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The opposition should stick with the people

Now that EPRDF has declared itself the winner, what
is to be done? The opposition has made it clear that it will challenge the outcome in court. This is exactly what Meles told them to do in the first place since he knew that his court would undoubtedly approve of the decision of his election board. The opposition will go to court just to save their faces. They are aware that the court is not any different
than the election board. In fact, they know full well that the very defendant is also the judge – Kemal Bedri is the defendant and at the same time, the judge. He wears a coat when he is a defendant, and a cloak when he is a judge. It is a great sarcasm that the accused is his own judge in his own court, in his capacity as Minster of Injustice, the boss
of all misjudges. If I were the opposition, I won't go to court, legitimize the system and ridicule myself, when I know the outcome from the outset. The opposition made two major mistakes which jeopardized their chance of winning: the first was when they accepted Meles' election board before the election. The second one was when they agreed under pressure after the election to let the NEB continue to count the votes, and when they gave it and the EPRDF a veto power to override the complaints two to one, as well as when they consented to go to court should they disapprove the outcome of the vote. By signing the last agreement with EPRDF they blew up their last chance for victory. That is why Ato Ledetu Ayalew said, "we have to choose the best of the worse options that we have;" which, as I predicted in my previous posting, seems to be joining Meles' parliament under protest, regardless of the
wishes of the Ethiopian people. Should they do this, it will be a very wrong move. To join the ERDF parliament under such a situation is not productive. On top of that, it will undermine the will of the
people whose votes have been snatched away by the barrel of the gun. The opposition will be at odds with the people if they join parliament without their consent and approval. Hence the consultation of the people and collaboration with them more than ever before. If the people decide not to join the parliament and the opposition do otherwise, they will lose their power base now and forever, dragging the people's struggle for a long time to come; and even giving Meles another chance to win after five more years. We know that the people have spoken their minds when they voted against the EPRDF. So, their desire is not secret. They have said enough is enough. Personally, I don't see how they would advise their leaders to join the parliament. If the
opposition stick with the people and resist the oppressive system by means of all the forms of peaceful struggle available to them, they can weaken the illegal government in the long run. One thing may lead to an other, and the government may be forced to meet the demands of the people at one point in time.
Some people think that if the opposition join the parliament, they would be better of than outside it. I don't perceive how they would be better of in Mele's parliament when there isn't much they could do there when they will be rendered dormant by a bunch of new laws he has made and will make. According to a new law he ratified recently, their number should be at least 200 to even propose something let alone to pass on a resolution. In this case, they will always be outnumbered. Moreover, they won't have any access to funds; even for Addis Abeba city council. Unless we want
them to sit and take a nap earning fat salaries as in the parliament of Emperor Haile Selassie, what is the point of their joining the parliament? If the people of Ethiopia and their leaders unite and speak in one voice they will be a formidable force to deal with. Therefore, the opposition should stick with the people, and not make decisions which will contravene their will and aspirations. That is how I feel at this point in time. You might have a different view than mine. I will tolerate yours, if you tolerate mine.

Re: The opposition should stick with the people


Re: The opposition should stick with the people

What do you think Meles would want them to do? Join or boycot?


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