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SEVEC - Conne River/Ottawa

I would like to welcome 15 young students and 2 organizers with SEVEC who arrived in Conne River on May 18, 2004. They represent St. Pius X High School in Ottawa on a student exchange program with the students of St. Anne's all grade school in Conne River. During their stay they will take in many of the cultural attractions of the Conne River Mi'kmaq as well as visit outlying communities on the south coast.
They are:
Organizers - Chuck Daly and Pierre Gougeon
Students - Evan Brown, Natasha Chaykowski, Bryan Daly, Lisa Daly, Jane Dare, Danier Desforges, Andrea Fitsgerald, Caroline Klicious, Kyler Lougheed, Katrina Mariano, Michael Mason, Thea Regimbald, Dominik Rymsza, Stephanie Salley, LindseyWhitman. Missing, but apart of the group is student, Jennifer Brierley who couldn't make this trip.
A special thank you goes out to local cordinators Brenda Jeddore and Rod Jeddore from the St. Annes All Grade School in Conne River ... Brenda, you rock!