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Moderator You need to Ban Ezana

In the thread "Re: Meles's Wife Will Have to Answer the Following Questions in Court" The moron wrote:
Please read the second para. If this is not enough to have the moron banned I do not know what would be more offensive than this.

Ankasa Doro

Gemma and others like you:

Waht ever burning ideas you have in your mind including the borders of Tigrai that makes you mad, guess what you can't do squat,nada ,nothing. You are going to be mad more, and the burning ideas, well they will be just burning in your head that is it.

You might say why? because you are gutless, pethethic,stupid adgi, you never have a history and you will never have glory. You are just one herd of sub human group that would be driven one way to the clif to death. You have no future outlook nor do you have any thing in your mind besides food and sex which typical animal inisticts.

Tigrai for ever no fear!!!!!

Re: Moderator You need to Ban Ezana

Ezana is responding to a “call for a good fight”, recommended by so called Tetemke on AIGA forum which has been also posted by G/M. Look at what I wrote about "what is hate politics for ... "


City: DC area

Re: Moderator You need to Ban Ezana

Mamo be quiet,let Moderator decide who should be baned.


City: DC

Re: Moderator You need to Ban Ezana

I bet the moderator doesn’t mind to get help from Mamo or someone else. I am sure the Moderator is busy to police some of these idiots for 24 hours. So, I say keep it up Mamo, good job!!

Re: Moderator You need to Ban Ezana

Dear Moderator:::.You are doing such a great job my compatriot. May God bless you! I found ER chat forum, very informative and well organized. Great job!! We should keep showing ZERO those who promote hatred, implant bad thoughts, and disrespect others with their unhealthy, chocie of words. We are not here to infect our brains with dirty words and thoughts. As it is their choice to live with minds that reflect nothing but hatred and unhealthy thoughts, it is our choice as well to keep healthy brains that reflect love, peace, respect and hope. We are not here for them to tell us or to show us how much they hate us. Let them first cure their hatred and bad thoughts,,before they start dialoguing with other peaceful people. Their purpose here is to spread their hatred viruses. That is it. There is no reason, NO REASON, NO REASON, NO REASON AT ALL!!!, for a person to be hated because he/she belongs to one ethnic class and not to the other ethnic classes. We have to be in good faith with our moral/value grounds, before we come up here and start creating dialouges. If our mind is full of hatred, what is the use to come here? Dialouge forum is for those who believe hatred is not the answer. All I want to say to those coming here to spread their hatred viruses is: Go Away!! Go tell your programmer, it is a mission impossible to achieve!! For the root of love is deeper than the root of hatred; and for the base of love is truth; while the base of hatred is dark, fear, and uncertainity. Love remains to conquer!! May God bless the Great Ethiopia!!

Re: Moderator You need to Ban Ezana

Mamo and all, thanks for looking out. It's good to see that you are taking the initiative to try to keep the forum clean.

Re: Moderator You need to Ban Ezana


Sorry that I got Ezana banned. Tell him I said good bye. I play smart, I play dirty to get what I want. But always do it with due respect.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Moderator You need to Ban Ezana

It seems you are too lenient towards G/S. Why are you allowing G/S to insult others?

Re: Moderator You need to Ban Ezana

TPLF is taking good care of you. You are nothing but a crazy dog who is trying every thing to hang on to a dwindling hope.
All of you cadres and supporters of the Illigal, backward thinking TPLF snooping around this site, you know your master's days and hours are running out. No matter what you post on this ( our site ), know you will not make tiney bit of difference. You, TPLFs, and us, are not created equal, and that eats you up. You are always feeding off of us, Ethiopians because you are leaches. But, now your blood supply will be cut off, and you are crazy scared. Don't forget, or may be your masters lied to you as alwasy is the case with TPLF, that all the money they pay you is Ethiopinas money. Go ahead and post hiding your identity, that is expected of cowards like you, and that is why you will not make a difference, you are just nuwaneses.

Re: Moderator You need to Ban Ezana

Say no Hatred
Amen! to all what you said.


City: DC area

Re: Moderator You need to Ban Ezana

Thank you my dear compatriots: Moderator, Mamo Qilo, Jadu and ??????. May God bless you all!!