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EU and Ana Gomez - God bless you!!!

Your preliminary report is a vindication for all the suffering of every ethiopian went through since May 15t. History will remember your bold upholding of the TRUTH anf fair assessment. We, the people of Ethiopia, never had friends in our history who dare stand by our side at the darkest times of our misery, occupation, degradation, and most of all when the source of these is from within.
To all EU EOM members and Ana Gomez, thank you for your humanity, for your independent judgment, for your hopes and wishes to the Ethiopian people.
We will never forget what you did for Ethiopia!!!


City: Sydney

Re: EU and Ana Gomez - God bless you!!!

Everyone, you will be surprised how Walta has reported the EU report. It is realy loughable. They picked and chose 'positive' clauses out of the report and smoothed 'few' negative sides and Voila - reporting EPRDF style. What a joke!!


City: Sydney

Re: EU and Ana Gomez - God bless you!!!

Dear Sewenet: Indeed may God bless Ana Gomez, she is a Woman of Truth. The world would have been a better place to live and also a great portion of man-designed problems could have been solved, if we had more people like Ana Gomez, who tell nothing but the truth. Saying that, I always remain to believe, that God has a reason behind all of His decisions.

Also Sewenet: I am not that surprised with the way walta tried to report the EU's report. I will tell you why you should not be that surprised too, by refreshing your memory with the following statement in quotation:

Mr Tim Clarke (Ambassador) To Ato Bereket Simon (Minister of Information)

"Dear Minister Bereket: I have been disturbed by some of the misreporting in the press of last Thursday's meeting between PM Meles and Oppostition Leaders. I personally have been misquoted in some cases, causing confusion and misunderstanding."

Dear Sewenet, don't be surprised my compatriot, we have seen it before, and we will see it again. Remember, it is the "truth" that let Ethiopia free. May God bless you!! May God bless the Great Ethiopia!!

Re: EU and Ana Gomez - God bless you!!!

Thank you, GOD IS GREAT!!