days per the entire book of Revelations and Zechariah 13:8 ( Daniel’s ” Little book” in Revelations 10: 8-10). The ” Power of the Holy People Israel will be shattered----but they ( the remnant) shall be saved out of it.” The Book of Romans says “all Israel shall be saved”, but that means all those left alive at the end of the 1260 days with Tel Aviv destroyed as two thirds of the Jews reside in that city but five million Jews reside in NYC will be also be destroyed .
Zechariah 14 describes the ”DAY OF THE LORD ( Sun/Moon darkened per Matthew 24 )” when Jesus feet land on the Mount of Olives in 2016 after the city has been taken in war with all nations gathered against her with the women ravaged/raped, and the Lord will save Israel and there will be no light on that day with Jerusalem will be divided in three parts from an earthquake, but the land will be turned into a plain upon His Return in Zechariah and the eyes will melt in the sockets of those who came against Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is the Great City in Revelations 17 which sits on Seven hills -- but the apostles were martyred throughout the Roman Empire which included India, Ethiopia and north Africa, Gaul( France), Greece, Europe to England, and Israel during that era ( Rome sits on 8 hills counting the Vatican). The three girls at Fatima in 1917 saw visions of Rome destroyed with the” living envying the dead” in nuclear holocaust which could be Revelations 19 which could match in Revelations 17:18. Jerusalem will be split in three parts when Yeshua lands on the Mount of Olives on His Return on Rosh Hashanah 2016 per Zechariah 14.
The triumphant bride of Christ may be the” elect” raptured saints in Matthew 24:31 “gathered from the four corners of the earth and heaven” to return in the Second Coming with Jesus on ROSH HASHANAH 2016 ( solar eclipse on that day with Tetrad eclipses in 2014/2015 with the last occurrence was in 1948 and 1967 but none on Rosh Hashanah, study Jude 14/15) to fulfill the final three feasts which begin 2017 on the Jewish calendar of 5777 for the perfect number.
Rosh Hashanah 2016 is the 1290th day from March 22, 2013 and November 15, 2016 is the 1335th day which is a Blessed Day per Daniel 12 when JESUS sits on the throne in the millennial Temple to rule for 1000 years. The years of prosperity were from 2001-2008 and economic deprivation from 2009-2016 which is Obama’s term in office not by coincidence. Halley’s Bible commentary teaches the two witnesses are the “ True church and the Word of God” and are not literal persons, but no one is certain on their identity. There are some things in the Bible better left to the Lord alone to teach us in heaven and no one is certain on the day of the Rapture.
2017 is found in the Great Pyramid in Egypt as the day the millennium begins on the 120th Jubilee in Genesis 6:3 and” the third day” is the third one thousand year period ( Christ comes after roughly two thousand years from the First Coming ) in Hosea 6:2 as” one day with the Lord is one thousand years” in 2 Peter 3:8. The 1270 th day after March 22,2013 is Yom Kippur fulfilling the second fall feast before the final seventh feast of Sukkot or Tabernacles which begins the Millennium. A generation is 49/50 years( Jubilee is 50 preceded by 7x7 in Leviticus ) per Matthew 1:17 and counting from 1967 ( Jerusalem captured by Israel)+ 49/50 years = 2017 which begins on Rosh Hashanah 2016( 1290th day) meaning that is the year of the Second Coming or Day of the Lord as” this generation shall not pass without the coming of the Lord” in Matthew at 49( 7x7) or 50 years maximum length or a Jubilee.
The summary in this letter is from the You Tube listed below produced by Dewey Bruton which is 100% scriptural backed with perfect alignment of the eclipses in 2014/2015, and we highly encourage you to listen to the two hour teaching. The rapture will come AFTER the 11 mega quake in California prophesied by Kevin Marasi in Kenya along with Michael Boldea in Romania---- and preceded by 5.7 earthquake which struck Susanville, CA on May 24 as prophesied and a 7.5 is prophesied after it ----then the 11 mega quake ;however, Kevin thought the mega quake would happen in 2012 but delayed in god’s mercy and Dr. Owuor prophesied the rapture would happen in 2010 and was imminent in 2011— but imminent in God’s time frame is different than mans. Gay marriage in California will be the event to trigger the mega quake and the june supreme court ruling paved the way.
