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Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

Jijjiga, August 27,2005 (WIC)-Five members of the Somali People Democratic (SPDP) party, including the widow of the late Dr. Abdulmejid Hussien, have overwhelmingly won the recent elections in Aware woreda, Somali state.

Coordinator of the Aware constituency and representative of NEBE in Degahabur zone, Zeleke Mekuria, told WIC that the widow of the late Ambassador of Ethiopia to the UN who contested for a seat in the House of Peoples Representative has won a huge vote.

He said four SPDP members have also won seats in the state's council.

SPDP has won all the seats for HPR and the majority seats for the regional council in 40 woredas of the state, it was learnt.


City: Washington DC

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

Former Ambassador Dr. Abdulmejid Hussien was one of a respected true son of Ethiopia. I am so happy to see his widow followes his suit.

Congrtulation Mrs. Hussien!

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

Gebrelekuskus and Ibrulekuskus,

Has it ocurred to you cannot technically lose if your opponents are either killed or chased away or denied a fair and transparent election.

Ankasa Doro

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

One of Meles police that I like is people how are living in Jijiga and Ethiopian Somalia have the right choice their own people to lead them... the old day gone where the leader come form Addis Ababa and refuse to speak the local lunaguage...

Look what this guy name Ankasa Doro, saying he want a CUD SUPPOERTER WHO DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT JIJIGA to be elected... I imagain one Jijiga guy went to Addis Ababa and asking to be elected as CUD leader they would have kill him on spoit let alone chased away..

You told him Ambassador Abdulmeid Hussien Widow becaome Mp O! Mr. Ankasa Doro wamt a fair and transparent election... who is better then Mr. Ambassador Widow he want us to vote? must be a CUD member? Is guys have gut even to dream the Jijiga people care about CUD let alone elect them...

By the way Mr. Ambassador Abdulmeid is a proof that who ever work for one Ethiopia use once and discarded. Otherwise who work hard like Mr. Ambassador for one Ethipoia? Nobody but Cud member doesn't respect this guy who they will respect those who are not Amhara take a hint from Mr. Ambassador fith.

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP


Judging by the quality of your posting, I can understand why even gebrelekuskus feels uncomfortable to have him on his corner. Ibrahim believes you are "Mamo Qilo" this is to push you as far as possible from EPRDF supporters. The more you try to appease the the more they seem to run away from you and push you. Tultualw keep supporting Meles and keep posting the kind of messages you have been posting. I am now suspecting you are trying to discredit Meles by impostering as his supporter. Keep going, brother. Either way you are playing a role.


Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

Ankasa Doro= Mamo=Tulu=H/aster= CUD:
As French adage goes , the crazy dog will bite its tail and Mamo also is making full circle by going around and around his new cloning screen names.
Thank Meles and Simon who kicked you out of Ethiopia. You do not go nowhere except to cross the died duck(CUD) 14 street.


City: Washington DC

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP


Why are you attacking Tulu. I know he is a moron, but he is also pro Meles. The fact that he is a moron should not be a reason to attack him. If so you would be attacking yourself and gebrelekuskus everyday.

Ankasa Doro

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

Amhras --Vs-- Non Amhra Ethiopians

The Old Amhras = The New Amhras (CUD)

*The Old Amhra = During the past 200 years of Amhras dominationa of ethiopia, The old Amhras used to promote all its cabinet minsters from its own single tribe (Amhras tribe). That is why when the revolution asassinated the 61 misters, 59 those assassinated cabinet minsters were Amhras.

*The New Amhra (CUD) = The Amhras dominated Political party (CUD) lost the election because,
97% of CUD`s Leadership is dominated by Single Tribe (Amhra Tribe).

For the sake of argument let us assume The Amhra dominated Political party won, but what will Amhjras will do what The Amhras had not done for the last 200 years of Amhras domination of Ethiopia. Fact is, Amhras (CUD) not interested in democracy nor justice , but wanted to remonopolize power to their own tribe (Amhras tribe) as it has been for the last 200 years of Amhras domination of Ethiopia.


City: Kansas

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

Why you Meles's echo cheat yourself? what democracy you talking about. EU observers, the local people havn't accepted the election. It is failed. All oppostion boycott .Only woyane and its associate took part in the election. This type of cheap cheating made during Mengistu and you copy it. Because you talking democracy ... it means nothing. Update yourself it is the 21st century easy to get information and not convenient to cheat.


