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Request to the Moderator: stop stirring the hornet's nest

a final word;
almost everything posted is dipped in negativity. i understand one's desire to dump one's issues on others especially when personally upset or melancholic, but i request caution and responsibility. newspapers write negative and sensational stories because they learned that negative sells; primarily because most people are depressed and secretly like to read stories of other people's misfortune. as has been said of old, the bad man wants all others to be likewise, and preferably worse. but only maturity, wisdom and responsibility may allow us to go beyond that and offer something positive for our world. how about discussing how we can solve agricultural problems, how we can develop manufacturing, invent new technology, promote the different cultures, promote ethiopian artists, discuss how to improve education, etc. then it could be said you did good, and it will be true. but even simpler, being negative is never profitable to anyone; a bitter root shall yield no fruit. ..


City: los angeles

Re: Request to the Moderator: stop stirring the hornet's nest

Weye Good,
If you don’t know about the negative, how are you going to improve? As long as it is true stories negative or positive bring it on, we need to know.

Re: Request to the Moderator: stop stirring the hornet's nest

Dear weyew good: greetings to you!!!The mesage you have posted is great. Right, it is only with positive spirit,attitude and dialogue we can bring changes to our Great Ethiopia. 100% with you. I am kind of disturbed; however; with the fact that you forgot and/or failed to mention the great importance of good governance, for a country to develop and to fight against poverty, illiteracy, and other obstacles including in our case, diseases (AIDS). I hope you are not telling us, that as long as we the people work so hard in every aspects of the social and economic developments, the quality of the leadership plays insignificant role. I hope and pray that is not the case I am hearing from you. If so, I disagree with you respectfully. Well, my compatriot: doctors I am talking about medical doctors, before they start treating the underlying disease, they treat the presented symptoms of the patient, most specifically they treat and/or try to alleviate THE PAIN. So my brother/sister, the point I would like to emphasize is: what is the pain here in our scenario???? And once we identify it, let's treat it, first. Then let's deal (treat) with the underlying problems (disease), subsequently. The underlying problems as you mentioned, agriculural related, investments, manufacturings, health care...etc & etc. Well, to go back to the point then, what is our pain?? The core issue behind this political divisivness?? what is it?? Here is what Professor Donald had to say, BTW (by the way), Professor Donald is a great loyal friend of the Great Ethiopia, Professor of Sociology,at University of chicago.

Here is what he said on the Chicago Public Radio, transmitted just few weeks ago:

Begining of quote: "When the EPRDF people came to power about 14 years ago, they carried the banner of their province of tigray (pariticular ethnic group)..which is a minority..instead of being an ethiopian liberation movement.....tigrian liberation movement. One of the thing they did, so as soon as they got into power was to forced Ethiopians to organize themselves as tribes as ethnic groups.....
that is what the second book, the greater ethiopia is all about. Ethiopia happens to have a history of being a nation of a multiethinic nation for longer than just about any country on earth. They tried to identify, the tribes.....that is fine.... but they When the EPRDF people came in ..they said..ethiopia is it is an emperio-invention of the last century and all there is a bunch of tribes...and so let's identify all these tribes...and .let them have their voices.....well that is fine...but they politicize those voices and insisted on controlling those politics. I was there as an election observer back in 1992, and in order to vote Ethiopians were required to declare their ethnic identity. NOT A GOOD SIGN!!!
Can you imagine, Americans, before they are entilteld to vote being required to say...I am irish, i am spanish, i am indian, i am nigerian....that is what it was like...!!!! And this was deeply offensive to many Ethiopians and to most...who have this long history of intermarriage,,,of going on piligramages together. celebrating ceremonies together and so on......SO IT TOUCHED THE VERY CORE OF PEOPLE'S IDENTITY" End of Quote.

It is my humble opinion, out of common sense that it is absolutely essential to treat the pain first, then to deal with the rest of the problems, following in time. We have to act humane and alleviate the pain of the people first, before we try to do and/or try to change anything else!!! Unless we treat the core issue behind this political divisiveness (the pain), unless we hear the people's voice (the pain) and unless we respect the people's voice (the pain),,,,,,,, silencing those pains with the wrong drugs i.e : demanding people to work hard, to do investments, introducing technologies, etc &etc, only prolongs the disease state,,, only prolongs the political all I am saying is Let's treat the pain first. May God bless you!! Besides this point, I am 100% with you is only with positive spirit we bring changes to our Great Ethiopia. May God bless the Beautiful Ethiopia!!!