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Yehager Shimagele

Dear my fellow Ethiopians,

My youngest grand daughter wears a T-shirt with "Been there! Done that" sign on it. I asked her what it meant. She said it meant she had seen it all. She is 11 years of age.

My fellow Ethiopians, I was introduced to this forum three weeks ago. I read most, if not all, the messages going as far back as the oldest message on the board. As someone who has seen it all in his 82 years on our planet earth, I thought I have some experience to share, though I cannot say I have "been there and done that!"

I found most of the messages written and signed by two groups of people. One that finds nothing that is commendable or redeemable quality or trait that the government may have. The other group is one that finds nothing wrong with the government, not even the recent murder of peaceful citizens.

There are a few who try to toe the middle line, but they are either ridiculed or outright written off. Some are outright funny and entertainers, who seem to be in the wrong forum (I am not calling names). Others are boring and dull with nothing to contribute to any dialogue, but comment on all issues apparently for the same of commenting or cluttering the forum. And there is the moderator, who is doing a commendable job, but at times throws a curve ball on the forum.

My observation is that the pro ad anti-government forces are not engaged in any meaningful discourse. They talk past each other (this is a new expression I learned from my grand children over the last 14 months). Thos in the middle come too few in number and they are too far apart.

My advice is that let us agree to write and preach with "been there done that" attitude. Let us learn from eachother. Let us build on eachother's strength and collectively deal with our collective weaknesses. It is the very "been there! Done that!" attitude that has made our Prime Minister a little monster. His biggest problem is that he is always ready to lecture and never have a minute to learn from others. This was the very triat that destroyed the diabloic moster, Mengistu Haile Mariam.

Yehager Shimagele

Re: Yehager Shimagele

Sir - I say Amen to every single word you wrote!

My fellow Ethiopians - read this wise words! Although, my Ethiopian syncism tell me my man is not 82 - I can feel where he is heading with this. He is right on the money!!!


Re: Yehager Shimagele


Thank you for your kind words. I read your interaction with Mamo Qilo. If I pass for Yehager Shimgele, I must say that you have lost the bet. And as a true Ethiopian, I have confidence that you would sent the Money to Shibres family, if you have not sent the money already.

Yehager Shimagele

Re: Yehager Shimagele

Ato Ethiopian,

I agree with Yehager Shimagele. I read the interaction between you and Mamo. You have lost the bet. You said, Yehager Shimagele is "right on the money". I belive you are right.

Melkamu Tolera

Re: Yehager Shimagele


Pay your debt to Shibree's family. Please listen to Yehager Shimagele.

Mamo Qilo