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UEDF's top leaders held a public meeting in Washington

From Ethiopian Review

UEDF's top leaders held a public meeting in Washington today, Aug 28. A large number of Ethiopians attended the meeting. In the minds of most of the participants was whether the opposition parties will enter the parliament and allow EPRDF to rob the people's vote. UEDF chairman Prof. Merera Gudina said that they need to consult with CUD before making such a decision, but indicated that UEDF does not believe entering parliament will be a good idea. The participants expressed strong support for UEDF's plan to hold nationwide demonstrations on October 2 jointly with CUD and civic groups.

Re: UEDF's top leaders held a public meeting in Washington


I posted the news as it is with a littele comment and have been deleted twice. Reason? Who knows.

Anyway it would be a grave mistake if UEDF withdraw from participating the parliament. I hope it wouldn't do that.

Re: UEDF's top leaders held a public meeting in Washington


Thanks for the report. My admiration for Merara. Listen, since I do not know you in person, I want to be always polite in talking to you. But, I am going to beg you to move our understanding of the Resistance forward. Why do you guys repeat the same phase again and again. There are a lot fantastic Centers of Resistance such as NES etc but I am not seeing discussion about what we need to do. So please, tell us what we, the people, the groups, the differwent organization, and centers must do. What moves mountains in the business of political movement is pratical action. Also, Nestanet, why don't you talk in terms of the general movement, the unified leadership, etc. The more you try to promote only Hibret leaders, people will view you self promoting power seeker. Unite to Win, Divide to Lose.
Whether we must join the parliament or not is an issue that needs to be decided by our people and all of our leaders collectively. The more you talk about one set of leaders, the less I listen to you. Unity is the only sure thing, all else is fancy dream of power seekers. So tell us what the youth is doing, what the youth should do, what workers must do, what Merkato needs to do. Elevate our imagination. Grasp the next phase. Peace, Yichalal!

Re: UEDF's top leaders held a public meeting in Washington


Your message was deleted may be because, you must have left some garbage in it. The ER must be trying to save us from reading more GARBAGE. Your master was dumping same garbage the other day. You see too much garbage. Is there any more GARBAGE we should expect from your masters. Do let us know about it if you can.



Oh the time is clicking

City: AA

Re: UEDF's top leaders held a public meeting in Washington


You wrote:

"Also, Nestanet, why don't you talk in terms of the general movement, the unified leadership, etc. The more you try to promote only Hibret leaders, people will view you self promoting power seeker."

I don't remember myself promoting UEDF leaders but if I have made any comments indicating that, I am willing to retract.I believe you misunderstood me. I am one of the many who seriously advocate for "UNIFIED RESISTANCE". I like your slogan which says: