Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum

(Rapture is a Vatican/Jesuit Lie )
The "Resurrection" has been erroneously labeled The "Rapture". 



While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.  John 17:15 (KJV)

Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return:  "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"  Matt. 24:29 (KJV)



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Hebrew 5783-5788   Gregorian 2023-2028

 We are followers of Yahusha/JESUS Only​​​​​​​
Yahusha/JESUS is YHVH/GOD/YHWH-Yahusha/Son:
​​​​​​​Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD

Yahusha is I Am That I Am  (Exodus 3:14)

Yahusha is YHWH  come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of  a Virgin.

Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence

When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels. 

John 14:26
"the breath of life"

But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.

God is not His  Name but a term.  The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.

There is no Trinity.  The Father, YHVH  and Yahusha are One  (John 10:30)






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The book of Second Peter and Jude Authenticate the book of Enoch and Vice Versa





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How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

22 January 2013

Brother .... in Christ Jesus,

When Emperor Constantine took charge of the Roman Church he installed the first day of the week as his holy day of rest replacing the Lord's true day of rest He created on the seventh day as written in Genesis 2:1-3. Later He wrote the Law in stone with His own finger as written in Exodus 31:18 and placed it in His Ten Commandments Law as written in Exodus 20:1-17. When with His disciples, He kept the whole Law as written in Matthew 5:17-19, Matthew 12:50, and John 15:10-12.

If we say we know our Lord and do not keep His commandments, 1 John 2:4, we are to be found as liars, Revelation 21:8, which is our reward for doing so.

When you read Daniel 7:25, it speaks of Emperor Constantine, who changed the holy Law of Almighty God. Then the Gregorian Calendar was brought out replacing God's Solar/Lunar time, followed by the clock, all of which changed the times, days and the seasons.

There are so many pagan things in the Catholic traditions which are anti-Christ, Matthew 15:1-20, including Easter, Christmas trees, and mother Mary worship and sun god worship.

Elijah the Tishbite

Messages of God's Servant Prophet Elijah are on the internet at:

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

My friend invited me to her church and I said, "I am a sabbath keeper."

She siad : "What does that mean? "

It is more than the Sabbath,

it's also about fleeing from Babylon.

How can I go back to pagan ways?

Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola at Amazon books.

Why do we do what we do?

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

Mollie, all Sabbath-Keepers need to have a long look at


which was referenced as the 70 Weeks of Daniel giving a return date of our Lord.

A good long look at the Solar/Lunar calendars and the subject matter about them at that site is a must for both Hebrews and Gentiles. We just cannot name Saturday (saturn day) on our Gregorian calendar (man's pagan calendar) as God's 7th Sabbath day. God's calendar was reckoned from the appearance of the new moon at the conjunction of the sun.

Both Elijah and I are now following His calendar and not the pagan calendar which has been forced upon us by the Romans. Even the Rabbis for the mostpart in Israel and America have been blinded in keeping the wrong day.

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons


another place for information

The Cerators Calender and the Restoration of all Things

by Michael Rood with Nehimiah Gorden

Michael Rood .tv

Flee from Babylon, oh my people.

Matthew 7: 21

1 John 2: 3-5

Rev. 14: 12

Some scriptures I am hidining my heart.

Thank you for your help.

It looks like what Elijah said abot the 2% is true,
according to scripture.

They did not teach me that in Sunday School. LOL>

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

About the 2%, Elijah asked the Lord back in 1983 30 years ago. At that time there were a few tent revivals. The church at that time was undergoing trials and soul-searching on account of a couple of well-known preachers on TV that were involved in scandals that took these men down.

Since then there has been no revivals, and street preachers are a rarity. So likely it's now less than 2% of the American church is going to be accepted into the kingdom. A narrow way it is, indeed!

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

2% really makes sense to me!!! Thanks to put this up.

