While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. John 17:15 (KJV)
Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" Matt. 24:29 (KJV)
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Hebrew 5783-5788 Gregorian 2023-2028
We are followers of Yahusha/JESUS Only
Yahusha/JESUS is YHVH/GOD/YHWH-Yahusha/Son:
Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD
Yahusha is I Am That I Am (Exodus 3:14)
Yahusha is YHWH come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of a Virgin.
Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence
When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels.
John 14:26
"the breath of life"
But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.
God is not His Name but a term. The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.
There is no Trinity. The Father, YHVH and Yahusha are One (John 10:30)
Book of Enoch:
The book of Second Peter and Jude Authenticate the book of Enoch and Vice Versa
All Of The Apocryphal Books Of
The King James 1611 Version
Pray for one another, as we watch for the Lord's return!
Dear Beloved Arlene,
God created heaven + earth for 7 DAYs for MAN[woman].
JESUS the SON of GOD is going to RULE and SO FATHER can LITERALLY REST 1000years.
This 1000years is the 7th DAY of GOD!
GOD is using the deserts/wilderness which was LAID WASTE to make them BLOSSOM again and the other PARTS of this earth will REST.
BOTTOMLESS PIT is a THROUGH-HOLE ON Earth...going to be caused by LARGE HALDRON COLLIDER Big Bang creating SMOKE coming our of HELL.
Scientist may have gotten the Key [understanding] when a star got supernova explosion earlier.
Satan will be LOCKed in CHAIN in the BOTTOMLESS PIT[Through-Hole]smoke..released again.
There will still be few remnants when we Return with JESUS to reign over them.
REST is for JESUS who is LORD of the SABBATH.
This 1000year is for earth with MAN which Fulfills GOD's REST perfectly
God BLESS You and your many Great Contributions
Just to add in my "two cents"...
It's possible that "Gimmel ben Judah" is a fictitious name. Who knows but he, himself? It's just that someone with such a name as his should be much more aware of the OT than he is.
I didn't mention, in my previous reply, of the CONTRADICTIONS in his statement(s). They don't make any sense, unless they only make sense to those who are uneducated in the English language. I am not one of those, so I do see the discrepancies.
He stated..."JESUS the SON OF GOD is going to rule and SO FATHER CAN LITERALLY REST FOR 1000 YEARS". [Since when does GOD need a "rest"?? In Gen.2:2, God "RESTED on the 7th day" from the "works" He had done in re-creating the world (which had become "without form and void"...Gen.2:2)]. The word "rested" means STOPPED WHAT HE HAD BEEN DOING. It does NOT mean that God was tired and had to take a nap!
THEN, a little bit after other rather strange statements, he said, "REST is for JESUS who is LORD of the SABBATH."
WELL, "Gimmel ben Judah", which one is the REST for...JESUS, OR GOD, the Father?? Or are both (and there are NOT two God's...only ONE) of them in need of a nap time?
And what on earth does it mean by, "This 1000 year is for earth with MAN which Fulfills GOD'S REST perfectly?" This makes NO SENSE at all.
God had told us, by his LAWS, that MAN should work the ground (earth....everywhere) for 6 years; and then on the 7th (seventh) year, the land should lay "fallow"....not planting, reaping, sowing, etc. The LAND (all over the earth) should not be dug up by "man" during these times. "Man" has failed to keep this law. So, God will FULFILL this "rest for the land" during the 1000 years the earth will have nobody on it (except Satan and his fallen angels, maybe). God will also have birds of prey to clean up all the dead carcasses. God is OWED this LAND REST....and He will take it because we did not obey Him to do it.
Do I sound rather "curt"...maybe! I don't like being called a "liar" when I am telling what the BIBLE says! God, alone, will be my judge. With some people, niceness doesn't seem to "cut it"...
BTW...aren't "Hebrew" people in the habit saying G-D, rather than spelling it out in full? That's another thing that didn't connect with me.
If you are being genuine, then it is YOU who will answer to God for false beliefs. If you are a "troll", then receive your reprimand as a man should.
AND, BTW....For someone who has such a poor command of the English language, you sure know the techniques of formatting very well. Yes, I did notice that. I notice EVERYTHING.
And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. Revelation 20: 1-3.
As history progresses, we see that the abyss and all the unpleasant things before the creation are physically reclaiming the earth as it spiritually declines.
