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This is a forum for people who have come together through Dancing Goddess Dolls. We all have a little (or a lot!) in common, so this could be a fun and informative community. Grab a cuppa and come and chat!


Dancing Goddess Circle
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Favorite Goddesses

Who is your favorite Goddess and why? Or Goddesses, if you must. ;)

I know it's hard to choose - at least it is for me. I have grown more attached to more and more Goddesses ever since I started sewing them into huggable forms. But my original matrons are Persephone and Amalthea. Persephone has been a special favorite of mine since I was quite young - I remember reading her story when I was about 6-7, and I remember spending literally hours just staring at the painting of her in the book (it was the Childcraft Myths and Stories book from the '70s. . .if you ever see one, check out the illustration for Persephone - I wonder if it's as amazing as I remember, lol). I am drawn to Persephone and all She embodies as both a daughter and a mother, and I know She will continue to inspire me as a crone when I get there as well. As a Triple Goddess, I just feel like She has it all.

Amalthea was the name I chose as a craft/spiritual name in 1990. She was the goat Goddess who nursed and nourished baby Zeus. She was also the main character one of my favorite books "The Last Unicorn". The elements of both the Goddess and the character embody much of who I am (way too much to go into here!). It's fascinating to me that I chose a Goddess of Breastfeeding, essentially, 6-7 years before I even had a baby. Who knew I'd go on to nurse that baby for 7 years!! I've been nursing continuously for 8.5+ years now, with no end in sight. The irony!

Please share your matrons with us!

Re: Favorite Goddesses

It is also really hard for me to pick a favorite goddess :) I have led meditations with different goddesses since July every sunday night, that's a lot of special ladies! But the ones that have always been special to me are:
Mother Mary: I was raised catholic and she was my first holy mother figure.
Isis: she has a lot in common with mary but I feel she embodies a different kind of strength
Lilith: I just love a rebel, hehehe!
Hecate: of course, I'm a witch after all!
I find that, like totems, different goddesses work with me at different periods in my life and for different reasons. For example, right now I am working with Rhiannon/Rigatona.

Re: Favorite Goddesses

Yes, I too love that there are so many facets of the Goddess (She really DOES have 1000 names!) that can resonate with us at different times.

What I love most about Mother Mary is that she is *alive* in our culture right now. You can find statues to her in almost every town, often adorned with flower offerings or what have you. It's wonderful. Your neighbors would probably think you were a freak for having a statue of Athena or Yemaya in your front yard, but they wouldn't think twice about a statue of Mary. For those of us who believe that all the Goddesses are one Goddess, and who don't want the neighbors to egg our house (lol), it's nice that there's still a living Goddess in our American culture that we can publically honor.

Re: Favorite Goddesses

Hehe... I think I'll go for the short answer here.. not least cos it's hard to type with Kali on your lap (she's my guinea pig btw!along with her sister, Tashi)!! My two favourite goddesses have to be Brighde and Rhiannon. Mostly because they are assocaited with the area I live in, and the areas I often visit. Rhiannon connects me with my Welsh heritage, and my first daughter will be called Rhiannon (and Brighde if I have twins!).


p.s. think I had also better mention Vajrayogini here, as she is/was my yidam (my previous path was purely Buddhist)

Re: Favorite Goddesses

Kate, I think I speak for all of us when I say "DROOL". You are so lucky to live where you do!


Re: Favorite Goddesses

G' morning All !!!

As of right now I don't have a favorite Goddess, but I'm learning more about several. I recently bought Doreen Virtue's: "Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards". They area absolutely beautiful, too. I really enjoy working with these cards.

)O( Blesings,


Re: Favorite Goddesses

I'm also new to Goddess study, and like Linda R, I also recently got Doreen's Goddess cards. So lovely and tremendously helpful!

Blessed Be,

esme (still trying to find the perfect place for my beautiful Frigga doll!)

Re: Favorite Goddesses

I'll have to give Doreen's cards a look-see! You've both piqued my interest!

I have on my wishlist Joanna Powell Colbert's new deck-in-the-making, the Gaian Tarot. Have you checked out her site for that? Her on-line oracle is awesome!

(Glad to see you here, Esme!) :)

Re: Favorite Goddesses

Oh Kelli,

Those Gaian Tarot cards are STUNNING! I had seen the artwork on the cover of Sage Woman, but hadn't paid attention to the fact that it was from this deck.

I'm still so new to the Tarot that I still struggle with the symbolism at times (the Robin Wood deck has made it easier than the Rider-Waite), but these definitely SPEAK to me in a much more straightforward fashion.

Have signed up for her emails, so hopefully I can keep posted as she finishes the new cards.

Add another divinely loverly tool to my wishlist....

esme (glad to be here!)

Re: Favorite Goddesses

My fave goddess is Bast..I am such a cat lover. But there are so many...I have lots of favorites!!

Re: Favorite Goddesses

My favourite goddess is Iris - she led me to the Goddess. Everywhere I looked I saw her image and it showed me that I was on the right path.

I also have a fondness for Hecate and Nut.