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body rules.

I see a lot of people turning cars into panel style cars. In the rules it statws that they must be skinned as they were intended. Is this not enforced? Just wondering. Just wondering if I can turn my truck into a sedan delivery. Body wise

Re: body rules.

It states in the rules it must be skinned as intended. But also it states in the rules you can now cut your chassis apart and build it into a 44" chassis now. To add to that there are a number of cars out there that have been changed from a coupe to a sedan as well. I don't see the point but just my .02¢

Re: body rules.

From what I hear, the guys up north are going to take up a collection for you Chris so you can buy a Mod lite but be careful because we hear they check the Cams there.

Re: body rules.

Lol I'm legal. 100% with in the rules. Well within how I read the rules. I just see everyone bending the rules and flat out not following them. Can't beat them join them lol.

Re: body rules.

The rule states that "body must be skinned to match its type" so if you modify your truck into a sedan,vicki or sedan delivery then skin it to match.