City: DC

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

the somali democratic party rule the region for 14 years,this courpeted leaders,yes man for EPRDF make me this make me sick.EPRDF is very happy uneducated personal to be MP it is very sad story.

that is way I ask you to join or support like me UEDF thier is no any solution .you only have ONLF and I do not thing smirt like you to join this kind of you need to join you body MAMO QILO.

Email: abdulnasir@cox,net

City: washington

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

Congratulations to the late Ambasaddor's wife whom i have a great deal of respect. May Allah(swt) bless his soul.Amin!


i agree with you on the part where TPLF only wants uneducated people to be in the parlament so that the only thing that will come out of thier mouth be "YES MELES" the regime is scared of bright young minds and recycles old cats who are docile and high on khat 24/7. i just feel that which ever party you or mr.shirdon support to get what we rightfully deserved in the federation and to not blindly support one regime but to do through analysis of what is good for us somalis.

thanks wallal

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP


Why are you attacking me? All I said was that you come across as a moron than as an eductaed person. Is this a reson to attack me. Please let us respect eachother.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

it is a time for young somalis who escape on Mengustue era have to thing twice to find out a way to go back home and help thier people.I thing this group which grow up in ethiopian revolution has maturity
than generation befor and after, so this group have a moral obligation to help thier people and teach the new generation .

one the objective of ethiopian democratic council is to prepare and organize this group and make them ready for the coming election , I mean five years from now .
this group which growup in ethiopian revoltion can fight
like MAMO qiLO narrow minded and ONLf which also has narrow minded and can work with moderate people regadles of thier race or color.

ethiopian council achieved a lot since this election it was wakeup call for us at least makes us to organzie ourself and motavate us to unite us one.

since then we have a friends in the senate and congress and a lot of orgnazations around the world .

the most amazing thing was they never thought if this group exist in somali community . one of my friend most powerfull conservatve group was asking me where we have been all this time?

so Mamo qilo or WAyan watch from this DOGS!we are every where !we follow you.........guys................

Email: abdulnasir@cox,net

City: washington

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP


Could you enlighten us more on the ethio-somali council you touched up on and go over the accomplishments you spoke of since the election with us?


Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

waiting for your response Sir Haraar....

would like to know more on your ethi-somali organazation in the East Coast.............enlighten us please with its agenda and missions etc..............


Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP


ethio somali org is non-government organzation that adher develomental issues like education,health,roads

ethio-somali democratic council is poltical organzation which adher poltical issues in ethiopia .our main goal is to register us poltical party for this up coming election for 2010.also prepare or incourage our members which want to go home and serve their country and people.
as the same time free of trible,honest and can fight like MAMO QILO and nomade like.
we my even join oppostion if they accpet our demand,I wish also Ibrahim shirdon to join the oppostion and forget the EPRDF.

Email: abdulnasir@cox,net

City: washington

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP


Do you know if the widow of Abdulmejid Hussien is a decent woman, capable of lookign after the interest of her people? Or is she like Abdulmejid whose onl claim to fame is mentoring Ibrahim to be Meles's serevant.

Ankasa Doro

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

dear brother
abdulmajed was one of the greatest as person as leader
capable of leadership and had a pricipble for what he bealive it, ethiopia lost a great man and honest person who devoted for his time for his people and the country .
but about ibrahim I do`t know he leave WAYANE and join the oppostion.

Email: abdulnasir@cox,net

City: washington

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

dear ONLF fo LIFE

first let tell that we my believe diffrent ideas ,but we my want both us the same thing for the country and the people so thing our people was missing was if you have differant idea than me to look at you like my enemy or kill you becouse of you bealive ,so have to come out see and respect the other person his right.
when I llok back and see what happen during ethiopian revolution, I ask my self why this people been killed becouse of they bealive !

so ethiopian have to learn to respect one another if they have differnt bealive each other,with out isulting his ethic,kill or put him in jail .

we have to learn and teach our new generation who will be tommorow our leaders .

