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The End of Meles

With EUturning its back on its former poster child and with an emboldened opposition and a gatherining storm, EPRDF has no option, but tow. First is to end up being the victim of a political Sunami. The second is to repoform itself and accept the gracious option oferred to it bu CUD and UEDF. The other members of EPRDF have a cruel choice. To sink with their tribal capitain or to sack him up and form an intrim government to prepare for a transparent and election.

Mamo Qilo aka
Ankasa Doro aka
Yehager Shimagele aka

Re: The End of Meles

Meles have one more option give the city key to EU... Let the EU and UN army keep the peace in Addis Ababa this way they will understand how much money it will cost them to keep the peace in ADDIS ABABA. Even the might American can't affored keeping peace in Iraq let alone in Addis ababa.

If the CUD THINK they have the army and the peace keeper to keep the peace and law and order let them sign infornt of EU and UN then Meles will give up power and take away is army with him..

If you think you will kick Meles out of power and use Meles army to keep peace you are joying... Again I am talking about reality in the reality you used to call Meles's army then you can not call them now to potect your house and belonging...

If you accpt Meles army to protect this time you can't kick them out once you sign them to protect you they become Ethiopian army and you have teat them according too...

I answer your lie not because I care aobut you. I answer your BS because I don't want you to miss lead other people... by making easy to kick Meles...kicking Meles out the easy part but now you going to keep peace and order if you kick meles out?

Re: The End of Meles

It is a shame that you talk of the Ethiopian army as belonging to the tyrant Zenawi. The army belongs to the Ethiopian people and they know who they are accountable to

Re: The End of Meles

What is the problem. They put you and they can kick you out. The main thing is no one stops Ethiopian people power, foregate Meles. You, Melses better to thank the end of the COLD WAR. Ofcourse you sold Assab and used your evil ethnicty politics in addition. The other thing was the Ethiopian people already exposed the mengistu regime to danger. Melese was put in power and ordered by west to do what they told him to do.
You will end your life suffiring from nightmare of your evil doings.


City: DC

Re: The End of Meles

Gebru, yes! the Meles was put by Western power... but what you forget was is TPLF AND EPLF had army 100,000 army.. THE EU can put you in power but they will not send you an army to protect you or to keep peace and order in Addis Ababa... fool like moussa think CUD HAVE AN ARMY CALLED ETHIOPIAN ARMY... on this kind of line of thinking no SELF respecting EU will give power to you and foot the bill to keep the peace and order. get my draft,

Re: The End of Meles

I said no one stops the Ethiopian people power, foregate Melse's Agazy.


City: DC

Re: The End of Meles

Also no self respecting EU will not give power for people who think "no one stops the Ethiopian people power" That means the car have no break once started it can't be stop because the CUD have no break... I am not saying it you are the one who saying it... no one stops the Ethiopian people power... it can't stop it can't be control it will destory anything infont of it... it can't slow down to take carve that means jump over the hill to their death because on can't control the power of the people...

Re: The End of Meles

I am saying with in woyane or Melse&co. If you try to stop, won't get the time even to collect what you have snatched from the mouse of the people.


City: DC

Re: The End of Meles


Why do you have difficulty accepting the peoples need for change without bloodshed. I know you people are used to Ethiopian blood since young age.

I am glade you are telling us that Meles will take his army. I hope he will take the lot of you to Eritrea.

There is Meles Army and there is Ethiopian Army (the very army that fought the war you started with your Eritrean brothers). Meles can take his mad dogs, but the real solders of Ethiopoia will protect us.

The big mistake most dictators make is, they think the world will colaps if they are not in power. The truth is life will go on and on like it did before they were even have been born.

I know you don't know a lot about Addis Ababa (as you are from Asmara), let me tell you AA has lived to tell the tail of it survival from the bombings by your Italian masters. So don't worry about AA, you just make sure you take your master with you when you go back to Asmara.

City: AA

Re: The End of Meles

Tulu and Gebreselassie Zmariam,
Two years ago I went to Ethiopia to visit my extended family and I stayed one month in Addis and one month in the countryside. The life is very hard in Ethiopia. The obvious hardship and the worries are written all over their faces. Some of them lost their jobs to woyanes and they don’t know where the next meal is coming from. Some of these people are loosing their houses because of high property taxes. And rent is getting outrageously expensive.
A storeowner in merkato, and taxi drivers were telling me how much they hate Meles. One older taxi driver told me that he has never seen anything like it. They control everything; it is like we have no rights. They have divided us in ethnic groups. He said “I am old, I don’t have many years to live, but I ask God everyday not to take me before I see the end of these Woyanes.”
Anybody who believes in the existence of God shouldn’t support Meles’s leadership. Our people have seen enough and have spoken loud and clear they had enough of Meles.