Many Christians have left the state of California knowing judgment is on the way to a decadent society ripe for judgment for sexual sin, gay marriage, and sodomy, but there are many people of God in the state which is why the rapture may come before or on the same day as the mega quake per the story of Noah( August 20-31 in 2013-2015is seen by the prophets for the mega tsunami post the Canary Island volcano/earthquake eruption in Africa which will destroy the entire East Coast all the way to Florida with California separated from the mainland). The Salton Sea east of San Diego is emitting ash from the underground volcano/caldera and is ready to explode at any second and many have seen the Golden Gate Bridge and Las Vegas destroyed by the Mega Quake. This is why the Book of Matthew discusses the RAPTURE and SUDDEN DESTRUCTION on the same day per the story of Lot and Noah replicated. Jeremiah 8:20 says “ The Harvest is past and summer ended and we are not saved.”
The Yellowstone caldera could also explode at the same time ( happens every # 600,000 years and the magma is very close to the surface with many trees dying along with trout in the lake) post the rapture per the story of Noah in Matthew, and another huge earthquake/tsunami is prophesied to happen on the East Coast which Nita Johnson’s map depicts. Duduman prophesied America would be destroyed for its sin by fire and Las Vegas, California, New York, and Florida will be destroyed someday and most of the apostate American church has left the Lord with abortion, homosexuality, and divorce rampant inside the apostate church. America spread the Gospel to the world but fell herself were his words---abundant in treasures but the end is near and the Daughter of Babylon is destroyed per Jeremiah 51:42/Revelations 19, and Billy Graham talks about this in his latest book—“STORM WARNING”--- at 96, he regrets teaching a watered down gospel with too much grace and not enough repentance.
Wild fires burned # 24,000 acres north of Los Angeles( 44 square miles and approaching Malibu) as a precursor of the future and the economy of California is not recovering like other parts of America. In addition, a rare May snowstorm dropped temperatures 60-70 degrees all over the country with massive snow as an end time sign prophesied for a soon rapture. On May 20, 24 people were killed in a powerful E- 5 200 mile per hour tornado in Oklahoma City and a rare snow happened the Northeast on Memorial Day with massive flooding in Central Texas.
North Korea has a promised a pre-emptive nuclear attack on America and hacked the South Korean banking system on March 20 beginning warfare between the countries and Israel is almost ready for war with Syria and the reason why Israel made peace with Turkey which is a NATO members to defend against chemical weapons. North Korea has gone on a combat ready mode and says they are targeting American military bases with nuclear missiles to set off WW 3 and cut off lines of military communication with South Korea on March 27.
North Korea has demanded an end to UN sanctions and South Korean military drills as conditions for any peace talks which will never happen. In addition, North Korea moved missile launchers to the Eastern coast in preparation to fire in a lock and load mode and Red China has joined North Korea with warships in the Yellow Sea. The prophets see Seoul and other cities in South Korea destroyed by nuclear weapons and US cities hit by nuclear missiles post the rapture but who knows if these prophesies have veracity.
America sent to Stealth bombers to South Korea in a show of force and North Korea did not even blink an eye and put its missile launch teams on stand bye with troop movement everywhere and is no paper tiger per our military. Dr. Owour has prophesied North Korea would destroy an American carrier that patrols the ocean closest to North Korea ( US Carl Vincent is docked at Basan Harbor in South Korea) before the California earthquake, and the RAPTURE will occur before Israel attacks Iran and IS IMMINENT with the message REPENT or PERISH ( Israel says they must hit Iran by June at latest, but they have said this w/o attack for years) .Russian surface to air missiles and troops are on the way to dock in Syria as an excuse to defend Russians who live in Syria—when Israel destroys damascus per isaiah 17----ww 3 begins.
North Korea has ordered all foreigners out of the country, # 30,000 US troops would instantly perish if North Korea nukes South Korea and instantly set off American retaliation with nuclear submarines but they seem to have backed off for the moment but test fired missiles in May. One must remember Dr. Owuor in Kenya prophesied the rapture was imminent in 2011 and would happen as the ushers seated people in one of his crusades.. In addition, he prophesied in the Two Wedding Ring prophesy in November 2006 that the Rapture would occur in four years--- but now he says” time is up and we are living in the Father’s grace”. We trust in the Lord alone in timing as all are mere flesh in prediction w/o 100% perfection in the New Testament---”iron sharpens iron” in Proverbs and the sum total of all prophetic information gathered is a vector to accuracy.
Hillary Clinton is rumored to have given china the right to foreclose on all us real estate as collateral for their bond holdings which will be worthless when the dollar collapses and the new currency arrives. Chinese troops are stationed in mexico and Canada in preparation to invade America to enforce the foreclosure and commit us citizens to fema camps for slave labor and execution for dissenters. Some think this is not accurate and is not legal to give title for us property without an act of congress.
