While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. John 17:15 (KJV)
Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" Matt. 24:29 (KJV)
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Hebrew 5783-5788 Gregorian 2023-2028
We are followers of Yahusha/JESUS Only
Yahusha/JESUS is YHVH/GOD/YHWH-Yahusha/Son:
Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD
Yahusha is I Am That I Am (Exodus 3:14)
Yahusha is YHWH come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of a Virgin.
Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence
When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels.
John 14:26
"the breath of life"
But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.
God is not His Name but a term. The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.
There is no Trinity. The Father, YHVH and Yahusha are One (John 10:30)
Book of Enoch:
The book of Second Peter and Jude Authenticate the book of Enoch and Vice Versa
All Of The Apocryphal Books Of
The King James 1611 Version
Pray for one another, as we watch for the Lord's return!
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Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:24:22 EDT
Subject: Amazing confirmations for Oct. 29, 2008--the start of the Final 7 Years
Jesus said we could KNOWwhen His Return was near, even at the doors. All throughout the 1990's, I was preaching and teaching, and writing quarterly newsletters, to over 5200 people, and writing 37 different Bible Prophecy tracts, with almost 10,000,000 in circulation. Several major Bible Prophecy ministries used our tracts extensively. At that time, most all of the major Prophetic ministries believed that our Lord's Coming was at the door. I certainly believed it, but we were all wrong. Bible Prophecy author Bonnie Gaunt and I put on a county-wide Bible Prophecy Crusade, here in Michigan in 1999, because we honestly believed His Coming was at the door.
It was a fantastic time, as Bonnie was the Bible Prophecy teacher, with slide presentations, and I was the preacher. Boy, did we ever have great altar services back then. But the fact of the matter is, that all of us were wrong. In the 1990's, we all thought that there was enough Biblical evidence that the Rapture was, indeed, at the door. Here it is twelve years since 1999, and still no Rapture.
Could we be wrong again? Why does Jesus tell us that we could KNOW when His Return is near, even at the door? I have believed that the Rapture was near, even at the door, for over 30 years, but I have been wrong. Sure, there have been numerous signs of our Lord's Return for many, many years. They are too numerous to mention here. Certainly Israel is a MAJOR sign, but it has been a MAJOR sign for many years now.
The answer has become abundantly clear, as of Oct. 29, 2008. The only way that we can KNOW with absolute certainty, that our Lord's Return is NEAR, EVEN AT THE DOORS, is if the Lord would give us amazing, overwhelming, conclusive, and irrefutable proof, of the starting date, the mid-point date, and the ending date, of the Final 7 Years. And He has done exactly that! There are many numerical proofs, and Heavenly sign proofs, of these three dates. Amazingly, and surprisingly, the Lord has given us the conclusive evidence, of the EXACT time frame of the Final 7 Years.
The first date is Oct. 29, 2008, the date that Obama confirmed the Dan. 9:27 covenant with many, to CHANGE THE WORLD. That is what the Antichrist is supposed to do. 2520 days later (7 Prophetic years), we come to Feast of Atonement (this is the Feast Day that Jesus is supposed to Return on), Sept. 23, 2015. The evidence for this date is totally awesome and conclusive.
This makes the mid-point date, the start of the 1260-day Great Tribulation, which is outlined several times in the Book of Revelation, Apr. 11, 2012. It is totally mind-boggling that once again there is amazing evidence pointing us to this EXACT date. Through progressive revelation, finally speculation is now over. It is no longer any mystery why Jesus would say that we COULD KNOW WHEN HIS RETURN WAS NEAR, EVEN AT THE DOOR.
