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‘ I believe because it is absurd. ‘

‘ I believe because it is absurd. ‘
/ Tertullian. (ca.160 – ca.220 AD) /
‘I believe in Physics because it’s absurd’
Would you ever say such a thing to a modern man ?
I doubt it. Most of us would be asking God’s
forgiveness for even thinking it.
The basis of the physics consists of:
Abstract separated absolute space and time of Newton.
Abstract ‘ideal gas’ and ‘ideal particles.’
Abstract ‘black body.’
Abstract SRT negative 4 - dimensional space,
abstract 5D, …….and 11 - dimensional spaces.
Abstract ‘virtual particles’, ‘dark matter’, ‘dark energy’.
Abstract ‘ inertial movement’.
Abstract ‘big bang’.
Abstract " method of renormalization".
And therefore we can read.
We don't know what we are talking about"
/ Nobel laureate David Gross referring to the current state of string theory./
It is important to realize that in physics today,
we have no knowledge of what energy is.
We do not have a picture that energy comes in little
blobs of a definite amount. ”
( Feynman. 1987)
When asked which interpretation of QM he favored,
Feynman replied: "Shut up and calculate."
When I was first learning quantum mechanics as a graduate student
at Harvard, a mere 30 years after the birth of the subject.
"You'll never get a PhD if you allow yourself to be distracted
by such frivolities," they kept advising me, "so get back to serious
business and produce some results."
"Shut up," in other words, "and calculate."
And so I did, and probably turned out much the better for it.
/ N. David Mermin /
The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t correctly
describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct description
of something more complex?
Paul Dirac .
“ Young man, in mathematics you don't understand things,
you just get used to them.”
/ John von Neumann ./
Since the mathematical physicists have taken over,
theoretical physics has gone to pot.
The bizarre concepts generated out of the over use and
misinterpretation of mathematics would be funny if it were not
for the tragedy of the waste in time,
manpower, money, and the resulting misdirection.
/ Richard Feynman./
" I feel that we do not have definite physical concepts at all
if we just apply working mathematical rules;
that's not what the physicist should be satisfied with."
/Dirac /
In his 1997 book ” The End of Certainty” Nobel Laureate
Ilya Prigogine wrote:
"The more we know about our universe, the more difficult
it becomes to believe in determinism."
And “ The quantum paradox is real nightmare for classic mind ”
In his book ” Quantum theory “ ( published in 2002 )
John Polkinghorne wrote:
“Quantum theory is certainly strange and surprising,…”
/ chapter 6, part “ Quantum hype”, page 92 /
The physical education.

The more I study the more I know.
The more I know the more ideas I have.
The more ideas I have the more they abstract.
The more they abstract the less I know the truth.
Some years ago I told with young physicist (!!!).
He said very confidently: ” You cannot be physicist (!)
if you cannot understand the beauty of Minkowski
It seems that he is right, because physicists must know
mathematics very well. The problem is that nobody
knows what is real physical meaning of “ 4-D negative
space continuum.” in the Nature. SRT is correct theory
but Minkowski space continuum is abstract. And together
they are paradoxical. More than 100 years we live with
this paradox. Nobody confuses.
During our conversation I understand that this young physicist
is strong and clever man and he want to reach success. And
I think he will do it. So, in the future he will create new
D/ M-spaces or new symmetries or discover new particles.
And one day he will be a professor and will teach new
generation ( your son or your daughter) in order that they also
have possibility to create new D/ M-spaces or new symmetries
or discover new particles. But if in the beginning the abstract
ideas were put into the fundament of physics then ……..
we can create new and new theories for 1000 years but
the result will be the same - paradoxical.
Conclusion from some article:
" One of the best kept secrets of science is
that physicists have lost their grip on reality."
What is our intellect ?
We can see this practically :
after “ big bang “ all Galaxies run away from us.
This is our normal intellect in our normal Orwell’s farm.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus

Re: ‘ I believe because it is absurd. ‘

Basic physics without words.
