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Dancing Goddess Circle


This is a forum for people who have come together through Dancing Goddess Dolls. We all have a little (or a lot!) in common, so this could be a fun and informative community. Grab a cuppa and come and chat!


Dancing Goddess Circle
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Lughnasadh is coming!

This is one of my favorite holy days. I think because, even though it is still swelteringly hot, it signals the end of summer and the beginning of fall - plus, one of my favorite Goddess statues was given to me on this holy day by my husband, and it forever colored the way I look at it! (The day, not the statue, lol.)

What do you do to celebrate? We usually bake bread in the shapes of little Goddesses, although if I'm being honest, if this heat keeps up I don't know that we'll do that this year. I can't imagine turning on my oven! Hey. . .maybe we'll bake them out in the sun! It would probably only take 5-6 minutes! ;)