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Dancing Goddess Circle


This is a forum for people who have come together through Dancing Goddess Dolls. We all have a little (or a lot!) in common, so this could be a fun and informative community. Grab a cuppa and come and chat!


Dancing Goddess Circle
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Litha ~ Summer Solstice

I was just wondering if any one has plans for a Litha celebration. I have made tentative plans for small of woman group to come to my home for a pot luck meal & ritual afterwards. Not sure if all will come or not. If they can't make it, my husband will do the ritual by ourselves. It'll still be nice, any way it turns out.
cya, Lin

Re: Litha ~ Summer Solstice

That sounds so nice, Linda! I hope your guests show up! It's always disappointing when you don't get the crowd you expect, even when you ARE prepared to just go it alone. How nice that you can share your spirituality with your husband, too! Mine is very supportive and encouraging with whatever I want to do, but is not interested in participating. My kids are though!

Let us know how it goes!

Re: Litha ~ Summer Solstice

So how'd it go, Linda? Did you have a nice Solstice?

We did our usual fairies-bring-Sabbat-gifts in the morning, and then the rest of the day was taken up with my daughter's horseback riding lesson and the aftermath of excitement. I told her it was a special day and she would always remember that the first time she rode a horse was on the Summer Solstice. :)

Oh, we also made our traditional "Sun Pie" (apricot) for dessert. :) YUM!!

Re: Litha ~ Summer Solstice

Hi It very well. We had good food, fun and laughter. The ritual was nice too. In fact, I got to celebrate twice, once with 2 friends of my daughter's on the 21 st & then again with my friends on the 25 th. I had made the lemon Jell-O cookies too.


Re: Litha ~ Summer Solstice

I'm curious.... what is a "pot luck meal"??? sounds scary!!

Re: Litha ~ Summer Solstice

No, It's not a scary thing at all. What I am referrring to is... I cooked the main dish for our meal, and my guest brought food/beverages to go along with it. We planned out what everyone was bringing, but mostly potlucks are for big gatherings where a meat is prepared and then everyone attending, brings a side dish to share. Simple as that !


Re: Litha ~ Summer Solstice

ahhh... thanks for clearing that up! Must be an American thing :-)
