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While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.  John 17:15 (KJV)

Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return:  "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"  Matt. 24:29 (KJV)



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​​​​​​​Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD

Yahusha is I Am That I Am  (Exodus 3:14)

Yahusha is YHWH  come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of  a Virgin.

Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence

When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels. 

John 14:26
"the breath of life"

But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.

God is not His  Name but a term.  The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.

There is no Trinity.  The Father, YHVH  and Yahusha are One  (John 10:30)






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Ron Reese: "Have we just experienced the 40--DAY WARNING SIGN from the Almighty?"

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Ron Reese (9 Nov 2012)
"Have we just experienced the 40--DAY WARNING SIGN from the Almighty?"



In Luke 11:29--30, Jesus says, "This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the SIGN OF JONAH, the prophet. For as JONAH WAS A SIGN UNTO THE NINEVITES, SO SHALL ALSO THE SON OF MAN (JESUS) BE TO THIS GENERATION."

WHY was Jonah a sign unto the Ninevites? WHAT was Jonah's sign to the Ninevites? We read about it in Jonah 1:1--2, where the Lord says, "Now the word of the Lord came unto Jonah...saying, Arise, go to Ninevah, that great city, AND CRY AGAINST IT; FOR THEIR

So, from these two verses we learn WHY Jonah was a sign unto the city of Ninevah. It is because Jonah was sent by God to WARN the people of that city that God was not pleased with their wickedness, and was about to JUDGE them severely for their sins.

In Jonah 3:3--4, the Lord says, "So Jonah arose and went unto Ninevah, according to the word of the Lord...And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and he cried, and said, YET FORTY DAYS, AND NINEVAH SHALL BE OVERTHROWN."

So, from these two verses we learn WHAT the sign of Jonah was to the city of Ninevah. THE SIGN OF JONAH TO A WICKED PEOPLE WAS A 40-DAY WARNING, BEFORE GOD WOULD DESTROY THEIR CITY.

Reading from "Biblical Mathematics", by Ed Vallowe, "This number (40) has long been universally recognized as an important number, both on the account of the frequency of its occurrence, and the uniformity of its association with A PERIOD OF TRIAL, PROBATION, AND TESTINGS." All Bible students can recall numerous times where this was the case with the number 40.

We know, from the Book of Matthew, that a partial fulfillment of the SIGN OF JONAH, was that Jesus was in the grave three days and three nights, just like Jonah was in the belly of the whale the same amount of time.

But in the Book of Luke, as we have just pointed out, Jesus specifically compares the SIGN OF JONAH, to the Ninevites, to the SIGN FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD. I am unaware of any 40-day sign of coming judgment to any group of wicked people at the time of Jesus' 1st Coming. Therefore, we must consider the very distinct possibility of the SIGN OF JONAH'S 40- DAY WARNING to Ninevah, to apply to the Sudden Destruction (and Rapture), at Jesus' 2nd Coming.

It is my contention that our world has not only just experienced a very real and probable 40--Day Warning, but two of them. This can only mean that our world, and especially the United States, is probably headed for Sudden Destruction (and the Rapture), IN THE NEXT 40 DAYS!!!

I am not claiming to be a Prophet, like Jonah. The very same evidence, or WARNING SIGNS, are available for all to see. And both of these WARNING SIGNS appear to me like very probable 40--Day WARNING SIGNS.

In my next post, I will be showing you why SUPERSTORM SANDY IS MUCH, MUCH, MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than most watchers realize. Beyond any shadow of doubt, the date of Superstorm Sandy has been MARKED BY GOD. But today, I am only going to show you the 40--day aspect of this WARNING SIGN.

In my view, there is only one BIBLICAL time left, in 2012, for the Rapture/Sudden Destruction to take place, and that time is the Jewish Feast of Hanukkah. From Hanukkah Eve, to the 7th Day of Hanukkah, in 2012, is Dec. 7th through Dec. 15th. In another post, in the next few days, I will be showing you the extreme significance of this 8--day period, and the very high potential for this being our time of Sudden Destuction/Rapture.

