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Dancing Goddess Circle


This is a forum for people who have come together through Dancing Goddess Dolls. We all have a little (or a lot!) in common, so this could be a fun and informative community. Grab a cuppa and come and chat!


Dancing Goddess Circle
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Glastonbury Goddess Conference

Hello all :-)

I've just returned from the Glastonbury Goddess Conference. I was a conference virgin!! It had its ups and its downs.. (one of the downs involved me making a dramatic exit running out in floods of tears :-s), but overall it was absolutely brilliant!! I'm feeling pretty low now though :-( I always get this way after such events.. the high, the energy, the like-minded people, the celebration... and now, nothing... thrown back into everyday life, with everyday people.. how do other people cope with it? Or am I the only one who gets this way after celebrating with a group?!


Re: Glastonbury Goddess Conference

Kate, I always feel the same way! In the past, when I lived in an active pagan community, it wasn't an issue, but now that I've moved to the boonies and RARELY get to participate in anything remotely similar, it really effects me the same way when I DO!

Last year I was able to get to two events, both times showing my dolls. At the Goddess Craft Faire, I even had a dramatic exit with many tears during an amazing drumming/dance session! And after both events, I was sort of depressed and spiritually lonely for a couple of weeks afterwards. You are not alone in feeling this way! :)

Lots of HUGS!!