After sin, moral darkness enters the world and Satan claims the right to rule. After the flood, the physical sea reclaims about 78% of the surface of the earth. In the end, the earth becomes an abyss again and the dragon is confined to the dark abyss with the wicked dead for a millennium. Significantly, the symbol for the wicked is the roaring sea. In the end, it is a dead sea.
And again, With Christian love...
PS...I don't find the LHC (Large HADRON Collider) in the Bible. Besides, it is being used to try to find the "God particle" and not to dig tunnels. And who is going to be left to do this? And why don't they use one of the "tunnel digging" machines which have made lots of underground places called D.U.M.B.s? Those things can dig about 7 miles of tunnel per day. Will they start in China and work through to someplace in America? But then, I don't find that in the Bible, either.
Here we go again...for GbJ [and I'm certain this is a "put on" job!! But, I'll "bite" one more time....
Do you have any mental aberrations of which you are aware? Do they run in your family? Your words are trying to portray an "accent" of some kind....but I've NEVER before seen anyone who tries to write with a Hebrew accent. That's so funny!!
Did you not "get" that you spelled "H-A-D-R-O-N" Collider incorrectly? Then, I corrected your spelling, and you STILL spelled it incorrectly, which shows you don't know much about it. IT WILL NOT DO WHAT YOU SAY IT WILL DO! But, that's neither here, nor there, because nobody is going to punch a hole straight through the earth anyway. IF so, give me SCRIPTURE AND VERSE, please!
I cut and pasted what you said in one place:
REST is fulfillment by God the Father resting SPIRITUALLY while God the SON Rules[work] in the REST DAY as LORD of SABBATH. Praise the Lord!.
The FATHER is the HEAD and HE could rest in MIND while the SON work with us the BODY on this earth for the LAST period and then this earth had to PASS AWAY. New EARTH is Kepler22b.
I know it contains English/American words, but they are either placed in the wrong order, or they just generally are NONSENSE, that is, they MAKE NO SENSE AT ALL!
Also, don't put 'words in my mouth' as saying things I did not say. Are you trying to be "clever" or "funny"? You've succeeded at humor, but not being clever. Have you graduated from grade school yet? I hope not because a 6th grader has better grammar skills.
Well, at least you lifted up my spirits, not that I needed it....but now I can't stop laughing!!!
Thanks, I needed that!
"As history progresses, we see that the abyss and all the unpleasant things before the creation are physically reclaiming the earth as it spiritually declines."
is this your quote, Arlene?
all the unpleasant things BEFORE the CREATION...i did not say what you had not said:(
i felt a new beginning when i was[or felt] invited by Steven who emailed me regarding tea/coffee and so this brought me here believing in Steven's forgiveness:) and no bitterness which we had to get rid of.
so i am a new creature and use a new name in heaven:)
hope that i am a funny guy although off-ending with my poor english.
off-ending leads to on-beginning:)
I believe you are who you say you are. It's impossible to convince Arlene of her errors in interpreting the scriptures. She is pushing 7th Day Adventist doctrines on this forum, and it's kind of frustrating to read it. How can anyone who has studied the scriptures really be expected to believe the 7th Day Adventist belief in soul sleep? Jesus even told us the true story of Lazarus and the rich man, in which the rich man was in torment in Hell. He asked Abraham to have Lazarus to give him one drop of water on his tongue, since there is no water in Hell. He asked that his family be warned not to come to Hell, because it was so bad. With this being the case, why would anyone think that your soul lays unconscious once your body dies? It's completely unscriptural, along with this strange doctrine of saying the millennial reign of Christ is in heaven rather than earth! And saying that earth is the bottomless pit, being left desolate for 1000 years for Satan and his fallen angels to dwell in is really weird too. Take heart Gimel, Arlene doesn't have a corner on the truth from God's word. God bless you Gimel!
My goodness! GbJ's English is much improved now!! "Miracles" really happen today!!
And another "voice" heard from....Kevin!! "Et tu, Kevin?" (Probably "Brute'" would have fit your character, but then, nobody would have known what I was referring to.) In case you were ignorant of this, it's from a guy named Shakespeare.