In this post, however, I simply want to show you why our sin-filled wicked world MAY have just experienced, not just one, but two 40--day warnings. If we add 40 days to the day of Superstorm Sandy, we arrive at the time of Dec. 7--8th, or Hanukkah Eve, the very start of this extremely crucial 8--day period of Hanukkah.

Grant Jeffrey, who passed away earlier this year, says in his book, "Armageddon--Appointment with Destiny", that World War 3, the Battle of Gog and Magog, in Ezekiel 38--39, would happen on Hanukkah Eve (in some year), and he uses Scriptures to back up his claim. I will be going in to great detail, in the next few days, about this topic. How fascinating that 40 days from Hanukkah Eve, our country experiences the storm of a lifetime, Superstorm Sandy!!! COULD THIS BE OUR 40-DAY WARNING BEFORE THE LORD ALLOWS THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR COUNTRY (AND THE RAPTURE)???

Lets briefly examine a 2nd possible 40--DAY WARNING. As pointed out in my previous post, the people of the United States have just re-elected the Antichrist as
President. We have just pronounced Judgment on ourselves. But worse yet, I believe that God has just pronounced His Judgment on our country.

Has the Lord God Almighty just given us a 40-day warning, before the Sudden Destruction (of nuclear WW3?), just like He gave the wicked people of Ninevah a 40--DAY WARNING? The Lord's plan for the fulfillment of the Judgments in the Book of Revelation has just kicked into high gear.

The New World Order elite now will accelerate their plans for a one-world government. The destruction of the United States has been their last obstacle, before they can fully implement their evil agenda. With their Man of Destiny in power in the U.S. for another four years, there will be NO stopping Satan's plan, until the literal 2nd Coming of Christ.

The other real possible Biblical date for the Rapture and Sudden Destruction, that is left in 2012, is the 7th Day of Hanukkah, which is Dec. 15th. EXACTLY 40 INCLUSIVE DAYS from the re-election of the Antichrist is this very same day, the 7th Day of Hanukkah. Very few people fully comprehend the magnitude, and prophetic fulfillment, of what has just taken place, with the re-election of the Antichrist. So, what our country has just experienced, in the past 10 days, is TWO VERY OMINOUS EVENTS, with possible 40--DAY WARNING implications.

These two possible 40-DAY WARNING events, lead us directly to the very Biblical date of Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 7--8th, and the 7th Day of Hanukkah, Dec. 15th. In other words they bracket, or bookend, the eight days of very high Rapture/SD potential, from Hanukkah Eve to the 7th Day of Hanukkah. There is much more to come on the Feast of Hanukkah, and its potential to be the time of the Rapture/SD. And there is much more to come on the timing of Superstorm Sandy and how God has directly, and definitely, marked that day.

So, has God given us one FORTY-DAY WARNING, THE SIGN OF JONAH, OR TWO FORTY-DAY WARNINGS? I am not really sure. Is it possible that the Lord has bracketed, or bookended, these two events, that lead us directly to Hanukkah Eve through the 7th Day of Hanukkah, to let us know that the Feast of Hanukkah will be the time of the Rapture/SD???

Many believe that we cannot know the EXACT day and hour. Maybe this 8--day period is as close as the Lord wants to reveal it to us. Or, maybe a 7--DAY WARNING, like Noah received, is forthcoming on the Biblical date of Hanukkah Eve, that would lead us to the 7th Day of Hanukkah, for the actual fulfillment of the Rapture/SD. After reading my next few posts, many of you will not be thinking these possible 40-DAY WARNINGS are just coincidental. I believe there is a very, very good chance that one, or both, of them, are real 40-DAY WARNINGS, DIRECTLY FROM GOD!

In my next post, I will also be discussing how Superstorm Sandy could also be referring us directly to the 1st worldwide judgment on mankind. Yes, the Judgment of the Great Flood, in Noah's day, and the timing of it, may be directly related to the timing of Superstorm Sandy, and the 2nd worldwide Judgment on mankind, the coming Sudden Destruction and the Rapture.