Say, in the US alone only 30% says they're Christian/Catholics. From that, the born again not backsliding maybe only 1 out of 5 that leaves only 6%. Now from those 6% who celebrate Sabbath, loves Israel, stick to the commandment of the Lord waiting for Him and spreading the good news about 1 out of 3 to 4. That leaves only 1.5 to 2% of the whole population!!

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

Mollie, all Sabbath-Keepers need to have a long look at


which was referenced as the 70 Weeks of Daniel giving a return date of our Lord.


Thank you for that link.

He has a different view point from Michael Rood.

We see through a glass darkly.

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

which was referenced as the 70 Weeks of Daniel giving a return date of our Lord


I saw the date for the beginning of the final 3,5 years,

this spring ? ?

Every day we get closer.

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

2% really makes sense to me!!! Thanks to put this up.

Say, in the US alone only 30% says they're Christian/Catholics. From that, the born again not backsliding maybe only 1 out of 5 that leaves only 6%. Now from those 6% who celebrate Sabbath, loves Israel, stick to the commandment of the Lord waiting for Him and spreading the good news about 1 out of 3 to 4. That leaves only 1.5 to 2% of the whole population!!

Hi, Gimel, you're welcome.

Your quote: "That leaves only 1.5 to 2% of the whole population!!", add in the words, "of American professing Christians".

I hope you looked at http://www.yhrim.com/ about keeping the right 7th day sabbath according to God's instruction.

He, Moshe Eliyahu, there at that site says there is no rapture. Well, if you look at Revelation 12:14, it talks about the woman who is taken into the wilderness (Egypt?), is fed there for 42 months from the face of the serpent, and not suffering the wrath of God during the Great Tribulation. This is not Moshe Eliyahu's interpretation, however of this verse.

A few of those professing Christians left behind choose to reject the mark of the beast and keep the commandments and lose their heads over their choice.

Elijah and Moses will be upon Mount Sion in Israel during these 42 months, and the temple will be built then for the Anti-Christ to come and sit there and declare he is God.

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

which was referenced as the 70 Weeks of Daniel giving a return date of our Lord


I saw the date for the beginning of the final 3,5 years,

this spring ? ?

Every day we get closer.

Hi, Mollie,

Moshe Eliyahu says at the time of fall feasts, Rosh Hashana. It's either then or this spring, at Passover or Pentecost. We won't know the day or the hour because of the different time zones across the world.

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

Thanks Script to Elijah. It has been so many confirmation right now from many people that 2013 should be a crucial time mark in Biblical prophecy.

Could the rapture be this year?
Could the war in the mideast this year?
Could the world economic collapse this year?

Many have dreamed and got vision about those things to be soon!!!

But the most important question is "Are we ready?"

That's why I love this forum, Steven, Scribe to Elijah, Kevin, Mtnmollie and many others have strengthened each other.
I have begun to watch the website you mentioned Scribe, it seems reliable and gives a lot of insight!

Grace of Yahshua upon all of us.

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

Dear Scribe,
Thanks for that website.

I printed the first 4 pages of appearing Clean before YHWH
before my printer choked and quit. LOL. spiritual warfare?

I printed Prepare to Flee Kol Yisrael


how to correctly read and Determine the True
Turn of the year

and have learned a bunch,

but the site wont download and my computer locks up

I got my 3 articles off the sesrch engine...link

I am on dial -up and my computer has its issues, LOL.

Thaks, wow- gosh,

Michalel rood's calender is not right by gollie.

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

We won't know the day or the hour because of the different time zones across the world.

There is a feast where we dont know the day or teh hour,I think it is a fall feast/ We work in the field, we get our clothes ready ahead of time and when the trumpet blows we stop working and get in our pre-prepared clothes and go to the feast.

from Michael Rood tapes...

The Feasts of the Lord are a shadow of things to come.

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

Dear Scribe,
Thanks for that website.

I printed the first 4 pages of appearing Clean before YHWH
before my printer choked and quit. LOL. spiritual warfare?

I printed Prepare to Flee Kol Yisrael


how to correctly read and Determine the True
Turn of the year

and have learned a bunch,

but the site wont download and my computer locks up

I got my 3 articles off the sesrch engine...link

I am on dial -up and my computer has its issues, LOL.

