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Letter to Congressman Chris Smith

Ethiopian-Americans for Democracy

August 18, 2005

The Honorable Congressman Chris Smith
Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Africa,
Global Human Rights and International Operations
2373 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Fax 202-225-7768

Dear Congressman Smith,

We are concerned Ethiopian-Americans writing to you for two reasons. First, please allow us to express our heartfelt gratitude for your recent trip to Ethiopia and for your courage to speak up in support of electoral justice and the protection of human rights.

Our second reason is to remind you of the support Ethiopia needs going forward. The current conflict precipitated by the May15, 2005 electoral fraud will not simply go away. It will not go away unless farsighted leaders like you are willing to go beyond the superficial to understand the elaborate mechanisms set up by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to thwart the will of the people.

The United States and other Western powers called for a nation-wide rerun of elections when Ukrainian elections were rigged. In Ethiopia, there are credible and extensive reports of vote rigging by the ruling party. We believe there should not be separate measures of democracy for Europeans and Africans. What was good for the Ukraine should be good for Ethiopia.

We hope you will urge Secretary Rice, your fellow Congressmen and Congresswomen as well as members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to press Mr. Zenawi to stop his arrogant posturing and join the opposition’s call for a transitional arrangement that will prepare the nation for untampered, free and fair elections.

Mr. Zenawi’s “Revolutionary Democracy” is inspired more by Niccolo Machiavelli and Joseph Stalin than Woodrow Wilson or Winston Churchill. The ruling Tigrai People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) is a secretive, shadow outfit that manipulates the country’s destiny from behind the scenes. It has created satellite organizations under the umbrella of the EPRDF. All individuals and organizations that make up the EPRDF are beholden to the politburo of the TPLF.

In the name of democracy, half a dozen members of the politburo of the Tigrai Liberation Front (TPLF) have put resources at their disposal to steal three nation-wide elections in the last fourteen years – the most recent one being the May 15, 2005 elections.

The ruling group has used its security forces and financial resources to intimidate, disrupt and arrest opponents. It also stuffs ballots and steals ballot boxes. Mr. Zenawi’s party also controls all land, most urban houses, factories, major businesses, major media enterprises, the police, the army and the secret services.

The so-called National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE), an arm of the ruling party, was the main vehicle to frustrate the electorate’s voice while giving legitimacy to the ruling party. Perhaps nothing is more illustrative of the NEBE’s partisan approach than its role in the so-called investigation and arbitration process. In 90 percent of disputed cases, the NEBE voted for the ruling party. As ironic as it may sound, the investigation process was used to award additional seats to the ruling party in districts where it had lost by a landslide.

We shall always remember your profound statement, when you said
“I urge the Prime Minister to rein in his security forces and allow the people of Ethiopia to exercise the rights fundamental to democracy. The right to protest is a universal concept protected worldwide and has to be respected in Ethiopia as well.”

We also thank you for bringing up the need for an independent investigation of the killing of 40 unarmed demonstrators. Any investigation, if ever one is conducted, will likely be a ruling party whitewash, aimed at blunting any reprimand by donor nations.

Yours has been a lone voice of consolation at a time when the Bush administration has decided to play down government-inspired killing of civilians and unabashed electoral fraud. Ethiopians expect President Bush to deliver on his inaugural promise in which he said, "All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know the United States will not ignore your oppression or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty we will stand with you."

Dear Congressman,
The bill of goods sold to international donors as democracy is in reality an ethnic dictatorship. A small band of former guerillas who claim to represent six percent of the population have brought untold misery and suffering to a nation of 72 million people.

One of the most effective mechanisms of control for the ruling group has been the creation of ethnic Bantustans. A tribalist coterie has managed to control the second most populous nation in sub-Saharan Africa by pitting one ethnic group against another.

Prime Minister Zenawi and his lieutenants have conveniently demonized organizations representing the two largest ethnic groups representing some 70 percent of the population. They have labeled Oromo organizations terrorists, while they call organizations that draw their support from the Amhara and other groups as chauvinists, racists and royalists. This self-serving policy of divide and rule of course makes it expedient for a small minority to impose its will on the overwhelming majority.