The Lord is revealing his Final 7--Year time frame to MANY watchers. You do not need supernatural confirmations (like the Lord has chosen to give to me) to see the truth that the Lord has amazingly presented to us. When the Lord said that no man knows the day and hour, He was referring to the day and hour of the Rapture. The ONLY way we can reconcile this statement by Jesus with His statement that we could KNOW when His Return was near, even at the doors, is if the Lord would reveal the EXACT 7--YEAR TIME FRAME of the Final 7 Years. Please visit my website for many more details on these three dates, which the Lord has revealed to all who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a teachable spirit:
Below is a recent excellent post by Bible Prophecy student, Gerry Almond. My last post was from Biblical author, Bill Griese, who also believes wholeheartedly, in the conclusive evidence, which the Lord has given to us, of the EXACT time frame of the Final 7 Years. The Lord has now shown the dates of the Final 7 Years to many, many Bible Prophecy watchers. Some of you think that I am alone in my views. But if it is the truth, I would not be alone, and believe me, there are MANY intelligent, open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, Bible watchers, who have been led to the truth of the time frame of the Final 7 Years. That is why I am forwarding these posts to you, so that you can see that MANY are coming to the very same conclusion, and to the knowledge of the truth.
For those of us who believe the Rapture will come before the 1260-day Great Tribulation, we now have less than 10 months to go before the Rapture/Sudden Destruction. Probably MUCH less. We can now KNOW the identity of the Antichrist, Barack Hussein Obama, because of what he did on Oct. 29, 2008, and we can now KNOW the EXACT 7--year time frame for the Final 7 Years. This now means that we can KNOW that our Lord's Return is NEAR, EVEN AT THE DOORS.
Thank you, Gerry Almond, for being open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, to allow Him to reveal to you the truth, about the time frame of the Final 7 Years. I pray that a few more will come to the knowledge of the truth, by reading your outstanding post below, as the evidence is so very compelling and overwhelming:
Ron Reese
Gerry Almond (17 June 2011)
For those still doubting that the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy of the end times began on 10/29/30/2008, a double witness has been provided. Just consider them and see if you agree that the 70th week is WELL underway, over 2 ½ years now.
Witness #1:
The tetrads of eclipses, identified and publicized through the primary work of Mark Biltz, Seattle pastor, which mark out a 7-year period ENDING 9/23/2015, the date of the Feast of Atonement in 2015. These have had so much coverage, that by now they are probably second nature to watchers, who understand the prophecies of Daniel.
Witness #2:
Probably the most compelling evidence that the 70th week is identified as ending on 9/23/2015, is the count of days of the Jewish (re)gathering into the holy land. As I have posted before, the count is EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE COUNT OF THE DAYS OF NOAH IN CONSTRUCTING THE ARK. Why is this applicable? Because it is in the book of Matthew, THE GOSPEL WRITTEN TO THE JEWS, TO PRESENT JESUS AS THE KING OF THE JEWS, that the verse is given in chapter 24, telling them that “as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of the coming of the son of man” (vs. 37). From the first day of the (re)gathering of the Jews, to go back to Palestine after 1,817 years of exile, on 8/31/1897, to the time until 9/23/2015, counts to exactly 43,125 days. Simply add the 75 days found in Daniel 12, and wa-la, you have 43,200 days total.
Simply multiply 120 years of Noah’s time, by 360 days per year (as the year was then), and wa-la, you have 43,200 days. This is ABSOLUTE PROOF that the end for Israel is 9/23/2015, plus 75 days to 12/7/2015. NO LATER THAN THIS IS THE END OF THE MATTER. This means that 12/8/2015 is the first day of the KINGDOM AGE!
Theodor Herzel founded modern Israel on 8/31/1897, with the proclamation of the first Jewish Congress, which opened Palestine to a Jewish presence. Later, Israel was born, by an act of the United Nations on 5/14/1948. Then Israel took Jerusalem on 6/7/1967, in the 6-day war. They then captured the Golan Heights, on October 11, 1973, to secure the northern border against Syria and Lebanon. Since then, peace deals by the dozens have come and gone, and now Israel is faced with possibly a forced deal, after abandonment of the United States via President Barack Obama. This leaves them with only one protector….ALMIGHTY GOD!. And in a scant 299 days from now, they will be faced with fleeing from the awful abomination.
There you have the double witness. And if you wish to see other witnesses, read Ron Reese’s work, and he will present you with about 3 or 4 more.
This means that taking 12/07/2015, less the days of the second half of the 70th week, which, as you know, are 1,260, gives us 4/11/12/2012, as the center point of the 70th week, the time when the man of sin must reveal himself in the temple, by delaring himself to be god, or godlike. This is called the “abomination that makes desolate”. It is at this time that the Jews are told to flee. Do you realize that there are only 299 days left from today, 6/17/2011?
