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Dancing Goddess Circle


This is a forum for people who have come together through Dancing Goddess Dolls. We all have a little (or a lot!) in common, so this could be a fun and informative community. Grab a cuppa and come and chat!


Dancing Goddess Circle
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Heathwitch's Introduction

Gentle Greetings --

Big thanks to Kelli for creating this forum, and of course for creating her wonderful dolls and embroided Goddess gifts :D

I'm Heather (aka Heathwitch) and I live in a small countryside village in the north-west of England. I'm about six foot tall with red hair, am 25 years old and live with my partner and three kitties -- two purebreed Somali girls, Narya and Crystal, and one "moggie", Fern. Though all cats are family members first and foremost, we do show the Somalis and also breed Somali kittens.

Mundanely, I'm director of an internet services company and also own an online Pagan store. I'm just finishing reading for my MA in Creative Writing, having completed my BA (Hons) English several years ago. I'm planning on taking at least a year out after finishing my MA, so I can have a break and plan my PhD application without worrying about anything else. I also love to read, write and go horse riding whenever I can spare the time/money.

Non-mundanely, I'm a Witch, Reiki Master-Teacher, Sekhem Adept and High Priestess of a coven. I teach one meditation class and one Witchcraft and Wicca class a week. Busy, busy!

I discovered Kelli's dolls through Sagewoman (I think) and ordered a beautiful Hecate doll. I was stunned when she arrived, and now I have a quilt, Fire kore, healing muse and altar cloth from Kelli too. I'm planning on ordering more whenever I get the chance, and will hopefully stock some of Kelli's dolls in my store as well, once I get budgets organised

As a Witch I have the pleasure to work with Hecate and Sekhmet as my matron ladies, and Anpu (Anubis) as my patron lord, though I'm beginning to work more with the Goddesses Brighid and Oya, and the God Manannan mac Lir as well. We'll see where that goes I am strongly attracted to Dragon energies and work with wolf and horse medicine as well.

Hmmm, I think that's enough about me -- I've prattled on more than enough! Sorry to bore you all, but I look forward to hearing more about you all in the future.



Re: Heathwitch's Introduction

Yay! You're English hehe.. North-West *points in the air whilst muttering to herself "never eat shredded wheat" lol* That anywhere near the Lake Distirct? Just got back this evening from a fabolous week there I myself am from Bristol. What's the addy for ur online store?

I'm fairly new to this path... previously I was quite a "strict" Buddhist (Tibetan Buddhist paths are quite regemeneted with little freedom to practise in your own way). I now feel that formalised religion isnt so much for me (altho I always feel this terrible need to "belong").. and want to find out what "I" believe (hehe.. not very Buddhist of me! the "I" I mean :-p). No idea where to start really! just wombling along

love and blessings,

Re: Re: Heathwitch's Introduction

Hi Kate --

Yup, I'm English -- I'm in Cheshire, actually, over near Manchester. My online store can be found at

