While Yahusha/JESUS was alive, He prayed to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. John 17:15 (KJV)
Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" Matt. 24:29 (KJV)
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Hebrew 5783-5788 Gregorian 2023-2028
We are followers of Yahusha/JESUS Only
Yahusha/JESUS is YHVH/GOD/YHWH-Yahusha/Son:
Yahusha/JESUS is The WORD
Yahusha is I Am That I Am (Exodus 3:14)
Yahusha is YHWH come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of a Virgin.
Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence
When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels.
John 14:26
"the breath of life"
But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.
God is not His Name but a term. The Holy Spirit is not a person but the very Breath of the Father.
There is no Trinity. The Father, YHVH and Yahusha are One (John 10:30)
Book of Enoch:
The book of Second Peter and Jude Authenticate the book of Enoch and Vice Versa
All Of The Apocryphal Books Of
The King James 1611 Version
Pray for one another, as we watch for the Lord's return!
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EU is the 4th bEAST Revived ROMAN Empire
Severe WarNING!
Due to the SEVERity OF THE TRIbuLATion PERioD...another webpage was needed to WARn again...
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Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
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SUN Exploded when COME_t with burning tail hit the SUN???
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Last minute prayer?
May our Heavenly Father save our family from this coming destruction.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ
who died for us,
buried and rose for us.
Thank God Jesus lives forever and He is
coming to bring us to Heaven
and He will bring us back to Earth again.
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Last minute Prayer?
May our Heavenly Father save our family from this coming destruction.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ
who died for us,
buried and rose for us.
Thank God Jesus lives forever and He is
coming to bring us to Heaven
and He will bring us back to Earth again.
Sun Exploded...Solar Storm Coming on 24Jun 0700 UTC
Pls visit website:
Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
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GETTING READY FOR THE NEXT BIG SOLAR STORM: In Sept. 1859, on the eve of a below-average solar cycle, the sun unleashed one of the most powerful storms in centuries. This week, researchers and policy makers met in Washington DC to ask themselves, What if it happens again? Get the full story from Science@NASA.
CME FORECAST, REVISED: A CMEpropelled toward Earth by the "solstice solar flare" of June 21st may be moving slower than originally thought. Analysts at the GSFC Space Weather Lab have downgraded the cloud's probable speed from 800 km/s to 650 km/s. Impact is now expected on June 24th at 0700 UT plus or minus 7 hours. In this animated forecast model, the yellow dot is Earth:
A slower CME should deliver a weaker blow to Earth's magnetic field. Forecasters now predict a relatively mild G1-class (Kp=5) geomagnetic storm when the cloud arrives. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras during the early hours of June 24. The season favors observers in the southern hemisphere where solstice skies are winter-dark.
Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
Disclaimer: Rapture Forum, does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.
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STORM WARNING, CANCELED: A coronal mass ejection (CME) probably hit Earth's magnetic field today, but the signature of impact was masked by a fast-blowing stream of solar wind already swirling around Earth. Tonight's geomagnetic storm warning is cancelled.
ASTEROID FLYBY: Newly-discovered asteroid 2011 MD will pass only 12,000 kilometers (7,500 miles) above Earth's surface on Monday June 27 at about 9:30 a.m. EDT. NASA analysts say there is no chance the space rock will strike Earth. Nevertheless, the encounter is so close that Earth's gravity will sharply alter the asteroid's trajectory:
Looking at the CLASSIFICATION: APOLLO, Asteroid 2011MD '2011 Mass Destruction?' closest aproach is 0.0010AU on 25th June 2011.
is this the Destruction Star called Apollyon in Revelation?
Revelation:9:1: "And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit."
Revelation:9:11: "And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon."
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2011MD video...
The Asteroid 2011MD seemed to be rotated by the "Dwarf Star" in the Centre...meaning...could this 2011MD be orbiting Quickly around Star Wormwood?
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Hi Mike,
Thanks for keeping us posted you have so much great information. Thank you ....thank you thank you...alway good to read your posts!!!