8/31/1897……43,125 days……9/23/2015…..75 days….12/7/2015
Count back 1,335 days from 12/7/2015 to find the center of the 70th week.
12/7/2015……………minus 1,335 days………………4/12/2012
This is the day the antichrist reveals himself.
Count back 299 days from 4/12/2012 and YOU ARE HERE TODAY!
ONLY 299 DAYS, AND SOMEWHERE IN THESE DAYS IS THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH. Some are looking to September, some earlier. It doesn’t matter when, exactly, but we need to realize that the time is very short. For instance, it is only 101 days from now until Elenin is here, at its closest. Some expect darkness for three days when it arrives, so add three days and you get, at most, 104 days from NOW! What will you do with these days?
Joshua said it best, when he declared that “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”. (Joshua 24:15). Look up, and lift up your head, for our redemption draws nigh!
Gerry Almond
Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
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I have few questions about this especially where is the important 1949 building Yerushalayim in his framework? and also 1948 as well as 1967. If he could find a nice explanation regarding the last 7 weeks in Daniel 9 from this important dates, because I imho believe very very much that 1948 and 1967 as well as 1969 is a very important dates in prophecy.
Dear Gimel,
If 1947 was the year UN or the British allow Israel to return to Palestine...and adding 62x 360day per year God's Prophetic may come to Oct 2008...and then 7x360days ended on 2015AD supposedly before the ACCEPTABLE YEAR of the LORD...OR YEAR OF VENGENCE.
This would be 62+7+1 year of WAR?
With this in mind we use normal 24hour day it would work out to 2016AD.
However, the SOLAR STORM may increase the Earth's Rotational Speed by 1 third?
Then the 'Years' which will be shortened may allow 7 orbit rounds for the earth passing the calendar(AfterRapture) AR?
so 2011AD + 7AR years = 2017AR or 2018AR?
it would be equivalent to 2011AD + 5AD years = 2016AD which is the 70th year from 1947AD...
How to explain 1967 / 1969 the commandment to build Yerushalayim? Is it still hold? I think this 1967 / 1969 is a very important time in Israel history too, as it fulfilled Daniel 9
I believe from 1967/1969 to 2016AD/2018AR is 49years which includes the time to build the wall.
This endtime 7weeks includes the last week.
Pls note that Messiah was cutoff after 62weeks in the midst of 63rd week and then half week later Stephen was stoned which was the time Israel rejected the Holy Spirit.
The earlier 7weeks was from the same Cyrus decree till Artaxerxes' decree which was 49years later.
From Cyrus's decree till Jesus was only 434years when Jesus declared the Acceptable Year of the Lord.
Then later in the 4th year...Jesus the Messiah was cut-off.
so in the 438th year was Jesus Crucified.
pls see my 6000years timeline again and Rapture timeline in my website and download page for documents downloading...
It can be seen that the 1st 7WEEKS is inclusive in the 62WEEKS and Christ confirmed the Covenant in the Acceptable YEAR of the LORD.
The midst of the WEEK was Finished by JESUS CHRIST.
and the end of the week was Holy Spirit being Rejected.
That is why there need to be another WEEK and this time REVERSE method...
AntiChrist confirmed the WEEK, and midst of WEEK, JESUS Accepted by ISRAEL because they will UNDERstand the Abomination when AC sits in the Temple of GOD.
See everything fits nicely...3.5years or 1260days...1290days...1335days come into play after the AC thing...?
Pls see post
so God could allow 7weeks to be included in the 1st coming and then God could allow the 7weeks to finish for 2nd coming and then a shortened 3.5years or midst of week till 2018AR to finish the Transgression.
Maybe with the Shortened 3years instead of 3.5years being added to the 1967AD means there will be 49years+3years...52years...
1967AD till 2011AD is about 44.5years.
then 2011AD till 2018AR=7.5years
so total years = 44.5+7.5 = 52years
which is 49+3 years
which includes the 3years left to be fulfilled for the remaining WEEK.
Why only 3years left for the remaining WEEK?
