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An Open Letter to Ato Gebreselassie Zemariam

Dearest Gebreselassie Zemariam,

It appears to me that the day you sold your soul your brain got into deep coma out of shock. You are a slave of Meles with no soul of your own to claim, and definitely no living brain cells to speak of.

In one of your postings you wrote: "If the demonstration that was held in June 8 was peaceful, why did the so called CUD & UEDF denied that the demonstration was not called by them? Why did they denied about it?"

Gebreselassie Zemariam, let us take the liberty to assume the following in the interest of showing your lack of ability to reason.

Let us assume that CUD/UEDF did call the demonstration. Let us also take the liberty to assume that they denied it. Does it follow from here that the demonstration was violent?

Please try to liberate your soul from self imposed slavery. Your brain cells will come back to life slowly. My prayers are with you. This is probably the only and definitely the most seriious note I have ever written on you.

Ankasa Doro

Re: An Open Letter to Ato Gebreselassie Zemariam

Dear Ankasa Doro,

They pulled the gun and then they blame it on otheres. It was neftegna amarah, oromo, CUD and now it is Ana Gobez.
They are like school kids who have the lost the game and are angry, they are huphing and puffing.

They are bringing themselves down.

Peace & Love to Ethiopia

City: AA

Re: An Open Letter to Ato Gebreselassie Zemariam

Mina, I am not sure if it was intentional, but you have given Ana Gomez the most fitting name "Ana Gobez". I think we should baptize her with this fitting name. For all Ethiopians she is indeed Ana Gobez. She was sent to Ethiopia not by EU, but at the grace fo GOD to liberate Ethiopia from tribal looters and child murderers. Thank you. Her report has wounded Meles and company.

Mamo Qilo

Re: An Open Letter to Ato Gebreselassie Zemariam

G/S Z has got the right to voice his opinion. Why is that Mamo Qilo showers him with insults. I am against weyane, but I fight for G/S right to have his own opinion. This is what democracy is all about.


Re: An Open Letter to Ato Gebreselassie Zemariam


You are wasting your energy fighting for gebrelekuskus's right to air his opinion for two reasons. First what he does is primarily cutting and pasting. Second, ER has never denied him any right to air his opinion. His right is well respected. If you have any energy to fight fight for 70 million people who are muffled by EPRDF. Third, I did not attack gebrelekuskus I simply shared my opinion about him.

Mamo Qilo