God Bless
Related to your last post
INCOMING! Asteroid to Narrowly Miss Earth on Monday
Astronomer Mark Thompson reports on the large asteroid that will pass within 8,000 miles from Earth and why we were given such short notice.
Near-Earth asteroid 2011 MD will pass so close to Earth on Monday that its orbital path will be altered by the gravitational pull of our planet.
This may sound like late notice, but astronomers have just spotted a rather chunky asteroid heading our way, set to narrowly miss us on Monday.
In fact, it will be such a narrow miss that astronomers in the Southern Hemisphere should be able to spot the flyby with fairly modest telescopes.
Coincidentally, I was watching yet another re-run of Armageddon the other night when the heroic Bruce Willis and his motley crew of oil drillers-turned-astronauts saved Earth from certain asteroid doom. On arrival at the asteroid, and having sacrificed many of the team, Willis et al. succeeded in dropping a typical Hollywood-style uber-bomb into the depths of the incoming asteroid and blew it to bits, giving everyone on Earth a glitzy meteor shower.
click on link to get full story and videos!
Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
Disclaimer: Rapture Forum, does not necessarily endorse or agree with every opinion expressed in every article posted on this site. We do however, encourage a healthy and friendly debate on the issues of our day. Whether you agree or disagree, we encourage you to post your feedback by using the reply button.
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X Class Solar Flares in 2000 July 12-14th 11years Ago...
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SOLAR STATIC: On July 7th, the sun produced a series of strong shortwave radio bursts. Click on the dynamic spectrum below to play a 21 MHz sample recorded by amateur radio astronomer Thomas Ashcraft in rural New Mexico. The action begins about 18 seconds into the 2 minute recording:
The roaring-static sound you just heard was a combo Type III-Type V solar radio burst caused by electron beams moving through the sun's outer atmosphere. The source of the electrons could be an newly-emerging sunspot group in the sun's southeastern quadrant, although this is not certain. The active region is crackling with C-class solar flares, and it could produce more radio sounds in the days ahead. Ham radio operators, point your antennas toward the sun!
my comments...SUN's burst of ELECTRON BEAMs...coming to EJECT us?
Is this the coming TRUMPET SOUND?
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An equatorial coronal hole is emerging over the sun's eastern limb. Credit: SDO/AIA.
My comments:
pls look at the Left centre near bottom Photo with this comment:An Equatorial coronal hole...
Normal Sun spots or coronal holes are either higher or lower from the equatorial region of the sun.
If this coronal hole is emerging at the equatorial of the sun...this MEANS that the BINARY STAR(sun's sister) is CROSSING the Elliptical PLANE?
Our SOLAR SYSTEM is orbiting HORIZONTALLY EAST to WEST along 'EQUATOR' Elliptical PLANE of the SUN.
SO this coronal hole is most likely caused by the INTERACTIONs of the STAR WORMWOOD crossing our SOLAR PLANE.
6th SEAL EVEnt is nEAR the corner!?...
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Everything pictured is bigger than Earth
Starting at the top and proceeding clockwise we have new sunspot 1251, a plasma fountain on the sun's southeastern limb, and sunspot 1250 bisected by a light bridge. Everything pictured is bigger than Earth, where the photographer himself is no larger than a single pixel. On the bright side, the outsized scale of things on the sun makes it a fine target for backyard solar telescopes.
LOOKs like BULLET HOLES from STAR WORMWOOD shooting Electro Magnetic 'PULSE' Bullets? when its Cometary Planet Orbits around it?
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Are we alone? Your iPhone has the answer. Download the all-new Drake Equation app to calculate the population of the Milky Way.
ELECTRON WARNING: Analysts at the GSFC Space Weather Lab report elevated levels of energetic electrons around Earth. ("GOES 13 > 0.8 MeV integral electron flux is above 105 pfu." ) This is caused by the high-speed solar stream now blowing around our planet. Spacecraft with orbits passing through or in the vicinity of the Earth's outer radiation belt could be affected by these charged particles.