I haven't a clue what "soul" sleep is, so I can't possibly believe in whatever it is. As for SDAs (Seventh Day Adventists) with ALL denominations today, they have some things right and some things wrong. I follow NO "church" or denomination. At least they don't "worship" God on the Day of the Sun (Sunday)...which is "Baal worship". Oh, I almost forgot....that's EXACTLY what the Roman Catholics do as well! So, Christians MUST believe in ALL the doctrines of the Romans as well. That is what YOU inferred...if I believe in one doctrine, then it must be FACT, that I believe in them ALL......
They say that "misery loves company"....and so does IGNORANCE apparently.
The PARABLE (not a real story, but something that tells a hidden truth) of Abraham and Lazarus DOES NOT relate the story of being in an actual "hell", or compartment of relates the story of the UNBELIEF of JUDAH, which has turned the Gospel to the GENTILES. Abraham is an "example of Judah" who has "five brothers" (Luke 16:28). If you KNEW your bible, you would have immediately associated "Abraham" with "Judah" and his brothers. Lazarus is an example of the Gentiles who had, up to that time, "eaten crumbs" that fell from the "tables of the Jews" (Mt.15:27)....because the Gospel was FIRST preached to the Jews to convert them.
READ YOUR BIBLE RATHER THAN LISTENING TO PEOPLE....both of you! You sorely need it!
When I FIRST started posting on this site, I asked a question which NOBODY could answer. If there are people in the "millennium", who are they??? When Jesus comes again, believers will be "changed" and join Him (I Thess. chapter 4, and I Cor. 15:52)...all others will be DEAD....and the earth will be a TOTAL MESS from the Trumpet and Vial Judgments by God. THERE WILL BE NO SURVIVORS, therefore, nobody will be here to populate the earth except DEAD BODIES!
Satan will not be "chained" with a REAL CHAIN because he is a "SPIRIT" just like the "Holy Spirit" is. REAL chains can't "hold" a spirit being. BUT he can be "confined" to the destroyed earth by God. His "heavenly travel" power, like he had in Job 2:1 will be taken away, just like those powers of the Fallen Angels were taken away in Genesis 6.
You figure it out. If you have a different opinion, then show SCRIPTURE AND VERSE! If there are LIVE PEOPLE IN A PERFECT WORLD, where did that world and people come from?? It is not restored until "a thousand years" later. Rev.21 is the "new heaven and new earth". There "was no more sea". At the Second Coming, I see NOWHERE where our Lord dries up the sea and restores the earth at that time.
BUT, at the END of the thousand years, New Jerusalem comes down from "God out of heaven" (vs.2). THAT IS AFTER THE THOUSAND YEARS OF A CHAOTIC EARTH when everything is restored again. There has been "death" everywhere up to that time. But NOW, when this re-created earth is combined with New Jerusalem, THERE IS NO MORE DEATH (vs,4)....because it has been "CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE ALONG WITH HELL"..Rev.20:14. That's the END of God's plan. EVERYONE IS SAVED, AND HELL CEASES TO EXIST. Everything is turned over to God...Rev.21:3.
God HIDES many of His truths so that people who love lies and getting their "ears scratched "will come to wrong conclusions...see Proverbs 25:2. Christians who only get their truths from their "pastors" will believe those lies....II Tim 4:3-4).
Hey! I think I see another "parable" in the above bible verse...."DOGS" (lick everyone's hands and faces because they don't know any better) and "CATS" (extremely stubborn, and self-willed animals) SCRATCH THEIR EARS with their paws, and they love to be "scratched" by others. This reminds me greatly of what is known as CHURCHIANITY....people "itch" and the pastors "scratch" the itches.
I leave you blissfully "wed" to your false doctrines...and each other. "Whom God has joined, etc...".
I do know what you were referring to concerning Shakespeare, but I'm not Brutus, and your not Julius Caesar. You say that you don't know what soul sleep is, but yet you say that when we die, our soul doesn't go to heaven or hell. You say, just like the SDA church says, that our soul lays unconscious until the day we are resurrected. That doctrine is in fact called Soul Sleep! It's a doctrine not found in God's word! I gave you one example of Jesus speaking about the reality of hell, but there are many more times that Jesus warned us about hell. He spoke more about hell than he did about heaven. Believe me, I would love to believe that hell doesn't exist, but the scriptures say otherwise! The story about Lazarus and the rich man is NOT a PARABLE at all, but a true account of real men who lived! I don't know why you think it's a parable. When Jesus spoke in parables, it was an obvious analogy of earthly things with spiritual truths, such as the parable of seeds being sown in different types of soil. Read Matthew 13:18-23, and it clearly says it is a parable. The interpretation you brought forth concerning Abraham and Judah is something completely contrived. I do read and study God's word, but your strange interpretations are certainly not sound doctrine! I'm shocked that you completely belittle everyone that doesn't believe in your strange doctrines, and you say that we are ignorant. It's just unbelievable!
