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The Nature of Time

Please find on the site some new insights on the development of the laws of physics. These insights can have a strong impact on our astrophysical comprehension. They can be found on this site in the appendices of chapter 4.


Fons Wils

Re: The Nature of Time

Helped by Special and General Relativity and in respect of all other Laws of Physics it is possible to approach the properties of Time and Matter in a different way. This is what you can find on It is possible to detect the existence of a substance that is situated outside the known dimensions of the Universe (Chapter 2). Because it doesn’t show itself using the dimensions of the Universe we call it Nothingness. Starting from this approach of Nothingness it was possible to detect the basic developments of Time, the Laws of Physics and the origin of Matter (appendices of Chapter 4).
This study reveals that we are living in a behavioural space (defined and proved at the end of Chapter 4). This involves that we have no means to determine the mechanisms of Matter into its finest details departing from our measurements. This is what we have discovered in quantum physics. The study you will find on this site reveals that, logically and mathematically, there are other ways to describe and understand Nature as we experience it. A new analytical tool to describe Time will be unveiled (in Appendix 1 from Chapter 4). This gives us the possibility to approach the origin of the Universe the other way round. This study doesn’t start from the assumption that the laws of physics just were there from the beginning. It tries to find out were they came from.
The chapters on this site contain the common sense story that helped to discover the mathematical mechanism necessary to describe Time. Chapter 5 is special. It reveals that the laws of organized Matter are not directly derivable from the Laws of Physics. The coherence of Matter is the result of a build up which has a memory that is situated outside the course of Time. This discovery is part of a vital gap in our knowledge. It has to do with the virtual content of Nothingness that is revealed by its proclivity. To understand this makes it possible to discover how Time emerged. The understanding of this phenomenon is necessary to fathom the Make-up of Matter. Unveiling the Nature of Time, the origin and the coherence of Matter indicates that the emergence of Conscious Life is a necessity and that it is Universal.

Re: Re: The Nature of Time

This might help. I use The Smart Model Theory, in regard to things that occur before time began and beyond singularity... .

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Helped by Special and General Relativity and in respect of all other Laws of Physics it is possible to approach the properties of Time and Matter in a different way. This is what you can find on It is possible to detect the existence of a substance that is situated outside the known dimensions of the Universe (Chapter 2). Because it doesn’t show itself using the dimensions of the Universe we call it Nothingness. Starting from this approach of Nothingness it was possible to detect the basic developments of Time, the Laws of Physics and the origin of Matter (appendices of Chapter 4).
This study reveals that we are living in a behavioural space (defined and proved at the end of Chapter 4). This involves that we have no means to determine the mechanisms of Matter into its finest details departing from our measurements. This is what we have discovered in quantum physics. The study you will find on this site reveals that, logically and mathematically, there are other ways to describe and understand Nature as we experience it. A new analytical tool to describe Time will be unveiled (in Appendix 1 from Chapter 4). This gives us the possibility to approach the origin of the Universe the other way round. This study doesn’t start from the assumption that the laws of physics just were there from the beginning. It tries to find out were they came from.
The chapters on this site contain the common sense story that helped to discover the mathematical mechanism necessary to describe Time. Chapter 5 is special. It reveals that the laws of organized Matter are not directly derivable from the Laws of Physics. The coherence of Matter is the result of a build up which has a memory that is situated outside the course of Time. This discovery is part of a vital gap in our knowledge. It has to do with the virtual content of Nothingness that is revealed by its proclivity. To understand this makes it possible to discover how Time emerged. The understanding of this phenomenon is necessary to fathom the Make-up of Matter. Unveiling the Nature of Time, the origin and the coherence of Matter indicates that the emergence of Conscious Life is a necessity and that it is Universal.