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Dancing Goddess Circle


This is a forum for people who have come together through Dancing Goddess Dolls. We all have a little (or a lot!) in common, so this could be a fun and informative community. Grab a cuppa and come and chat!


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Google Groups?

I was thinking of moving this forum to Google Groups, or maybe opening a Yahoo group which would be open for posting (but I want to keep the announcement-only list for people not interested in chat).

Does anyone have a preference?

(The ads here bug me, and I am also thinking that something like Yahoo which works through email would be easier for me to remember to check - I rarely remember to come over here to see what's going on, and I bet I'm not the only one. I've heard that people like Google, though, since it's so nicely searchable. But it's not emailed, I don't think. . .choices choices!)

Re: Google Groups?

I like Yahoo Groups or MSN groups (although I think you have to pay for MSN). The pluses with Yahoo are it's free and easy to use, although it's hard to keep track of multiple threads. MSN you have a chat option, plus multiple bulletin boards. The downside is that I don't think it's free.