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Tarot Decks

This is mostly for Esme, but I thought I'd move it to a new thread in case other people wanted to add their two cents.

In the 'Favorite Goddesses' we had mentioned the new Gaian Tarot which looks just lovely, but I wanted to give an enthusiastic recommendation for my favorite deck, the Norse Tarot. It's a great deck for beginners, too, because the gorgeous illustrations really tell the story of each card and allow your intuition to flow easily, unlike some of the more abstract decks where you have to concentrate so hard on remembering the significance of the card that you can't really just let your intuition go to read the cards.

I found this deck in 1989 (I think the year it came out), and still love it, although I use it less than I used to. I was in a metaphysical bookstore that had about 100 decks on this wall, and I spent about an hour pouring over them all, hoping one would pick me. I finally gave up and went outside in frustration, because not one of them seemed right! My husband (then boyfriend) was outside waiting (the incense in those stores always makes him want to go to sleep, lol!) and when he saw my frustration, he told me to go in and try one more time. So I went back in again. After a few minutes, I was drawn to the floor, where there were a bunch of calendars stacked up against the wall, and I started flipping through them. At the end of the stack there was a deck on the floor, that had apparently fallen from the racks above where the rest of the tarot cards were - it was the Norse Tarot, and even though I couldn't open it and look through all the cards, I knew ot was IT. I paid for it and went outside to where Jeff was waiting, and opened it right away. Each card seemed more beautiful than the last, and by about halfway through I was in tears. This deck, however many years later (16?!) can still bring tears to my eyes; it's very special to me, and I couldn't really explain why, except that it speaks to me on a soul-level.

So anyway, there's my recommendation for a good Tarot deck, one that is good for everyone, but espcially beginners. :)


Re: Tarot Decks

I think I have that same deck! It has the Runes on the major Arcana, right?

When I do divinations, I use the Medicine Cards with the Sacred Path Cards. I love the Native American energy of the decks, and they just resonate with me.

My first Tarot deck was the Tarot of the Cat People. Beautiful deck. Still love it. I also have the Vertigo Tarot deck, but that's more of an artistic deck, so I don't use it.

I have the Contact Cards, which has a really weird energy. I don't use them all that often because of their strange energy signature.

Re: Tarot Decks

Hi there,

I have lots of tarot decks -- lots and lots of them. My favourites are the Halloween Tarot, Dragon Tarot, and the Miracle Tarot.

Unlike the other two decks, the Halloween Tarot is a Rider-Waite-Smith clone, which means it takes the traditional imagery and symbols from the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot and represents it in a different way. Despite appearing quite whimiscal, I've had some lovely readings from it.

And of course, my favourite non-tarot deck is the wonderful Goddess Oracle.

