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Gisborne Lake

Premier hints at bulk water exports:

Is this man gone nuts? Should he be opposed? surely he should. As quoted by the evening telegram on Monday may 14, 2001

Grimes’ bold statement, made soon after he arrived in Atlanta to take part in an Atlantic trade mission with Prime Minister Jean Chretien, was the strongest indication yet he is dedicated to putting the province’s fresh water up for sale.

‘‘We no doubt have an excess of fresh water that is not likely to be used or needed in Newfoundland and Labrador in the foreseeable future ... I mean for centuries,’’ the rookie premier said before heading for a meeting with Chretien.

Has this man lost his mind? an abundance of water in our lakes and rivers? If that were the case why in gods name have towns and cities in NF, been rationed over the past several years in NF & Lab during dry summer seasons especially.

How often over the past ten years alone have salmon rivers been closed because of low water levels, and this man is predicting centuries ahead that there is an abundance of water!

‘Letting it spill out’

‘‘If we don’t use it, most of the lakes and streams just go from a fresh water source out into the ocean ... We’re just letting it spill out into the ocean’’

Mr. Grimes, if this were the case, what do you suppose is wrong with processing this resource and selling our water to others, rather than paying for someone elses at the local stores?

Dumb Ass