I was seeing in this election a lot still we need to grow and learn the democratic princples and some time forgive for the seek of peace and look for the future .

ethiopia was ruled by kings and military which most of time was dominate by one ethinc which for first time both the economey and the power was dominate by one group .so this society which never have a right to elect thier leaders and which never pass torch to other who ever the winer have first learn what is deocracy all aboute .

the recent election which even though have alot of vote rigging,we also witens some hope for the future.

in my concultion we have to come up a way to meet all this diffrent groups, so they can share thier ideas and view ,create friendly reletionship .

Email: abdulnasir@cox,net

City: washington

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

Harar and Nomad,

Thanks for the reply and for the interst in this thread. i wanted to stimulate the minds of ethio-somalis with some intersting discussion and also want to take away some knowledge from all of you that have been fighting since the days of the WSLF.I am sure there are many of you that are "wayyo Caraag/experence" in the struggle for freedome and self-determination,respect and Democracy. I like to take the footsteps of my fellow brothers who have been there and done that i.e WSLF veterans.i hope you guys don't mind being called that....mind you it is a great HONOR to be called that and you have the badge of honor there..........we salute you. we all know that the Somali Republic played some foul game there and hadn't been for that who would know where we have been by now. but as the saying goes: habeenki hallay tagay".

brother Harar thanks for the information on the ESDC. i have a further question regarding this political organization: what makes it differnt from the ESDL, the party once organzied by the late Dr.majid? could we get some documentaion on the tenets of the party? from your explanation i figured it was an OPEN to ALL organization, so how could a person be part of that and what are the requirments if any? how old is this organization?
one thing i would hate to see is the parties that tplf created during the early 90's , i think it was some 20 or more somali political parties to divide the people. have we thought of working with other parites so that there would be no overlap?

apologies for my many questions. i guess it is just that i am so passionate about our peoples freedom and i hate the fact that we are always being dominated by the Northerners:amhara or tigray they are the same to me.I hope you understand my frustration.


Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

brother NOMAD for LIFE

leave abdumajed name,no somali person can fill his shoes,I alwyes want to meet him,but I did`t get a chance no somalis can fill do`t like him becouse of not you tribe or he ask him some some thing to do for you then he did`t !I rember when I went 95 somalis divided or orgnized tribil line.
he is the one uinted them and you guyes went after him until the MALES told you that he is one of us.not becouse of he somali .
after I give up my poltical dream from WSLF and EPRP
one day I heard his voice from radio her in washington
from that day I decided to do some thing for my people .yes he realy insipired me .

from that moment I come out two ideas which was to creat NGO,which also to day every thief has one,which the people think on of them.
then I come up to form like watch dogs who can fight for the people and region by telling to the outside world.
finely we establish this orgnazation to adher poltical arena around the state as oppostion against the current ruling party.
so fromthat point you can understand nothing to do with my hero majed.
this orgnzation is the birth of gelbeed future to guid them to modern society.
it is a new pages for the region to had more honest,interactic to social ecnomical and poltical activity . these group want one day to be remberd the job we leave for next generation.

we are 4 years old young orgnaztion willing to go back home and free of trible minded,honest.also have leadership can fight like MAM_QILO .

if any body thinking clandastan ,DARODHAWEY>SHEKHKHS he say this becouse of his clan get losttttttttttttttt.

you have to be free of tribe you have to see kids from GODE TO ISHACE as you brother.

most of us in this orgnaztion we know each other from jabouti to cario and usa and we where X of WSLF
long live gelbeede


City: washington

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

Guys why do you need to look for some one who would fight for you like Mamo Qilo, when you can get the real deal Mamo Qilo himself. All you need to do is ask me to lead you to the promissed land and I wwould be glad to do so. I will free you from soul selling corrupt politicians like Ibrahim and deliver you happiness.

Mamo Qilo for President in Somali Region

Ankasa Doro

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

brother harar,

Thanks for the reply. however,i seem to disagree with your reply. i asked"what makes it differnt from the ESDL, the party once organzied by the late Dr.majid? could we get some documentaion on the tenets of the party? from your explanation i figured it was an OPEN to ALL organization, so how could a person be part of that and what are the requirments if any? how old is this organization?
one thing i would hate to see is the parties that tplf created during the early 90's , i think it was some 20 or more somali political parties to divide the people. have we thought of working with other parites so that there would be no overlap?

you answered " leave abdumajed name,no somali person can fill his shoes,I alwyes want to meet him,but I did`t get a chance no somalis can fill do`t like him becouse of not you tribe or he ask him some some thing to do for you then he did`t !I rember when I went 95 somalis divided or orgnized tribil line.
he is the one uinted them and you guyes went after him until the MALES told you that he is one of us.not becouse of he somali ."