Remember Jesus mentioned and curse the FIG Tree and somewhere in the bible there is a parable that 3years there is no fruit on the Fig Tree but someone mentioned to allow 1 YEAR which means 4years before Messiah was cut-off.?
"Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground? And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung [it]:And if it bear fruit, [well]: and if not, [then] after that thou shalt cut it down." Luke13:7-9
so there remains 3years more ONLY?
Mike how about if we interpret that 7 weeks in Daniel 9 is the time frame from 1967 to the second coming / the rapture of the church? Then 3.5 years later as a country Israel finish her transgression in the coming of millenial Kingdom. I guess I would rather hold to the notion that the last half week has been consumed and we only have half weeks but the first half week would be included in the last 7 weeks.
So the first half week of the first coming belong to Yahshua and the last half week belongs to the AC.
Just my opinion though ....
For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
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Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2011 00:16:25 EDT
Subject: Dr. Wills--"I got the same info from the Lord as Ron Reese about Oct. 29, 2008
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Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 16:32:30 EDT
Subject: Dr. Wills--"I got the same info from the Lord as Ron Reese about Oct. 29, 2008"
Below is the last half of the most exciting email that I have read in a long time. In the past week, I have forwarded to you two excellent posts, by two other Bible Prophecy watchers, Gerry Almond, and Bill Griese, who is also a Bible Prophecy author. Both are in total agreement that the Lord has given us the first day, Oct. 29, 2008, the mid-point date, Apr. 11, 2012, and Feast of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, as the ending date of the Final 7 Years, the day when our Lord Jesus Returns to earth. I also received this week, a very heartfelt apology letter from a very astute Bible Prophecy scholar. He had previously sent me several letters, explaining to me how we could NOT possibly be in the Final 7 Years yet. The Lord has now revealed to him the truth, and quoting from him, "I am now in your camp, Ron".
But the most exciting letter of all is the one that is included below, because I have just learned from this letter, that Dr. Richard Wills, a long-time retired Baptist minister, received the EXACT same information from the Lord that I did, back in late October of 2008. The Lord showed us both that the future Antichrist, Barack Hussein Obama, had just fulfilled the long-awaited Bible Prophecy of Dan. 9:27. He did this by confirming his covenant with the many (millions and millions of people), on Oct. 29, 2008, to radically CHANGE THE UNITED STATES AND TO CHANGE THE WORLD. Obama did this EXACTLY 2520 days, or 7 Prophetic years (the one week of Dan. 9.27) from Feast of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015.
Sept. 23, 2015, is the day that starts a new Sabbatical cycle. Sept. 23, 2015, is the day that starts a new Jubilee cycle. It is the day that Rev. Mark Biltz's eclipses, all on Jewish Holy Days, point towards. This date is a Feast of Atonement, the Feast Day which Jesus Christ is supposed to Return on. And most remarkably of all, it is EXACTLY one complete Jubilee cycle of 49 years (7 X 7) from that famous day of June 6--7, 1967, when Israel miraculously re-captured Jerusalem, in the 6-day war. 49 Prophetic years times 360 days per year equals 17,640 days. Adding 17, 640 days to June 6--7, 1967, brings us EXACTLY to Feast of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015!!!!!!! Adding Gerry Almond's latest discovery of Noah's 120 years fitting in EXACTLY with these three dates, and you have what I call amazing, overwhelming, conclusive, and irrefutable proof of the time frame of the Final 7 Years. And, yes, there is even more proof, equally astounding as all of this.
Quoting from Dr. Wills, below, "This happened just prior to Ron Reese coming out with this in 2008. I got the same info. I almost fell out of my chair.....and got very fired up. I was so encouraged to see that confirmation." The Lord CONFIRMED it to me SEVEN times, in those days in 2008. Now, this week, I have discovered that the Lord revealing this to me in October of 2008, was a CONFIRMATI0N to what the Lord was revealing to Dr. Wills, at the same time. This is certainly extremely exciting to me, as it should be to all of us watchers.