Ramadan begins on July 8, 2013 and some think that will be the day when WW 3 begins in the middle east with a nuclear attack on America on that day, and AV 9 or Tish B’Av is on July 15/16 which is the day of infamy in Jewish history for wars. The US is considering attacking Syria due to the use of chemical weapons and Patriot missiles have been shipped to Jordan. Russia and Iran have both said they will defend Syria when the attack happens, and Israel bombed a load of Iranian missiles destined for H’zBollah in Damascus on May 5, 2013.The” Freedom fighters” in Syria are actually the Muslim Brotherhood which want to destroy Israel and control Egypt and Obama visited the brandenburg gate in berlin on june 22. Russia is evacuating their people at the port of tartus, Syria in preparation for wider conflict and congress must deal with the sequester and increase in the debt ceiling in September so everything is coming to a head this summer.
H’zBollah has threatened retaliation and Israel has moved Arrow missiles to the northern border to shoot down incoming missiles---if they unload the near # 100,000 missiles in southern Lebanon, Israel would destroy Damascus fulfilling Isaiah 17 and use the neutron bomb on H’z Bollah. Israel must take care of the Syrian problem before a nuclear attack on Iran’s nuclear manufacturing plants unless she fires nukes from her five submarines. Ezekiel 38-39 or the invasion of Israel may be Armageddon in 2015/2016 which is the Day of the Lord and neither Egypt or Syrian is mentioned in the invasion after Psalm 83 /Isaiah 19( Nile river turned foul) is fulfilled. Syria said they will fire missiles at Tel Aviv if Israel attacks again and 300 Russian ship missiles are on the way which Israel will not allow to be installed so war is inevitable.
Nostradamus saw New York City destroyed by nuclear holocaust as the world center of commerce/government via a nuclear blast but his predictions have not had 100% veracity in the past. Sudden destruction comes on the same day as the rapture of the Bride of Christ, and that is why Matthew 24 :16 says to” flee to the mountains or the wilderness” ( 1260 days in the wilderness in Revelations 12:14 ) meaning be protected by the rapture when one sees the” Abomination of Desolation standing in the Holy Place” meaning Obama standing in the CHURCH of the NATIVITY on March 22, 2013. Communion was halted at this church years ago on Passover by Palestinian terrorists who used the Bible as toilet paper and Obama was escorted by President Abbas who is president of Palestine. Obama made no mention of Jesus during the visit nor prayed at the Church of the Nativity.
There will always be attacks on prophetic watchmen who will be rewarded in heaven for listening to the Lord on their knees, warning those who will listen to seek the Lord before the age of Grace ends but for those not destined for heaven, this is ” casting pearls before swine”. Daniel 12: 4,10 says” the wise will understand and the book of Daniel will be sealed until the end of time”------ progressive revelation comes on a daily basis now and one learns by process of elimination in interpretation of scripture with prayer.
The time of the Gentiles will very soon end and the # 144,000 virgins ( meaning 12 tribes of Israel x # 12,000) in Revelations 14 or the Bride of Christ will be raptured to heaven on a SOON day. Maybe there should not be rapture speculation days as it always lead to failure and disillusionment amongst believers with attacks from the scoffers, but progressive revelations demands continuous watching but the exact day of the event may or may not be verifies.
Denominations have been created over false end time doctrine which has caused splits of fellow members of the Body of Christ all done in the name of Jesus like Constantine did when they burned Jews in the Temple singing all hail the power of Jesus name with all going to Hades. The Baptists are wrong on “Once Saved Always Saved” and the “no man knows the day nor hour” of the rapture which has been an excuse to not watch for His Coming period with their heads in the sand, and they rejected the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders still happening today.
Others wrongly teach the # 144,000 are the Messianic Jewish evangelists who are saved post the rapture--- there is complete confusion created by the self pro claimed seminary professors. 75% of seminary graduates today do not believe in the deity of Christ due to convoluted end time teaching with no return of Christ after 2000 years. Most are not on their knees praying and listening to the Holy Spirit----- most universities and seminaries today are dens of Godless liberal iniquity with exceptions like Fuller Seminary in California. Visions, dreams, teachings, prophesies, numerics should all be scripturally backed but even with scriptural support in the past, the rapture has not occurred.