Maranatha! What extremely exciting days we are living in!!!

Ron Reese

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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Re: Ron Reese: "Have we just experienced the 40--DAY WARNING SIGN from the Almighty?"

You beat me to it ! LOL!

Great site Steven, I cant keep up!



Re: Ron Reese: "Have we just experienced the 40--DAY WARNING SIGN from the Almighty?"

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Bruce Baber (10 Nov 2012)
"Hanukkah...Historic Parallels...Temple Rededication, New Madrid Quake, Pearl Harbor"


I just finished reading Ron Reese's post regarding Hanukka being a strong possibility for thr rapture. I agree. It made me want to go back and see what I had written a while back about Hanukka and having found it, I wanted to share it it again.

Let me also add that this thought. When you look at parallel railroad tracks going off into the distance, they will seem to converge at a point far ahead. But when you walk down the tracks the convergence recedes and remains miles away. I think at last the parallels aren't receding. The convergence point really does seem closer!


Bruce Baber

(Posted Dec. 3, 2011)

"Thoughts on things that converge this month (December 2011)"

Let me start by saying that Harvey Troyer had an excellent post on Friday. I always read what Harvey posts and usually get a lot out of them, but yesterday it was exceptional. Harvey mentioned almost in passing the significance of Tu B'Av. He wrote, "World War II ended on August 15th, 1945. This was called V-J Day, which meant “victory over Japan”. Now ask yourself, what Jewish Festival Day fell on August 15th, 2011? It was Tu ‘B Av and I hope that most of you watchers know by now that Tu ‘B Av was pregnant with multiple “Biblical Types” of the Rapture and was an extremely high Rapture watch day!"

For some years now I have been watching (and advocating) Tu B'Av as a date for the possible rapture. Yet I have finally come to see it as a "type" or "parallel" in a long line of types and parallels. In fact I think I see other types or parallels in other Jewish festivals and Christian commemorations for the rapture as well. Certainly they seem to present themselves in Passover, Pentecost, Ascension Day and Rosh Hashanah. In fact when we examine the scriptures, there are many pictures of the rapture throughout the entire Bible. I see it in the story of Enoch, Joseph's marriage to a gentile bride; Abraham sending his servant to bring back a bride for Isaac; the story of Ruth and Boaz; Abraham departing from the area of Sodom (followed later by Lot); and on and on. What I am trying to say is that there are parallels for the rapture in nearly all of the festivals and a good many Bible stories. Perhaps that is why there has been so much confusion and even heated debate. Pictures of the rapture crop up in so many places and are associated with so many different times and festivals.

Lately there has been a lot said about the rapture possibly ocurring this month. Some say it could be during Hanukkah. At first I was skeptical. Now I am more open minded. But there are also good reasons to look at the days that lead up to it.

First lets look at Hanukka which is also called the Festival of Lights. The celebration is 8 days long. It celebrates the rededication of the temple after the Maccabean revolt. There is some biblical evidence that Jesus celebrated this festival. According to Jewish scholars there was a miracle associated with the rededication of the temple as the light from the menorah did not go out even though there was only enough oil for the lamp for one day. (Reminds me of the parable of the ten virgins). Hanukka is celebrated with feasting. (Here I am reminded of Matthew 24:38 where it speaks of the festivities in the days of Noah before the flood poured out). This year Hanukkah starts on December 20th, 2011. The gentile world (Christian and secular) will also be joining in festivities this month also.

With all the specualtion about the rapture being tied to sudden destruction, it may be wise to remember that Hanukkah represents the rededication of the temple after the destruction of a gentile army. The story of the Maccabean revolt is very interesting and worth studying.

