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Dancing Goddess Circle


This is a forum for people who have come together through Dancing Goddess Dolls. We all have a little (or a lot!) in common, so this could be a fun and informative community. Grab a cuppa and come and chat!


Dancing Goddess Circle
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Nature Spirituality 101

Some of the people I've met through my website are very knowledgable and experienced practitioners of various types of nature spirituality, but many people are quite new to the whole thing. This is a safe place to ask questions about this issue. Don't be embarrassed - nothing is too simple, and there are no stupid questions. Hopefully those of you new to this path can get answers from not only myself, but other more experienced people as well - it's always nice to get a variety of answers, so you can find your own special place on the continuum.

Re: Nature Spirituality 101

I would be happy to answer questions that people have too!
I guess my own questions right now are around moving into advanced stages of worship. What would that look like? I've seen a few ideas that seem promising. One article I read said that the "next step" after the beginning phases is to specialize. Develop your skills in a special subject like herbalism, divination or ceremony. Another would be to make the spiritual path you are on a more daily practice. I just keep finding myself staring at my book shelves chock full of goddess, wicca and pagan stuff but feeling like I'm stuck or *gasp* bored! any advice?