Unfortunately, many foreign donors who grease Mr. Zenawi’s repressive machinery have failed to see beyond the veneer. Contrary to the public relations gimmickry and fudged numbers, Ethiopia under Mr. Zenawi has gone from bad to worse. The number of Ethiopians needing foreign food assistance on a regular basis is upwards of 12 million, the largest ever. Over three million Ethiopians are infected with the HIV virus; millions are jobless and the national income under Mr. Zenawi has declined from $120 to $90 per person, per year.

No amount of foreign aid could pull Ethiopia out of its current misery. Democracy and good governance are the prerequisites to rally the population and to take on the challenges of poverty and injustice. Foreign aid in the hands of tyrants becomes a potent weapon to rationalize and extend repressive rule.

Many of our members are from your great state of New Jersey; many more are from the tri-state area. We would like you to know how proud we are of the work you are doing.

We urge you to support the call for a transitional arrangement that will conduct truly free and fair elections and to continue your support for an independent investigation into the June 8, 2005 massacre of innocent demonstrators.

Respectfully yours,

Ethiopian Americans for Democracy

Re: Letter to Congressman Chris Smith

Chris Smith does not know where Ethiopia located,he arived to support Melese rule same time he demands the investigation of the june killing he can't have it both way.Melese as so called self declared PM declared state of emergency now who's responsible of the killing of inoccent youths?the PM ordered the killing no butt bout it,if Chris Smith have a gut let him take the reality to the house of congress when they return in early sept.Mr.Smith we'll be watching you how you report.


City: DC

Re: Letter to Congressman Chris Smith

Me too, I dont think Americans change their mind. They are resistant to change. They stubbornly support a killer as long as they have something from him.

Also, I dont think why Americans reject the Ethiopian people and want to keep Meles in power is linked to fighting terrorism. One thing Meles himself, and his band is terrorist itself. It used to terrorize and kill the Ethiopian people and loot Ethiopian resources for 17 years when it was in the bushes. Then it captured power by military coup in 1991. If it were a terrorist issue, they could just get it from other Ethiopian forces or oppositions that replace the dictator. So there is simply no reason why George W. Bush is interested to nurture this criminal group in power for the sake of fighting terrorism. There must be something more. Americans would not want to tarnish their name by siding with this killer and rejecting the plight of the masses. This only reason is not enough. What is the reason then? Ignorance cannot be the one. I think they know something of every country. They must know the true nature of Meles and his group, as well.

Thus, what else is the reason? Me, I was always thinking some of the reasons. And I am right. The West as a whole does not like to see a proud nation. More like as they do against Russia. This does not mean that they like impoverished countries, because that is not the interest of capitalism. But, beyond that, a nation for them should be rich enough to feed itself, but should not be proud of itself enough to be independent in its thoughts. Best example is the Dergue regime which rebelled against America. And it was a strong nationalist. It even used to insult America calling by name most disgustingly. I was 10 years old at the time. I used to listen to the cadres denouncing American imperialism. America hates Dergue for its naughtiness, not for it killed Ethiopians. They dont really mind people dying. It is not true. Meles killed thousands before capturing government control and has continued doing so in a way the country has never seen. Issayas massacred farmers in Assossa during the insurgency. Americans did not speak about the massacre. They better talk about a Palesitinian die than a thousand Ethiopians. They dont see the plight of the people. Why? Meles and his group are not like the nationalist Dergue. They are the cruelest anti-Ethiopians the country has ever had in her long history. As long as Meles continues on his absolute throne, Ethiopia will surey seize to exist. This way of nationalism, ie anti-people and anti-national feeling is what the West wants to see. They have now succeeded. Meles and America are just lovers.