My comments:-
WE ARE NOT ALONE...answer for the question posted in
IF this question was implied that we are NOT alone in this UNI-verse right?
Jesus Christ and Holy Angels are real PHYSICAL Beings coming to receive us into the earthly planeT in HEAVEN.
the second paragraph from website...
Know ye not that there will be ELECTRICAL CONNECTION using LIGHTNING between these 2 STARS (SUN & Wormwood)?
There will be MAGNETIC FIELD inter-action LONG before Gravitational one when the distance nears.
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BIG SUNSPOTS: After more than a week of quiet, solar activity is picking up. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring two big sunspot groups now emerging over the sun's eastern limb. Click on the image to view a 40-hour movie
The leading sunspot group, AR1260, is crackling with C-class solar flares among a quartet of Earth-sized cores. Not far behind, sunspot AR1261 is larger and may harbor energy for flares of its own. At the moment, these two sunspot groups are too far off disk-center to affect Earth, but this will change in the days ahead. Readers with solar telescopes are encouraged to monitor developments.
My comments:-
I came to realise that there was a big BUILDING in Singapore called SOLARIS.
Is SOLARis refering to this BINARY STAR?
Is SolarIS = SIS of SUN?
This BINARY STAR WORMWOOD is certainly coming with Cometary PLANet CHRISt burning with tail shooting its Electro-Magnetic Field like BULLET bigger as it approaches nEARer our SOLAR system.
The Bullet HOLES are MUCH BIGGER THAN earth and means that it is nEAR.
SinkHOLEs on earth caused by this similar ELECTRO-MAGNETIC field shot by PLANet CHRISt when it spins in direct alignment weekly?
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CHANCE OF FLARES: Sunspot 1260 has developed a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for powerful X-class solar flares. Such an eruption today would be Earth-directed as the sunspot turns to face our planet. (continued below)
Sunspot 1260 is leading a parade of big sunspots across the solar disk--one of the finest displays of solar activity in years. Even the smallest dark cores in these sunspot groups are as wide as planets, and they are crackling with C-class flares. Readers with solar telescopes are encouraged to monitor developments.
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STRONG FLARE: Sunspot AR1261 unleashed a brief but strong M9-class solar flare on July 30th at 0209 UT. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the flare's extreme ultraviolet flash:
Because of its brevity, the eruption probably did not hurl a substantial CME toward Earth, but this is not yet a firm conclusion. Stay tuned for additional analysis. Solar flare alerts
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EARTH-DIRECTED BLAST: Magnetic fields above sunspot 1261 erupted this morning at 0619 UT, producing a long-duration M1-class solar flare. At the peak of the action, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a surge of extreme ultraviolet radiation around the sunspot:
The blast also hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth. Space-based coronagraph images from SOHO and from STEREO-A show the cloud racing away from the sun at almost 900 km/s. Minor to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible when the CME arrives on or about August 5th.
Updated at: 2011 Aug 02 2200 UTC
FLARE 0-24 hr 24-48 hr
CLASS M 65 % 65 %
CLASS X 10 % 10 %
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Sun exploding...
My comments or question...
Looking at the Sun throwing out so much of its 'Material' or 'Fuel' the Sun getting smaller?
Was the Sun much bigger 6000years ago?
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Spacecraft Sees Solar Storm Engulf Earth
18th Aug CME Video
Spacecraft Sees Solar Storm Engulf Earth
John:20:31: "But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name."
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SHAPE-SHIFTING SUNSPOT: Every time you look, sunspot 1271 has a new outline. For the past two days the active region has been in a constant state of change, altering its shape on an hourly basis. Click on the image for 48 hours of shape-shifting:
These rapid changes have caused the sunspot's magnetic field to criss-cross and tangle. The magnetic field now has a "beta-gamma" configuration that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. Any such flares today would be approximately Earth-directed because the sunspot is not far from disk-center. Readers with sunspot telecopes are encouraged to monitor developments.