No one truly understands the exact meaning of the book Revelation, Ezekiel 38-39/Revelations 16/Zechariah 14 (Armageddon is Ezekiel 38-39 in 2015-2016 with the remnant Jews alive worldwide returning to Israel after the most powerful earthquake in history). Isaiah 17, Matthew 24/25, Daniel, nor any scripture can be twisted without proper hermeneutics meaning interpretation in scriptural context, and progressive revelations has given understanding to modern day teachers. Revelations says there is a blessing for those studying the book and those who have had after life death experiences and come back say heaven is better than our minds can even imagine or dream and hell is very real.
The rapture teaching did not even begin until the late 1880s when the Holy Spirit revealed the truth and before that much teaching was the Second Coming /rapture were are on the same day. Paul taught us “we are the most miserable of all people if He does Not Come again someday” and they were all martyred. That was over two thousand years ago and no one has risen from the dead and ascended to heaven since, but people have risen from dead in Africa with prayers in Jesus name. Many incredible miracles and healings happen in Africa with millions saved in one night in Reinhardt Bonnke crusades, but this does not happen in America due to the falling away and Holy Spirit departing from apostasy and unbelief.
Luke 21:36 says ”Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be worthy to escape all of these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” This means there is a rapture of the Bride of Christ per 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17, and we should be living every day as though it could be our last day on earth----but in all history all met the Lord in death vs. rapture ----either method works fine. The purpose of of eschatology ( meaning end times) is to lead people to Christ in evangelism( but greed is the dual motive of some televangelists though there are those with pure hearts)
In most theological circles, eschatology has no credibility due to continuous false rapture date speculation ( some call this witchcraft and cult mentality if not from the Holy Spirit when visions, dreams, numerics, angel testimonies, and even scripture back the dates) and 2000 years passing since Christ first coming with no second coming. There should be no rapture speculation days as it always leads to disillusionment and loss of credibility for true watchmen with no event. This creates cannon fodder for the nominal Christian scoffers who will be left behind post the rapture of the true Bride and the Lord’s ways and timing are not man’s ways. The purpose in authoring this teaching is to establish credibility of eschatology, restore hope, and eliminate confusion that has been caused by those without wisdom and understanding of the word of god.
The 46th anniversary of Israel’s capture of Jerusalem was on June 7,1967;and 46 is associated with the translation of Elijah to heaven ( 46 days from Palm Sunday was June 7, 2013 and 46 + 1967 = 2013 for a possible confirmation of 2013 as the year of the rapture, but there is no certainty even with perfect logic. The greatest sign of the rapture are the Nominal Left behind Christian scoffers with a mean religious spirit meriting a permanent trip to hell who mock the Lord’s watchmen and are modern day Pharisees with hardened hearts towards the Holy Spirit—the churches are full of them and many sit on the front pews.
We should be living holy lives with soberness before the LORD in this final second, loving our brethren with compassion, giving to the poor, praying in the spirit and especially our enemies and those who persecute us and are lost, studying the word, and witnessing to all--- the rapture will come on the PERFECT SURPRISE DAY with sudden destruction per the story of Noah in Matthew 24 with the Beast revealed—this is the” Mystery” of the final 7th trumpet blown in Revelations 10:7.
The prophets say ” time is over and we are living in the Father’s Grace in the Rapture Jubilee year of 2013” ( Israel has had 7 x 390 years of exile since 718 BC = 2730 years. 718 BC +2730 = 2013). I Corinthians 7:2 says “Time is very short and even those who have wives should live as though they had none to serve the Lord alone without distraction.”
If 2013 passes w/o event, we move into the realm of mysticism in eschatology, but some visionaries see October as the month for the rapture after the Jewish high holidays—wheat harvests begin in late august in america. The Obama care health insurance exchanges open October 1 and no one is going to buy federal insurance which will skyrocket the cost to business owners and collapse the economy which is actually the goal of the nwo----- to create world government with socialism and reduce the population of the earth by 90% by war and disease.
In a Jewish wedding, the bridegroom( Jesus) comes unexpectedly for His Bride( true believers) to whom he is engaged at midnight( Matthew 25) with oil( Holy Spirit) burning in her lamp . The problem is the Bride does not know when the Bridegroom will come in the Jewish wedding and the church has been waiting for over 2000 years and the disciples thought Christ would return in their lifetimes---but the end time countdown did not begin until 1967 when Israel captured Jerusalem which is the city from which Jesus will rule the world for 1000 years.
Baruch Hashem,
Bruce Kessler