Yesby.Com Web Forum

This forum is a Newfoundland & Labrador General discussion. A place to exchange points of view on matters and issues unique to Newfoundland and Labrador. The forum is accepting views on public, social, political and national issues. Please keep flaming to a minimum and respect the rights of others to voice their own opinion without the fear of rudeness. Thank you for using our message board system. Have a pleasant day.

Yesby.Com Web Forum
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Newfoundland Family & Friends Forum

I've created an online community called "Newfoundland Family & Friends".

Please join the discussion!

With the message board, you can view discussion folders quickly in the left-hand column and read up to 20 messages at a time. You can even attach files (such as pictures and programs) directly to messages -- just like e-mail. It's fast, easy, and efficient.

As the Forum "Host," I control the specific features of the Forum. The other options include real-time Chat, voice chat, and polls. I can also choose to make it public or private.

I've chosen to make this Forum public so anyone can participate, so feel free to tell your friends.

The best way into my Forum is at the following URL:

There are thousands of other Forums like mine. You can use the personalized "My Forums" feature at to keep track of new messages in this Forum and any others you may enjoy.

In order to provide personalized services and access control, you'll need to go through a quick registration if you've never participated in a Delphi Forums online community before. It only takes a minute and it's free!

I'm eager to hear comments and suggestions. Let's get the conversation started!

Best regards,