Ethiopian Review Readers Forum

Ethiopian Review Readers Forum
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I have read a lot of the messages posted on this website for quite sometime now. I have read a lot of intesting comments. Some I agree and some I don't agree with. I am also not a political savy. But, I do know that I love my country dearly as much as the next Ethiopian. Its also clear to me that EPRDF does not have the best intention or intrest at heart of the Ethiopian people.

Over the last 5 or 6 months a lot has happened in Ethiopia. I think a lot of us can agree here that the daily demonstrations all over the world have brought Ethiopia's problem to the world's attention. However we must not stop here.

The work has just began and one thing I can not emphaize enough is we NEED A LOBBY group. Not some Ethiopian political group or intellectuals from our own community. Although both this groups play a very important role in our community, what we need is a Washington Political Lobby group for hire. Over the last 4 months I persoanly researched on this very topic out of curiosity and found out that in Washington DC a Lobby Groups cost anywhere from $5,000(On the low end) - $40,000(The best Lobby Money Can Buy) a month.

Now you do the Math, for just $1 or $2 a month if we had 30 or 40 thousand ethiopian nationwide
contributing and we hired the Best Lobby Group money can buy in Washington we could have so much influence as to what happens in Ethiopia. All we need is to present a comprehensive agenda to the Lobby group we hire as far as what we want acomplished in Ethiopia and see the results we can attain together.

I am hoping I can start by putting up a website, adopting strict policy with the approval of everybody who becomes a member, effective and accountable outside groups to supervise the funds etc...

Please send me your comments or your input.

I eagerly wait your responses

Thank You


City: Washington DC