Did i say anything about disliking Dr.majid, brother don't accuse me for something i didn't say. lets make it clear: he is one of the greatest ethiopian diplomats if not THE look at my distiniction..........among all ethinc group in ethio by far. that is the respect i have for him and i know the man's work and what he has done for his people.

But you,brother Harar, who claims to be a visionary person who started this organzition, an organiztion that is "inclusive" as you put it is labeling people . what do you mean when you say " you people" aren't we somalis just like you are and i thought you stood for one somali.was i wrong to assume that? have you been injected with the tplf agenda as well....

this shows your ability rather the lack of it of explaining matters in a civilized manner to people. no wonder you grew up in the narrow minded era of the haile times. can you be for once be open minded and answer questions as they were posed to you? is that difficult? instead of name calling and accusations. i don't think that in my opinon you are worthy of leading this party.

all a brother wanted was to get a detail info of what you stood for in terms of this new organzitonation that you have established. it has been 4 years since you have started this org. and yet no one knows about it outside of washington DC, hell , you aren't even trying to spread the word about it. talk about inclusivity......

brother lead by example and recruit young educated minds and i don't think the way you carry yourself is going to win you any supporters. i am appaled by the way you handling yourself and i feel terribly ashamed for asking you for guidance and knowledge. simply put you are not worth of leading this effort. what makes you diffent if you can't even answer simple question that i asked?

mr.X-wslf............memeber. i don't think you look or sound like one, they are my a matter of fact they are the heros of all somali-galbeeds.

By Allah, where the hell is the Doc...........SOS we need him to interfere now..........or else you are torturing this infant are killing its image, what ever the image please let the people that are able to articulate the programs and mission of the org do the explanation and you stay out of it. mr. coffee shop politicain.

enough for the day.............i look forward to hearing from the Doc.

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

brother harar,

i hope you read my response.


Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

Many of us would feel that we have a good common sense understanding of the organizational business. What we trying to accomplish as organization? What ever it is let people observer can judge our organizational performance. So brothers let my organization it self speak out ,I am not a type of person say I did this and that, I just leave it like that !

Email: abdulnasir@cox,net

City: washington

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

Angagaw Behailu,
The truth is as follows:
(1)The provincial rulers were always fighting among themselves including all tribes in the present-day Ethiopia.The means of livelyhood was farming and pastoralism.Modern civilization was unknown.Present-day Ethiopia was unified by Emperor Menelik by approximately 1890.The time difference between 1890 and 2005 is 115years.In those years Ethiopia reached the stage it is at now minus the Derg and TPLF years of misrule of 29 years.That leaves 86 years of Amhara domination.Talk about those years of great achievement.
(2)You said 59 of 61 ministers killed by Derg were Amharas to make a point everything was under Amharas control.That is an outright lie or sheer ignorance.In that group there were Amharas,Oromos,Tigreans,Eritreans,Gurages,etc.Go find an old Ethiopian history book and find out who was from which ethnic group as that is your preoccupation.
(3)The rulers were intermarried group of Amharas,Oromos,Tigreans,Eritreans,etc.So please do not make unsubstantiated and ignorant remarks.


City: York

Re: Widow of Ambassador Abdulmejid Hussien to become MP

brother Harar,

with all due respect, you response statment doesn't make any sense to anyone. it sounds like it is a sole-proprietership business that you are running and it seems like you are hiding the recipe or something. which is funny to me, because i saw people organziing and mobilizing thier kind to take part in the struggle but what i see from you is the total opposite.i guess i was wrong for thinking it was a political party which was inclusive.

Apology for challenging you.............i hope you understand as much as you want to make a differnce, i too wanted that as well. Whatever means we take , i know for sure that our ULTIMATE GOAL IS VICTORY AND WITH ALLAH'S HELP(SWT) WE SHALL PREVAIL.