Excerpt from zianet.com:

"These generals and their forces were simply not equal to Judas, who was possibly one of the greatest military minds in all of Jewish history! Even though greatly outnumbered, Judas and his rebels defeated general after general in battle. He overpowered General Appolonius near Samaria; he routed General Seron in the valley of Beth-horan; and in a tremendous victory south of Mizpah he conquered three generals, who led a combined army of 50,000 troops .... and he did it with only 6000 poorly equipped Jewish rebels!! The people of Israel gave Judas the nickname "Maccabeus" because of his great daring and success in "hammering" the enemy forces into the ground.

Antiochus soon realized he had a full-scale rebellion on his hands, and that it was far more serious than he had originally believed. He decided, therefore, to end the revolt in a most dramatic fashion, and to exterminate the Jewish people in the process. He sent Lysias, the commander-in-chief of the Seleucid army, along with 60,000 infantrymen and 5000 cavalry, to utterly destroy the Jews. This vast army was additionally commanded by two generals serving under Lysias -- Nicanor and Gorgias. This powerful army finally encountered Judas, who had a force of only 3000 poorly equipped rebels, in the town of Emmaus, which was just over 7 miles from Jerusalem. Judas managed to gather together another 7000 rebels, but was still terribly outnumbered. He prayed to God for strength and deliverance (I Maccabees 4:30-33), and God answered! They won a huge victory over the Seleucid army!

Judas then determined to enter Jerusalem and liberate the city, and also to purify the Temple and rededicate it to God. When they entered the holy city, the extent of the destruction which they beheld caused them to be overwhelmed by grief (I Maccabees 4:36-40). Their grief, however, soon turned to determination and action. They set about the task of driving the enemy out of the city, and also of cleaning up the Temple. On December 25, 165 BC (exactly three years after Antiochus had defiled the altar of God by offering a pig upon it), the Temple of God was rededicated to God with rejoicing and sacrifices. The celebration continued for eight days. This is the famous "Feast of Lights" (Hanukkah) which is still celebrated by the Jews to this day.

Having finally achieved the liberation of Jerusalem, and the restoration of their religious practices in the Temple, Judas and his rebels now turned their attention to the task of seeking to liberate all of Palestine from pagan control. Within a rather brief period of time they were able to regain possession of much of the land. However, their successes were short-lived, for Lysias, now acting as king after the death of Antiochus, who had died during a military campaign in Persia, gathered a large army and marched upon Jerusalem.

In the autumn of 163 BC, Lysias, and an army of 120,000 men and 32 war elephants, met Judas and his army 10 miles SW of Jerusalem. Lysias made the elephants drunk on grape and mulberry wine so they would stampede over the Jewish rebels (I Maccabees 6:34). This time Judas was unable to prevail, and although they killed 600 of the enemy soldiers, they were nevertheless forced to retreat into the city of Jerusalem. During this battle, Eleazer (the younger brother of Judas) died in a most heroic manner when he single-handedly attacked a large elephant that he believed to be carrying the enemy king (I Maccabees 6:42-46). Lysias surrounded Jerusalem in the hopes of starving the Jews into submission. But during this siege he learned that one of his rivals was marching against his own capital city in an effort to overthrow him and take the throne. Being anxious to return home and defend his throne, he made an offer of peace to Judas -- the Jews would be allowed to worship their God unmolested, if they would remain politically loyal to the Seleucid Empire. Judas agreed to these terms, and Lysias and his army departed."

Now I want to look at something else that happened in December. This time it was on December 7th 1941. We all know the importance of this date. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor which up until the time of September 11 2001 was the greatest loss of American life in a surprise attack.

Are there any other portents of sudden destruction coming upon a gentile nation in December? On December 16th 1811 two earthquakes along the New Madrid fault came along. They were followed by more swarms that lasted into the following year.

I confess that I don't know what if anything all of these connections mean. Maybe nothing. December seems to point to a time of sudden destruction if the rapture should happen. With all that's shaping up in the Middle East, the economy, and Europe it wouldn't surprise me if we got a call to come home!

I still watch for news about Ariel Sharon as I think it might be significant. Sadly, I read about about Billy Graham's poor health and I wonder if this saintly man may be called home soon. Too many things to process.


Bruce Baber

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


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