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Dr. Ibrahim to Ask Meles to Include UEDF in his Cabinet

Ibrahim wrote:

"On the question of UEDF, I have to find a way to talk to the President of Tigray Region who is touring in North America and request a message to pass to Meles: Please Mr. Meles includes UEDF in the new cabinet that you will annouce soon and this will help to test UEDF how much they are upholding article 39 that allows even the Somali camel to graze peacefully in Somali region. This is the first test that they have to pass. Second, they should talk to Oromo Liberation Front, Ethiopian Somali Democratic Council , Afar Liberation Front and Gambela Liberation Front who are the majority of Ethiopian people. Then, they will get my support and will be elevated to the higher echelon of ruling Ethiopia."

Is Dr. Ibrahim a fool or what?

Re: Dr. Ibrahim to Ask Meles to Include UEDF in his Cabinet

Dr. Ibrahim,

You should not assume every body sells his soul like you seem to do. UEDF cannot work with EPRDF. It has principles and moral values. You serem to be devoid of both.

It is sad to see an educated individual to act the way you do.

Tomas Sibago

Re: Dr. Ibrahim to Ask Meles to Include UEDF in his Cabinet

Dear Thomas:
It is very sad to see a man who has sold his name. I have never seen a name Thomas in Ethiopia. Therefore, first correct your name as Muslim saying goes " the charity begins at home and then it moves to the neighbor."
You can not help yourself let alone to cross a duck 14 street of Washington DC where you are sipping Tela while you are taking the intructions that is given by Mamo a la Negede.


City: Washington DC

Re: Dr. Ibrahim to Ask Meles to Include UEDF in his Cabinet


You are told enough.

Re: Dr. Ibrahim to Ask Meles to Include UEDF in his Cabinet


Thomas is a biblical name and very common in Ethiopia. Lately you have been attacking everybody, including pro EPRDF scholars such as Dr. Tulu and Ali. Why are you acting this way. Is something making you nervous and on the edge.

Ankasa Doro aka
Yimer Ali aka
Mamo Qilo aka