I guess we have to have another "round", Kevin. Who TEACHES you your doctrines???? Of course "Soul Sleep" is not in the Bible!! I've never even HEARD of it until YOU just said it. When people die....they are DEAD! They DON'T KNOW ANYTHING...see Eccl.9:5. What happens to their SOULS? I can't tell you because I DON'T KNOW! What about our "SPIRITS" which are "breathed" into us by God?? (Gen 2:7) Where does the "breath" of ANY man go after we are DEAD? Anywhere God wants it to go.
But I DO know that the Bible says, in John 3:13..."And NO MAN hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." These are the WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST, and I WILL NOT argue with ANYTHING He says.
NOBODY is in heaven now except God. God's Holy Spirit, which is the power of God, is with us to guide us and comfort us.
If I could explain everything logically and simply, I would BE God...and I am most certainly NOT, by any means. But, I am learning about Him.
As for the story of "Abraham's Bosom" (Abraham and Lazarus)....I understand your total confusion about this. I, myself, (when I occupied a pew in a church) was told that this was NOT a "Parable" because specific names were mentioned. THAT PASTOR (and every other one after him) did not tell the truth of the Bible. THE STORY IS A PARABLE, which follows other "parables" in the previous chapter. (chapter divisions were added by MAN, not God).
Unfortunately, most "bible teachers" do not understand this and teach that it is not a parable....but it most certainly IS.
This one is the BEST one I could find within a few-minute time. READ IT AND UNDERSTAND IT, because it is what the bible says:
Piece of the article:
The "great gulf" mentioned by Abraham is nothing less than God's blinding in this age of the Jews as a whole to the truth about their Messiah! It's not that the Jewish nation won't acknowledge Christ; they cannot recognize his true identity because of God's actions! Yet because of the Eternal's great mercy, this state of affairs will not last forever (Rom. 11:26).
LUKE 16:27 "Then he said, 'I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father's house, 28 for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.'" (NKJV)
Yielding himself to his destiny, the rich man asks one more thing of his forefather Abraham. He pleads with him to send someone to warn his brothers, so that they may escape "this place of torment" (basanou), the testing and punishment that he was undergoing.
The fact that the rich man has five brothers is a vital clue to his true symbolic identity. Judah, the progenitor of the Jews, was the son of Jacob through Leah (Gen. 29:35). He had five full-blooded brothers: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, and Zebulun (Gen. 35:23).
While the significance of this seemingly pointless detail has been neglected by scholars throughout the centuries, you can be certain that it did not escape the notice of the Pharisees and scribes to which Christ was speaking. They thoroughly knew their history and were extremely proud of their heritage. Yeshua wanted those self-righteous Pharisees to know exactly who He was referring to with this parable. This detail cements the identity of the rich man as the house of Judah, the Jews!
LUKE 16:29 "Abraham said to him, 'They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.'" (NKJV)
Once again Abraham refuses the rich man's request, telling him that the brothers already have a witness in the writings of Moses and the prophets that will allow them to escape his fate. Moses, as well as the prophets, are shown several times in the New Testament to support Yeshua's identity as the Messiah (Luke 24:27, 44; John 1:45; 5:46; Acts 3:22-24; 7:37; 26:22-23; 28:23). Abraham tells the rich man that his brothers would have to recognize the prophesied Messiah because of the things written about him in the Tanakh. This echoes what Yeshua told the Jews in John 5:45-47.
JOHN 5:45 "Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father; there is one who accuses you -- Moses, in whom you trust. 46 For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. 47 But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?" (NKJV)
And, as for the doctrine of "burning in hell forever", you must think that a GOD OF PURE LOVE is worse than Hitler could ever be? You just don't know God, and His plan for ALL of Mankind. You need more study!