My comments:
SHAPE-SHIFTING SUNSPOT confirmed SUN being shaken?
We are going to meet the LORD soon!
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RED SPRITES: High above Earth in the realm of meteors and noctilucent clouds, a strange and beautiful form of lightning dances at the edge of space. Researchers call the bolts "sprites"; they are red, fleeting, and tend to come in bunches. Martin Popek of Nýdek in the Czech republic photographed these specimens on August 27th:
Red Sprites Lightning Bolts down and then UP (RAPTURE?)
"Sprites are a true space weather phenomenon," explains lightning scientist Oscar van der Velde of Sant Vicenç de Castellet, Spain. "They develop in mid-air around 80 km altitude, growing in both directions, first down, then up. This happens when a fierce lightning bolt draws lots of charge from a cloud near Earth's surface. Electric fields [shoot] to the top of Earth's atmosphere--and the result is a sprite. The entire process takes about 20 milliseconds."
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Thanks Steven
Hope this is the time of Rapture!
Thank God for revealing so much of His soon coming
fyi Steven...during earlier message posting... a random code of 4letters H99R
and an ispiration of
HouR or
HeaR or
Heaven's Rapture?
strange letters encountered many times...
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Researchers Detail How A Distant Black Hole Devoured A Star
My comments
Is PLANet Mercury devoured by the Hot-Invisible-STAR also known as 'Black Hole'?
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SO MUCH FOR DOOMSDAY: Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1), widely known for inaccurate reports of its threat to Earth, appears to be breaking apart. Observations by amateur astronomer Michael Mattiazzo of Castlemaine, Australia show a marked dimming and elongation of the comet's nucleus over a ten day period:
The behavior of Comet Elenin is akin to that of Comet LINEAR (C/1999 S4), which disintegrated when it approached the sun in back in 2000. Mattiazzo witnessed that event, too. "Yes I did observe the breakup of C/1999 S4 in July 2000," he recalls. "It was quite spectacular watching the nucleus spread out into a cigar shape over a period of days. The apparent breakup of C/2010 X1 is similar, although less visually spectacular."
Comets are fragile objects, easily disrupted by solar heat. As a result, the possible breakup of Comet Elenin, while unexpected, comes as no surprise. Readers with pertinent images are invited to submit them here.
My comments:
Looking at the pictures carefully, the COMETary star could be seen rotating(its tail) so the tail seen by infrared is brighter on 19th Aug than 29th Aug when the comet ELEnin is facing us showing lesser heat instead?
Or could it be that the LORD has 'disintegrated' to throw 'fallen angels' down to earth?
Even So, Come, LORD JESUS!
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My comments:
Conspiracy by the same cometary planet found by different astronomers with their 'NAME's so as to confuse the public 'thinking that there are many comets...
If many people saw the same moon in ancient times...would the authorities call the moon by different names?
This make the 'COMET'ary PLANet cover-up more sneaky than ever and shows the incoming impact is real
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My comments...
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Super EARTH near the Dwarf Star photo taken in front of our SUN with many SUN-SPOTS?
Double SUNs depiction according to NASA...
Comparing the photos you would see that NASA has the actual photo or what NASA claimed to be just a 'drawing'???
Pls flip vertically the below CORONA SUN taken same time at different angle with the Double Sun and see if the SUN is our SUN?
This does not look like Double SUNs with same SIZE but something like SUN with Dwarf Star (binary sister)
Corona of our sun taken on same date of Nasa's Double Sun depiction.
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For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes
Planetary K-index
Now: Kp= 8 severe
24-hr max: Kp= 8 severe
Hi Mike,
Excellent post!!!
Thank you for keeping us up to date on these scientific findings.
This is all very interesting and just shows us how easily anything be changed in the sciene world since we really do not know very much in the "BIG PICTURE"
God ways are sooo much above our understanding it is always exciting to gain new information and see how this might "effect" biblical prophecy!
Thanks again for a post that is thought provoking and fun to learn!