Thaks, wow- gosh,

Michalel rood's calender is not right by gollie.

Dial-up often causes problems. Do your spiritual warfare and place the blood of Jesus on your computer and printer. I do this daily, but sometimes have to repeat it for stronger spirits who persist.

About that website, thank Steven for finding it, under the thread "70 weeks of Daniel". I was impressed with the video and looked over his other writings and found the Solar/Lunar calendars. I had struggled with the Lunar calendar issue once before and found it unworkable. Moshe Eliyahu adds in the Solar aspect which resolved it for Elijah and me.

Most of these type of sites do not explain what you do on the Rosh Chodesh (the day that begins the new month according to the new moon), but he explains it very well.

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

Thanks Script to Elijah. It has been so many confirmation right now from many people that 2013 should be a crucial time mark in Biblical prophecy.

Could the rapture be this year?
Could the war in the mideast this year?
Could the world economic collapse this year?

Many have dreamed and got vision about those things to be soon!!!

But the most important question is "Are we ready?"

That's why I love this forum, Steven, Scribe to Elijah, Kevin, Mtnmollie and many others have strengthened each other.
I have begun to watch the website you mentioned Scribe, it seems reliable and gives a lot of insight!

Grace of Yahshua upon all of us.

Your group of 3 questions are affirmative, in my opinion, but only my opinion after seeing so many signs that they're all hard to ignore.

If you are working at your readiness and can say, "I am more readier than I was last week", and you find former sins no longer repeating themselves, and despair of sinful tendencies revealed in yourself and readily repent over whatever has been revealed, then you have the answer to your question of whether you are ready.

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

Are we ready?

Maybe this wil help some one?

If you are working at your readiness and can say, "I am more readier than I was last week",

I quit yelling at my husband, andn railing and jumping all over him ...

we have been praying that we would be kind to one another and we are both more kind to one another.

and you find former sins no longer repeating themselves,

Neither one of us got victory untill we prayed the deliverance prayers we found at GLP by bill Schnoblin. Then we had to pray them weekly to stay out of " jail" . (We returned to former ways in nur mind. )
We prayed the deliverandce prayer s wherther we thought we needed it or not. Its very heavy. 6 pages I think?

I will go find the link if I can?

and despair of sinful tendencies revealed in yourself

yes and regreat my foolish ways of yesterday,

and readily repent over whatever has been revealed, then you have the answer to your question of whether you are ready.

YHWH/God put meon the repent road long long time ago.

Neh. 1 I repent of my sin,my familys sin,my nations sin,

I prayed Lord show me my sin so I can repent in my heart, my familys sin, my nations sin,

so he did.

Ouch. Better to hurt now than later...

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

fair use for information and discussion purposes

Praise and worship be to El Elyon,1 the God of all created beings. For by Him; the salvation, and
the power, and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of His Messiah have come. Hallelujah!
The evil deceiver has been defeated because of the Blood of the Lamb.
As a disciple of Yah'shua, I now give testimony to the authority of Yah’shua2 the Messiah, the
Holy One of Israel over this place known as ________. I bind with Yah’shua’s Blood, the
wicked spiritual forces of evil including all rulers, authorities and cosmic powers of this dark a



Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

A testamony,

I prayed all those prayers if I thought I needed them or not because

1) Hubby Christian Gene said to me I ( Gene) need a deliverance.

I said we will have to do that ourselves beczuse no local church here will help us, ( they dont know about these things.)

but I did not know what to do and then GLP had this thread on deliverance. procedure for the Christian. Wow.

Some say Christian s dont need deliverance, mostly in America I have read bu t overseas it is different. so I read. ( More darkenss there they say)

Lond long ago my Christian friend told me she had adeliverance. She told me I needed a deliverance. how did the demons get in? who knows for sure,I am form a High uppity-up Mason family. anyway the demons spoke through my mouth just like in teh Bible bu t I could stop lettin them speak at any time. so we called for sone help and 6 people ( 7 total) took from dusk to daylight castin out lots of demons, and then anothre one woud say,ho ho ho I'm stil l here and we would go after him. Many mean things were spoke through my mouth tha t night. I also helped in my deliverance. A war in me...