The second reason is the relationship to Eritrea. The West wants Eritreans to exploit Ethiopian resources unabated as it used to do so for the first 7 years in Meles domination. Meles is an Eritrean who is assigned to kill our beloved country Ethiopia. America and Europe want to sustain Eritrea at out expense. They want to keep Eritrea parasitize Ethiopia. When this parasitism was neutralized, you can see how Eritrea is struggling to survivie. This parasitism can happen only when Ethiopia is controlled by TPLF, not other Ethiopians. American know this very well. America publicly announced some time ago that they want to keep power balance between Eritrea and Ethiopia. How could they think a thing like this. They are comparing two entities that are just unequal at the moment. Ethiopia is rich, the problem is lack of good governance. Both America and Meles want to degrade Ethiopia. Meles is a disgrace to Ethiopia. He let our country dissolve into nothingneess instead of maintaining her strength and glory. Yes glory is what the West hates most. We should submit to them, like Meles did. Meles is their best servant. They will guard him as long as they can afford. They will not use their own military forces to keep him in place, but I am sure they will do so all measures beyond that. He is not, I know, worth fighting by American rangers. Never. There is no oil or trade route to die for. But all options beyond that are applicable by America. Previously, I used to appreciate America for its contribution to modern society. Now, I strongly hate it for its naked double standard. Ethiopia is a small entity today given the deteriorating situation. They should not have eroded their credibility by siding with a tyrant. Ethiopia should not have been worth losing American credibility. There is no major loss or gain if America sided with the people, rejecting the mass killer. There also no much gain for America siding with the killer. It is just bankrauptcy in credibility.


City: BD

Re: Letter to Congressman Chris Smith

I appreciate the thoughts above.
Specially, if Congressman Chris Smith report to his government and the action to follow by the US government is not up to the standard they claim they stood for then Ethiopia is punished for the independant minded, proud and cultured approach its people are.
To be quit honest this has not been a secret matter - when Meles has been invited to power by Chairman Cohen in london some fifteen years ago. The support from US government and the Brithish has been beyond immaginable given TPLF's history and the human right abuse and the anti Ethiopian measures the EPDRF knowingly actioned.
The Ethiopian people have died for freedom, not only for its own but also for other people freedom as well. Now, is the time all Ethiopian subjects and their friends to fight any injustice that may come from EPRDF or any other indirect supporters of the dictators. The Election result can not be stolen at the burrel of gun and the US/ Brithish government need to stand with the people of Ethiopia and not with the killers.

Keep going lads.


City: London

Re: Letter to Congressman Chris Smith

If you are dreaming to be installed to power by means of forgieners I think you will not see the day. You will end up dreaming all the time till the end of your life. Try to be genuine and depend only on the Ethiopians. It is with the help of the farmers from Tigay, Gonder, Wollo, Shewa and Welega EPRDF has come to power not by Chairman X or Y. No one could come to power either by Ms X or Mr Y from any part of the glob. Only it is by the will of Ethiopians. Ethiopians have already gave their votes: Addis and some palces to the Opposition and the rest to the incombunt government. This is the reality in Ethiopia. You need to be part of this reality and stop dreaming.


City: WDC

Re: Letter to Congressman Chris Smith

Didn’t US pressure Menegestu at the end to leave with out a lot of blood shed and offered him a place to live if he cooperated with them?

Re: Letter to Congressman Chris Smith

The problem with diaspora Ethiopians is they worship America and believe the American government will always do justice on our planet. I don't understand these dude who lived in US and still have such back ward metality, American government is always says it clear and loud they are only to their inerest. Nothing embarrass than begining foreign country to intervene in the internal affair of a sovereign nation.


Re: Letter to Congressman Chris Smith

Debalkie do not i mean do not mention Gondar in your twisted mind.


City: DC

Re: Letter to Congressman Chris Smith

Dillinger D1,
Calm down Dillinger. Debalkie did not degrade Gonder. Defend it when it needs to be defended.

Re: Letter to Congressman Chris Smith

Perfect, you nailed it Debalkie!

City: boston

Re: Letter to Congressman Chris Smith

Congressman Smith, if you belive one has to be in power forever then support the rebel, Meles Nz a w i.

Re: Letter to Congressman Chris Smith

"Atedebalke" Debalkie, ... Americans And other Europians help...the overthrough of Mengistu those Woyanie militants didn't even know the whole purpose of the war.. but Meles. They just got super lucky !!!!

Re: Letter to Congressman Chris Smith

Thank you EAD for the timely letter.

I urge the rest of us to follow the lead of EAD and intensify our lobby with congress(wo)men and senators.

Any action we take to help the struggle of the Ethiopian people is useful. Anger, frustration and jumping at each other's throat on every minor issue do not help the people's cause (they are counter productive).

Action, action and more action is the call of the time.