Please save your dissenting emails until AFTER you have read my next four posts, all of which should deal with most of your reservations about the identity of the Antichrist, concerning the personality, limitations, and character of the Antichrist, the new Temple in Jerusalem, the lineage of the Antichrist, and sexual orientation of the Antichrist. It will save me a lot of time and trouble, if you will be patient enough to wait a few days to send your negative emails to me. Thanks.
Thank you, Dr. Wills for finally revealing this extremely exciting news of the Lord's CONFIRMATION to you, concerning Oct. 29, 2008, the very first day of the Final 7 Years. Please let the Lord begin to REVEAL TO EACH OF YOU READING THIS, THE TRUTH OF THE EXACT TIME FRAME OF THE FINAL 7 YEARS.
Ron Reese
For more exciting truths about this time frame of the Final 7 Years, go to my website at (Do it soon before the Rapture/Sudden Destruction takes place):
Richard L. Wills (18 June 2011)
"Update from Dr. Richard Wills"
ATTN: Bill Griese, Ron Reese, Kevin Heckle, Gerry Almond & John Tng
Actually I am in agreement with all of you & appreciate your excellent posts. I use to be STRICTLY a PRE TRIB person, but after the rapture
didn't occur in 2008, as I was expecting, I searched things out from
The Lord & He was gracious & extremely encouraging in directing
me, THROUGH His Word, to become STILL PRE-TRIB, BUT NOT PRE-
7 YEARS! This happened just prior to Ron Reese first coming out
about this in 2008. I got the SAME info. I almost fell out of my chair
.....and got very fired up. I was so encouraged to see that confirm-
ation. I didn't reply concerning this to 5 Doves, because I felt like some of you
were expressing it so wonderfully well, that I didn't think I could ADD
anything. I guess one could refer to me as a ANY DAY NOW PRE-
So, I Agree with you. Boy, do I ever! God bless you for getting the
word out & for your dedication. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. It's
ALMOST time to be "GOING UP"!
I am a reTIRED Baptist pastor of about 35 years, excited about our
soon meeting in the air. VICTORY IS JUST ABOUT UPON US!
Sincerely in Christ,
Dr. Richard L. Wills
Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
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Steven, wow, thanks, I am a pretrib too but not necessarily a 7 years long because everywhere I read is only 3.5 years long.
The information provided in this email is a wow because it fulfilled exactly the capture of 7 weeks from the capture of Yerushalayim in 5-6 June 1967 and still in one generation period from 1948. This is a revelation to me and now the probability that tribulation has begun is higher but still not sure.
One important question: when is the deadline for the rapture of the church? When it supposed to happen?
Gimel Israel
For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Jason Seabolt (26 June 2011)
"Here's my take on the final seven years, when it started and when it will end."
Dear Doves,
I can understand why some of you are unsure if we can be so far into the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy going on three years now but I just want to tell you that I one hundred percent believe we are in fact in the final seven years that started in the fall of 2008 and will end in the fall of 2015.
In the spring of 2008 I started having dreams about the coming tribulation and many of those dreams have already come true after about a month of dreams I then started having visions of greater tribulation and the rapture I was sure the rapture would happen in 2009. But as many of you know when you receive information from the lord he has a way of showing you things that seem to be going to happen in a few days that really take months or even years to be come to past because time is very different to him and when he shows you things you are seeing through his eyes.
I now know he was showing me that the final seven years was about to start in the fall of 2008 and that the rapture would happen a few years into the final seven years so I am expecting the rapture sometime from now to the spring of 2012 because that will be the midpoint of the final seven years but I believe it will happen by this fall so really any day now we will be going home.
I do not want to make myself sound important here because I am in no way important or special but I am fifty two years old and was saved at twelve at a Church that believed in the rapture I have to tell you over the years I have pretty much studied every possible theory know to man on the final seven years and when the rapture will happen and I also pray a lot and ask the lord to lead me to the truth and I am convinced that the 2008-2015 timeline is correct for the final seven years and that the rapture will happen no later then the midpoint of these final seven years.
Thank you for reading this I just wanted to make it know what I believe God has shown me and I know that brother Ron Reese and many other end times watchers believe this is the correct timeline as well so keep looking up because we are so very close now to seeing Jesus Christ our lord and king.
