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Physics of Teleportation

Studying teleportation may be one way to determine the ultimate structure of reality and matter in particular. In the east, there were many accounts of teleportation reported throughout the ages. If we would use our present science to explain it,
someone may suggest that in teleportation, the object is first converted to energy thru E=MC (square) and then transported across the distance and reconverted back to matter. This means
teleporting a car from lets say New York to Paris would require a nuclear explosion in New York, the energy moving to Paris and converting back to a car (which is impossible of course).

However, is there another way to convert matter to pure energy and back to matter. I mean, is there something in the subatomic world whereby the protons, neutrons and electrons can be translated
to its subatomic phase and then transported to a distance and then reassuming its material state??

Many may state at this point that teleportation is pure bull****. But suppose, just suppose, it can occur. What theories (new) can explain it? Note the same new theory that can explain it would also
explain the many mysteries of matter and energy, and make us understand the universe like never before.


Re: Physics of Teleportation

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