Teh group of believers told me to never speak of this time.

Its controversial in the church - group, just like everything else.

Like basic Christianity.

what does it mean to be saved/

Bapotized as a baby if yo are a Lutheran.

But what does the bible say?

We better get wha t we believe right before the end of teh race.

The Christian had a fight the night of my deliverance. They came in, cast out demon group number one adn then asked me if I was saved and I was. And they said I could not have demones so then they had to come to a new understanding first before we proceeded to demon group number 2. I cant rember how many demon groups I had one group was ten.

Both of us got victory over sin after we prayed these prayers of Bill's andthen we havd to pray them again once a week adn then we forgot to pray them I need to pray them again. I can tell by where my mind goes...

I loose friends every time I sing this song.
so I am not telling this story for me.

I pray this helps someome.

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

so when Gene told me he needed a deliverance ...

I never stumbled, but we went forward.

Only I did not know what to do but God provided.

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

This is my daily warfare recitation for Elijah and myself which I made up which you may be able use as a model:

"I bind every one of you evil spirits in the Name of Jesus Christ against .... and myself this day, from affecting our mind and body including our DNA.

I bind you in Jesus' (or, Yeshua's, or ......) Name from using against ..... and myself any of your evil devices including holograms, chemtrails, helicopters, lasers, and drones.

I bind you in Jesus' Name in interfering in any way with my computer, internet connection, also our telephone, printer and appliances.

The blood of Jesus is applied to the hedge(fence, whatever) around this home, our computer and beds. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I demand you to leave this place and go back to where you came from."

When these evil spirits feel threatened, they will delete messages I have typed up, so I bind them again in Jesus' Name and tell them the blood of Jesus is on this computer and message and that they are to leave in Jesus' Name. Sometimes I may have to do it again if they are persistent, and SHOUT it out.

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

Well, we've tried to free ourselves from man's traditions so are following the Solar/Lunar calendar as mentioned earlier in this thread, which has this day, Sunday, January 27, as the Sabbath.

So Saturday has been preparation day here in Cyprus: baths as biblically required, meal preparation for the Sabbath, washing of clothes, so the Sabbath can be a day of rest, freed up for prayer, fellowship, and reading the Bible.

This day is the 15th day of the 11th month of the restored Lunar-SolarCalendar for the year 5994 (no god-day appellations such as sun-day, moon-day, and so on).

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

Thanks Scribe to Elijah, I just did your prayer words these two days. First, my car which was broken in three things, I fixed one with a repairman but than those two other broken things were just going well.
This morning, my toilet is broken and can be fixed right before going to the church.
I think the attacks were certainly there, but Yahshua provided a way out always at every situation and your specific prayer prevents that attacks from disrupting my day completely!!!
Thanks for letting us know your praying. I'm happy to practice that in addition to my other prayers!!!

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

Gimel, rather than consider them as prayers, consider them to be words of spiritual warfare addressed to demons to get them to retreat as they hate the Blood of Jesus, so speak the words LOUDLY and BIND these evil spirits, as we have been given the power and authority of Jesus to do so.

In the past our phones have been monitored and cut off from time to time when calling friends over in America, so the binding has helped a great deal. Also, Elijah was attacked while lying in bed in Korea with what he believes was a strong laser flash beam seen when he was half awake, just inches away from his head.

God has preserved Elijah from attacks many times. Only at His appointed time, will he and Moses be killed in Jerusalem, but 3 1/2 days later they will be taken up to meet the Lord in Heaven, Revelation 11:3-12! Allelujah!

Re: How Traditions Have Fulfilled Daniel 7:25 Changing the Times, Days, and Seasons

Thanks Scribe, I will do what you've told me and I'm praying for you too for your blessings and miracles.