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New legions of Tigray

Gebrefinafent, Alemayehu01, debalkie, tulu, new

ethiopia, yilma, degfe, Ibrahim sheridon and friends.

You are bone cancers and parasites who are hatched by the help of strong heat golf from Tigray.You will get your fate soon or later for each and every crime commited but it takes us many solution in order to get you the exact medicine to eradicate you once and forever from the surface of our mother land Ethiopia.please,you ignorant termites dont expect and scare to die like the people of hiroshima and nagasaki becouse we dont use the same formula that Albert Einstein used,rather we have the formula of late poison for you which emancipate and disolve you at the end enable us to burry you in that cursed baren land.

Re: New legions of Tigray


Re: New legions of Tigray

You are laughing at the dead people like Shibere and people who are wounded like Messeret. You and your boss the mad man himself, Meles are a disgrace to humanity. Believe me what goes around comes around. God works on his own timetable. You will get what you deserve.