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Dancing Goddess Circle


This is a forum for people who have come together through Dancing Goddess Dolls. We all have a little (or a lot!) in common, so this could be a fun and informative community. Grab a cuppa and come and chat!


Dancing Goddess Circle
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Anyone check in here?

Just checking to see if anyone is around. ;)
I should be cleaning and packing more stuff, but I am procrastinating. I'm a pro at that! LOL!

Re: Anyone check in here?

Only meeeeeeeeeeee.....! Wondering how Emrys is doing...

Re: Anyone check in here?

Oh, you're so sweet to ask, Margaret. :)
He's really doing so well; it's amazing to see his progress in only a handful of days. We've been able to wean him down from a very high doasge of his cortisol replacement medication to the lowest dose, he is sitting up again and supporting his head so well, and he's even begun reaching for things. It does seem as if he is regaining the milestones he lost, so I am hopeful that his brain was not as damaged as some thought! What a relief that is! His glucose levels are still really roller-coastery, though, so being on high alert all the time is tiring. I hope this evens out eventually, too, though! We go to see the endocrinologist again on Monday, and hopefully she'll be happy with the progress!
It's such a support to me to have this Dancing Goddess community; I've never met a friendlier, more caring group of women.

Re: Anyone check in here?

I just found your forum. Great idea!

And you and I do have a lot in common. We both majored in English, for one. We both "un"school, and we're both interested in homebirth. I had an unassisted birth with my last baby - my fifth, and indeed, probably my last :(. Well, not entirely unassisted. My incredible husband "delivered" her. It was an amazing experience. Her sister was born in an ambulance, and I guided the EMT through the birth :). It went something like, "I'm pushing now. Can you see the head?"

I'm very sad to hear about little Emrys. Shortly after my three year old was born, she got terribly sick. She was in the hospital for three weeks on very strong antibiotics. The diagnosis was spinal meningitis. She was a very, very sick little girl, but survived it with flying colors, and is now a healthy, happy, active three year old with no discernible affects from her illness. My doctor feels that her symptoms were minimized by the fact that I was breastfeeding. Score one for the natural parenting camp! :)

My five year old is thrilled to note that you are making your dolls again. She can't wait until I order hers ... soon ;). And she enjoys just exploring your site. So, your vision of little girls and their goddess dolls is her vision, too ;).