Love and blessing in the name of the Jesus.
Rev Jason Seabolt.
Armando (26 June 2011)
"Agrement with Ron Reese"
Dear brother John and Doves:
This letter is to present to all of you my agreement with Ron Reese, Gerry Almond and Bob Griese in their view that the final seven years time frame started on Oct. 29, 2008. After review of the information and how it lines up with certain dates and other heavenly signs, it is evident that we are almost there and His return for us is at the Doors.
I want to congratulate the above mentioned persons and those who frequently write articles and letters for their dedication, perseverence and love for the Lord and His return.
Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
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For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Dave Hasselbeck (26 June 2011)
"Doves: Please READ - you will find this to be AMAZING - GOING HOME SOON !"
John & Doves,
1) We all know that the first 4 Feasts have been fulfilled. PASSOVER (The Crucifixion). FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD (Burial). FIRSTFRUITS (Resurrection). PENTECOST(Descent of the Holy Spirit and birth of the Chruch Age). YET TO BE FULFILLED – FEAST OF TRUMPETS(Rapture of the Church). DAY OF ATONEMENT(1000 year reign of Jesus kingdom on earth). FEAST OF TABERNACLES(Eternity).
2) HERE IS WHERE IT GETS INTERESTING. The Great Deceiver, Barack Hussein Obama, confirmed his “covenant with many” for one week on 10/29/2008. One week = 7 years. 7 years X 360 Biblical days per year = 2520 days. September 23rd, 2015 is a FEAST DAY – the DAY OF ATONEMENT. Please go to this web site: ( it is a calendar calculator). Plug in 10/29/2008 as the START DATE – then plug in 9/23/2015 as the END DATE. My eyes lit up when I saw 2520 days ……………… I confirmed it for myself…………………please do the same.
3) Leviticus 25:8-55. Talks about YEAR OF JUBILEE to occur every 49 years on the DAY OF ATONEMENT Feast Day. 49 years X 360 days = 17,640 days. NOW GO BACK TO THE CALENDAR. Plug in 6/7/1967 as the START DATE (Israel’s capture of Jerusalem) and then plug in 9/23/2015 (Day of Atonement Feast Day). My eyes lit up when I saw 17640 days pop up on the screen. Again, I confirmed it for myself………………please do the same. ( It is also interesting to note that this time period is 2520 weeks! )
4) Pastor Riley has done a lot of study on the Psalms. Basically the Psalms correlate to each particular year. For Example, Psalm 105 correlates to the year 2005, Psalm 106 correlates to the year 2006 etc. PLEASE LOOK UP PSALM 111 which correlates to the year 2011 – verse 9 – “He provided REDEMPTION for his people……………..”. After reading this verse, I immediately began to tear up inside. It was like a truth was just revealed to me. JESUS IS GOING TO REDEEM (Rapture) HIS PEOPLE THIS YEAR!!
5) PLANET X. Please go to this web site:;orb=1;cov=1;log=0;cad=1#cad/
You will be able to TRACK the INCOMING Planet X on this web site. You can also move the date(s) forward to see where Planet X is at a certain point in time. THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS this year is SEPTEMBER 28/29. If you prompt the screen to move forward to that date you will see that Planet X is between the Sun and the Earth at that exact time frame. Now look up Matthew 25: 29-31. Planet X is going to cause MAJOR DESTRUCTION at that arrival time - - - “Immediately after the distress of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give It’s light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time, the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all of the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming in the CLOUDS of the sky with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a LOUD TRUMPET call, and they will GATHER HIS ELECT from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other”.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, WE ARE GOING HOME THIS YEAR! The Lord always waits until the last second before he evacuates or provides a way out for his people. Noah entered the Ark and the rain came pouring down, The Israelites were about to be decimated by the Egyptians before the Lord parted the waves providing a way out for his people. It wasn’t 5 minutes after Lot left Sodom & Gomorrah that the Lord nuked it. I believe we will be going home on either September 28th or September 29th when the fireworks begin with the arrival of Planet X AND this is also the Feast of Trumpets day. I find this to be AMAZING and am extremly hopeful.
God bless you all.
Dave Hasselbeck.
Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
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