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Lil Princess Dollz

Welcome. This is a forum for anything and everything...but mostly dollz..lmao. Youa re welcome to chat amongst yourselves or with me..ask questions, help each other out. Whatever.

Lil Princess Dollz
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How do you make your site and dolls?

I wanted to know how you got everything on your website and like how did you make everything and how did you make those dolls??


I am asked this question over and over...

Where should I start?

Here is my advise..whether it is the 'best' advise or not?

I have many tuts that can teach how to 'make' dolls or 'edit' a base.

If there is something in particular you need to know..feel free to contact me personally and I will make a tut for it.

Now for the website....

This is a complicated process if you have never done it, so I suggest reading what you can about HTML and start with the basics.

If you get web hosting with angelfire (which I love). They have a great section on begginners HTML.

just go to and sign up for a free account.

They have a page builder or you can use the blank html pages.

You can also use this thing called notepad lite which is a HTML and text editor which I believe is free. I use coffeecup HTML editor for some things just to speed things along. You can get a free trial of that as can learn alot from it too.

just go to search for free downloads..or coffeecup software..have fun

I hope that I have helped you out. If you have any more questions feel free to post them here, as it will surely help other people who want to know the same thing!


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Replying to:

I wanted to know how you got everything on your website and like how did you make everything and how did you make those dolls??